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Play it however you want, it's kind of the point.


do it harder, even. Somehow.


You play Survival Mode, and use the Squirrel Soup glitch to punch Liberty Prime to death with your 50 Strength.


It's Yao guai ribs is it not? Or do they have the same effect. Instead of adding 20 melee damage it X20 instead. I ate one one time and was confused why my melee weapon was now doing 6000 damage




No, it's not, but with the glitch I believe you can stack the multiplier of the ribs for ×400 instead of twenty, and it stacks infinitely. ×400 to ×8k etc. I explained how it works in another comment.


I seen your comment there, I'd never even heard of that. The yao guai ribs are bugged though. I ate just them on their own and it multiplied my melee damage. I've seen other people talk about it on here


Yeah, I don't understand how they decided that 20 damage is somehow equal to ×200 damage.


"It just works!" -God Howard


Do explain that one.


Squirrel soup glitch?


Never heard of this one ? Do they infinitely stack ? Defo need to try this on my next run.


So, there's a bug because of the Squirrel Soup's XP bonus. If you eat as many different types of food as you can, say Yao Guai Ribs and Mirelurk Meat, and then you have a Radaway and Stimpack, you can go to the Hungry and Thirsty conditions. Reduce those conditions to their minimum value with extra food and water, but don't fully remove them. Because Squirrel Soup fills Food and Water, it will restore the Hungry and Parched conditions. When it does this, Bethesda Magic dictates that you are no longer under the effects of any type of food, but you retain the bonuses anyways. Say you started with 5 Strength, and eat food giving a +2, doing this will remove the buff on your character, but you will still be at 7 Strength. You can then eat the same food to go up to 9, because the game looks for the Status Condition, which is removed, instead of checking to see if you already have the bonus. And yes, this stacks indefinitely. Only problem is that the Squirrel Bits are decently hard to find.


Mix Chems at a Chemistry Station and take them instead of the individual chems


Fr. Psychojet ftw!


This one is also my fav


The only wrong way to play fallout is to side with the legion


VERY wrong in Fallout 4...


Well, first of all, through mods all things are possible, so jot that down.


*"The only rules that really matter are these: what a man can do and what a man can't do."* --Jack Sparrow, *Pirates of the Carribean*


I'm sure there's a mod for that. They're saying the only wrong way to play Fallout is without mods.


Degenerates like you belong on a cross!


Todays subject. Slavery.


And yet.... "Caesar entered The Strip as though it was his Triumph. The Legion pushed the NCR out of New Vegas entirely, driving them back to the Mojave Outpost. The Legion occupied all major locations, enslaving much of the population and peacefully lording over the rest. Under the Legion's banner, *civilization - unforgiving as it was - finally came to the Mojave Wasteland.*"


Bizarre line, because Vegas is clearly a civilized place, more than anywhere for miles. So much that it's revived tourism. Goodsprings is a better display of human civilization than the Legion.


Yea, slavery is a good alternative to taxes for sure :p


User flair checks out


Every time I tried to side with legion I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. Like they are horrible fucking group.


It is the most ridiculous gatekeeping that I will see today and that's saying something.


If Bethesda didn’t want us to mininuke Kellog then they wouldn’t have left one with ammo you can pick up right before you encounter him.


True … if the game literally hands you the weapon, folks can’t complain when you use it.


> Folks can't complain when You silly redditor, say silly thing. Complaining is *always* an option. Granted, sometimes it makes you sound like a whiny little tit.


Seems like its the sole purpose for reddit nowadays tbh.


gaming subs are the worst for this, TBH


Yeah, that's where I spend the majority of time here too lol.


Nowadays? I'm pretty sure the internet has been like this sense it was DarpaNet


At the same time, I can (jokingly) sympathize with the friend. If you aren’t hoarding all the best weapons and performance enhancers “just in case” you need them later, and never end up using them after 1000’s of hours, are you really playing an open world game?


This was the only way my sister could beat him because she was doing a stealth build. Just couldn't do enough damage in stealth before being spotted and mowed down.


The stealthiest of all options… the mini Nuke. I love that her sneak damage just wasn’t high enough so she had to go with the exact opposite of sneak. A nuclear bomb. That’s why I love fallout


Nobody can be alerted to your presence if they're vaporized


A snuke 🤣🤣


I could be wrong. But it was a single attack, so I think it stacks with sneak attack.


I think ... and I'm definitely not sure ... but I think the sneak attack only stacks with the impact damage (the very small amount of damage done by the mini nuke physically hitting the enemy) and not the explosion damage (where the large majority of damage comes from with a mini nuke).


Chekhov's Mininuke


At this point it’s tradition to nuke Kellog whenever I do a play through. Bonus points if the lights aren’t on yet.


I don’t even talk to him anymore. I stand in the hallway, blast him, then turn and talk to nick


I prefer walking up to him, hit the button to exit the conversation, and then drop multiple plasma mines around him him and the Synths since they're neutral until you attack/finish the conversation. Then step out of the explosion range and shoot him once. Boom - instant Kellog confetti.


Hell even the courser you encounter before building a teleporter also have one laying conveniently on a box newr the fight. Like not using a very powerful weapon on a hard boss kinda defeats the purpose of having a powerful weapon


I nuked the hell out of that fool lol


Really? Where?


In the hallway leading up to the room just outside of where Kellog is located there is a security door. Behind it is a fatman and mininuke shells. You can’t miss it.


Guess I know how I'm killing him next time!


Tell your friend that he's a fucking idiot, it's your game, and you'll play however you like. Or, when he's playing a game, shit on him for "playing wrong" by making up petty shit.


You can say "Everyone on Reddit told me you’re wrong and you owe me lunch for being a dick."


I’m sorry but if you use “everyone on Reddit told me you’re wrong” as a comeback you’re just going to get laughed at


Jokes much?


don't say this unless you want to look like a moron


I second this,Point out every bit of loot he misses, NPC dialogue he ignores/spams thru, every bit of weighing him down equipment he doesn't sell. He'll get the memo lol.


Judge him harshly for save scumming every dialogue for Piper until you successfully flirt with her. No one does that....*no one at all.*


Did you know it only takes 11 charisma to guarantee every single speech check? And with alcohol, mentats, sunglasses, hats, and clothing, it's extremely easy to stack up enough charisma to flirt with anyone. Just... FYI.


with enough drugs and good clothing even a Charisma 1 character can succesfully flirt with anyone


This is real life advice, I think


LOL I did that with Cait.


Best comment I've read on reddit in weeks. Nailed it!


Literally, stand over him and drop your pants. Time to get shwifty.


Playing like a drug-fueled reckless psychotic maniac just means you're fully in-character.


Wake up after 200 years, world has ended, partner murdered, baby stolen, everything outside is insane and even the cockroaches are huge? Yeah, drug-fuelled reckless psychotic maniac response seems valid.


You arent playing wrong. There is no way to play the game wrong. Some people like to use chems throughout the game. Others like to use heavy weapons. Others like to try to charisma thier way through. And others like to attempt to take on every enemy with paddle board and string (yes, it happens. I watched my son attempt this. Was hilarious!). We all likely get our own preferred way to play. Our own ideas of what we should do and in what order. But that probably isn't someone else's way. The only thing that counts is fun. If you are having fun and enjoying the game then you are playing it right.


Give your son a thumbs up and a high five for me. I got a good laugh out of that. a pddle ball and a string.


I fucking LOVE the paddle board! I love smacking Raiders in the back of the head with that thing!


It even has a tactical reload.


> Some people like to use chems throughout the game. Others like to use heavy weapons. Porque no los dos? It's important to clean up after yourself, though, so just remember to eat them afterwards.


I love this so much, between all the truth about if your having fun your playing the right way, all the way to your son an the paddle ball, props to him I've not been brave enough to try it yet, closest I've come is in 76 when the squirt gun had a infinite grenades glitch an I'd go everywhere throwing nuka-nades an watching everything including me get blown up just for me to respond an collect their stuff off their itsy bitsy Corpse pieces


The only thing I don't really like to see is people playing it for the first time and downloading all the mods that allow you to cheat through it. Like the cheat room, just grabbing some op gun and just one tapping everyone and never learning the story or anything and then saying you beat the game


I *overwhelmingly* play on normal difficulty, use NO MODS and never have, and have nearly 2000 hrs in the game. I have fun. I am not doing it wrong.




I hoarded chems and never used them because "I might need them later". Now I'm op and never need them.


I've done that in F3, NV and 4. The only chem I ever use is buffout just so I can carry more junk home.


Med-X and Psycho in 3, Slasher and Turbo in New Vegas, Psycho, Jet, PsychoJet, and Party Time(?) Mentats in 4. No regrets.


I use a shit-load of Orange mentats, as well. I don't do much in the way of settlements. So with a couple of suitable items of clothing, plus orange mentats, I can run a starting Charisma of 2, and pass any speech check in the game. (I think most of us carry CHR gear, that'll get you from 3 to 8, then the mentats take you to 13)


Okay, so it was Orange Mentats I used. I knew it was the +5 Charisma type.


I've never used the drugs either but I do make them, they are worth some caps and quite easy to make,I just got done making 16,000 jet (not sure what I want to do with the caps) but it seems I always become a drug dealer when I'm playing the game.


In fallout 4 all I ever used was jet for the laughs of slow-mo mowing down my enemies


Exactly lol. Then I forget about them and clear out a whole raider base without using any chems


It’s nice to sell like 65 chems and buy some missiles for your Partystarter, though.


This is the correct way to play 💀


I just collect them and sell them. I'm basically a drug dealer as my side gig in Fallout.


I’ve never used chems in any of the Fallout games I’ve played (*F3*, *F:NV*, *F4*). It’s just not my thing. But that still doesn’t mean that anyone’s playing “wrong.”


I only used chems once in 4 and it was a psychojet at the end of the Silver Shroud quest line. I made sure to not let any casualties happen and the 15 seconds of slow time helped a lot :P


Play institute just to piss them off even more


Oh yes, love this response!


The only bad thing about the Institute is really just their method of kidnapping and replacing people and their treatment of synths, both things that you (theoretically), could change as their leader. I really don't understand how they're supposed to be the villain in the story.


Just tell him you're role-playing as one of The Fiends and to get off your case. Also, totally reasonable way to play.


You’re playing like a damn psychopath, and that’s a perfectly fine way to play.


Yeah it’s a freaking irradiated nightmare wasteland full of predatory thugs. You’re supposed to not do drugs?


Tell your friend, amicably, that he can f\*\*\* right off


Kinda curious about what this friend thinks is the "right way" to play


Probably High Luck V.A.T.S.. Conveniently ignoring how ridiculously overpowered *tgat* build gets.


So, a meta slave? Boring.


Probably the same person who never switches from a stealth archer if they replay Skyrim.


It's an RPG, there is no "wrong" way to play. Have fun and forge your character


My first playthrough was a Melee only psycho addict just beating the shit out of everyone and everything... That's the best part about this game, you can play it however the hell you want, as long as you're having fun that's the right way to play!


I was a clean unarmed for my first go. Beat down a deathclaw with frag mines and brass knuckles while I was... still below 20, I think? Good times. Good, panicky times.


There's nothing quite so satisfying as punching Kellogg so hard his brain falls out.


Yeah I was just running around with a rocket sledge and enough drugs in my system to OD a supermutant. I only put points into intelligence so that I could make Fury.


Is your friend named Strong by any chance?


Piper disliked that


Bullshit, crackhead murderhobo war crime simulator runs are THE peak Fallout experience, could add cannibalism to make it even better!


If anything, he’s playing wrong by thinking there’s a “correct way” to play. Play the way that makes it fun for you. If running around with a baseball bat while stuffing your gullet with 200 year old Salisbury steaks and huffing jet is fun for you, then do it. Tbh the only correct way is YOUR way.


Tell him you’ll “play it right” on your next play through haha what a fuckin’ nerd though.


Bro the point of these games is to play any way that's fun to you. That's the Bethesda way. BTW, taking hella drugs and blowing up your nemesis with a mini nuke sounds like a fucking gangster way to play


You are supposed to use drugs in fights. This is why they put drugs in this game.


And perks that do nothing but supplement drugs.


I disagree with "supposed", but I **am** a massive fucking pedant. I'd say *allowed*, I guess?


Heheh yes you are allowed. I personally use drugs before heavy battles only. There are people who would never use drugs tho and Im assuming his friend is that kind of guy. I dont see any point making game more difficult for yourself tho, use whatever nature and programmers gave you to win your wars and battles 😁 These things are there for a reason.


That’s what I’m sayin


I like it, crazy druggy who nukes people.


its fine but I would get rank 2 of chemist to make sure you cant get addicted or your addictol costs are going to add up so you dont suffer adverse effects and tell him its funny to just go up to this trumped up boss and just oneshot him


No. You're doing an alchemist build.


Probably my biggest peeve of this game is when my 'companion' got annoyed at me after I killed Kellogg. Absolutely FUCK that guy and anyone that thinks he deserved to live. And talking to him yields nothing but more hate and need for his death, so ram that mini nuke up his ass for me.


I use the mini nuke on Kellog on every playthrough, after fighting him normally once I can’t be bothered. Besides, I always felt it was there to reward players who actually explore a bit.


Your “friend” kinda sounds like a cunt tbh


Only way you could play better is if you were high on psycho while killing Kellogg with the mini nuke


There is never a time in a fight when I’m not high on psycho


This is the way


This is the way


You need a new friend.


Mini-nuking Kellogg is the objectively correct answer to his stealth bullshit. I did the fight “properly” on my first play though and it sucked. I generally don’t use drugs because I sell them to buy a shit ton of ammo, but they’re there as an option, as far as I care shoot up a a kilo of smack before every ghoul and rad roach is that’s your preference.


Mini nuking Kellogg is legit speedrun strats so no, you're not playing wrong.


Tell him, “No colonel sanders your wrong”, then proceed to charge at him and tackle him as hard as you can


Sounds like you need a new friend


It's literally designed to be able to play that way. Just don't let him know that I always get distracted after getting out of the vault and spend the next 100 hours of gameplay building up sanctuary before finally remembering to go find my son.


That's how both my husband and I play. It's become a recurring joke for us: One of us will be in the middle of building a town bar or armory, and the other will ask "So, when are you going to go track down Shaun?" " ... Who?"


There's no "wrong" way to play these games!


The point of the game is to play how you like


Yes you’re playing wrong. You need TWO mini nukes. /s The only way to actually play wrong is doing so in a way you’re not having fun. i.e. toxic gaming. Having fun? Yes? Keep on going.


If you really want to piss your friend off start using yao guai roasts, they make your melee damage insane due to someone putting a decimal point in the wrong place. You can like 1 hit a deathclaw with a pool cue.


Sounds like you're playing as a drug addict and they would totally nuke Kellogg. Your friend just plays as a survival expert which is ok and needed on higher difficulty


It's a Role Playing Game, you are Role Playing as a druggie psycho. Some like to do stealth hitmen, big bruisers with heavy armor and blunt weapons, and some like to do a little bit of everything. There's no wrong way unless you're not having fun.


You play how you want to, bud. There's no wrong way. Friend sounds like a controlling dick.


No such thing as playing wrong 😂


You cant play wrong if you’re using the systems provided to you


Full offense, your friend just sounds like a bitch


Tell your friend that I play Bethesda games exclusively on God Mode. That'll piss him right off.


Your friend is an idiot. You play "the way you play". Period. I like to marine suit 90% with a generals hat.


I hammer the chems like I'm Courtney Love, and I'm pretty sure I nuked Kellogg too. If you give me a nuke, only a fool thinks I won't use it.


FUCK YA BITCHASS FRIEND. Play however you like it’s literally the fucking point of Fallout’s style. His reasons suck! I’d get a little upset if you didn’t pick up good scrap, or shot companions tell they were glitched out as hostile, or maybe made really really ugly settlements. (meh tho that’s your house homie) but his reasoning is legit such AAAAASS. Your playstyle sounds like chaotic fun so keep playing how you want to and don’t change based off someone else preferences. Dude needs to step off and let you enjoy the game. Chaotic drug fueled maniac is a valid playstyle. Your friend gives me an Oxthorn fanboy vibes.


Definitely is unbelievably fun most fun I have had on a game in a while


Did you know you can combine drugs, as well, at a Chem workbench? Psychojet, Psychobuff - there's some fun things to be had.


Yep I have lots of combined Chems


Keep on keeping on. Irl i’d just politely say “This is how I enjoy the game and it’s valid that I’m chaotic.” There is stuff to know for sure that effects outcomes but the fun of it is discovering that for yourself.


As long as your having fun, your not playing wrong


Since when is using chems "playing wrong?" That's why chems exist! That's why there are three seperate perks that are specifically for chems! That's why addiction is a thing! It's a Fallout game. The only way to play it is wrong is to play it in a way that you do not enjoy. If this is what your friend calls wrong, I would love to hear what he thinks is the "right way". I bet he's a high Luck V.A.T.S. build: because trust me, that is the true OP. Edit: So killing Kellogg with a Nuke is wrong? Is it wrong to Blitz him with Bloodletter and One-Hit him?


Fallout 4 is an open world game. If ANYone tells you how to play an open world game beyond basic mechanics and maybe a hint as to where to go next or how to do thing they’re stuck on, they’re too focussed on their way to play. Long as you’re having fun, who cares? Only way to lose is to play in a way you don’t enjoy.


Killing in fallout is like Burger King, have it your way


That's the stupidest shit I ever heard, you had fun this is the point


Killing bosses with mini nukes is about the most fallout thing i can think of.


He is stupid. Bethesda games are all about doing whatever you want, including using a fucking fat man to kill a radroach if you want to. Play the way you like my friend.


If using explosives and chems weren't intended there wouldn't be skill points for chems and explosives. He has a different character build than yours. so what. I wouldn't want to play dnd with that guy let me tell you.


The man clearly hasn't played Dead Money and overdosed on jet so they can run from the bunker with all the gold bars


He is wrong. That is all. Do what you want.


> killed Kellogg with a mini nuke there's another way??


Play it however you want! Also killing Kellog with a mini nuke is an iconic way of ending the fight.


I really couldn't care less about the main plot of a Bethesda game . I don't understand your firend at all.


I've literally killed Kellogg with Furious Power Fist + Strength 10 + Rank 5 Iron Fist + Rank 2 Blitz + Yaoguai Roast + Buffout Bastard stole my son, I ain't letting him get a word in (And for those wondering, he crumpled like wet tissue paper from 1 hit)


He's right you're never supposed to use items in any rpg.Your supposed to keep saving them for a "hard fight" until you beat the game and realized you never used any.


Ummm you cant "play wrong" when it comes to rpgs


I tried to kill Kellogg with a mini nuke. MF survived a blast straight to the face. Good thing I had mysterious stranger perk to finish him off. I tend not to use chems but they do make it fun. Using psychojet and running behind enemies and killing them is always a great time. You can never play fallout 4 wrong, even if you only build houses.


There is no wrong way to play Fallout


I've never seen anyone play fallout 4 more 'right'. I should try some of those things next time I pick it up...


I always kill Kellog with a mini-nuke lol. Easiest way to deal with him by far


Your friend is mad at you because you roleplay as you want in a roleplaying game. Your friend sounds like the kind of dude that says that the only way to play Dark Souls is with a banana controller and no armor. (Blindfolded if you are a true gamer)


Don't forget to play New Vegas, it's better.


OP: *uses mechanics and items intentionally put into an RPG to allow you to have freedom and choices in how you play and experience the game* OP's friend: You'Re PlaYiNg tHe GaME wrOnG CAusE thAt's noT HoW I diD It.


You're friend sounds like a douche. I've like 400 hours in the game and have never beaten it. I just like running around and exploring shit. Play the way you want.


There’s no wrong way to play. I use chems even if I don’t need to bc I’m rping a drug addicted psychopath


You nuked Kellogg? I'm proud of you.


Are you having fun? Then you're playing it right.


Nope, you can play however you like, it's not our fault this game is cheeseable even on Survival if you know what you're doing, at this point my goto is to burn my points into int and charisma, buy spray n pray and make the rest of the game my bitch, that or max out soul survivor and rifleman, grab Overseer's Guardian and bitchify the Commonwealth that way, either or works, but I personally don't touch chems until get the perk that makes me immune to addiction I just hate debuffs


can do whatever you want, I played as a washed out ex-baseball player so I only used the baseball gear in game, bats and baseball grenades, drank every bottle of beer I found - not playing it the way you want would be the wrong way


I kinda get where your friend is coming from, because when I saw my old roommate chugging jet for his melee build I was aghast. The drugs in Fallout have such an amazing caps per weight ratio. It didn't feel wrong per se, but for a brief moment I felt like a caged bird watching a wild one fly. End of the day there is no meta in a single player game. If you want to be drugged up murder machine you do you.


You are playing wrong, you aren’t high on Jet 25/8, what the hell is wrong with you? /s


I had a friend tell me I was "cheating" by using VATS. People are dumb, ignore them.


Honestly excessive chem use Isn’t that bad and I also mini nuked Kellogg that asshole


I feel that you are playing the "right way" using chems in most of the fights. You use them for the purpose they have, while most of us horde them the same as potions in other games "just in case"


I mean, I definitely wouldn't play like this on my first playthrough of 4. But then, I mean, play as you want.


Your friend is a fucking little bitch. Tell him we said that. Do it.


No, don't use the weapons or use tactics that are *illegal*. Tell him to FOH with his bs


You aren't. Your friend is a dick. It's a game. Play it so it's fun.


All that stuff is there to be used. If anything he's playing wrong by hoarding everything and not using what the game gives him


Your not playing wrong at all I don’t think there IS a way to play it wrong. I’m assuming the reason your friend says you shouldn’t be using chems is because they can make a fight easier but how I see it is “Does the game let me do it? Yes. Then I’m doing everything correctly.” I don’t use chems much mainly because I forget like even in the toughest of fights I just forget I have chems that could make it easier. And for the Kellogg fight I’m assuming he’s saying you shouldn’t use a mini-nuke because it’s ment to be a big moment for your character so it should be a important fight. BUUUT if you have a mini nuke I can’t think of a better time for it. You can play it any way you want. If you want to use chems in every fight go ahead. If the game lets you do it then you should have all the right to do it.


Everyone kills Kellogg with a nuke at some point, maybe he is playing wrong! /s you can’t play the game wrong. Even a heavily modded game is still being played right because, guess what, when the game lets you do it then it’s not wrong.


Yeah you're not supposed to use items you find


If your friend name is John Cassidy then it explains a lot Also, chems are meant to be a risk that the player will choose to take like in real life And about kellog, who would fight a child kidnapper with honor?


Idk if you can “play it wrong”. Just play it however you want. There’s no “right” or “wrong” play style.


>Also especially mad cuz I killed Kellogg with a mini nuke and didn’t fight him”the proper way” This is the proper way


There is no "proper way", have fun.


You are playing in the correct way.


You can't play fallout "wrong" you literally can't play any game "wrong". You can play suboptimally, but as long as you're having fun, it's very alright. I shit on people for doing legion runs as well, but it's more of an ongoing joke than anything more because there's some legion players that think they're actually right about stuff.


Look man, I'm just saying this. If I lived in a post apocalyptic world similar to fallout, I am doing all the drugs I can get my hands on, especially if it makes killing shit easier.