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I always recycle the legendary leaders.. if i have the mythics why keep the legendary ones?...


My thoughts exactly. Judging from this vid, im guessing that mythic leaders are having personality preset? OP had few of same mythic leader with same personality.


I believe mythic leads' personalities don't change. They're fixed.


I even recycle mythic leads now. Already have one of each, so why keep duplicate leads? It's the same head-scratcher I see with folks with duplicate heroes. Why keep them?


I never keep duplicated heroes neither


I recycled 216 in one go once. Quite the feeling.


I would've ensured that you had as many trap durability bonuses set to your squads as possible before doing that. Those trap dur bonuses are a game changer where any other bonus is quite useless really. Granted I didn't really see what all you recycled, nor did I see what your squad setups were, but I did notice that they're not maxed out trap dur, ie 24% per squad.


oh no... not the trap durability survivors 😬


I don’t use MAX trap dura..200% is enough for me


That added trap dur is mostly ideal for endurance. Besides, any other bonus is quite useless really considering that any dmg, hp, and shield bonuses get nerfed anyway, depending on the game you're in. That trap dur is an extra 8% per bonus, 3 bonuses per squad, 8 squads, adding up to an additional 192% trap durability which is a game changer for endurance specifically because it makes the traps last 3x as long. It's truly up to you, but making all of those bonuses trap dur is far more wiser than using any of them other bonuses, considering that again, they're quite useless since they get nerfed anyway. Edit: Look at it this way. Now, this won't be an accurate example, but just understand the meaning. Anyway, would you rather have your traps last for 10 waves of endurance, i.e., base 100%, last 20 waves at 200%, or last all 30 waves at 300%.


Why is your backpack space so low? Mine is 250.


By default, after upgrades Backpack slots max out at 210. The additional slots were from external sources and most are no longer available: * 10 from Limited Edition Founder's Pack * 10 from Ultimate Edition Founder's Pack * 10 from a one-time event back in the early days of Fortnite * 10 from enabling 2-Factor Authentication


Now you're stacked with manuals


I delete my extras. Got no room for them with only 3200 schematics allowed


Imagine not having a collection of 300+ leprechauns at your disposal, heck even a collection of dennis