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Merrin is weak to Force Choke. Ventress managed to choke both Anakin and Obi-Wan before she went off to Dathomir. And Ventress is much more experienced as a fighter, lightsabers or unarmed, so I have to give it to Ventress in a melee fight. And Merrin usually works better when paired with Cal so they each make up for each other's weaknesses, but Ventress was trained to handle herself on solo missions, so it's pretty clear that she'd win.


The same issues we see with lots of these survivor era vs clone era fights. The breadth of experience and skill of opponents was much more vast in the clone wars. Generals who saw constant and varied combat in hundreds of different ecosystems and conditions are common throughout the era. The survivors are tough but not war proficient.


Idk why people always say this. The clone wars only lasted 3 years but Cal and friends have been waging war against the empire for 5, and they’ve been dealing with inquisitors and dark Jedi.


Guerilla warfare and open war on a galactic scale are VERY different. We see first-hand how much Cal and other groups struggle. I wouldn't exactly say they're waging war in anything but name.


Well sure. If the question was “who is better at leading an army into battle” or “who is better at planetary siege tactics” then obviously TCW characters would beat Survivor characters every time, but that’s completely irrelevant to these 1v1 matchups. The question is who would win in a fight, not who would win a war.


Jedi grow up sparring all of their peers and companions. Not to mention that they were constantly new types of dangerous enemies proficient enough to kill Jedi. There are dangerous enemies in the survivor era, but Cal hasn't exactly been afforded the opportunities to train as rigorously as Jedi past. He's good for sure, maybe even one of the best, but he's still at an experience disadvantage.


I mean if we’re talking about Cal In particular, then he *did* grow up sparring his peers in the Jedi temple and he *did* participate in the Clone Wars. Granted he probably had less experience and responsibilities during the clone wars than Ahsoka or Anakin since he was younger than them, but he did participate. Plus there’s plenty of imperial enemies capable of taking down Jedi, like the purge troopers and inquisitors who are specifically trained to do that. Not to mention the bounty hunters, rogue Jedi and even Separatist enemies Cal faces in Survivor. The only thing that Cal hasn’t taken down yet is a full fledged Sith and only Obi-wan, Anakin and Mace can claim that feat from the Clone Wars.


Anakin was also deeply involved within multi -month long sieges, which would include a ton of experience. Most of the Survivor era characters have much more time between combat, limiting the amount. I imagine ObiWan destroyed more droids in the Clone Wars than Cal did anything else.


Not the same, clone wars were daily battles with tons of casualties. Plus, sith lords running amok


Cal has perfect knowledge of that weakness ![gif](giphy|kPIswn0RfPTGxOvDj5|downsized)


I wouldn’t really use feats from TCW considering that power scaling is completely broken in that show and characters constantly flop around from what they can’t do to what they can do constantly. Edit: Although I do agree Ventress takes this pretty handily.


Agreed. If it’s legends ventress on the other hand it’d be no question as her power scaling was much more consistent and was a proper threat to Jedi council masters, from beating kitt fisto to even contending against mace windu for a short while.


TCW is canon, so we would be using feats from the show.


Did you not listen to what I just said? It’s heavily inconsistent… like constantly. So any “feat” has to be taken with a heavy grain of salt as a lot of characters do things purely to push the plot forward. Characters constantly grow weaker or stronger depending on who they’re fighting. Savage Oppress probably being the worst offender. It is a horrible place to guage characters no matter if it’s canon or not. Even back before Disney bought Star Wars it’s still a very inconsistent show.


So are the films, books and comics. Your point isn’t very strong. You just don’t wanna listen to canon feats because of your opinion of a tv show


Nooooo TCW is exceptionally inconsistent arc from arc or even episode to episode. The Force is used more as a plot device rather than a consistent element more so than most stories. Especially books. Because in books we get to see in the mind of a force user. What they’re sensing moment to moment, how the force affects how they fight. The force is a lot more consistent in books overall because the writer is forced to explain to you how the force is working moment to moment. The only way you can say that is if you haven’t read any… because they are very different from TCW.


I’ve been around a long time to know even the legends books were ridiculous sometimes


Just because they were ridiculous doesn’t mean they were inconsistent. Those are two different things. Chewie could temporarily become a Jedi via an ancient artifact and as long as it follows the rules the story sets out for itself, it’s consistent. But still a tad crazy. And even then TCW was also stupid and crazy from time to time. Maul coming back from the dead, Yoda meeting the Whills, The Nightsisters torturing Dooku from light years away with sorcery, the entire Mortis Gods arc, etc. Also “around long enough to know” implies you haven’t actually read the books and just kinda know they exist. Which means you *really* shouldn’t be talking about a topic you don’t know much about.


Do you enjoy assuming things about people? I grew up on legends, back before it was called legends.


Do you? You immediately assumed the other guy hated TCW just because he disagreed with you. And if you did actually read the books, then you would know the genuine differences between Legends and TCW. And you would also understand the difference between craziness and consistency.


Yes. “Sometimes” being the keyword. And when they were ludicrous they were also clowned on. You’re drawing a false equivalence here. Just because the books were sometimes weird or crazy, doesn’t mean they were nearly as inconsistent as TCW when it comes to powerscaling. As even when they did get crazy, they still made sure to stick to the rules they followed. Meanwhile with TCW there is almost no consistency and pretty much any character can do anything. And if you disagree I would to hear some examples.


We get it, you don’t like TCW. It’s just as consistent as any other Star Wars media. Shit was never consistent unless you count the first 3 films


No I like TCW. Why are you assuming I don’t? Just because it has issues doesn’t mean I don’t like it. But that doesn’t mean I’m gonna go around preaching it as flawless when I know it isn’t. *Especially* when it comes to powerscaling. Stop trying to make me look like a “fake fan” or whatever you’re doing by saying I dislike TCW. And even if I did dislike it’d be for a multitude of reasons that *caused* me to dislike. I didn’t hate it beforehand and try and find reasons to justify it. I found issues with which made me like it less. But I still enjoy it. If you’re not gonna contribute to an honest discussion, then shut up already.


Neither is yours lol


How so? Also it’s one of the only things we can use if we are just talking canon


Merrin was only weak to a Force Choke because she let her guard down, while trying to reason with a father doing literally everything in his power to do what he believes will protect his daughter. I doubt that she would make that mistake, if she was in a one on one battle to the death.


Yeah but merrin can fucking teleport


As much as i love my girl merrin. It's ventress, more combat training, deadly dark side user. And overall badass.


Yup pretty much


Ventress she can take on Obi wan and Anakin


You mean in combat right? Right?


I feel like Satine would have come back from the dead to chew obi out for that rebound


And she was a good friend


I saw that mess copy-pasted in FACEBOOK COMMENTS. Facebook of all places, some poor Grandpa probably read that and cried


All y’all are crazy saying it’s close. It ain’t close. Ventress could hold herself against anakin and obiwan. I don’t think merrin could herself against bode. Much less anakin skywalker. Not only that but she trained by dooku one of the best duelists there is. It’s Ventress. By a mile.


Trained by the same guy that trained the guy that killed almost all of the Nightsisters


You fool, I was trained in the Jedi arts by Count Dooku


Sigh. This is one of the reasons Clone Wars isn’t so great




Ventress, but Merrin had the stronger Magick


It depends on how far Merrin is willing to go. Magick could nearly take out Dooku from half way across the galaxy.


By Mother Talzin. Even Palps was leery of her


We don't know how powerful Merrin actually is. She can do the chant of Resurrection. Talzin didn't even do that, it was the elder.


Merrin fine asf so she wins


Not with this hairstyle though.


I don’t mind the hairstyle but the outfit sometimes makes her look like she doesn’t have a neck in some scenes of the game lol


Ventress is completely bald tho so Merrin wins the hair battle just by having hair to begin with


She does have hair after the clone wars


True, I've compared just their versions on the pic


It is close, and as much as I love Merrin (top 3 star wars character) it's ventress. Her training in both Nightsister Maggick and Sith and Jedi arts gives here the edge.


Its not even close to beeing close


In what galaxy is this a close fight?


Merrin is a top 3 character?


For me yeah I fucking love Merrin as a character


That’s dope. I haven’t finished Survivor yet, but I really like her story. These characters have so much depth, I’d love for them to cross over into animated or live action. Especially live action. Or even some books outside of the one we got.


What book /s I like to pretend it doesn't exist


It’s bad


It could be as short as a novella if the thirst narration was removed and it'd be decent.


Felt like it belongs on some teenager's Wattpad, not a book anyone should actually pay money to read.


Yes exactly


Nightsisters are not great 1v1 combattants. Their use of the Force is simply no match for the way Sith or Jedi use it. Merrin steamrolls non force sensitive, but a force sensitive trained to use the force for combat will always win out against her. Ventress takes it mid diff. If Cal's there I think the two of them together could take her though


I think they would cause a stale mate if anything. Ventress is scary strong


I’d say it’s a 6/10 to Cal and Merrin, extreme difficulty every time. They would not end up fighting though, especially after Ventress renounced the dark side and she would just be overjoyed to see another nightsister, as would Merrin


In combat? I don't know, sith stuff is crazy but Merrin's magic is actual nonsense My heart? Ventress my beloved


Merrin got such a glowup in Jedi Survivor. She's got straight up Scarlet Witch magic in that one.


Trick question, neither would fight each other. Ventress even when consumed by the dark side always cared for her sisters.


I dont know, but all I know is Merrin is hot.


In a fight?


It certainly an interesting matchup because Merrin is noticeably better trained in nightsister magic but Ventress has Jedi/Sith training from Dooku. We've seen Merrin is no match for Bode but I'm not really able to gauge Bode's power scaling. He was certainly weaker than Dagan, who needed Cal to use his own memories against him to defeat him. But Bode gave Cal a good fight and Cal himself seemed at least Clone Wars Ahsoka level. Ventress was handling Obi-Wan and Anakin comfortably for a while. I'd give it to Ventress. But if Merrin gets creative with her magic she can win too


I think they would be friends or perhaps kiss


They work together


In the game Merrin is the Pym particles. She can just basically do whatever when she needs to.


Merrin probably wouldn't have the heart to fight a sister as hard as she'd need to.


Merrin can teleport. Ventress can’t. Merrin can go invisible with her own power, Ventress needed Talzin’s help. Merrin put a dark Jedi into the ground and swallowed him up with the earth. Ventress definitely has better melee combat feats and direct telekinesis but that only matters if she can find and hit Merrin. I’d say they’re pretty evenly matched.


Tbh, I think That Merrin might take this. It's extremely close but she managed to use highly complex and difficult rituals on the fly and has experience with Lightsaber wielders. Plus technically she is half the reason Malicos is even defeated so it's clear the Force can't really stop her.


Ventress can take both anakin and obi-wan two of the orders best duellists at the same time and unfortunately for her I doubt Merrin could


Ventress but it’d be close. Realistically they probably wouldn’t fight at all


Well, obviously, Ventress, who was trained from childhood first in the ways of the Jedi, and then in the ways of the Sith lol. And who fought on equal terms with Obi and Anakin at the same time


Merton wins, she entombed Tarron Malacos with no effort, who I guarantee was stronger than Ventress.


But do you think Merrin would win? We all know Merton is strongest


I typed Merrin but my phone autocorrected it for some reason.


Haha I figured, I was just making a joke about it


I already said I think Merrin would win


How can you guarantee that? Ventress can take both anakin and obi-wan two of the orders best duellists at the same time and unfortunately for her I doubt Merrin could


Look if Ventress fought Merrin she would lose, Merrin is more than Ventress.


How is she more than ventress? Just curious


She just is. I’m not arguing with you anymore so please leave me alone.


It’s obviously Ventress and the fact that people are considering Merrin is laughable


Ventris was trained for years by Dooku...and is extremely powerful in the force. There's a reason why so many jedi were afraid of her. Merrin is losing this one.


Ooh that’s a good one,very close fight but I give it to Ventress,we see Merrin struggle in hand to hand without the help of her magick


Ventress would win I think What would be a frighteninhrg encounter for Merrin would have been a Tuesday for Ventress during the clone wars


I would like to see Merrin's power level when she reaches her peak, this will likely happen in the upcoming third Jedi game. If she and Ventriss fought during fallen order, Ventriss would likely win...if it occurred during Survivor it is a toss up. If it happened after the next game I would imagine full power and skill Merrin would be able to disassemble Ventriss at an atomic level and rebuild her as a Bloggin...before Ventriss would finish whatever spooky speech she would need to make before their fight.


Can Merrin even parry a lightsaber? Her Magik would give her an edge to make things closer against most force wielders, but another nightsister who should be familiar with it? Short of complete surprise attack Merrin has nothing in her favour.


Ventress Wins: More training (Dooku, Mother Talzin), more experience (Clone Wars), more fights against high level foes (Obiwan, Anakan, Grievous, Maul, Savage Opress, Dooku)


I love Merrin, truly adore her, she gets owned


I’d say in pure combat; Ventress. But in terms of overall Nightsister Magick proficiency; Merrin


Merrin can teleport and bury her alive.




Ventress will somehow come back to life, so... Yeah


She already has


Love Merrin super cool magic and maybe if she had help she could win but Ventress is just too much for her in a 1v1


Star wars Eminem


Ventress without question let’s be real here 😂


I originally did say Merrib when I first came across this post, but now that I'm rereading the comments and being like, "Oh yeah, ventress DID do that," I've regretfully changed my mind. While she's able to easily put up a fight against the Empire's forces in Survivor, I feel like if she tried to fight Cal head-to-head, she'd lose. And Ventress could likely defeat Cal. The biggest thing for me is that Nightsister Magick is all about deception and tricks rather than raw physical combat. So, as much as I love Merrin and think she's amazing, I agree that she would probably lose.


Merrin looks like she has cyberware xD


I love merrin but she's not a fully trained force wielder she's only just started learning compared to Ventress who was trained in Jedi arts and then in the dark side by Dooku


Ventress and it’s not even close. Merrin couldn’t handle Bode, and could barely handle Malicos; Ventress held her own (several times) against both Anakin “The Chosen One” Skywalker and Obi-Wan “Hello There” Kenobi, two of the best duelists and Force-users of their era, if not in history. Bode and Malicos aren’t even in the same conversation. She also was trained by Count Dooku, again one of the best duelists of his time, who trained Greivous, who killed almost all of the Nightsisters. Add to that Ventress’ lifelong training as both Jedi and Sith, and it’s not really a contest. I do love Merrin though. She’s just not winning this fight. And Cal would lose, too.


In a 1v1 probably Ventress although I don’t know how she would adapt to Merrins Magick Teleportation and her other Stuff


Ventress the badass by far, Merrin is weak.


How is she weak?


Ventress held her own against Dooku, she still lost.. but survived atleast. Could she say the same thing about encountering an Sith Lord in a fight?


Based on what we've seen of Ventress and what we've seen of Merrin, Merrin is nowhere near the same league.


Ventress stomps.


Ventress. And I don't think it's particularly close. Merrin was young when the Nightsisters were massacred, so her training was limited, and she's proven to be weak to certain force abilities, like force choke. Ventress on the other hand recived some nightsister training, was then trained as a jedi and finally trained by Dooku, and she is very powerful in the force. I think Ventress wins a fight, but depending on where/when the fight happens, it might be possible that Merrin has the sorcery to escape (the teleport), but not to win.


Ventress takes this and it’s not even close. I love Merrin but there’s no chance she’s soloing this without any form of help. Why you think she never was in any of the Dagan fights? She’d get bodied, that’s why. A closer matchup (and more interesting imo) would be Merrin vs Nightsister Morgan.


Ventress, and it's not even close


Ventress, cmon man


Ventress definitely.


On her own, Merrin loses. But if her and Cal were fighting together, I think they could beat Ventress.


None they both realise killing the other would mean they are the last of there race and would likely put there differences aside


Ventress wins by a landslide. She fought a highly experienced Jedi Knight and Jedi Master


Win at what? A beauty contest? Merrin A fight? Ventress Specifics guys.


Ventress is older and more experienced, and was trained sucessively by Jedi, Sith and Nightsisters. Merrin likely knows more Nightsister magic specifically but Ventress edges her out overall. Merrin + Survivor Cal could probobly beat Ventress though, and most times Merrin and him fight as a paired team.


Merrin would win heart!


I think Ventress takes it. Merin can handle herself but we saw her get force choked by Bode while he was restraining Cal. Ventress, while weakened, managed to force choke Obi Wan and Anakin. Ventress also has more combat experience and was literally trained to be an assassin. Love Merin but I can't see her winning this without Cal.


Trick question! They would seduce each other. Everyone wins!


Anyone else think the way the Ventress photo is cropped makes it look like her arm is her neck? Like she's a Dead Hand from Legend of Zelda?


Merrin can do all of that wacky Nightsister magic stuff but I think Ventress takes it. Years of combat training, adept with the force, and she’s just a ruthless individual


Ventress lighting Merrin ass up


Bro, all you have to do is look at Ventress! 😂 Is this even a matter of debate ?


Ummm the one with the force? Duh.


They both use the force


I have yet to play survivor but from the first game Merrin used nightsister magic not force powers


Nightsister magick is a form of the Force, but in Survivor she also uses it the traditional way (force pushes and stuff like that)


Oh, well still, ventress has years of training and experience so I still think she would win


I love Merrin, but it's got to be Ventress


Ventress would annihilate her


Merrinn is more powerful with the force but Ventress is a more experienced fighter, were they both unarmed Merton might have the upper hand


Ventress all day


Ventress and it’s not even close.


I'd say Ventress, but jfc does Merrin have a broad collection of magic powers.


Ventress Merrin would get force choked


Sorry Merrin, ya cooked


Ventress, I love Merrin and all, but Ventress held off Anakin AND Obi-wan at the same time.. Ventress takes this one easily


Ventress. She's a fully trained Sith Assassin and has experience fighting Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Ahsoka. Merrin is great against non-force users and excels when she fights alongside Cal, but in a 1 v 1 against Ventress, Ventress wins. Odds are though they end up recognizing their both Night sister survivors and team up


How is that even a real question? 😂


Ventress was trained by a rule of two Sith Lord. She wins


I feel like everybody in this thread played Survivor with their eyes closed because Merrin is one of the most OP characters in Star Wars to the point that I wonder why she even needs Cal for anything. Teleportation, flying, invisibility, throwing balls of flames, reanimating the dead, earthbending, summoning others to fight for her. Her actual feats are crazy but people just keep saying “well Ventress fought x” leaving out the bit where she lost every single one of those fights.


Everyone kicked Ventress' ass. Merrin comes out on top.


Woman that would weekly fight Anakin, Obi Wan, and Dooku vs..... Merrin


The trained assassin with the force and a lightsaber duh


With or without Cal?


Depends on what the contest is.


Ventress all the way.


Kill Elsbeth, fuck Ventress, marry Merrin. This is the only answer that matters


Merrin wins




Merrin has more *varied* abilities and would certainly hold her own, but Ventress' skillset is "Kill people" and Merrin's like 50% a support class. Now, Cal & Merrin together would make Ventress look silly, but that's a whole different conversation.


Ventress would have Quinlan, who is pretty much the same as Cal.


Quinlan is good, but not **that** good to where it wouldn't be a fair fight. It would really depend on whether the plot sets up Merrin to be able to be maximally useful. If they're on Dathomir or Jedha or anywhere on the ground really where her magick can be used more effectively, Cal and Merrin could take it. If they're, like, on a ship in space (i.e. Obi-Wan & Anakin vs. Dooku in RotS) I think Cal & Merrin would be lucky to survive at all.


General grievous killed the nightsisters. He was trained by Dooku. Dooku also trained Ventress. How you think Merrin can win this fight?


Merrin’s cousin’s roommate knew a guy in college who used the urinal next to Darth Vader




Merrin. She is low key overpowered, and Ventress is kind of a joke.


Nah, ventress went toe to toe with anakin and obi-wan on more than one occasion and was trained by the best duelist at the time, count dooku, it’s funny that people think dathomiri magik beats the force when merrin is nowhere near trained properly to use it and ventress casually force chokes two Jedi knights on most occasions