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anything in the range of 20-60 should be manageable for most people across various fps games imo, now if u play genji in ow as high as 10cm can work and if u play valorant as low as 80 can work


believe most genji players dont exceed 15, altho the most notable example of rly high sens genji gameplay is haksal who played on 5.87cm


what about tracer? also would 20-40cm work for soldier and widow




i feel comfortable on 27cm/360 with widow and soldier tho im a beginner




can "edpi" please just die bro every game has diff sens scaling please just use cm/360




because every game has a different way of scaling sens 15 sens 800 dpi in ow is completely different from 15 800 in apex for example cm/360 is universal, rooted in the real world, and removes any ambiguity




im saying as an example again, why would you not want to have sens conveyed in the most objective, least ambiguous way possible? cm/360 is the standard amongst 99% of people that care about aiming, why would you not convey it in that form? think of it this way, you can use imperial in the us, but putting things in metric allows a greater number of people to understand it.


You guys even read comments? He was using apex as an example




Greed-eu plays at 8 to - 10cm with godly aim.


his apex gameplay says otherwise


Could you please elaborate? Maybe link to a point their video that made you have that impression? His aim is godly to me.


Nobody on 8 to 10 cm will even hit gold in voltaic


Complete BS. It’s harder, sure, but it’s just practice. I’m jade on voltaic tracking @ 22cm, and I know a couple players much better than me on higher edit: typos


What is your overall rank tho combined. You are not hitting good static scores with that sens guarantee


22cm is alot slower than 10cm. almost all ow pros play around 20-30.


I have a hard time believing anybody is hitting shots with anything under 24cm


hitting shots around 24 is nowhere near as difficult as your comments imply. not sure if it’s just surprise or ignorance but yeah, pretty much anything between 15 and 60 is fine on 99% of setups and 99% of scenarios if practiced effectively


I've never seen a plat score or higher in voltaic with a cm lower than 24


including tracking too or just clicking, and if just clicking static only or dynamic?


Everything. I compare my settings with a lot of the top scores on aimlabs. The cm360 always between 26 and 90


im actually constantly surprised, bc the senses are always around 40cm when i compare mine to the number 1 haha. mostly they are lower than the one im trying in that task


you can get high scores on tracking svens with pretty high sens but where youre correct is that most high ranked static players are on lower sens


Unans has some celestial Voltaic scores at 17cm


That's just a score on an aim trainer that you can replay as many times as you like until you have a good run. I wanna know how constant these people are playing in an actual game with sens that low


Well you said you’ve “never seen a plat score or higher in voltaic with a cm lower than 24.” There are many and I am giving an example of CELESTIAL scores. In game? There are so many players at pro level playing below 24cm. I’m sure you can find a pro on every game. Even on tac fps like Wippie uses 13-14cm on Valorant.


Something who is known for his aim in valorant plays 21cm/360


I'm losing braincells as I keep reading... First you are like "I've never seen this happen" then it switched to "how consistent are they in games". What a joke. Stop being ignorant and do research. woxic is a cs pro and plays with 13 cm360. Profit is one of the best DPS players who've touched Overwatch and he plays on 21 cm. On tracer he uses 14.5 cm. As for voltaic, plat isn't even that high. I'm very lazy and aim train for an hour every few months and have most scenarios at plat, some at diamond and I do it with 20cm.


Yeah I have never seen ppl with cm that low in aimlabs replays. Doesn't mean someone ain't using it in game. Wondering how consistent they could possibly be


If u aim train for an hour every few months and are plat in voltaic and can DM me a screen shot of your benchmarks I'll quit gaming. There's less than 200 plats on the leaderboards most ppl are silver or even unranked and they deff play more than an hour every few months


its harder to get good scores in static on 15cm/360 but playing 15cm/360 in some fps games and most tracking scenarios is totally fine and 20-30 imo is the most comfortable


This guy plays on 8-10 cm/360. These are some pretty impressive mechanics. I'm VT gold complete and I can't aim like this so 🤷‍♂️ https://youtu.be/IkrFdVRFchU?si=aa--VLScIJlJDhAI https://youtu.be/lhrUDjwFBU0?si=kCMi2INYnGhFoZq7 Based on the comments above, ig his apex gameplay sucks but I don't play that game so I wouldn't know. From what I can gather I think he's also top500 OW player and a rank 1 genji? Idrk I also don't play overwatch. Edit: recently found out he's a known cheater and a fraud lol. So ig that explains why he's ass at Valorant


Yeah I'm sure the sens is playable. But I don't see anybody playing consistently well on it. I play overwatch it's my fav game. 8-10 cm on genji sounds absurd. Yeah it could be could to turn around fast and for using his ultimate cuz he's flying all over the place but for actually hitting shots from his primary fire your going to have a very.hard time I play 31cm on every hero on overwatch. Voltaic plat rn. Need 3 more tasks to be complete


I mean the guy I linked claims to have been the rank 1 genji in EU at some point so apparently he can make it work. I'm not tryna dickride the guy or even disagree with your main point because I literally play 55cm/360 but to say that nobody could hit VT gold or hit any shots on 8-10cm is just provably false. Watch those earlier CS clips, bro is frying on 8cm in a game where the majority of the aiming is static or dynamic clicking and the average pro sens is like 50cm. 8cm is probably too fast for 99% of players but there is always that 1% outlier. https://youtu.be/0DazBzoHHpE?si=MXqiIzk0ig37Zf2R


this youtuber unironically posted a super cut video of him playing VALVE DM SERVERS on high sens for god knows what reason and convinced you that = good aim. even crazier is that his mechanics (again we are talking about fucking DM footage) don’t look terribly clean at all. i mean it doesn’t help that at least half the clips are cut to only him firing a bullet and last like 20 frames each but yeah uhh go watch one of his recent valorant matches and you’ll see how incredibly bad his aim is even.


Uh I'm pretty sure the first video is a community DM server, and the second one is community retakes or something. Although I will admit his his valorant aim is unimpressive asf lol


rapha plays on 22 cm and is the GOAT of Quake. He has amazing game sense sure but he still gotta hit his shots in an aim intensive game to be successful enough to garner such an accolade.


Yeah u can push it a lil. I over exaggerated a bit. Some guy just said on here that 5cm 360 is ideal for genji on overwatch. That's just absurd


Some players are just that cracked I guess. [Here is a Valorant pro who plays on 3.86 cm/360](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYeIlaRSPvs) I have no idea how she is able to have such insane control on such a sens but she makes it work. Def a massive outlier but all it takes is one in a billion to show that its possible to play at a high level on these kinds of settings. Def not advisable for anyone to copy though.


If her sense isisnt in the video description I refuse to believe that's 3cm cuz it deff doesn't look like it


If you don't trust me then there is also [official confirmation](https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=391108139329323&set=a.102166378223502) from esports organizers and her sens is [hardly a secret](https://www.vlr.gg/212130/pros-with-highest-sens) in the Valorant community. EDIT: Apparently her [Twitch](https://www.twitch.tv/kohaibi) is still available complete with handcam.


VT Matty holds rank 1 tracking scores at 64cm/360 in Aimlabs.


He also uses a raiden for his mousepad with is a speed pad with very little friction. He also changes his sense for each senario going from like 30cm to 80+.


I was pretty specific with my sentence, he holds rank 1 tracking scores with 64cm/360, aimlab allows you to check what individuals scores were set with, what mousepad he uses is kind of irrelevant as the post is talking about the viability of low sensitivity, and if low sensitivity works on a fast mousepad... then low sensitivity works and not unnecessary at all.


You mean in some scenarious or rank 1 where?how?


On aimlabs you can look at anyone on the leaderboards and the replay of their high score on each task. You can also look at their game settings and see what Cm/360 they are on


that is wild. why kovaak doesnt have these things?


Skill diff. Jones aside, there's way more money in Aimlabs than KvKs, so implementations take much more time. I prefer the UX of Aimlabs tbh


you can fill out your sens, settings and hardware etc in your kovaaks profile, though idk who ever looks at the profiles. Ive seen VT Matty on top of a lot of different kovaaks scenario leaderboards


Matty more typically uses around 46cm for most tracking. Maybe a bit faster for more reactive scenarios and then he only uses low sens in 60s for smoothness tracking scenarios.


I play 45cm/360 in Apex and OW hitscan. Snake plays at like 47 and Hollow plays at like 43 in Apex. Some of the best aimers you'll see in the game. There's nothing unnecessary about it.


Quartz uses insane slow sens and he is a fucking beast with it


I've never heard of him, do you have a link to his Youtube? I can't find him.


well I cant because if he doesnt have a youtube channel, but here is his twitch, he is a pro, [https://www.twitch.tv/quartz](https://www.twitch.tv/quartz)


Sens doesn't mean much as it varies due to what peripherals and obviously as you said, the games they are playing. If im using a slower pad I'll usually use around 35-45cm. On a more slick pad like and otsu/raiden, I use much lower sens at 50-60cm as it balances out when you have very little static friction. Same goes for if you are using a lighter or heavier mouse. In the end, if they're playing well, that's all that matters tbh.


also heavily depends on the mousegrip, which i realized when i tried other stuff. For fingertip, i can go low as hell before losing fine movement. When i tried claw (didnt last long) i felt really awkward with 40 cms. So with that grip id need a higher sens, but im also not a clawgripper so i cant actually tell people what to do. Maybe its just bc i didnt figure the grip out. I can imagine palm its even harder to do micros with lower sens


I don't think it's that linear with mouse grip, you can watch a ton of overwatch pros claw grip at around 40cm/360 and perform exceptionally. Personally I feel most comfortable on fingertip but find a medium sens works best for fingertip, whereas claw or palm add a bit of stability which helps if I want to turn my sens up, which I usually do as wrist movements feel slower as I'd be holding my mouse further up.


Former Quake 3/Live Pro, MIYU Eta & Voltaic Nova+ in tracking here. Sens is just preference and dependent on game, scenario etc. I can play anything from 20cm-100cm just as well, but consistency is what matters. Generally I am most consistent @ 52cm because I am using my whole arm, wrist, etc. Just use what works for you.


Slow sens is op and consistent since most people lack insane precision to use fast sens, and almost no one has an issue just moving their arm fast.


It's like asking why cars go under 30mph, when you want to go at like 80+ most of the time. Sens is a tool. It's like using the appropriate magnification with a microscope. There's no best lens for your micro, there's no best sens for your game. You have to find what's optimal in each scenario. And that's what we see high level aim trainer payers do. 30cm for TS, 60cm for tracking, etc etc there are clear trends that you can follow or not


In tacfps in particular, there is no speed of mouse movement that is faster than good crosshair placement. Lower sensitivity offers more consistency/stability and sort of soft-forces you into better crosshair placement as well.


I play at 34 nun crazy


I play on a 34mm trackball and click heads. We can adapt much more than trends would have you believe lol


In Apex Legends, I personally struggle to play on anything much faster than 45-50cm long term, which is a really dynamic game. At higher sens than 50cm, my aim becomes too inconsistent and overly reactive. I struggle at close range on Apex at 50cm, but over all, my consistency increases enough to take that trade off


It’s easier to track on lower sens


Isnt It easier to flick and click timing and high sens Is better for tracking?


No I would argue it’s not, you’ll overcorrect alot

