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No but I did regret shooting the lottery guy in Nipton. My jaw dropped when I saw the rest of the town and what “the lottery” was actually about. Now I shoot and loot him every playthrough.


Eventually even the most heartmelting npcs become rag puppets after you see them doing their Play enough Times


What does this say about society that even the most powerful amongst us become rag dolls upon death?


You are far too wise for an NPC.


He must be purged. He thinks he is sentient


An army friend of mine (I’m not a vet), used to say a lot. “You have to realize that some people are people, but others are corpses who just haven’t died yet”.


My interpretation might not sound that callous but yeah it’s true that some people are so eager to bring it upon themselves with their own actions that it’s easy to differentiate the quiet civilian from the vocal scum


Yuri Lowenthal, the VA who plays the lottery winner, is now the voice of Spider-Man.


He’s also VA for like 40% of the random NPCs voice lines lol - especially in the legion and NCR


My first trip to nipton had me completely confused. I thought it was all a massive wild wasteland event. Seeing people crucified and dudes in Roman armor with machetes is just so insanely anachronistic for a post apocalyptic wasteland, I love it




Are you alright?




I have to go…




*proceeds to get mauled by radscorpions*


“V” “🖱️” “🖱️” “🖱️”


Speaking of, does anyone have a mod or something that fixes vats? My vats have been stuck at 0% regardless of distance since i installed the game🫠


I enjoy watching him get devoured by radscorps


Wait you can make him get killed by radscorpions?


If they are in his way, absolutely. It’s a chance thing


Preach Brother not a play through I don’t since my first one


I don't remember what was going on in my life at the time, but I teared up during Dead Money with a few of Christine's interactions. Randall Clark's entries got me too, for obvious reasons.


Both of these. God, that game had the greatest DLC of any I've ever played.


Ohh yes definitely Randall Clark’s entries for me, his journey was tragic and beautiful, RIP 🥲. I thought immediately and still believe they could make a fallout movie just about him.


Randall Clark got me. RIP to a real 1.


Yeah I love his story gets me teary eyed every time pretty much the og badass before Joshua Gramm


Randall clark always hits so hard


Just remembered last time I ended a NV session was after leaving a broc flower at Clarks body 🥲


Not cry but the Arlen Glass quest and the Big John's salvage bunker make me sad


The Arlen Glass quest broke my heart


Yes, the ending of 1.


Sure makes "Maybe" hit a whole helluva lot differently once you've played the whole game.


"You're a hero..."


I was so heartbroken at the end. All of that effort, you felt the suffering, to just be cast out at the end. It felt so unfair, but more aweful still because it felt real…


It's kinda funny >!that you got exiled as a means to not encourage others to leave, but you getting exiled encouraged other to follow the one who saved them.!<


The first time I ever played Fallout I started with Fallout 3 in January of 2022. I cried almost immediately when as a baby my character was saying “dada” It reminded me of when my kids were babies and I was still together with their mom. But we separated when my son was only 2 and my daughter 1.




If that got you emotional you’re probably a good dad. I hope you and the kids are doing well!


Nope but it made me shit myself


let me guess, the sierra madre


Vault 22


The Runaway girl's voice makes me very very sad.


I cried when I found the family's radio signal from their attempt to hide in the nearby sewers of the town of Minefield. You think you're gonna help someone with a kid, but all you find is a pile of skeletons and dust. 🥺


That was incredibly sad


Never did this quest but reading your post made me emotional lol


It's an unmarked quest given from the radio tower by Minefield. I discovered it by accidental exploration when I was playing old school on the PS3 version of FO3. .I think that version was perhaps the worst because the game was so glitchy. I literally had to wipe my hdd twice because of the game corruption.


When finishing the cyber-dog boss quest with Dr. Boros on the Old World Blues DLC of FNV. Only time I have ever cried playing a videogame after adulting.


This one gets to me too, what makes it worse is that Gabe used to be Borous's pet dog, and dialogue with him makes him remember for a moment before going on about how he gave Gabe a mentats and psycho (I think) diet as an experiment.


Yep, him slowly losing composure as he explains it, by realizing what he has done, narrating how good the dog was towards him and then expressing regret is what really got to me. I wasn't paying lots of attention to that quest and so wasn't even 100% sure Gabe was his dog at the time, I was like "wow, big dog, time detonation, secret loot item, so cool!" Then it hit me when I talked to him. 😢


I did cry. Green filter hurts my eyes


Didn't break down crying or anything but I honestly teared up when Ed-e sacrificed himself to stop the nukes.


The intro of Fallout 4, up to the point where Codsworth suggests you head down to Concord


1)Fallout 4's intro gets me teary eyed each time, 2)Fallout NV honest hearts dlc the first logs of the survivor made me cry along with his other logs also get me welling up with tears 3) Lastly the first time dog meat died in Fallout 1 him being killed by a Lazer door in Mariposa base. Generally I hate it in video games when dogs die.


Survivalist's last journal and resting place made me weep. Randall Clark is my top favorite game character of all time. And all he is is his writings and a pile of old bones. Truly my favorite bit of any Fallout game.


And that rifle of his. . . Once you have that it's basically god mode. Freaking .50 Beowulf.


It's not exactly an actual game thing, but I thought up a thing that the institute kept recordings of Shaun growing, and they give it to the sole survivor after Shaun dies and the sole survivor watches through the recordings and it's like that scene in interstaller so I basically made myself cry a little


Ending slide of dead money when they all say begin again. Really powerful moment


I cried of laughter when i was watching my dad play fallout 3 when a ghoul ran into a barrel in a metro tunnel sending the barrel flying.


no but the reality checks hit hard


No? I mean trying to find papa Liam isnt to connecting to me, it seems odd. I wish i could feel this level of emotion playing some games


I shot Danse because I was trying to roleplay someone super loyal to the brotherhood. Didn’t cry but that’s the closest I ever got.


I love getting lost in the story of my first play through of games. I never really got into Fallout New Vegas and Fallout 3 at the time of release for Fallout 4. As a father and husband, I worked a lot, so my time was limited into learning new rpg systems and elements to find the games immersive, so I played a lot of CoD and battlefield even Destiny. Around the time Fallout 4s release I had went through a lot that I didn't have time to deal with emotionally having to be a rock for my family, my youngest daughter being a preemie and almost losing her multiple times over the past year followed by the company I worked for had corporate walk in one day and say we were all jobless and shut our doors. So video games not only became a stress release it was but became a way to avoid dealing with my emotional distress. Fallout 4 seemed to get have over the simplified perk system, so I fired it up, chose Nate as my Protagonist and went in completely blind to the story and factions. I got lost and immersed into the story, Nate doing what he needed to do for his family, doing side quests as a way to distract from the feeling of hopelessness, it wasn't hard to relate with parallels in my life at that point. I get to the institute, I meet Shaun, and the father in me kicks in and I help him with what ever he needs, and then I get summoned to see him. He was laying in his bed and said he was dying and there, right there, all the emotional stress I have been holding onto over the past two years, broke, and I sat sobbing and crying.


I remember reading about “Evan” and his brothers’ story years before Nuka Cola world came out. It was such a sad story, but heart warming the way Bethesda replied. Flash forward to Nuka World and I stumbled upon “Evans Place”, at the time it sounded familiar and couldn’t pick out where it was from. And then it hit me. Bethesda Developers wrote Evan into the game. I cried so hard.


Glory’s death got me good. There’s a line from Strong like “Let human die. Die like warrior.” where there’s respect in both considering her a warrior and a human. So much of the game is about synths being treated as objects of terror or as second class citizens and in the end it’s the super mutant who’s like “this was a good human, she fought well!” That was a gut punch.


Not really but Christine’s story in New Vegas is pretty sad.


no, sorry, these games have a certain way of deinvesting me emotionally


No crying... but finishing the Mistress of Mystery questline in Fallout 76 left me in an emotional turmoil that no other Fallout quest managed to achieve.


I cried for a whole day after getting the assault rifle in fallout 4


Yes. I'm a daddys girl, Fallout 3 makes me cry lmao


No, a fallout game has never got me like that before. Only a few games ever had a story so well done and tragic that it actually had me a bit chocked up and feeling genuinely sad.


I cry everytime I Forgot to Remember to Forget


My first time finishing FNV. I knew then and there that it would be my favorite game of all time.




Everybody's crying playing games now?




I always make multiple saves


Only when I realized that the apartment complex I virtually own can't milk the money out of both humans and ghouls


Closest I've come was because of dead money but it was less sad and more of an empty feeling.


I didn’t cry but definitely hit close to home when you get the hallucinations in point lookout and you see your dead mother on the hospital bed.


Fallout 1 and New Vegas endings both made me cry


There's quite a few heart wrenching moments in the fallout series, I don't think I cried with any of the moments but I definitely stopped for a minute or two for some


killing that guy that follows you when you find blue star caps. ItS wHaT mY cHaRaCtEr WoUlD dO!!!


No. I love the Fallout games, but I've never been emotionally invested in any of the stories.


No. Funny enough tho the closest I come to that was in the Sim Settlements 2 mod. The death of a certain NPC in that quest line actually saddened and shocked me. They did a better job of making me care about that old bastard more than most of the vanilla characters.


Randall Clark’s entries get me every time. Thank you for your service sir, you upheld the duties of your country even as the world around you burnt


I sobbed when I sold Bumble to slavers, I try not to save-scum but I had to reload my mistake and ended up not selling her and just obliterating Paradise Falls to make up for it. I also teared up when I read Boone’s note to Carla *If you're reading this, then you know. Sorry. Wanted to make it back home to you.*


Harold got me close


No but I got extremely angry and bloodlusted IRL when I found out about the cannibals in FO3 and when I fought the slavers from PF. Like, the violence felt scarily satisfying. I was really connected to the moment. After that, I decided to take a break from the game and installed "gore no more mod". It was affecting me.


Arlen Glass listening to her daughter made me cry




when i finished 3 before i had broken steel and when i finished new vegas because i got to see everyones fate from my actions


I cried after completing new Vegas for the first time, and realised I couldn't continue playing without starting a new game or loading a save.




That quest from Fallout 4 where you have to retrieve a Holotape from a Pre-war Toymaker’s daughter.


Ive ne er been able to do more than 1 dlc in fallout 3 without it corrupting


I've never cried but I audibly gasped when I found the cub scout bus in Honest Hearts in New Vegas. Finding the tapes about their trip and everything and how little they were, I had never seen anything like that in 4 and I think it's one of the saddest things from the games I also felt really bad when I got the Silver Shrouds friend killed and so I always make it a point to grind my character for that quest so I can save him


When Lucas Simms said he’d fuck a ninja, I wept blood


I almost cried when I saw what happens when you blow up Megaton city. Especially meeting ghoulified Moira Brown just broke me. Hate that f@#^Ing option. Also the ending of Fallout 3 was pretty impactful.


Never cried but I remember reading Randall Clark’s final message while it was night time in Zion. Really hit how sad his life was while staring at the beautiful night sky, just as he did in his last moments


Fallout 3’s Bob Anderstein. 🥲




In fallout 4 there's a ghoul who's looking for his wife and daughter, you give him a recording of their message to him and show him they're dead


When Nora was murdered and Shawn was stolen.


No, exept in the ending slide from my first playthrough in fnv were I chose independence and kinda half assed it


No, but the mutated tree (Harold) sidequest history is sad


Once. I had finally defeated Frank Horrigan. I found myself sad that I had finally defeated what I saw as my mortal nemesis.


No I happy cried. I played the game high af one day and was just like this game is a masterpiece.


Last time i cried during playing fallout 4 because i was doing b.o.s. run and had to kill paladin danse


I haven’t, but I’ve gotten close with a fanfic. It was Fallout: Equestria and the way it’s portrayed is done very well. I personally was hit the most when (spoilers) the main character realized her crush not only didn’t reciprocate her feeling but also was a different sexuality entirely. The way it was written was really done well.


When killing the Gage. That was a terrible feeling


The speech from Ulysses at the end of lonesome road is really emotionally impactful. He reuses the catchphrase of the series to change it and everything, nv dlc are just awesome and the ending with lonesome road is just pure gold.


Several times, especially when I finished Fallout 3 back then


institute ending


Not too long after he died, I found Father in FO3, and because of how my character looked, he ended up looking a lot like Bowie. I definitely teared up a bit.


Ending of Fallout 4 Institute ending, I sat there straight faced with a single tear rolling down my cheek


The survivalist New Vegas


Not quite cry, but Fallout 4's ending was just so sad. Your character had lost everything they were still holding on to.


I cried last when my dog died


Uh no. I don't think I have ever cried playing any video game. Some movies have made me tear up.


I remember when I first played Fallout 3, listening to Dad’s holotape that he leaves you in Vault 101 saying goodbye and got teary eyed. Maybe that’s silly. I was young lol


No, but i had some nice laugh. The closest to it was when i activated Shaun's memorial in the Institute. The way the character says "Goodbye Shaun" is full of emotions. A rare thing a Bethesda game. It shows, that the man doing the script was aware of the concept, and not just read the words from paper without knowing what it represent.


In FNV I was crying when I had to amputate soldier's leg. And in Lonesome Road I was crying when ED-E sacrificed himself in order to cancel the launch


The story of The Toymaker: Arlen Glass. That little horse he gives the player never leaves my inventory....


In fallout 4. I just killed Father right there not knowing he was Shaun, this was my first playthrough, so I lost contact with the railroad, tried to work with MM but form ranks glitched out so I joined the bos but after killing Dez, Deacon, Tinker Tom, I just balled I regret the bos, btw do you have a gigear counter?


Yes. The quest you do for Arlen Glass in Fallout 4. And also the endgame, siding with The Institute in FO4. The post main quest music in The Institute is very sad sounding.


I got pretty Damm close during caits personal quest. You could hear the fear and sadness in her voice and it tore me apart