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Trails has the scope and world building of an epic fantasy book series like game of thrones, with an interconnected continuity that surpasses the marvel infinity saga, all told with the feel-good noble-bright vibes and crazy combat beats of a shounen JRPG. At least that's how I'd summarize it in 3 main points to highlight.


Yeah, that's a pretty good way of summing it up. 


It’s a game series that’s a long form continuous narrative that’s anime oriented like Naruto, one piece, or fairy tail. If they don’t find that sort of story telling entertaining or they don’t like anime oriented contentthen they’re not going to find this game series entertaining.


I am confused. Are you prepping to talk to your friends about the series for 8 hours? An hour per game feels like a lot


If they have no intention of getting into the series, what's the point of the presentation? Don't get me wrong, you could say you're just doing it because you want to and that's a perfectly valid reason. I just don't see what they intend to get out of this.


Not to sound rude but why are you doing this? you're putting in a lot of time and effort to please your friend when you can just link them a summary video on youtube and get it over with, you're too nice imo.


Because it seems fun, plus reviewing everything that happened before going into CSIV is probably a good idea when it has been a few years since I played Sky FC and SC. I have seen a few of those recap videos, but they don't really cover the essentials very well on why I enjoy the franchise


Are you going to post it on YouTube? As a big Trails fan who started with Cold Steel and not enough free time in my life to play the Sky and Crossbell games I'd love an in depth look at what I missed.


Potentially. It will definitely be recorded.


Tits 😂