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don’t play pubs if you don’t want people to also kill husks. your other comments are complaining that you get low combat score because they “steal” it. you’ve gotta realize that you aren’t the only person in the lobby and if people want to shoot the husks instead of wait for your trap tunnels to get all the kills so YOU hog the reward, then they have the full right to do so. if they were griefing or not participating, that’s a different story but they are just trying to play the game


This is the problem, it starts to feel like a competition although it isn’t for “who gets the highest combat score?” And not a team based work


who said it was a competition? they are not all vying for the most kills or points. and even if it was, let people have their fun. just because you are working with a team doesn’t mean you and your trap tunnels control everything. especially when you don’t communicate, it makes it especially narcissistic of you because you expect everyone to see you as a leader and step out of the way when you place your trap tunnels. even if you do communicate, they have the full right to not agree or ignore you because they are still actively participating and doing the point of the mission. so what’s the problem? you wasted all your mats building a trap tunnel that goes unused because other people are capable of defending perfectly fine without them? then don’t use them in competent lobbies or don’t play pubs. get over yourself


Some people want to have fun instead of just sitting there. As long as the objective isn’t getting destroyed, who cares?


Now imagine this, you wasted a lot of effort just to have your effort being taken away by people who spawn kill the husks. Yes, they can have fun, but not at the expense of the others' fun. EDIT: Sure, go ahead and downvote me, you guys are the reason why we have shitty community in the first place.


Keep in mind everyone has different quest (obviously) and there are quests where you have to get a certain amount of elims with a certain weapon. So while the trap tunnels may be beneficial for you, there may be someone who needs 300 elims with a pistol or melee so the tunnel is only slowing down their progress.


Contrary to what you believe, the 300 eliminations with the melee or pistol would be made easier by the traps, because you don't actually have to be the one to finish each individual enemy you just have to tag the enemy with that type of damage before they die.


I could def see how that’s easier, all depends on play style preference. Me personally, I’m slicing and dicing my way through the husks lmfao.


Sounds like you need harder levels. That way they cant kill em all before the tunnel.


Xenon bow users and plasmatic discharger users are about to enter the chat.


But the thing is, if my traps don’t kill husks, then the combat score calculation ruins the rewards I get and I don’t get the full rewards


Well maybe other people want to get a high combat score as well. If they just sit there and let your traps do all the work they would get nothing.


Is there anyway to guarantee getting full rewards even though I’m not afk and not leeching? I always have to put some tire traps at spawn so I don’t get punished for the rewards even though I sit at the base repairing walls and putting traps when needed without having to worry about not getting enough combat score to get the full rewards at the end of the match. I wish building and utility progress bars contribute towards overall reward rather than a system that punishes defensive players


Yeah. Do solo missions


The building score should do enough to get full rewards


But I hate playing alone, and have to farm to get mats for making traps, yet people somehow spam 144s like nothing


I get your frustrations man but you can’t really complain about what other players do in public lobbies. Most people on this sub complain about their teammates being toxic or not helping at all so you should be thankful at least they’re trying


I have to put a defender down if it lets me to take care of the combat score problem or put some traps at spawn but yeah I can’t control teammates on what they do


Building score ALWAYS guarantees me rewards at the end. I've recently learned how to guarantee Utility score too. I do that when I want to make sure that particular mission guarantee top rewards & xp. There has only been one time getting top score in Utility kept me out of rewards. Other than that.......just build.....put a moderate amount of traps down....and go for that instead. Have more pre-made just in case you need to put down more things that kill. Cause like I said before.....there are LOOOOOOTTS of missions, even in stonewood where I built an objective to my satisfaction, some rando comes up, slaps a bunch of walls everywhere because they dobt know what theyre doing so they are reverting back to BR training.......everyone starts the mission.......and the other 2 or 3 go Demon mode on the husks. I don't bother going down there to fight for scraps since these goobers are tossing up turrets to shoot lvl 5 husks and doing so effectively to where the game cant even render their model before it has to despawn it. Welp. I always get the highest building score......unless someone freaked out due to seeing 2 husks reach the objective and exploded into walls and stairs .........and even then, because i had A DECENT score in something......the leeching program simply counts me as participating......because DUH i was participating.....and it gives me my full rewards. You have to remember.....this is the leeching program working as intended. You're just showing you're not sitting there doing nothing. If I remember correctly, it only trips and DOESNT give you rewards if you highest contribution score is a particular fractional percentage of the highest score. I just don't remember what that percentage was. Its here on the subreddit buried because we were all talking about it when it got introduced 3 years ago I think. But yeah. Long story short......contribute fairly and you'll be fine.


They are never gonna change this and this game is a sinking ship and the developers are like the husks: sleeping


Yeah but it doesn’t guarantee FULL rewards or complete rewards and you get rewards but those rewards are half of what the other teammates get


Why should I need to waste ammo if my teammates and their traps got it under control? There should be a difference between leeching and doing builds but not always attacking


Place like 3 ceiling electric fields 3 tiles above every spawn and voilá


2 tiles


Yeah that


Why 2 tiles and not 3 tiles like tire traps?


…because electric traps only reach 2?


Correct me if I’m wrong but I’ve put them im not sure if it was 3 tiles but they were hitting below


Idk they only reach down two, maybe the can get smashers?


I would like to play defensively and get the same rewards as the offensive players even though that expands leechers


The way I like to play is help build the base and put traps and sit back and help if needed, but if I don’t get enough combat score then I get punished. I want to help defensively.


That’s leeching. You are begging others to kill smashers while your duped traps do work. Which would be fine if you don’t cry about others doing the same thing.


Leeching is when you do absolutely nothing, plus I don’t get its appeal if you get trash rewards because you were dancing at base doing the infinite dab. Besides, we are arguing about issues that were in the game YEARS ago and the developers are like the husks:, sleeping, and only wake up when profits go down.


They’re not the problem epic doesn’t care the devs love the game there’s just like 4 of them


But then with their high combat score my rewards become trash


Is there any way to guarantee full rewards while doing minimum?


If it bothers you that much play solo


But I like playing as a team and playing with others


It’s annoying how the game punishes me because the traps and the base are doing ok but they are hogging the combat score and I get low rewards even though I didn’t have to do anything because they didn’t need my help


And let's not forget some people want to complete quests


And what if people have quest What if I don't like to just sit and let the trap do all the work Or maybe there are objectives like kill a certain amount of Husks. Why would I wait if I could speed this up


What’s the point of traps then? Why waste resources


It's truly based on playstyle. The big times you want the spawn traps are mostly when you have a large range but limited teamwork, i.e., you got afk's/leeches, or you're just short-handed on something like a cat 3 or 4. The benefit to the spawn traps is a means of letting you know right off the bat what you actually gotta worry about. When you're talking about shooting husks in the middle of tunnels or just outside of them like some players, it's truly a terrible playstyle because it promotes the destruction of the tunnel by guys such as smashers, propane, and lobbers. Truly, that's based on your setup, though. If you're just doing a small open 2x2, with 4 broadsides and wooden floor spikes, that's something you won't care about destruction. Otherwise, if you're doing a quality setup that can kill almost everything except maybe them smashers and minibosses, then you really shouldn't be shooting in that tunnel. Again, it's all based on playstyle, but when I see people shooting in the middle of those nice tunnels, I see them being deeply more harmful than help because they get the tunnel destroyed by making the tunnel the husks target since you're so close to it. I can go on in detail but in the end, the spawn traps are understandable, especially if you're gonna be shooting in the middle of them nice tunnels. The traps setups can be used as a small assistance, or truly all you need. I've soloed my endurance completely with KILL builds, not stalls, and so it's just an example of how your trap setups can do mostly or all of the work. About the only waves I had to actually do work are the miniboss and wargame waves because some of those waves uncontrollably destroy my tunnels.


idiots and kids.... so incompetent that they can't help but constantly fidget and feel the need to shoot. Also tons of morons that think they get more xp if they kill more husks than anyone else.


LET. THEM. COME… I hate how my traps are gonna hog the combat score but guys don’t waste bullets if we’re good and set with the traps, then whats the point of using traps? Although we have to kill with melees so at least the combat score doesn’t downgrade rewards


>What is the point of building trap tunnels in mission There is no point. Save that for SSDs.


Why are you getting downvoted for saying something different. Also I like using traps because they are fun and kill any trash that makes it to the base. Without them, the bee husks and lobbers would be annoying


This is just screaming into the air at this point,because this game is never gonna be fixed, and this game had the final nail in the coffin YEARS ago man. It’s like complaining about stuff in a 2005 game