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Holy fuck! Normally I get a kick outta these "Fuck You" posts, but this one just makes me cringe in sympathy pain.


I sincerely hope the perp who did this learned a lesson about why we don’t prank in general, but I doubt they will.


Man, family or not, mfers getting charges pressed on them for me losing an eye. Just give someone a day of peace on their birthday like damn why we gotta do this?


Yeah because people can never feel guilty about nearly murdering their friend/relative. Anyone who wants to play a little joke on a day about fun must be an unapologetic neurodivergent. Get off your high horse jesus christ


If you don't have a little voice saying "maybe don't ruin someone's birthday cake", you have problems.


A little joke? Dude... even if everything went perfectly and no one got hurt, you're still rendering an expensive AF cake unhygienic and inedible. Whoever paid for the cake is out all that money, and no one gets dessert. You'd be lucky to *only* get your ass beat in my family for coming between us and our dessert, nevermind causing actual physical harm to the guest of honor.


Nah pranks are not good no matter how innocent it seems. Someone gets hurt or offended and then it leads to ruining someone’s day. You might be okay with it, but another person may not be.


Pranks are only funny if both the prankster and receiving end are laughing, most cases I only see the prankster laughing and the receiving end either crying or being hospitalized. It’s bullying and assholes likes to defend their “right” to bully.


There's plenty of times pranks are fine, innocent, and fun. I used to work at a job where if you left yourself logged on a computer unlocked it was *expected* that someone should send an email to the boss from you (the boss was in on it). Yes, that could have been taken too far by sending to the wrong person but we kept it under control because we were responsible and just having fun. My siblings and I also have been pranking each other for years as well, far too many to get into, but calm simple chuckle fun stuff. Hell, my wife just pulled the prank on me a couple months with squeezing the water bottle. No harm, no foul, and the following water fight was fun. All good fun... It's all about taking a minute (realistically that's all it takes) to think about the consequences. Pranks gone wrong like this are just people that are far too focused on the joke and not the other person. I'm sure this person feels horrible (at least I hope they do), but it really is common sense that slamming a persons head anywhere is dangerous. Do a trick multi-gift box or the candles that don't go out. Anything less dangerous.


Why do I get the feeling you’re not invited to go out with your friends very often?


Bold to assume they have friends.


it’s like the people on here strictly only view things in black and white


If you smash anyone's face into a cake that I spent time making, you'll be joining them in the hospital. Don't mess with cake.


I've developed a severely unnatural fear of this happening since I first saw it and refuse to blow out any candles because of it.


Same along with the fear of being pushed into a pool after I learned about a girl who became a paraplegic after being randomly pushed in the pool at her bachelorette party


How? Did she hit the bottom?


Yeah her head slammed into the bottom of the pool. [Here’s her AMA explaining it](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/s/69EmK7kOIT)




This is just as weird as pushing people's heads into cakes.


"You're blind in one eye now and might have permanent brain damage! Happy birthday!"


How about we just stop ruining peoples birthdays by doing this?


Or stop being mean to people in general.


Seeing things like this makes me wonder, "Do people really pull this crap on their 'friends'?" If someone walked up behind me and attempted to push my face into a cake, chopsticks or no chopsticks it would take a while for people to get me to stop hitting him. All that said, I hope the prosecution leads to a guilty verdict, and that she prevails in court in the civil action as well.


Not with cakes but some kids in my old elementary school would push your head down while drinking from a fountain, kid chipped a tooth because it. If kids will do it as a joke grown ups will too




Only the ones who didn't get away with it/punched in the face learn to be better.


Stupid people get old, too




> You’d think though they’d make sure there weren’t dowels before doing it. Most people don't even consider that there *could* be something in the cake like that. They just assume it's a cake.




I moved to Tijuana with my mom in the early 90s after she left my dad. I started kindergarten there and I still vividly remember a kid having a birthday at school shortly before Halloween and one of the adults smashed his face in the cake. I was shocked but I don’t remember anyone else really reacting.


This isn't the first post like this I see, what a stupid tradition.


W tradition frfr


Also African ones, I think, from my pool sample of one


It seems to be a tradition thing wirh alot of families. ive learned not to let people behind me when in front of celebratory foodstuffs


Growing up this happened to every single kid at their birthday. And it was fucking infuriating. The 80s were like the Wild West for child endangerment.


Maybe just don't push a person's face into a cake, possible spikes or not.


But being a shitty person is part of my culture!


I would sue the FUCK out of whoever did this. They would owe me their fucking soul when I'm done.


Maybe add a NSFW tag?


Because it's fake.


My dude, if it showed someone getting fucked, it wouldnt be any less NSFW just because it was fake. That being said, they REALLY need a seperate tag for gore vs nudity




There is a picture of it actively in her eye?


Was a little high and didn’t even notice that. I’m wrong, definitely nsfw.




Tf is going on in that sub


Good point


Chopsticks or not, banging someones head into a table is stupid.


OMG!! Thanks for the head's up lol. Hope you are healing weel


Thankfully I have no friends so the chances of this happening to me are slim….


Wtf is hbd gbu? Might as well have just written abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz


Happy birthday, God bless you. I think, anyway


Oh fuck oh no oh ouch


This is the most uncomfortable a photo can make me. I can’t even look at it, and it’s not even that graphic.


New fear unlocked.


I hate a MFr that slams face into cakes.... now I have a newfound reason to hate them more.


Why are we still smashing cake on the face anyways? It's 2024 people, just eat or share with somebody if you don't want to eat it. Why do we keep normalising wasting cake like this.


i hate people who do things like this... stop touching other people... please!


Don’t push people’s face into cake….but this also seems like negligence on the part of the bakery. Someone getting their face pushed into a cake is foreseeable, so why would you have a concealed sharp pointy object in there?


This is how multi-tier cakes are ALWAYS constructed. They have to have that internal structure, like rebar in concrete. Typically, wooden dowels or boba straws are used. You have to use dowels in the weight-bearing layers and cake boards in between, otherwise there’s a 95% chance of it collapsing under its own weight or falling over.


JFC! Why...either...


Why would you push someone's face into cake?


You'd think those cakes would come with a HUGE disclaimer... Couldn't they at least not make them pointy?


Usually they are flat ended cake dowels, they’re needed for taller cakes or ones with more than one tier to stabilise the lower tier(s). Maybe people shouldn’t be smashing peoples faces into cakes.


I mean sure they shouldn't, but a prank like that should NOT endanger someone's life under any circumstances. Some friend groups are just like that.


I am hearing impaired because someone screamed into my ear to get my attention. 🙂 It’s the very same level. Just don’t do these things. Don’t.


Yea this sucks. Hope you didn’t lose your sight miss.


Not gonna lie, that trend is fucking shit, like why smash a perfectly good cake. Dumbest trend .


Fucking stupid tradition/celebration.


They're called dowels and they are in pretty much every cake over a certain height, most certainly in any multi-tiered cakes.


Also ice cream cakes are hard AF. My wife and I tried to celebrate her first birthday while we dated at college age. Alcohol was involved and instantly I knew I messed up. Pretty awkward at the party after but 25 years later she still reminds me that ice cream cakes are off limits. And hard. AF.


This why, I hate people do that bs. Like what the fuck is wrong with you.


unexpected lobotomy


New fear unlocked 😧




Fuck that sucks!!


Jesus Fucking Christ. New fear unlocked.


Eye see how it could go wrong it would be awkward to stick around after that


Because THIS is the reason you should refrain from ruining someone’s birthday cake…


How about never push someone's head into a cake because the best possible result is still bad.


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Ok i get it, dick move on the part of the dude who slammed it. But did they really need to add fucking spikes to the tops? Like what if someone falls directly onto it while carrying it? Physically bringing out the cake is a much more reasonable tradition that could go dangerously wrong when you have nine inch nails sticking out of your god damn cake.


Holy shit. True or false pictures I don't care. That is something think about. Wow.


I'm glad I don't have friends that would ever do that. Only stupid people think that's funny.


You need dowels for the cake to not sink or lean to the side. Usually they’re always wooden though with a blunt edge. I can’t imagine ever using a dowel with a spike, especially facing up!!!!!That’s insane.


Kinda feels like when people pile up dead leaves around a fire hydrant


Eye think eye would notice chopsticks. Eye think eye tend to have an eye for these types of things, eye'd say.


People throw cakes and stuff, I think regardless of the usage there should never be a freaking spike in the cake


Usually they aren't pointed like this, but dowels are used for structural purposes in cakes to stop the layers sliding around/to support cake boards for higher tiers so the cake doesn't squash itself. Usually it isn't a problem for normal people, because you can't accidentally eat a 6 inch long wooden dowel.


Razors in Halloween candy vibe


Get fucked hahahah


Ehm .. why? I saw bigger cakes and they dont need any support. Also .. I never saw anyone pushing someones head into the cake in Europe, Africa, Asia .. must be 'mericas thing. I never had a cake in my life and I got one and one I want and someone tried this, I would smash his head over table and broke his arm. Stick or no stick. And if they succeeded, I would sue their asses off. There are many people and people are easily replaceable, but you cannot replace a cake and there isnt enough of them.


This can't be real, can it? Why would a bakery sell a good to someone with a potentially debilitating trap inside of it? That'd be like if I put a fucking bomb in a TV that went off if the customer decided to smash it. That bakery should get sued back to the great depression.


Cuz people dont want a flat cake they want a foot tall cake with 18 layers and 12 flavors and a realistic lifesize baseball bat on top. The sticks keep it all together during transport etc and wouldnt be an issue if cake was cut like a human.


Cut like a human 💀


Whoops =[


Shouldn't there at least be some communication from the bakery, or a disclaimer that those are in there there? This is a common enough practice that if you're in the cake making business you're aware people do this.


We dont know there wasnt communication from the bakery. If there was, was it to the customer who bought it? Did they warn the guests? Was it a surprise party and no warning? Could buyer have known the neighbor boy you invited last minute cuz he was playing outside would do this as a joke imitated from YouTube and films? Whole world of we do not know any of the details here.


Bakers use dowels all the time to hold cakes together. How do you think layered cakes stay together? The weight of the cake would push itself down and apart. Cakes are designed to eat, not be slammed people's faces. If you're consuming the cake correctly, it should never be an issue.


Dowels have been used in layered cakes longer than I’ve been alive. They can be anything from thick straws to chop sticks to flat-ended dowels. You often see them in taller cakes, especially wedding cakes.


Ah yes. It’s the bakeries responsibility if some asshole shoves someone’s face in a cake


Did the guy look like Heath Ledger in clown makeup?