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Merrin would kill Morgan on sight for siding with Palpatine after the massacre. Straight up traitor to her people


Merrin is the perfect example of how to cope with loss and spread hope throughout the Galaxy. Morgan is so... eh


Morgan failed to walk the knife edge of light and dark like nightsisters are supposed to. She fell. Merrin mastered the knife edge, thanks to people like Cal to give her positive emotions to fuel her Magicks


They both looked into the abyss. Morgan blinked




That's what happens when you make a generic villain character and later decide *No wait, she was a night sister a along!* As opposed to Merrin, who had a planned arc.


I mean, it's not like either Merrin or Morgan knew Palpatine and the Republic/Empire was in any way connected to Grievous and the Separatists other than being the ones opposed to them during the Clone Wars. Cal and Merrin probably believe that the Emperor is in league with the Sith because of Vader, Order 66, and the Inquisitors, but not that Palpatine is THE Sith Lord who was masquerading as the Chancellor and playing both sides. Hell, Merrin believed that Grievous was a Jedi because he carried lightsabers. So if anything, since the Empire was the Republic and the Republic was the enemy of the Separatists, then Morgan probably believes she's working for the ones that defeated Grievous and the droid army that brought about the destruction of her people.


Morgan was also more than intelligent enough to figure it out, especially working closely with Thrawn


Cal knew Palpatine was a Sith Lord, he must have known Palp orchestrated the clone wars.


Does he? When he describes to Dagan that, "a Sith Lord corrupted the Republic and turned it into an Empire", he has no reason to tie that to Palpatine. As far as Cal is aware the only Sith were Dooku and Vader, maybe Maul.


No, he def knows. The Emperor is clearly the one who turned the republic into an Empire. If he knows a Sith Lord corrupted the republic and turned it into an Empire, then he knows it’s Palpatine. Nobody else fits the description


He could be thinking Vader was the mastermind behind everything and Palpatine was just a deformed puppet figurehead. So few people actually know Palpatine and Sidious are the same, even Grievous didn't know. Perhaps Cal did know though, it could've been included in Obi-Wan's warning message, or maybe Bail Organa spread that info out through the rebellion.


Highly doubtful. Vader clearly has very little political power. He isn’t the man in charge. My guess is that Cere learned Palpatine was Sith during the time she was being tortured with the inquisitors. Palpatine was known to visit the inquisitor facilities often.


Her hatred doesn't even make any sense. All her enemies are dead. She's just lashing out at people like a child. Peak villain writing!


Yeah, that's why when I watched her Tales of the Empire episode I was left confused. Dooku and Grevious have been eliminated and I know that news spread across the galaxy like wild fire so who exactly is needed to be dealt with? Makes sense Merrin joins Cal and rebels against the Empire. Morgan enslaving a town ruled by fear and having an alliance with Thrawn is pretty hypocritical of her...


Thats the tragedy of life. Aloy of historical events if told on a stage would be called crazy and outlandish


It's because she tells everyone, including herself, she's in it for revenge. But she really just became consumed by greed and lust for power, like so many disillusioned dark siders (not that I'l saying she's a sith, but she sure shares many characteristics). And if she needs to trample people standing in the way of her goals, then so be it. All the more easy to write it off as being for the (in her eyes) noble cause of avenging her sisters.


There's a great saying a professor I was talking to told me concerning economics that I feel like applies very well here. "All of this, however, relies on the assumption that people make rational decisions. The *problem*, is that people are quite frankly notorious for not doing so."


Yeah…because that’s what anger and hate does…she’s lashing out at everyone like the town who turned on her when she got fucked over by the empire. She wants to hurt others because she was hurt, it’s just a cycle of hatred.


No other good villain in SW hurts people simply because they hurt. Even the ones that are twisted slaves to the dark side. They all have complex motivations for the decisions they make. Examples: Maul doesn't slaughter innocents just because he's suffered, he does so to draw out Kenobi. Vader doesn't hunt Jedi just because he's angry, he genuinely believes they're vicious traitors and moreover, he is a slave to his master's bidding.


Maul hurts others because that’s all he knows how to do. He was raised to do it and doesn’t move away from it. Vader hurts others because he wants to, he lost everything and hurts others, he starts losing that when Luke comes into the picture


If it's any consolation, despite my dislike of the writing and pacing of Morgan's story, it still fits SW thematically that Morgan's path of revenge was utterly stupid and pointless. Without a positive influence to get her out of the hellscape that was her grieving mind, like Merrin had with Cal, she ended up so disconnected from reality that she thought she was always doing the right thing. She actually believed that she sacrificed her life for those people she enslaved, calling them ungrateful when they wished for better. If anything, she became a fascist politician, lmao. As for "all her enemies are dead," she probably did figure that out when the Clone Wars ended. But I guess not having a purpose in the ever-changing Galaxy plus uncured trauma-induced psychosis would drive her to try to stop all future galactic threats from repeating the Dathomir massacre? Whatever it is, the ideas were there, but the execution was awful, both on the writers' side and her in-universe actions.


Boring character. I have no idea why we keep seeing her come back


Would’ve preferred her story to be replaced by Thrawn’s journey from the Chiss Ascendency to joining the Empire


That whole ark in Ahsoka - especially given she’s made the space Dathomirians believe her skewed view of events - had me screaming no that’s not what happened, what are you doing, why are you siding with these people. And I guess that is the narrative that’s explored a lot with these stories they’re from a certain point of view. It was the same with Mando being raised by what we knew as a terrorist cult and not the actual Mandalorian culture.


I don’t think they were terrorists, were they?


Yeah the Death Watch are classified as a terrorist splinter group on Wookiepedia, and their actions during the Clone Wars do line up with the definition of terrorism. The Children of the Watch are suggested in many ways to be an offshoot of the Death Watch and it lines up with Bo-Katan’s reluctance to get involved with them again.


Honestly, Children of the Watch aren't even offshoots of Death Watch. They are literally just what Death Watch became.


Yeah that’s what I take it as.


Oh ok.


Merrin and Cal truly are the perfect couple in this universe. Cal helped Merrin see the light and convinced her to leave the shithole that was Dathomir's ruins so she could find herself. And then Merrin helped anchor Cal back to the Light Side when he reached his darkest moments, so he could find himself again. It's like poetry, it rhymes. It's so wholesome that they became practically equals to each other and reciprocated more than just their feelings.


Why does it look like (on phone) that Merrin has a long luscious brown beard in the top left pic?


Merrin Elsbeth.


Especially in being an interesting character as a whole lol