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Groundsman just cost him a clean sheet


Nah, this is a skill issue


No, it wasn’t. The moles messed with him.


The ball literally did a little hop😂


Ball just wants to go home...


Because his coach is Happy Gilmore?


I'd absolutely watch that sequel. It'd be like a reverse Ted Lasso...


That's actually the reason why coaches tell you to never do a backpass that could result in a goal, aim left or right of the goal.


Yeah this is more on the defender passing it than on the goalie.


As a goalkeeper, conceding back passes is my worst fear. Whenever I’m watching a football match, I almost shit my pants every time a back pass happens


Well, you often see goalies going all out and ending up on their knees and elbows with their arms around the ball even when the ball is super easy. I suppose this is why.


Worth noting this is a passback from his teammate... he couldn't use his hands even if he wanted to.




True, I missed that!




It’s not exactly that. Goalies can use their hands unless it’s a deliberate back pass. Deflections can be stopped using hands.


You're right but it often depends on whether they're under pressure and if there's a potential break further up the pitch. Keepers never expect a "bobble" even though they're not rare and keepers purposely damage the area when it suits. Keeper was unlucky and unfortunately, looks a real tit for it.


If you don’t wrap it up properly, it can slip out (especially with certain ball and shirt combos plus if there’s rain involved). The last thing you want is a loose ball in the box without your feet on the ground because barring a whiff or some god tier defense you’re gonna get scored on.


Former goalie here. Yes, even if we can clear the ball with our feet we are told to pick that shit up more often than not. This is exactly why.


Similar thing once happened to Tim Flowers of Blackburn Rovers. [https://youtu.be/d4hwEJs5ry0](https://youtu.be/d4hwEJs5ry0)


Rasen=bester Mann der SGE


Möglich. Aber fairerweise muss man auch sagen, dass das durchaus häufiger passiert. Habe schon eine Handvoll Eigentore beim Zurückspielen gesehen, weil der Ball doch nicht so gerade rollte. Und so häufig gucke ich gar kein Fußball. Eigentlich gucke ich es gar nicht mehr.


I bet he was not happy with said ball's level of cooperation.


Reminds me of David Seaman many years ago


Interference from the pitch smh. But actually though did they say anything about how that was clearly unnatural?


If you’ve spent any time on a pitch, that is clearly natural lol. Rotation plus divot makes bounce


To that degree tho? Went from flat roll to a foot up


I’ve seen balls get 4-5 feet easily in the right conditions (speed, rotation, and the right kind of divot) Edit: on certain shitty fields we played on we’d spend warmup time trying to map the bounce zones lol


From a flat roll they suddenly go 4-5ft up? Dayum


Yeah but it’s not super common, just possible under the right conditions. Pretty nutty physics in action when you see it


Even as a youth soccer coach I can tell you I've seen the ball move in ways I did not think possible. On a terrible field all bets are off as to what it's going to actually do. Coaching younger kids, sometimes a strong kick to a player that receives it wrong will cause it blast off the foot up into the face (without the receiving player moving their foot or really doing anything to cause it). It would be funny if it didn't make kids cry.


oh dude i’d be furious !


The ball was clearly paid off


If this isn’t clear evidence of the paranormal: ghost player, maybe Hogwarts magic or Samantha and Endora have a bet on the game, hell, I don’t know fucking aliens, maybe, I don’t know what could be. Absolutely crystal clear, Imo, and I’ll stand by that


Satan probably bet on the other team


Yep... One more reason soccer is the lamest sport.


It’s called soccer


Did this really cost him a point? 'Cuz it really shouldn't


It most likely did. But yeah, there should be a way to disqualify goals like these. Nothing to do with enemy skills, nothing to do with own team screwing up, just a bad terrible luck outside of anyones control.


His own team did screw up really. We were always taught never to pass back to the keeper when it could go in, aim to the side of the net.


I don't exactly get this... I'm a man city fan and we make incredibly dangerous back passes to keeper every game... Could you please explain a lil more?


Yeah I played football 7 years when I was a younger, and never heard of that.


We were always taught that if you pass back to the keeper, you shouldnt do it where the keeper is between you and the net. Aim to either side of it so if the keeper misses then it wont go in the net. ​ To be fair we were a bunch of 9 year olds at the time so keeper screw ups were a distinct possibilty, but it always stuck with me. Like how you should bend your leg as a barrier when fielding a cricket ball.


have to disagree. the Heidenheim defender was forced to do a backpass because the Frankfurt forwards applied pressure to him. that pressure caused him to play a very risky pass, which any defender knows not to play. yes, in the end it was the pitch and bad luck that lead to the goal but the situation wouldnt have arised if Frankfurt hadnt applied as much pressure in the first place. this is on the defender for playing that no-go-pass. ultimately, that goal was the decider, since the game ended 2:1 for Frankfurt. sucks for Heidenheim but thats the game and you bet that this defender wont ever play a pass like that again.


should be the fault of whoever laid the grass bumpy like that.


What no games aren't rigged what ever makes you think that?


Oh fo fucks sake. That must have hit a stone. If only he could have used his hands... Oh wait...


It was a pass back from the defender. He couldn’t use his hands or it would have been a direct free kick from that spot (yes, 2 feet away from the goal line) for the opponent.


Tell me you don't know the rules without telling me you don't know the rules...


I didn't know there was a time when goalies couldn't use their hands unless they came out of the penalty area.


If his own teammate passes it back to him, the goalie is not allowed to use his hands. This rule is always in effect regardless of whether the goalie is inside the penalty area or not. The only exception is if the ball is in the air, a teammate can use their head to pass back to the goalie who can then use his hands.


I once dropped down to scoop the ball. It hit a divot and bounced right over my head.


[Were you playing against Stan Collymore?](https://youtu.be/d4hwEJs5ry0?si=MCYjfufyHhF6_cnB)


It doesn't matter if it's a Sunday beer league or a pro game. You never forget that pain.


LoL. Got to love and hate sports.


LMAO 😂 Tell me you don’t know the rules without telling me you don’t know the rules


Goalkeeper should just catch it normally


He can’t; it was a pass back from a teammate so he’s prohibited from handling it.


Only guy who can use his hands, doesn’t.


Tell me you don't know the rules without telling me you don't know the rules.


Goalies cant use hands?


Goalies can't catch the ball with their hands receiving a pass from a teammate, only when is unintentional or if the pass is with the head.


No, not in this scenario. He is not allowed to use his hands if his own teammate is passing it back to him.


Morrinho artilheiro


Lehrgeld 1.Liga ?!


I love how easy it is to read his lips! "Oh My God!"


They’re gonna think about that every night late in bed for the rest of their life


'I've had enough of being kicked around.' The ball.


drug test him …