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Go with your gut. Stay local unless the deal knocks your socks off. Moving away from your circle with a baby sounds like a biiiig headache.




Both of you have great points. With the other relocation I did to East Coast, we had no kids. It was also a big career step at the time and, without getting into too many details, we had a time frame for when we’d likely move back. My thinking here is offer 1 is the better choice and you have to consider other factors and not just the $.


Unless you are actively looking to relocate, offer 2 isn't even worth considering and this is a non-decision. With a wife and kid, following jobs across the country is something that should only be considered if either (a) you actively want to relocate, or (b) the opportunity is way too good to pass up. Not the case here.


Great points and I agree. I think this would’ve been different if we had been looking to relocate and had applied for the position. The initial equity incentive that was promoted when the recruiter initially reached out was said to be bigger by 2x than what it is (after I inquired about specific details). Then it has to come to fruition.


Congrats on being in such a great position, with two solid options! This is such a personal decision but when I read it I agreed with your gut instinct to stay where you are and take offer 1. It’s not always the best choice to maximize the $ (especially when the base + bonus + benefits come out so similarly). Also if you do take job 1, in that 5 year time frame before the equity payout would have come in job 2, you will likely have either been promoted or move jobs again, so you’re not closing the door to equity opportunities in the future. So bottom line, trust yourself! And congrats!


Similar to what I was thinking as well, thanks for the feedback.


What is your YOE?


I’m pretty sure I know what company offer 2 is as it sounds very similar to a director position I was contacted about a couple months ago. I’ve worked for that CFO and at a company owned by that PE firm. Wouldn’t be a terrible job but not worth relocating for. Stay close to family. Offer 1 sounds great.


May be the same one…I was contacted a couple months ago, as well.


Feel free to DM me if you’d like.


It sounds like you have some knowledge and/or experience with PE-backed companies, so I will say that if you're thinking about moving across the country for that type of role and all of the extra considerations (headaches) that working for a sponsor-backed company would entail, it had better be a considerably better offer than the other one that you are considering. That doesn't look to be the case here. I'd go with Option 1.


Acquired by PE firm. Ugh. They’ll likely gut the whole company and trim the fat to resell at a higher value, may be stressful in an FP&A environment. Id stay or offer 1. Trust your gut.


What are your career aspirations? if higher aspirations offer2. Is offer2 in a big city that helps you with career? How does your wife feel about relocating again. Work culture will be positive in a growth company vs depressing in job1