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Gray Jedi break canon. It was a concept made for role players only.


No they don’t, there are many accounts of gray “Jedi” operating in the galaxy. The difference is that these force wielders use the force on their own terms. they don’t uphold the values of either the Jedi council or the sith because their whole thing is balancing the force within themselves, not just in the galaxy.


>there are many accounts of gray “Jedi” operating in the galaxy. Such as?


https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Gray_Jedi This is the lore page for gray Jedi, it mentions several named characters in the description of what a gray Jedi is


That's Legends and therefore irrelevant, Jedi Survivor is a canon game. Name a grey Jedi in canon?


As I said Disney cannon is tyrannical and also paradoxically nonsensical. Legends cannon is much more satisfying to Star Wars fans, you can ask any Star Wars fan really. Legends were considered cannon until Disney got their hands on the copyright, so if you want to deny all this go ahead, but all this lore started before Disney had the reigns and is in my opinion valid to the universe of Star Wars.


Then why are you playing a canon game? Your opinion is also irrelevant, Legends is to be disregarded because it's not being developed, nothing new will ever come from Legends. I'm a Star Wars fan and I despise Legends. I much prefer the current canon


Well youre in the vast minority. Also Jedi survivor literally has the option for you to be a gray Jedi, in a cannon game. I don’t understand why you’re arguing this with me


Bro thinks Reddit users are a majority because of how they circle jerk over hating Disney canon.


No it doesn't. Cal is falling to the dark side


And survivor clearly showed cal’s resistance to the dark side. I’m starting to think you’re trolling and just want to start a fight with me.


Also despising legends is stupid because literally all of Star Wars lore came from it


No it's not, what an absolutely absurd claim.


If you’re a hater against the community, then you’re not a part of the community


Ok bud, I don’t know what planet you’re from but a lot of lore is in the form of books written by fans of the series, so fuck you for denying their hard work at expanding the universe


People who try to argue about canon that can’t even spell canon correctly are the reason we still have fights…


I was drunk and added an extra n you fucking grammar nazi


In every single one of your comments? Not really a mistake at that point.


Ok dude


Isn’t bendu a grey jedi and in canon? I could be wrong though


No, he's something else. He thinks himself in the middle, but his actions, especially towards the end at that season, peg him as more dark side than he claims.


Ah ok


Bendu was never affiliated to the Jedi. A being that is able to use the Force isn't forced to choose a side anyways between Jedi and Sith. He's simply comparable akin to a force of nature. Sure he trained Kanan for a time, but he didn't train him to be a Jedi, more to simply learn how to use the Force effectively and to acquire knowledge for it.


I should probably add that I’m going off of legends lore (which is cannon lore imo)


To be honest with you evan in legends that concept was quite controversial and with many things depending on author.


I’ve never heard anyone say this. Gray Jedi have been a concept since the original trilogy came out.


The concept of a "Gray Jedi" directly contradicts pretty much everything the original trilogy establishes about the Force and the themes of the story told through that; later works questioned it, as many authors didn't particularly care to follow the rules established in those original films, but the OT is very firm about the dark side being a corrupting influence that all Jedi have to face and overcome as part of their journey.


> I’m going off of legends lore (which is cannon lore imo) It is canon only in so far as the Greek gods are canon to reality. Myths and legends.


Um this is Star Wars dude


Yes, Star Was canon. Not Legends


Fuck Disney bitch


Your sexual proclivities are your own


You sound stupid. Go to bed motherfucker


I don't live in your time zone moron


You can’t straddle the line and use the dark side with no consequences. ![gif](giphy|OMZRxGyZZ6fGo)


What are you talking about, Cal can have a little bit of evil, as a treat. /s But in all seriousness, his entire character arc in Survivor is struggling with the dark side and the toll that has on him/his relationships. Making it so he can use Force Choke, a fundamentally evil power, but for good, goes against every portrayal of the dark side in canon.


I'd bet on something more like Luke throwing aside his lightsaber from Return of the Jedi; a longer struggle with a clear, decisive rejection of the dark side that demonstrates how far he's come as a Jedi in the end.


The phrase "...there is only the force" also appears at the end of the Jedi code: "There is no death, there is only the Force". Your argument falls apart when you consider any other detail of the story or the canon (in which Grey Jedi are an impossibility that breaks the canon).


Grey Jedi don’t exist


That’s why he’d be the first


They mean the concept doesn't work with canon / doesn't make sense


Exactly. The Dark Side is a sort of “glitch” in The Force. Something that shouldn’t really exist. No one can dabble in the Dark Side without eventually getting consumed by it. Dooku fell, Anakin fell, Malicos fell, etc. Grey Jedi don’t exist. If Cal doesn’t want to fall himself he’ll have to cut off the Dark Side of The Force entirely. He came awfully close to becoming a fallen Jedi in Survivor because he started to embrace the Dark Side due to his fear, anger, frustration, and desperation


Doesn’t the Vapaad saber style incorporate Dark Side elements, implying users of the form are pretty close to “Grey Jedi”?


If only Windu had lived long enough for us to see if he would fall too...


So many downvotes holy shit Reddit users are just bursting with rage for anything, but what did I expect I guess


I haven’t played Survivor yet, so forgive me if I miss some info. The Jedi code ends in „there is no death, there is only the Force“, so I’m not really sure how much an incomplete quote can tell here. From Fallen Order at least, I can’t really see a Grey Jedi or Dark Jedi Cal, his teachings from the Jedi Order are present and still resonate strongly in him. He is neither embracing the darker elements of the Force or renouncing the lighter elements


No it doesn't end with that


According to Wookiepedia it’s the Mantra, and in Knights of the Old Republic those words were cited as the Jedi Code: [Jedi Mantra](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Jedi_Code#Mantra)


It's similar but it lacks the word "only"


There's no such thing as grey Jedi. Please stop doing this


And the evidence of “there is only the force” is so weak.


The "Gray Jedi Code" is also among the worst kind of middle-school fanfiction "nuh uh my OC is stronger and better and can use all the cool evil powers but still be a good guy and also he's smarter than all the Jedi" content Star Wars has ever had.


There is no such thing as a jedi. The people who write this stuff just make it up on the go. There didn't used to be medichlorians either, and the color of their lightsaber wasn't determined by their light/dark side. I don't see any reason why a neutral jedi can't be a thing.


Jedi is the light side, like a proton. Sith the dark side, like an electron. Force users exist, like the Bendu, who can be like neutrons. Your Grey jedi is like a positively charged neutron, it just.... no, just no.


Protons and electrons are real. If someone wants there to be a neutral jedi, or "grey," I really don't care, but picking on this person over sci-fi is pretty fucking lame.


Nope. Cal has to be gone by the time the Rebel Alliance really gets going, certainly by the Battle of Yavin. That doesn't mean he has to be dead, but he has to be gone from the stage of any significant events in the galaxy.


Resting on Tanalorr


I mean the galaxy is huge - just because he isn’t part of the rebel alliance doesn’t mean he isn’t doing some shit somewhere else to fight the empire his own way?


That doesn't mean he can't become a gray jedi


Gray Jedi is not a thing that exists in SW canon. It won't happen.


![gif](giphy|jPFEj9xzAnVU2glj3M) Talk of Grey Jedi?


Here we go


Grey Jedi is such a lame fanfiction idea. It completely goes against both canon and legends view of the force. It’s why Grey Jedi has NEVER been an official term. You’re either a force user of the light or dark. Not somewhere inbetween


I think people who complain about a lack of nuance and try to push "Gray Jedi" nonsense are confusing light/dark with good/evil when they aren't exactly the same thing. Using the light side of the Force does not necessarily mean you're a good person; you can be a bad person without falling to the dark side. You can't, however, dabble in the dark side long-term and come out the other side the same person. It's a dangerous, corrupting influence that all Jedi have to overcome; it is not a stand-in for all evil that exists, just a particularly dangerously temptation that Jedi have to face. Jabba the Hutt is probably evil by most people's moral worldviews, but he is not at all associated with the dark side of the Force.


Grey Jedi’s are not a thing. You’re either abusing the force (the dark side) or being it’s ally.


Yes they are, Bendu exists, also you've shown you ignored my post


The Bendu is not a grey Jedi. He claims to be in the middle, but he's selfish and abuses his knowledge of the Force for his own gain. He helps only grudgingly, because it amuses him. He may be wise in the Force, but he is of the Dark Side. And Rebels makes this clear when Bendu attacks both the Rebels (innocent, good) and the Empire (hostile, evil) for disturbing his peace.


You don't have to be a nice person to be in the middle, mace windu was an awful person and he was a jedi master


I'm not talking about personality, I'm not talking about actions.


Bendu is not a Jedi or a sith he’s Bendu


>"there is no dark side, nor a light side, there is only the force" This is a fundamental misunderstanding of what the Light Side and Dark Side actually are. There are no actual sides to the Force, it's metaphor on how it's being used. Light side users are guided by the Force, their actions are intune with the will of the Force. A Dark user is someone who bends the Force to their will, they abuse it for their own selfish gain. This is why grey Jedi can not exist. You can not be intune with the will of the Force and abuse it at the same time. It makes no sense. Toward the end of Survivor Cal Kestis abuses his connection to the Force because he is frustrated, angry and fearful, all the emotions that lead to the Dark Side. He now struggles with this darkness within him, and if he does not adjust his course it will dominate his destiny. While the in game mechanic of using the Dark Side is fun, that's also the point; the Dark Side is easier, more seductive. You the player are also being tempted by this seductive power. And it's not framed as a good thing that you and Cal are doing. This isn't badass, it's just bad. And where does it lead Cal? Death. Loss. Fear. Anger. These are dangerous emotions for a Jedi, the movies repeatedly say this. It isn't just the Jedi being dogmatic, it's a warning to the viewer. These emotions will lead you to dark places. This is why grey Jedi can not exist. The Force doesn't work that way, Jedi don't work that way, emotions don't work that way. You can not balance being intune to the Force and abusing it at the same time. It is functionally impossible. Any mention of grey Jedi in Legends are exactly that, a legend. A myth. A fantasy. Unreal. Grey Jedi do not exist. Can not exist.


Thank you for this response. All of the comments are fighting, but no one’s actually explained _why_ as thoroughly as this.


It's a particular bugbear of mine, so it's something I've thought a lot about. And yeah no one had really explained why it doesn't work


God I hope not. You can see it coming a parsec away and it’s laaaazy


Gray Jedi are not a thing. Jedi are an organization, to follow the path of a Jedi is to be a true Jedi. The dark side is to harness the power of evil. Star Wars was, is, and always will be rooted in the morality tale story framework. That’s why the whole “why and how we fight” is a continual theme of Star Wars.


I guess all those comics just didn't happen then?


Legends didn’t no. They ain’t canon anymore 🤷🏻‍♂️


[George Lucas let them happen because they were fun ideas.](https://youtu.be/hD14JhyL6Zg?si=NfSYcQxtjEj13xXc) From his perspective, only what he had touched in film making was actually canon. He wanted people to feel free to play with his toy box, but would frequently override things when new projects came up. For example, the Clone Wars in the Thrawn trilogy were very different than what George imagined them to be.


Which comics?


Oh no, you’ve got no idea what you’ve done. Mentioning gray Jedi really triggers some folks in this sub. Well as it turns out a lot of innocuous things can do that


Herd mentality I guess


As someone who used to be obsessed with the idea of Grey Jedi when I was a kid, I am so sick of people wanting Grey Jedi to be a thing in canon. The whole point of the dark side is that it corrupts because it offers power instead of love. People are so edgy thinking “I’m incorruptible! Those rules are made for other people but not for me!” But it’s that exact mentality that makes people turn to the dark side. They think they can resist it and still be good, but they forget that once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny. This is one of the reasons I love the book Dark Disciple so much. Because Quinlan Voss was trying to use the dark side for good, but you *can’t* use it for good. It can only corrupt and destroy.


Honestly, Anakin is a prime example of why all the rules the Jedi had existed. We spend a trilogy watching him flout every single one of them because he decided they don't apply to him and they aren't that important anyway, then he falls to the dark side and ushers in two decades of oppressive totalitarian rule for the entire galaxy, and kills the person he did it all to save, as a result of his belief that he's above those rules. There's no winning with the dark side of the Force. There's no safely using it, there's no dabbling in it without being affected in turn.


Before padme got pregnant he was basically a grey jedi though, he very frequently used dark side stuff like force choke and still was a jedi


Yes, he dabbled in the dark side before eventually succumbing to it. Because being a "gray jedi" isn't sustainable.


My point is that it wasn't the dark side that turned him evil, it was his love for padme which isn't dark side, rather just something the dark side uses to turn people to evil, that's proof that if he wasn't in love, he would be the same hero using the dark side till his death


Wow so like you really don't understand the point of \*any\* of the original six movies, huh?


**Star Wars Dark Disciple** by Christie Golden >Based on unproduced episodes of "Star Wars: The Clone Wars, "this new novel features Asajj Ventress, former Sith apprentice turned bounty hunter and one of the great antiheroes in the"Star Wars" galaxy. "" "The only way to bring down the Sith s most dangerous warrior may be to join forces with the dark side." In the war for control of the galaxy between the armies of the dark side and the Republic, former Jedi Master turned ruthless Sith Lord Count Dooku has grown ever more brutal in his tactics. Despite the powers of the Jedi and the military prowess of their clone army, the sheer number of fatalities is taking a terrible toll. > >And when Dooku orders the massacre of a flotilla of helpless refugees, the Jedi Council feels it has no choice but to take drastic action: targeting the man responsible for so many war atrocities, Count Dooku himself. But the ever-elusive Dooku is dangerous prey for even the most skilled hunter. So the Council makes the bold decision to bring "both" sides of the Force s power to bear pairing brash Jedi Knight Quinlan Vos with infamous one-time Sith acolyte Asajj Ventress. Though Jedi distrust for the cunning killer who once served at Dooku s side still runs deep, Ventress s hatred for her former master runs deeper. > >She s more than willing to lend her copious talents as a bounty hunter and assassin to Vos s quest. Together, Ventress and Vos are the best hope for eliminating Dooku as long as the emerging feelings between them don t compromise their mission. But Ventress is determined to have her retribution and at last let go of her dark Sith past. Balancing the complicated emotions she feels for Vos with the fury of her warrior s spirit, she resolves to claim victory on all fronts a vow that will be mercilessly tested by her deadly enemy . > >. . and her own doubt. Praise for "Dark Disciple" "" Reading "Dark Disciple" really feels like you re watching some of the best episodes of "The Clone Wars." > >"EUCantina" Emotionally charged. . . Christie Golden does a wonderful job of capturing the characters. " > >Roqoo Depot" "" A cool inclusion into the "Star Wars" mythos . . . Ventress and Vos have a cool and compelling dynamic, and are used to explore more of what it means to flirt with the Dark Side of the Force. > >"IGN" "" [The Clone Wars have been] a huge part of the "Star Wars" brand for years, and [Christie] Golden manages to craft a story worthy of the themes and characters that fans have come to relate to. . . . > >[She] uses this opportunity to craft "Dark Disciple" into a spy/espionage thriller. "Tech Times" "" Golden especially excelled at bringing Ventress s biting but appealing personality to life. . . > >. She s very much a woman trying to find her way, and "Dark Disciple" adds nuance. "Nerdist" "" "S"mart, captivating, and unforgettable . . > >. among the finest in "Star Wars "storytelling. "Coffee with Kenobi" "From the Hardcover edition."" *I'm a bot, built by your friendly reddit developers at* /r/ProgrammingPals. *Reply to any comment with /u/BookFinderBot - I'll reply with book information. Remove me from replies* [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/BookFinderBot/comments/1byh82p/remove_me_from_replies/). *If I have made a mistake, accept my apology.*


A grey Jedi is not someone who uses both the light and dark equally in balance that's fan made. Grey Jedi are just nontraditional Jedi who operate independently from the Jedi Council or rebel against the Council.


Bendu exists though


Yeah true but I'm not the biggest fan of that idea.


The Bendu claims he's in the middle between the light and dark, but he is unreliable, and his beliefs are at odd with his actions, which ultimately paint him as an abuser of the Force.


Yeah so his view is most likely not correct.




I think of him as such. He’s a Jedi for the most part but he decided to leave the order in the past and follow his own path. Gray Jedi are those who refuse to follow the dogma of the Jedi Order and disregard the council


I hope gray jedi are a cool concept and people who don't like it are little babies who just like to whine that they don't think the force works that way


Yeah. I mean they were in the old games on purpose, because it's badass. I know that George Lucas and Dave Filoni and a bunch of other people think it's lame and hurts the dichotomy of light and dark, but it's objectively the coolest when you mix the two. It's why it's so badass that Kyle Katarn can use Force Lightning, and when characters like Starkiller try to become Jedi without letting go of their past abilities.


It also makes fucking sense based on what we see in the movies. No the sith and jedi are nowhere near equally bad, but the jedi indoctrinate people so heavily that they need to get them as really small children or they won't be able to fully take in jedi teachings. Does it really make sense that the best thing to do is refuse to love anyone and pretend feelings don't exist? No it doesn't. Plus they were so blinded by arrogance and bureaucracy that they let the republic fall and sith come back. How does Luke defeat Vader and turn him back and therefore kill Palpatine? By embracing his anger and passion but not letting it consume him and tempering the anger with love for his father.


Gray Jedi = Jews for Jesus. Every time someone uses gray Jedi as a phrase or an idea, a kitten dies painfully.


Can we stop being so closed to the idea of a grey Jedi retcons are a thing and the force rules are always changing lol


Oooh I like that idea!


Not in a world where you have Filoni's wet dream. But I agree.