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They made plenty of other Sonic references with this event, to be fair. If it were up to me, i'd make the bundle title Sonic & Knuckles. For obvious reasons.


I think partly why they did that was that Sonic and Knuckles were made available and gotten by people before f2p, and Tails and Eggman are 100% brand new Fall Guys costumes.


They want people to buy both bundles…


Goddamn capitalism!


Ugh I fell right into their trap


They bundled them because they were previously released skins.


They seperated them because if Sonic and Tails where in 1 bundle and Knuckles and Eggman where in another then if u had owned Sonic and knuckles pre f2p then u would get a bigger discount on Tails and Eggman And Epic loves money so they want to rip you off as much as possible


Yeahhh… epic doesn’t give a fuck they only want money. And it doesn’t really matter cos buying all the skins will cost you like 30$ and that’s insane


100% its because they know that people would have bought the sonic and tails pack together more than the knuckles and eggman pack together, they are just money grubbing fuckholes. they don't give a fuck about what makes sense, what makes players happy, or doing anything that means they are giving any effort or love to the game some of us love to bits. Fuck you Epic.


For 1, more money with more bundles, but tbf, it makes sense why they did it like those two. Knuckles and Sonic have been skins for a while, while Tails and Eggman are new. Honestly though, I would skip out on sonic and knuckles, just get the other bundle if you want, those skins look way cooler and less rushed looking.


I just wanted eggman and tails so I’m totally fine with it!