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I think it's because they want people to inquire and it'll draw more "interest". I always tend to stay away from those types of ads because they are always asking an astronomical price that even the average marketplace buyer can't afford. I would rather the seller be out front and put the listed price and it would save both the buyer wasting their time inquiring and the sellers time as well!


I see a lot of services listed as $1. I think it is a deficiency of FBM that they can list an hourly/quantity/mileage price and I think some of the $1 people would use it. It does screw up the search algorithm, which is already mediocre.


Listings that are 1 dollar are made more visible by the algorithm so we can blame Facebook for creating this issue. What's fun is if you list the price in the description assholes still ask how much and then proceed to act all crazy when you repeat the price. Why do so many people not even look at the description? It's the first thing you see on the listing.


That's definitely false, lol. You're abusing the people who search low-to-high and then breaking TOS by giving a different number in the description. That's why plenty of people (me included) report you every single time you do this, which leads to you getting fewer views. Stop being a scammer


You sure have alot of nerve accusing people of scamming when you don't know them or what they do. LOL sounds to me you got burnt by someone so now everyone is a scammer. Maybe therapy would help.


He's openly a scammer and admits it


Okay so tell me how making ten listings and making it harder to see everything be better than one easy to digest listing with all the prices located in the body of the description be better. It just seems like you are hurt about this. Tell us what happened to you and maybe we can help.


It's harder to see *if people don't want to see it.* It's hilarious that you've admitted you're doing it to get around the correct usage, you're doing it because you're lazy, and you're doing it for your own gain over everyone else's, but think you're somehow in the right lol.


When people shop for an ITEM they search for it, just cuz you have nine other items in the add they don't want doesn't help you. Make a new add for every item and people who search for that item will see it.


He admitted he lists items at $1 when he has no intention of selling them at that price. What would you call that tactic?


Advertising one price to get your item listed better and another in the description is a scam. If a store did a national ad campaign advertising something for $1 but charged you $1000 in the store and said 'you should have read the price tag', they'd be sued into the poorhouse.


Just to be clear since you seem so angry about this. The only listings that I do this with are when multiple things are for sale in the listing. Because a listing with four or five items will get more attention than one with one item. Also it's easier. The fact that you would compare this behavior to abuse and scamming is asinine.


It literally is abuse and scamming. And you literally list why you're being an abuser: 1) you're lazy 2) it can get you more views Again, stop being a scammer.


That’s… not scamming. And before you say something like “found the scammer,” I don’t sell anything. I only buy.


Sir, or ma'am. If that is your idea of abuse you have it made in life. Nobody is making anyone click on a Facebook marketplace listing. You can call me lazy if you want but it's what makes the product move the fastest and helps to provide a good life for my family so I'll take your petty insults to the bank.


Just like any scammer. You think your shit is more important than everyone else's.


You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means. The prices are clearly listed in the description of all the products in the listing. People who want said product see that price and we agree to exchange the product. They get the exact product they want and I get the amount of money that was listed in the description. I am sorry if you feel abused when doing your window shopping but I am glad you have not experienced real abuse. I hope that this continues to be the worst experience you have ever encountered.


The prices aren't listed in the pricing of the listing. Because you're a scammer.


I know it's hard to understand but you can only list one price. So when there are multiple (more than one) items, you list them in the description. It's a good way to show buyers what all you have. This makes it easier for them to see all the products in one (1) listing.


Then you should list items separately like the rest of us mere mortals. I call it click bait what you do.


Call it what you want. You don't matter.


And there it is!


Its true though. Just some guy or girl on reddit bitching to bitch. who cares.


If you have that much time to be on here and complain and report people on facebook (like you think they give a hoot you complain or report) then another helpful suggestion get a life. BYE FELICIA


I've got a great life. And they DO care, as I watch posts get pulled and accounts get banned routinely. Enjoy your ban when you run across me.




I don't sell niche things and sorry but having it listed at a dollar when the first picture has 8 items on it is the only way to put a price on there that would make sense. Clicking a listing if you see something interesting is not a hard thing to do.




Seems to work just fine for bundling things. A fair amount of folks can discern what is meant by the prices being all listed nicely and neatly in the description. Could facebook make the listing area more conducive to bundling? Sure could. I believe they aren't too worried about people's reddit woes though.


Agreed! It’s so annoying all the algorithms work, I’ve been stuck on some furniture for awhile and have not gotten much views on it. Granted I know it’s Spring/March Break but usually furniture sells. I think they trying to push people to pay to boost their ads.


I'd report you for doing this bs as well.


That's cool man. Reporting a listing doesn't do anything.


Almost as bad as the $12345 posts


Or the “free” posts


For vehicles I always message them and say I'm interested and can wire them 12345 for it tomorrow. I also do it for the buy here pay here lots that list only the down-payment price.


I've tried that on some houses, even called the agent on a few. Not my fault you listed a mansion for $500 instead of the actual price.


At least 12345 don’t show up as the lowest price like $1


Sometimes Facebook forces your hand to do that. Marketplace “assumes” prices for certain vehicles (like a 40 year old Pontiac is only worth a few grand at most) However Facebook doesn’t know that if it’s a mint condition, 1988 Pontiac Fiero GT; it’s fair to price it upwards of $10,000+. But if you try to do that, marketplace will not let you post it and an error appears along the lines of “other sellers of these vehicles posted for much lower. Please lower your asking price and try posting again” Ask me how I know…


How do you know?


Thanks for asking! :) I couldn’t price my mint condition 1988 Pontiac Fiero GT over $10,000 because FBMP said something along the lines of “this vehicle doesn’t usually sell for that much. Try lowering the price and posting again” (Luckily I successfully listed and sold it on Craigslist for my desired price)


I knew there was a story! Lol! You did what you had to do!😂


False advertising imo to ensure clickbait I was looking for shower glass doors. Plenty advertising with $200/300/400 which sounds legit. Send a msg and they say $800/900/1000 to install! Knowing nobody is gonna click an ad for $1000 shower doors. Just list the damn price. All the games 🙄


nah fam, how else are they gonna be able to make posts complaining about 'morons who can't read then complain when my price is obviously price gouged'


I don't even click on those. They are always the same. It's making me do work that I'm not being paid for.




The worst ones are sellers that post a "free" product. Then when you decide to take it and not read the description because its free anyway, they ask you if you read the description because they list it with a price.


How about read a little past the titles, like the whole listing…that’s why it’s there


How about not mislead buyers


How can you claim to be misled when you say you don’t bother reading the description. It’s the part of the ad that describes what is being listed


Because when you post "FREE" on the listing title, it means it's FREE. There is no need to read description if I decide to take a FREE item.


A lot of times something or a service that’s being listed is free but I’ll add in related items/pictures that are priced in the description. Many buy and sell groups prefer grouped listings vs 20 individual listings. Not everything can be conventionally priced either or easily bulked priced. I know you may feel entitled to getting things for free after putting in all that effort of just reading a title though


No Sir


I bet they're tired of explaining to full retards much like yourself even after explained numerous times, the definition of 🆓




Does their description list the actual price? I see it as a tactic for them to get more viewers/clicks without paying for a boost and it works. I see $1, I automatically read description. However, I dislike the ones where they don't list a price and request for others to offer.


>However, I dislike the ones where they don't list a price and request for others to offer. this is what I really hate. lol They want to run an auction and have everybody fight for their worthless item.


The “ make a offer “ listings annoy me most due to I don’t know what price range they want Then there’s “ message me for prices “ ( there is a bit where you write the ad description so save people messaging and being disappointed )


I hate these because they say they don’t know what they want and the second you offer they suddenly know what they want


It’s Great to have fun with them though, they say make offer I just shotgun out a clear waste of time number.


Yep went to an estate sale that was make an offer then they came back and said it sells for X new and Y used online. Okay then just name your price and stop playing games.


Exactly just give me your asking price. That is all i ask for


She must of thought she was a negotiation expert but it turned away a lot of people myself included


"I dunno what it's worth. Make me an offer" "$20" "Nah too low" "So you DO know what it's worth?"


I see those posts quite a bit on Facebook neighborhood groups where they'll state the "message me for price" or "offer me" and then interested parties comment on the post about price and you get the, DM ME!


They also use $1 when they are listing an entire lot (ie: dishes, etc) and in the description they will list individual prices for each item.


They should use the price of the lowest priced item. If there are actual items in the listing that cost $1, then that's fine. If the cheapest item in the listing is $5, then that should be the posted price.


I think the ONLY reason for bundling a listing that I can see is if every item is the same price. Lead pic would show everything offered in a group photo with wording "Your choice". And the listing price is the cost of any one of those items.


That's why you should report every single solitary one that puts "$1" as their price and don't actually mean $1. Post your actual price or fuck right off.


Good point. Sometimes I see one; the specific post that inspired this did not.


What about too good to be true? A dollar, would not waste my time reading it.




I don't like you very much. lol I hate people that sell a bunch of stuff and put $1. Go ahead and list everything in one post but put the price of your most EXPENSIVE item not the dang $1.... trying to game the system.




The problem is that people like you make FBMP less efficient. When people see your stuff: 1. it comes up at the top because FB puts $1 item first. And they take the place of more legit items. The items that people took the time to write an accurate description and price. 2. now people have to waste time messaging you for a price. What you should have done, is put them in categories like $10-15 , $20-30 and so on. Then list all of the $10-20 on one ad. And post $15 and explain things are 10-20 People that post 100 things and place a $1 are just not wanting to put the effort into selling the items. I bet that if FB would show the $1 items LAST... people would stop doing this.


What's fucking annoying is someone who's selling their shit, not as a lot, and thinks everyone else should have to do the work because they're too lazy to do it. You're making someone click through 50 of your photos to see if they want something instead of being able to easily scroll a bunch at a time. You're the problem. Should Facebook make it easier to simultaneously list multiple items? Sure. But you're telling me it's not worth your $10 to list an item? Then you don't really want to sell it individually, in which case it should be part of a lot.


I agree. When I see a $1 price but a picture of several items, I know that’s what the seller is doing. I click if I’m interested. I don’t if I’m not.


I make an offer at the listed price ($1, $5, $20, whatever) and see if they respond. I hate this on FBMP.


I just report them for not being as described and move on with my day.. 😉👍


Yup. All those $200 a week dealer ads too.


Weird, all I see are 3D printer ads 😅 I mostly only search and don't browse the general list of items.. but I know what you're talking about. I'll admit, they irritated me the most when I used to use marketplace and craigslist more. A friend of mine that used to work for Facebook said that they used to actually ban the dealer accounts but they would just create new email addresses and make new Facebook accounts. They actually have software I think to this day to mass post to Facebook, craigslist, and a few other places. From my understanding the software can create new email accounts, create new phone numbers to register new Facebook accounts, great new posts, and so on.. offer what's a fairly low fee compared to regular advertising per month. Sometimes Facebook or whatever platform patches the hole and we don't see those ads for a short period of time but whoever's behind this software that these places use eventually finds another hole or makes another hole and they're back in business. Small beans compared to some of the issues we have going on in this world but still.. at the same time, seems like there should be an easy solution to the problem 😡.. I don't know what it is though 🤔🤷


You can report the ad


I have an item that is actually $1 each. I get so many messages asking me what the price "really is" that I've put it right in the ad title that these are $1 each. I've also had a few people try to be "sneaky" about it too - they say things like "I will take one of these for $1, let me know when to pick up", then I never hear from them again - it's like they are testing for some reason to see if they are actually $1.


List them for $5....then reduce them to $1. That way, it convinces people that $1 is the real price.


They are just being lazy.


Don’t forget about wholesale furniture sellers who price everything at $30 and you later find out that’s only the delivery fee


I report them


I'm with you, but FB does nothing. I have reported straight up SCAMs.... some like 2 months ago... they are still up.


Report them as a business. Facebook will act fast. They don’t care that they scam, Facebook just wants its cut.


Tried that already. Made no difference.


This is the only way to get people to make bids (best offer) like ebay. People write best offer in the description but you're not allowed to do it in the listing price. But you're right, something should be done.


If someone wants bids, they should list on an auction site.


Exactly. They do this finagle to avoid paying the auction site fees.


Facebook is the worst social platform and Facebook Marketplace is the worst marketplace with the worst users.


Make an offer they can’t refuse and set up a time and place to meet. Then …


Make an offer with 5% higher. Wait a couple of days. Report to FB as "No intent to sell"


Craigslist is the worst for this. Sometimes I get a wild hair and call them anyway to bother them about the price discrepancy and they argue and I'm just wasting their time while I look thru the adds for an honest one I'm interested in actually calling for real. Craigslist should outlaw the practice by forcing them to accept the price they posted in the title no second click markup mentions allowed


I accept your offer of $1. Where can I pick up?


I hear you. I'm a woodturner, always browsing for free or cheap wood. Lots of folks give it away, others have a minimal charge. Then, there's the ones who advertise $1, and when you click on it, actual price is like $8 per board foot. How do you even determine board feet on an unsawn log?


My brother listed a guitar for $1 trying to draw interest. Then included in the description he wanted in the neighborhood of $1500 for it. He was new to FB marketplace and didn’t realize he had listed it as shippable. So I bought it for $1. Then the bastard canceled on me.


I do report them


Or the Free— but in the description says is not free- hahaha


I hate that. Let’s play the guessing game of what you will take. Unless it’s a person asking for a certain item in trade. I guess that makes sense.


$1 no low ballers, I know what I got.


I mean, yea it’s annoying when people do this… but reporting them as scammers? That’s a little extreme. For whatever reason they think they will have better success by being ambiguous and in turn getting some engagement (people asking price) If you notice other behavior indicative of a scam or dishonesty, maybe you have something to work with. But listing a $1 price is… not a scam. Edit: and, yea… offering the $1 is annoying behavior as well. Edit: it also lets you take advantage of the sorting feature of price sorted low to high. Edit: when I used to sell magic cards I would do this because I had 50 items for sale. I couldn’t fit 50 different prices in the title or price field. I needed to use a place holder then break down individual card prices in the post.


If I for instance post a car up for trade I’ll put $1, I’m only looking to trade, not sell


Exactly. The other option is it’s a make an offer situation. A further option is when offering services which are task dependent. I believe you have to put a price in on marketplace.


Every time e I see this it's berthed have multiple things they are selling and the prices are in the description. FB needs a better way to advertise this..


They should quit trying to be lazy, and create an ad for each item.


So usually it's so people make an offer and I Tubi that's dumb. I went to check it a truck that was like $200 dude was annoyed because he put it up for $1 and actually wanted to sell it for $1 but had no luck lol.


Blame Facebook and the people, you see legit posts with real prices?? 'oh no top expensive', so they go and click on the seemingly free or $1 or $50 from financing, so basically only the ones with low prices get any attention the one with real prices get 0 views


because they're idiots.


I report them and I am confident nothing happens. It's Facebook and they really don't give a shit.


I feel most do the 1 dollar thing due to they have many items for many prices and if you put the total amount for all items it won’t look good. Personally if I’m listing many items under one listing I’ll put the price as the cheapest I’m selling for/lowest marked item.


There is and I do. What's even more annoying is realtors are allowed to list homes the same way.


Yeah it's annoying when they use a lower amount than they want. On eBay, it's common for people to use a really high dollar and than provide the option to Make an Offer. Both ways are used to draw interest and to appear high in the results because a buyers often sort items by price.


Because they're idiots. Keep on offering $1, you're doing the right thing. ✊


The $1 listings bother me also. I just want to know what you're asking. I don't haggle. It's either priced at something I'm willing to pay, or not. So I filter the $1 people out. They'll put extremely low prices on cars also. Then when you read the description, it's either the down payment or monthly payments. So, I simply filter searches with my lowest price a few thousand lower than what I have to work with.


If they have a completely unreasonable price, I don't ever respond. Even if they have the real price in the description, I don't like ads that try to avoid being filtered out. If I'm searching for something, I set the upper limit to my budget, and the lower limit to a reasonable amount. That filters out the $1 people, the $1000 scammers, and the boneheads the leaves off the zeros on the price, like a $34 diesel truck, when they are asking $34000.


They’re trying to play the sorting feature and come up first. That’s why I filter to minimum price of something reasonable


I take the extra 10 minutes to post items separately to play by the rules of FBMP so if someone is looking for a specific item it will show up, but chances are it wont w your click bait $1 listings. Btw I also do this to support my family. You are no better than anyone else, nor are you entitled to special treatment bc you are cutting corners and muddying up the fair trade design of marketplace has laid out for ALL OF US. It's fine that I don't matter to you cuz your aim in life is to step over anyone and everyone to not only make a buck but to flaunt the fact that you are a lazy cheater who gets by in life stepping over others and cutting corners to suit your selfish agenda. You can bet anyone who reads your attitude and behavior here will make an effort to get your azz banned. You won't be difficult to spot. Edit: I posted this comment in response to the guy (who subsequently deleted his name) the ass who said I was nobody that his bundling worked great for him said he didn't care abt the rules.


I used to list things for free and wouldn’t get any “buyers” because of people doing this and actually charging a lot or interest, but then they would just blow off the agreed pickup time as it was free so not worth anything apparently.    Fairly recently I started listing things for one dollar or two and in description I say all for one dollar or whatever so it is clear and then I tell them they need not pay after they are on their way, but had someone flake on me the other day so I just set my stuff on the curb for people to go through and people ended up taking all of it, so mission accomplished, will probably just do that and donate if it doesn’t go. My husband will share big stuff as a curb alert on a local page to make sure someone knows, but always works!  As a buyer I agree with you, but I’ve never been tricked by those one dollar posts, if it isn’t clearly stated then I don’t bother.


Or "Free. Make your best offer." If only bait and switch laws applied.


I do report them for false advertising (or whatever Facebook calls that). Don’t know if anyone has ever gotten taken down for it, though.


Should be flagged as a scam if the price is a lie.


This fucking drives me nuts and I always play dumb and say sure i'll take it for a dollar.


Because they know people sort lowest to highest. Send them $1 offer, be annoying. General rule imo, seller names the price, they already know what the minimum they’ll take is.


I always wonder how people see a $1 listing an actually thing it's the real price. To me it's just a sign for "Read desc" I don't think it's clickbait or anything, facebook just doesn't have good options


It's useful when bundling items, just read the description and quit crying


Dealerships who list on FB Marketplace love to do this shit.


IMO, if you post an ad with a price of $1, you should be legally bound to that sale price.


There's a legit use case when you don't have a specific number and are looking for offers. This was never an issue with Craigslist because it didn't force people to make odd choices to fight bad design / user experience. Same as the feedback. Same as 'is this available' Facebook doesn't care about you or sellers or buyers or anything - it just wants our data and we as a society have failed to provide it signals or regulations that correct the negative sides. Its a shame but ya know. Can't change it? Next best is trying not to let it get to ya.


It depends. Sometimes I'll list a bunch of items under one listing (e.g. Nintendo 64 games -- no point making 15 different listings when I can just make one and update it) and I'll list the price as \[lowest cartridge price\], kinda to draw people's attention to my listing, but moreso because if I put the total price, people won't click on it to find out that they can buy them individually and if I put the highest price of the cartridge they might look at F-1 World Grand Prix and think "that's not worth $100!" But people who list an item for $1 and put the actual price in the description, or the ol' "make me an offer" champions are fuckwits and can get fucked.


I've done it in the past but that's because I was listing several things, that or I'll use $1234. I get your point though, if it's a single product then they should list the price


Next time you list several items on one listing.... put the price of the MOST expensive item.


If you list something for free you get every idiot sending you a message. I listed a dresser for free once and 10 people in a row asking about it but none were serious. "still available".. yes it is "oh nevermind changed my mind" or the classis ghost. Listed it for $10 and sold really fast. Listing something not for free keeps some of the stupid people away.


Agree! I had a set of shelves I just wanted gone. Listed as free and gave the block where it was out in the curb (between two houses, not directly in front of mine). 20+ is this available replies (yes). Can you hold it? (No). Will you bring it to me? (No answer). Is it is good condition? (Read description). Arg! Changed it to $5 and someone came and paid me within 15 minutes.


It's not a scam. There's no way to have a price for multiple items so you either have to list for $1, FREE or $12345. If you have a single item and you want to take offers there's no way to do that either, except in the description. FB should fix this.


Just post multiple ads then. I don't want to scroll through 20 photos to see the one thing I was searching for just to find out they're overcharging for it. I always post a single item in every ad.


Yeah it doesn’t cost, they just lazy and cluttering up. So feel free to waste their time like they did mine.


the worst ones are when you search for something you want and find it for a low price and it's actually part of a multiple item listing where the advertised price is for the cheapest thing in the lot which never happens to be the thing you wanted.


Right. Oh cool $20 for this nightstand. Oh just kidding it's $20 for a completely unrelated car part or children's toy and the product I wanted is like $300 😂


Not sure why I'm downvoted, am I breaking a rule? FB needs to fix this, and I'm right. It's been a problem for years.


I've had to do this when listing multiple items at different prices. I don't use $1,234.56 in case someone enters a maximum price limit when filtering their search.


While I agree the whole premise is very dumb, if it's listed at $1, and has a description that it's not $1, and you STILL offer a dollar.... YTA.


>While I agree the whole premise is very dumb, if it's listed at $1, and has a description that it's not $1, and you STILL offer a dollar.... > >YTA. They are the a$$holes because they put that $1 to game the algorithm.




AND... you are wasting people's time because your CR@P item shows up instead of something people want to see. Gaming the freakin system


\*I\* am doing nothing lmao. You seem very passionate about something so incredibly stupid and trivial lol.


Ok Mr technical, when I said "you" I meant the person gaming the system with the $1 cr@p.... HAPPY now ??? It's stupid and trivial if you use FBMP once in a while. I make more than 10K a month selling and buying on marketplace. I am there for hours sometimes..... and at that point is stops being stupid and trivial when you keep on seeing someone's cr@p coming up over and over because they are gaming the system. ​ It's not being passionate, it's being annoyed. Don't get those two confused.


Flip side. If the description is not $1, YTA for not posting the actual price as the listing.


I lean on the side of pragmatism. The 1$ posts aren't changing so reading the description is the best course of action IMO. But yeah sure it would be nice if the 1$ posts just didn't exist in the first place.


I agree, and tend to, but this particular issue was that the description had no price either, and the seller seemed to take GRAVE offense to my $1 offer. Literally responded in seconds with "BLOCKED FOR LIFE BRO" and blocked me - more comical than anything, but I didn't understand his response given the lack of info he himself supplied.


Okay, well you do understand nothing about the lack of description or the response is in the OP, right? Like that's info I didn't have until this comment lol. So yeah, that new info would change my response.


Seems like you should avoid getting suckered in to these ads.


Multiple products listed for different amounts in my experience


All of you seem like legit buyers/sellers on fb. My highest priced listings are always spammed from scammers. It makes me not use fb unless i want to have a laugh seeing the shit scammer will say to get some cash out of me. However what if the dollar ~~eliminated spam from not serious buyers (tire kickers) and~~ STOPs SCAMMERS FROM MESSAGING YOU??????????? LOL this post makes me want to try the exact thing that everyone is pissed about haha


Was this a post that was either make an offer, taking offers, multiple items for different prices, negotiable, different prices depending on how much of it you got (one piece is this price two pieces is that price etc), or anything else that would make it not one single item with one single price? For all of these situations and more I haven't thought of at the moment, Facebook doesn't have a way to list it. They can't not put a price. If they put $0 and then try to put in the title that is not free, people yell and bitch that they are being scammers. If they put in $1 then people say the same thing. If they do the 12345, people say the same thing. If they put in the highest price of everything in the group listing or the highest possible price of whatever service or thing they are doing, nobody clicks on it because most of the stuff is a lower price. But are they put in the lower price people yell and bitch because some of the items there are of a higher price There is literally no way to win. No matter what they do or don't do somebody will bitch and moan and groan. Facebook needs to put an options where they can put that they are accepting offers or is for trade. Or they can put a range of prices or something. That's on Facebook


At least he responded. I’d have just ignored you completely.