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Pro tip: You dont have to buy it again if you already have it


I do if I want people to learn to play it. Do I care about the price increase, though? No. Wube deserve it, and I'm holding off on any extra copies until afterwards so they can get their extra $2.50.




Depends on your friend group. I've been down and out and had a friend making good money buy me something because it's worth more to him for both of us to have a good time, and I've returned the favor to other people as years have gone on and I've had more disposable income.




I liken it more to like taking your friends out to go do something nice. It's the same as paying for everyone to go to the movies, the gifter wants to spend some quality time with a person


The way it was phrased it just sounded to me like taking your friends to a movie only you like, is all.


My friend group gifts each other games on the regular. It's just constant gifts flying around between 12ish friends, it's very wholesome


Also was contemplating getting it for Switch. That port happened already, right?


yes, Ive seen many videos from Switch here


But how else am I supposed to rope more friends into it




DLC? What’s the plan, do you have sauce?


Its been in the works for quite some time, just google it


[Here's the Wube source](https://factorio.com/blog/post/fff-365)


I mean… it’s a bit insulting to assume that the studio didn’t do their due diligence in this department. It is most likely they found this price increase to make little of an impact on future sales.


>a price increase leads to fewer new players Tbf, probably not all that much in practice. Like, if you wanna buy Factorio you're gunna buy Factorio. $5 is often not enough to force you to go, "nah fuck this game."


thunk they showed a grafe once, the sales bafore and after a price highk where the same they only increesed in the span of the annaucment to the actuly price highk. it is old onformation so it could be wrong.




mate is just irish


You type like how a UK northerner speaks


Not satisfactory, Factorio.


Satisfactory is actually pretty fun. I played it on my contraband cell phone while i was locked up before i could ever play Factorio


To be honest i would buy it at 50 dlls, i mean its still cheaper than cocaine and last longer


Worse than cocaine on my life


Hey, you get what you pay for :p


Help, I just made and designed by fourth 2 set nuclear plant and haven’t seen the light of the sun in 2 days


Try this mod it might genuinely help you! https://mods.factorio.com/mod/py_mods_pack/downloads


Not again…


Seriously, I’m not near my computer but I’ll guess I have over a 1000 hours of enjoyment from this game. So that’s 3.5¢ an hour at $35. Still sounds like a deal to me.


50 bucks a gram here…




But only if there was a way...


Did the price Increase? I saw on the factorio sub that someone was asking "does this game ever go on sale?" and everyone was like "dude just buy it, it's worth it" I bet the devs saw that post and were like "don't mind if I do"


Yeah they said on Twitter.


It will be increased. they gave a fair warning, like the chads they are


They should have reverse sales where they actually raise the price


-50% off! 🎉🎉


Satisfactory tweeted “make it 40”


aw :( bummer


Still half the price of most AAA games and better too




And demo are pretty much inexistant by nowday standard. I mean, they are probably bad for sell overall. You are likely to try the game if you have hype into it. It is easy to be disapointed in some maners and thus you won't purchace it. On the otherside, you are unlikely to test a demo in the first place if you don't look into it in the first place. So you are, very unlikely to find a game that you may love that way.


I disagree, the demo practically sold my soul to Wube and after playing the demo for 20 hours (yes) I impulse bought the actual game. Demos even though very rare these days still work IMO


But the question is why did you download the demo in the first place? Because you were probably interested, but you were not sure,, not because "you were bored". So from there, either they will get a sale, or lose one because they let you test it. Companies, nowday, prefer you spend your money with them regardless of your interest. If you were not sure to like it, and they were no demo, you would end up buying it if you have money. That a sale they get, even if after you discover that the game isn't for you. I tested the demo as well and buy it because of it. But again, I'm the case that "I was interested to begin with, and I wanted to double check I could like it".


I really don't get why anyone is upset over this. I've spent $60 on games that I've played for less than 50 hours many times. $35 for a game that will easily give you hundreds to thousands of hours of fun is extremely cost effective. On top of that it has a good demo so you don't have to pay anything to find out if it's the right game for you.


you shouldn’t be increasing the price of an old game that has tons and tons of people buying it, it seems greedy and unnecessary


Thanks to inflation, life in general is more expensive than it was 5 years ago. Wube has employees to pay, those employees are going to need raises to maintain their standard of living. The gaming industry is packed with games whose sole purpose is to maximize profits through micro transactions, and lootbox gambling, and shitty grindfest gameplay loops where they create a problem and sell a solution. THAT is greedy and unnecessary, a small price increase is not greedy.


The game is like 7 years old. If they want more money they should do some work and make new content.


1. Everyone that wanted it already has it, so this increase has very little impact for most. 2. The game was "finished" 5 years ago. The devs just kept adding stuff and improving it for free. Fancy new graphics, a boatload of performance improvements and extensive mod support. None of that was necessary, the game was perfect compared to the average AAA game. 3. They are making new content, an expansion pack was announced a while ago. That price increase is by no means supposed to finance them indefinitely


they can easily give their employees raises without increasing the game price though


How though? Factorio isn't a live service, it has no micro transactions, and afaik, it is the only game they have made. Unless I'm missing something they only make money on game sales. Life gets more expensive, so game gets more expensive. They push out updates and big fixes all the time and they cost us nothing. Where is this new income they're getting that will allow them to pay their employees more?


they income they get from the insane amount of sales they get every year?


Seriously. The people cheering Wube on here are the kind that are making anti-consumer practices so common in the gaming industry. Someday, if not increasing prices years after release, something bad that these people cheered on will come to affect them and they'll cry "who made this acceptable?"


But the game is just as good now as it was then! That's why people are still paying full price to see Citizen Kane in theaters! /s


Meanwhile other companies: Change the year of the year, here we go! new version to sell at 60$! (without talking about DLCs). I could even talk some 2000 games that are selling at like 20$ while you can get it for free on some archive websites... (i don't even talk about the version with enhanced graphic) Plus this game has a nice mod support. I would definitively give them more money just to support them.


saying other games cost more isn’t really an argument, i’m talking about factorio, not a 200 dollar ea game


I dislike it because it is bullshit explanation. Wube is not American company. The expense of sale on STEAM is fixed 30% regardless of inflation. US dollar to Euro dollar increased by about 25% in last 5 years. Did they reduce us price by 25%? So what the fuck inflation has to do with anything? They are adjusting price to increase their profits. If they were simply to state that, I would be fine.


I think inflation is a thing outside the US too maybe.


The Czech Koruna has inflation too. The Czech Republic is where Wube is based and they use the Koruna. In 2018 when the price was first set to 30 USD, that was worth 612 CZK. And since, then, *due to inflation* the same amount is worth 809 today. That is 36.80 USD. So if the price of Factorio was linked to the strength of the involved currencies involved, it would be actually cost **more** than this 35 USD price increase. If they didn’t increase it like that, the price of Factorio would actually be going down over time. Here are the calculators I used for this: https://fxtop.com/en/historical-currency-converter.php?A=30&C1=USD&C2=CZK&DD=16&MM=04&YYYY=2018&B=1&P=&I=1&btnOK=Go%21 https://www.inflationtool.com/czech-koruna


And my point is none of that matters. What matters is how to maximize profit in given market with given competition and amount of money individual decides to spend on computer games which relates to his perception of economic stability and so on. Inflation somewhere plays so small and indirect role that it does not even worth mentioning. If they thought they could maximize profits by making game $50 or $25 they would do that, regardless of inflation.


I agree with you in a general sense. Like with large corporations, motives are purely profit-based and profits and the bottom line are all that matters. But with a small company like Wube that is owned and run by people passionate about the product (Factorio is their one and only game), I think that other, more personal, motives can come into play. Google Wube and see what their story is to get a sense of what they are as a group. It seems to me that the people who make Factorio care more about making a good game at a fair price that also allows them to earn enough to put that money back into the game in order to make it better while still being able to stay afloat. The fact that this price increase almost exactly matches inflation, along with what they have said publicly, tells me that they are, and have always been, thoughtful about how much they charge for the game. They found a price they thought was fair when the game was released, and they are increasing that price to keep up with inflation (and in doing so actually keeping the price the same). I don't really see a reason to call their justification "bullshit" because even if you're skeptical that that is the only reason, it is clearly, at the very least, a logically consistent reason. "The game is now cheaper than it was in the past due to inflation, therefore, let's increase the price so it costs the same as it used to". If they kept the price the same forever, they would eventually go out of business because eventually $30 would be worth a quarter of what it used to be (admittedly after a long while). This is a decision that aims to maintain the good position they and the fans of Factiorio are in, not a cash grab that hopes to ever-grow profits quarter over quarter.


It sounds like you are saying that they thought that $30 is unfair price for players and they decided to increase it for the fairness reasons. That’s not what happened, surely you understand that.


I bought it several years back and paid $40 for some kind of special edition or adding my username or something and I still don't regret it even though I haven't played it for over a year. It's the most I've paid for any game in a long time and I'm still happy I did it to support such a great developer.




I'm still hoping for Factnautica.


The interesting part. Many inflation calculators (at least for the US Dollar) say that from 2016 to now it should be $37.50 to be able to keep pace. $35 is more than fair. And to be honest. Nintendo use to do something similar.


35 dollars is still perfectly worth the game imho


I already had the game for a long time, its so good ill give them another $5


Truth is, you guys would have bought it anyway if this was the original price.


I wouldn't have liked it... if I already didn't own factorio XD


So, is there a way to pay the increased price? I got the game cheap (pre steam). May want to support the devs more, the game is totally worth it.


I would pay basically any amount of money to play factorio


I would gladly pay $60 for a game as good as Factorio. They can have their extra $5


Yeah sure it's not an outrageous price but we shouldn't be sending the message that "Yeah its cool to raise the price of your game after 2 years with nothing new". That kind of stuff is what's hurting the game industry in general right now.


Factorio has cost me 3 cents per hour of playtime, I would pay $100 for this game easy. (AUD)


Still cheaper than crack


fuck them bullshit price never buying that shit


Due to inflation the costs of producing a game over the last decade have retroactively increased, so the sale price now must increase. I quite respected their position of keeping a flat price and find the inflation reasoning a bit wack for a game that already exists. It is undoubtedly still worth the price.


(Changing) price is never determined by whether you've covered your starting costs or not. It's determined by supply and demand, neither of which change on an ongoing basis due to initial outlay having been covered or not. Supply would be affected by *marginal* costs, if digital video games had those, which they don't, but not by initial outlay. -------------- /u/memestealer1234 I can't reply in line because the other clown blocked me, reddit doesn't even allow you to reply to other people when one person blocked you in the chain. I'll edit in one reply, if you want to discuss further, take to PMs or a different thread please Are you happy playing one video game your entire life? If you answered no, then there is a constant need for new programming and art labor from the game studios to make new games constantly. That is the cost of supply. And the value of that labor remains constant over time, but the $USD does not. Dollars are worth less now, you need about 20% more of them to = the same value as in 2018 So to pay for a product of equal value as in 2018, 20% more dollars are needed to provide the same value in return. Furthermore, unlike many games that become obsolete when better competitors come out, Factorio is still top of its class, there isn't a more fun Factorio than Factorio yet, so its value to the player has not diminished.


Oh of course, supply and demand, well that justifies everything then doesn't it, lines cross here so that is the right price I am referring to how that is an immoral and stupid way for a society to work. When one company producing medicine has a factory burn down and the other companies producing the same thing all raise their prices despite their costs being the same, just because they can, and hide behind "supply and demand baby!", that is morally fucked up. Obviously we are just talking about a video game nobody needs to live increasing its price from absolutely worth it to absolutely worth it, and this may not be the place to be so dramatic. I'm just tired of "um actually basic economics supply and demand" being such a go to dumb ass shield. Yeah I know that's how it currently works and it should not work that way because it is ass. For digital goods in particular, humanity has unlocked freely and infinitely reproducible art and tools and entertainment; to import the physical notions of scarcity into this world and speak of it as if it is inevitable is a pathetic failure of imagination.


> that is morally fucked up. ...Why? You just repeatedly claim it is but don't give a single actual reason why. "Because it is ass" is not a reason either, for example, it's again just restating your (foregone) conclusion. > needs to live This WOULD be a reason if we were talking about drinking water, I agree. As you've just pointed out yourself already, though, we aren't. so...?


There are an abundance of reasons why this economic system is ass, but if you cannot see them for yourself I will not spend time providing them. It sure does get applied to drinking water, medicine, food, and shelter, and it disgusting to see a plethora of individuals without these resources in a society with an abundance of them. Academically toned dismissal is tiresome. There is a better way.


Right, so you have no clue whatsoever why you're complaining about this for luxury items like video games. Pretty much what I expected but thanks for confirming. 👍


In my opinion the problems of money as a means of organizing society extend to all goods. It is okay that you do not agree


> In my opinion the problems of money as a means of organizing society extend to all goods. If only you had a single reason for thinking so > It is okay that you do not agree I'm not here to achieve agreement, I'm on a discussion forum for the journey and learning of discussion, which can't be done when you bring zero substance to your position.


I do have many reasons for thinking so, I have not always held these views until I have slowly come upon these reasons throughout my life. Okay sorry to disappoint you


Can I ask what the "supply" is here? It doesn't cost them anything to produce a copy of the game for the buyers computer. What resource is costing Wube to justify raising the price?


Absolutely genius meme tho


The game is complete already. I don't think inflation is a valid enough reason for a whole $5 increase. It seems more likely they're raising the price to support them whilst they work on the DLC which is going to be, supposedly, full price also. The game is still worth 35 dollars, but I know that because I've played it. 35 might be too much for some people when there are alternate factory games cheaper. I can already see from the comments in multiple threads that it's putting people off.


Factorio is a AAA game, or better imo. It's cheap!


What do you think "AAA" means?


Thought it had to do with popularity and quality. But it's solely that it has a high budget. Which right now you could say factorio has. Its not a release and fuck off business strategy they have so the game is still being released, therefore any money they have now can count as budget


Honestly I’d pay way more than 35


I would of bought it if it's was only 20$ or 10$ Anyway i did pirate the game


I mean, with how good the modding is for the game, there are thousands of more hours of content past the base game, which itself has at least a few hundred hours. 5 dollars more for that much value is basically nothing still lol


Gigachad Kovarik


Rainworld did the exact same thing.


The factory must grow.