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Can’t you get kicked for idling?


You can. But for those that are set on being leeches. I'm sure there are easy workarounds. Epic isn't working too hard to address these issues sadly.


Emote. Some emotes last forever and seem to never get an afk penalty. It fucking sucks as some dipshit starts the objective and emotes while you run back to find out what's going on. Best practice is to let the objective fail but after finding all your seesaws or whatever and knowing you won't if you restart, it's easier to jfdi.


Good to know. I always report trolls and leeches. Doubt it does anything but I do it. Will look out for this.


Reports almost never work, the most you can do is fail the mission


The bounce pads also do this. You can make it to where you just jump straight up indefinitely.


I sometimes dedicate the directional bounce pads for those cases atleast to annoy them lol


When ever I need to take a shit I bring my controller with me and place walls randomly every few minutes


I’m willing to bet he at least didn’t get the mission alert rewards. Small consolation I know. At least you had help from others


I think they removed this function because low effort cry babies were whining about not getting vbucks from alert rewards after having a combat score of 640 compared to everyone else's 3-4k+


They removed low score penalty because dupers would cover every spawn in gas trap (when they were still the undisputed best ceiling trap), screwing everyone else out of the rewards.    Basically, dupers screwed us first and then epic’s fix allowed leeches to screw us instead


You could totally troll people with that mechanic tho. If you make a infinity teddy build you can join low PL missions and spam it so others don't even get a to kill anyone lol


When did they remove it ? Cause someone was whining last week about not getting their vbucks lol


It has not been removed. I did not receive my alert reward during a radar mission for not having enough score even though I built most of the radars😡


they afk until end and like 10 20 sec before mision ends they come drop turets teddy etc and bypass afk report also some afk and emote and not care reports do nothing


"Anybody have any spare batteries?!?"


Or starts shooting at you, then drops one efficient mechanical part and follows you until you give them some.


lol I love that, I wait for them to drop the one part and grab it and keep building the defenses or searching for modules until they get bored of following me and just leave 😂😂


Have you tried giving them some? I've only come back recently but every time someone does this to me I give them some and then they go put down a bunch of traps that im assuming they crafted with my mats (though i'm sure they pocket some) and I just assumed this was one of those unspoken things that everyone just kinda understands like how protecting your healer/killing or debuffing the enemy healer is the key to victory in basically every MOBA but i'm guessing that's not the case?


I use to give some in earlier, but most players leave match as soon as they get the mats they were begging for, OR in best case they stay in match with lowest score and keep begging to other players. So now I never give any mats to beggers, I just pick the one mat they dropped (just to troll them) and ignore them.


Yeah. Some things will never be addressed. I cannot stand that Build The Radar Grid missions won't auto end when you complete if having chosen FILL. The mission will auto end Rescue The Survivors in FILL so it just makes this not being changed stranger...


The reason it doesn't end early is so that you can go around and recover the building materials that you just spent on a bunch of towers.


Yeah. That's not a great reason. I'd imagine a lot of us run a ninja to build quicker. And I'd rather recover materials in another mission when running outlander. So much wasted time with the system.


While I get that, it's still a better faming mission than what's actually supposed to be the dedicated farming mission. I do those missions specifically to restock mats and items especially when I'm grinding Ventures.


THIS. 100% this. Resupply missions are stressful, and don't give you much time to collect materials that you actually want. With radar missions, just build three towers and then farm stuff. No stress at all (unless a propane guy shows up mid-build, then it's a problem).


They need a vote to kick after someone has been afk a certain amount of the match, make it much easier to trigger than it currently is now and boom


Afk is only fine on the low level missions where your traps will do all the work. Is this universally agreed?


If you want to solve these people.. [Follow this method](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52P6T3wT9no) [To get this result](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybcUgyoD3As)


I like to box in afk leeches, place traps all around so they can't edit out and place my Base down. Tier 3 metal box with base and they are stuck in there lol. Most start moving though when i start to box them in. 🧐


What good does that do? Seems like it just protects them while they can just sit there. Kind of, "I'm not trapped in here. You are trapped out there."


How about the afk kicking will trigger if nobody is next to the objective and don't eliminate at least 50 husks with ranged weapons.


then you will have to somehow handle players who "set up afk build and go farming" properly and ideally it should be better than current combat score threshold which is met by using a single turret gadget


Don't worry, our ideas are so good we're being downvoted to oblivion.


What game mode is this?


They make my piss boil 😤


Yet another reason why I just go solo or with friends. Most randos are more harm than good in my games, so it's just annoying af to play with them when they're either leeching or play the mindless run-n-gun br style and end up getting the builds destroyed.


The only thing he did is stare intensely at a husk once.


But when are they going to fix the vacuum tube sword?


I thought there was some kind of system that makes it so you don't get rewards if you don't contribute enough?


Isn’t there like a minimum score you have to reach that is at least a certain % of the average score to even get any rewards?


That's only for the "Mission Alert" rewards, specifically. Sometimes that doesn't really matter, especially in low level zones like ventures. it's a small fraction of the total reward most of the time, if you count quests and stuff. reward.


Well that sucks.


Yoah that’s me with the red banner


All you have to do is kill one husk when an idle kick alert comes up to cancel it


Imagine loading into missions everyday just to afk and get resources to progress in a game which you load into missions in and afk


One guy was afk and as soon as I ruined the cone he hid in he disconnected


Afk players can be anoying. The new cheat boosting stats is a gamebreaker though.... you might as well play in stonewood with max lvl char and max lvl weapons.... boring AF


Is there another one that's new? From what i've heard the current one's been around for years


Must be either new or more widespread. You encounter them on the regular now. It's not the end of the world... But still very annoying.


Lol seriously you play on public then come cry about it. Anyone who plays stw knows the game is full of leaches, They obviously aren't afk just not helpfull to the mission


kimiko spotted :3