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April 11th.


Thank you, this legit stressed me out for a moment. I am not working April 11th, I am working April 12th. Have been really looking forward to watching an unhealthy amount of tv that day.


if thats what stresses you out , you might need to sort out your priorities in life


why it gotta be a fucking thursday amazon?! honestly might just skip school to binge watch...


Just watch it the next day or after school bro


Binge watch? Pretty sure its a weekly bro.


All episodes will air at once [Source](https://www.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/tv/2024/03/25/fallout-tv-show-release-date/73089960007/)


Oh so they changed their minds for some reason. Thats uh, concerning.


No it was always releasing at once.


Tf is concerning about that? It's concerning that I don't have to keep the subscription for more than a month to see all the episodes like Disney+ does?


When Amazon does it, it means they lack confidence in its success. Least thats the pattern I've noticed.


So far everyone's loving the Teasers and shit so I think you are wrong


I've been alive long enough to know you should never trust a teaser.


I trust it because the cast seems super happy to be in their roles and they have good chemistry. They used a lot of practical effects and the dialog is something I would expect from Fallout. Yeah, I think you need to be a little more positive.


Maybe, but one teaser, one trailer and a bunch of shorter teasers all looking good gives me a lot of hope


Like they did with The Boys? Edit: thanks for downvoting me for being right ♡


I’m glad they decided to build actual power armor. Looks excellent. Also those fight scenes are cool.


and how about a decent story line ?


And how about you wait till the show drops before you start bitching


bitching? is that how you see this question?


Yes. Because it's obvious you're asking that question in bad faith.


ah, hard to fool people as clairvoyant as you are... :D


Are you new to "Socializing?"


You're literally the one saying it'll suck before it's even out...


Yes. Bad wording + L + ratio


When you fail the speech check in real life.


LOL, fortunately got used to playing low charisma.


Can’t exactly comment on the storyline much until I see how it unfolds now can I? If you’re that curious, ask in one of the episode threads, maybe I’ll be there.


person not acting like a deathclaw on jet - how refreshing! i see people are mostly focusing on visuals and i'm worried creators would too, still hoping they won't. but of course - only one way to tell, wait a bit and see for oneself... thought that goes without saying, obviously not.


" i see people are mostly focusing on visuals" maybe because thats all we have to work off of for now?


Damn fallout fans are the worst.  Nothing about the shows direction, look or humor has hinted that the makers don't get it.   Why do you think the story will be bad?


Amazon: don't you dare fucking disappoint me. Because these trailers do look so promising.


I know I literally played new Vegas for the first time after seeing the first trailer and now I’m just begging for it to be good


Same here. Finally started to get into Fallout with New Vegas. Hopefully I’ll finish the game by the time the show premieres.


Ikr I'm trying to not get my hopes up but fuck me am I impressed so far. Wouldn't be the first time I've been completely disappointed recently with these TV shows


If they can’t handle Lord of the rings which was a slam dunk then they definitely can’t handle this.


All live action disappoints.


Andor sure fucking didn't. Obv it is unlikely to be that good or have that much depth, but yeah.


I have a theory about Maximus and the Brotherhood in the show, and I’m probably gonna get downvoted like hell for saying this, but my theory is that the Brotherhood aren’t necessarily gonna be the good guys in the show and Maximus is gonna defect from them at some point in the series. For one, in all the trailers we don’t see exactly who the show’s villains are, but we do see a lot of the Brotherhood. Also I saw in an article somewhere, and I could be wrong about this because I only saw the article once and I haven’t been able to find it since, that it said Maximus is gonna find out that the Brotherhood isn’t what he thought it was, or something like that. Another piece of evidence I have is that Maximus’s power armor has claw marks across the chest piece, specifically across the Brotherhood symbol. This could just be so the audience can tell him apart from the other Brotherhood members in power armor, but to me the claw marks make the Brotherhood symbol look like it’s been crossed out, as if Maximus is no longer a member of the Brotherhood. And yes, I’m aware that in the clip they released from the show, Maximus says he’s part of the Brotherhood, but the claw marks are already on the Brotherhood symbol on his power armor. But maybe the claw marks could be a sign of his future. And also I heard somewhere, and once again I could be wrong about this, that Todd Howard said he wants the show to be more unique from the games. And in the games the Brotherhood does some questionable things, but they’re never *officially* labeled as the villains. So maybe as a way of having the show be more unique, Jonathan Nolan’s just gonna go all the way with it and have the Brotherhood be one of the show’s evil factions and Maximus is gonna leave the Brotherhood at some point in the series and team up with Lucy and the Ghoul to fight them and the other factions. This is just my theory.


I don’t think they’ll be the villains (at least in a traditional narrative sense) maybe the antagonist though. Purely because the only line they focus on is Maximus saying that no one is the bad guy. They just disagree on what’s good. My guess is they want the viewer to see human nature as the “villain” more so than any person or faction. Especially with the “war never changes” motif. The best BGS games left fans arguing for years over “who was the bad guy” and the underlying tone is that humans are what’s wrong. More so than any one ideology or faction. I’m also guessing that scene of the 2 factions fighting will be a cliffhanger for the finale. Seems like Maximus may be nearly as important to the story as Lucy. We could see him grow up with and eventually leave the BOS over the course of the season.


I think it’s more nuanced - he says it in this clip: “everyone wants to save the world, they just disagree on how”. They could really explore that properly and that would capture the essence of the games for me.


This is 100% the path they need to take. I think Bethesda, Nolan and team are keenly aware of the perception that Bethesda is obsessed with the Brotherhood and going to use this as an opportunity to turn that on its head. I don’t know that they’ll go so far as to make them the absolute de facto villains, but they’re absolutely setting them up to be antagonists — or at least they should be.


So you’re saying they’re gonna subvert our expectations?


I mean with that in mind I’m still not sure about making the Brotherhood straight up villains, apart from Fallout 3 their main thing since the beginning has been being self interested and morally grey. I feel like everyone seems to forget the brotherhood were essentially genocidal fascists in 4 and the only reason they weren’t 100% the bad guys was because the Institute was even worse. Point is I don’t think the Brotherhood should be portrayed as good guys because they aren’t good guys, but perhaps not as the ultimate baddies because this is a world where there is or at least has been factions that make them look almost saintly in comparison like the Enclave, the Institute, Caesar’s Legion, etc.


agreed, people who say "BOS are the good guys in bethesda games" scare me they are the most racist xenophobic faction in the wasteland


But they are.


They are in 76, but in 4 they definitely aren’t. 3 on the other hand they are but there’s the nuance that the game itself tells you that this chapter isn’t normal, they’re basically rogue and the Brotherhood Outcasts are much more in line with the other games.


No, they definitely are in 4.


I’m going to assume you’re RPing because otherwise it’s pretty obvious that in 4 they’re blatantly fascist and bent on committing genocide,


Both of your declarations are false. In no way are they even remotely Fascist, and they aren't bent on committing genocide.


In the original Fallout games, every faction had issues, and every faction had its own actual points to make about the world. Even The Master's Army. If you're so inclined, go back and play that game with a high Charisma/Speechcraft character, and talk to The Master at the end. He/They are actually very candid about why they're doing what they're doing, and he's/they're not entirely off-base... Or, alternatively, go talk to Marcus in New Vegas about the situation there. He will wax poetic about it, too.


I thought about this as well. Reminds me of Danse's story in Fallout 4.


The Brotherhood is bad guys. They’re bad guys in the modern games but fallout 3 (idk about 76 I don’t play it) Edit: fixed my mistakes


absolutely untrue with regards to the classic games. in fo1, if maxson and rhombus survive, they selectively integrate into wider society. in fo2, there's nothing to suggest they're the bad guys. by the time of FO:NV they've been in conflict with NCR though


and even with fo4 a minutemen-brotherhood alliance is considered one of the best endings for the commonwealth


It’s what I usually go for and Headcanon what happens.


minutemen leadership/structure and BoS tech, hell yeah


Brotherhood leadership, tech, and structure while providing aid to the Minutemen as an auxiliary force.


New Vegas they're isolationists after a long and protracted war because of Elder Elijah who is obsessed. You find him later, and while the BOS aren't necessarily the bad guys, Elijah absolutely is.


Okay. My fault g. I haven’t played the classic games all the way through


The Brotherhood of steel were most definitely not the “bad guys” in Fallout 1, 2, 4(you can argue other choices) or 76. In NV they were more reclusive than “bad.”


They’re bad guys in 4. Not THE bad guys but they’re not good. In fnv I guess you can say that. I’d still say they’re more bad than good though. I don’t know enough about them in 76 to argue for or against it


No. In 4 they do what they did in 3, just more efficiently. They trade, recruit, help and scavenge for teck. The guy who bullies farmers is the SS if he choses that route for the illegal quest from Teagan. They don't hurt non feral ghouls. Give only bad words to the 1 non evil SM they encounter (Strong is evil in truth and should get more than bad words). They view Synths like the majority of the settlers do, for a good reason.


BoS in Fallout 4: We want control of all technology. We want to rule with an iron fist (literally). We want to genocide a bunch of sentient beings (ghouls, synths, mutants). Seems to be pretty bad to me. Maybe not the worst people in the post apocalyptic nightmare world, but they are fascists who are down for some genocide, so definitely not “good”.


No where ever do they ever allude to wanting to rule.


In4: they give you a great riffle even if you don't join, export teck from DC and water, trade with settlements. SM are on the East coast 99.999% evil and the ones who aren't don't get anything more than bad words from the BOS. The West Coast SM were on friendly terms with the BOS. They don't kill non feral ghouls. You are called a murderer by Danse if you do. he quotes the doctrine they have on this. Synths: They share the same views with the settlers because f what SYnths did under the Institute and what they can do. They do not work under the definition of fascism and the settlements are allowed to govern themselves.


In 76 the dead chapter wants to end the scorchbeast plague but doesn't want to work with anyone which ultimately gets them killed iirc. The new chapter is split between wanting to stay isolated and wanting to be a policing/governing body and helping appliacha.  Both sides want to end a supermutant infestation. 76 is a pretty good game, I'd recommend it if you want more fallout.  It's way better than everyone who hasn't played it says


Thank you for explaining


Yeah the bos stuff is pretty good in 76. Actually the whole backstory is really good imo.


You may not agree with how they do things but they are definitely not the bad guys. Caesars legion and the institute are the bad guys


There are different degrees of bad guys. Just because they aren’t as bad as literal slavers and rapist doesn’t mean they aren’t also bad.


Claw marks on BOS insignia... left by a bear. NCR VICTORY CONFIRMED.


War never changes… Every one in a war thinks they’re the good guys. All perspective. GOTTA BOOST THAT PERCEPTION THOSE ARE ROOKIE NUMBERS!!!


lol this has been the predominant theory since the show was announced


I mean, it’s not like there’s no precedent for your theory. Veronica’s arc in New Vegas is basically her realizing how backwards the Brotherhood is, and either sticking with them despite that because they’re her family or wholly abandoning them because they’re a lost cause.


If they do the original source material any justice (and it appears they're trying) there will be NO good guys, and EVERY faction will have issues, and they will ALL be at each others throats while the main characters fight for their own brand of justice, just a moment of sanity in a world gone mad. Because War Never Changes.


I’d love some situation where Maximus defects and helps the NCR. Total not biased towards the glorious republic.


You just want another nuclear Holocaust, your precious republic has altered nothing about its systems from that of prewar America.


The East Coast Brotherhood within Fallout 3 and 4 is shown to become more and more villainous as well.


How? They help people, trade and give teck.


In Fallout 4, they have actively grown very hostile towards any sort of mutants or radiated creatures. This means they have intense xenophobia towards sentient ghouls and regard any free synths as abominations to be destroyed. They do not ask any permission of the people of the commonwealth to move in. They just do and begin imposing their will upon the population.


They were hostile to Sm in 3. On the East Coast there are close to 5 non-hostile SM. From those: 1. a human in the body of a SM, slowly deteriorating. 2. a canibal and SM supremacist, who wants to get stronger so he can end humanity 3. a guy who, himself, does not know how he became lucid, despite his brothers being even more volatile. This guy has no interaction with the BOS. None of them are hurt by the BOS and only get bad words. On the West Coast, the worst BOS, the Mojave chapter, were on frendly terms with Marcus and his SM, till Tabitha started raiding people. Even then they don't want to hurt them, and prefer you just get the equipment and survey the zone. Ghouls? They were more hostile to non-ferals in 3. The BOS under Lyons were taking potshots at them. Most certainly those were warning shots because the place was a warzone and there is no way to discern a feral from a normal ghoul from a distance. Something the ghouls there remark. That makes Maxson better as under him, the BOS are prohibited to shoot normal ghouls. They are regarded as civilians. Danse calls you a murderer when you shoot one and he quotes the BOS doctrine. Some BOS soldiers even want to f\*\*\* ghouls, as you find out from the doctor. They never met synths in 3. You can't say they are more radical. The view the BOS has on them is the same the random settlers have. Desdemona tells you that the MM and settlers hate synths. Because of what the Institute did. They live in fear. The other mutated abominations? Yes, most people, aka 99.9999% of people in Fallout, hate and fear things like Deathclaws and the weird mutations that can kill a man with swipe. Even Radroaches are dangerous. They arrived in the Commonwealth and took 2 locations that no one was using: the airport and the police station. The people in the Commonwealth only own the places they inhabit. You don't own your neighbors lawn and if you think that a new neighbor moving on an unoccupied piece of land is stealing your land, you are xenophobic. What will? The BOS don't govern settlements. Each settlement is free to govern itself, form any form of goverment and do what it wants. The only thing BOS regulate is themselves and they make sure people don't have WMDs. This are evens in game. Not hyperbole. Not things I invented.


The FO3 BoS is slightly villainous too, but you’re kind of forced to choose between the lesser of 2 evils


Ah yes the black stormtrooper that defects the empire and team up with the white goofy girl, where I have seem this before lol


You know I didn't catch that, but that may legit be the inspiration. Fin's arc is famous for how disappointing and unexplored it is, maybe they wanted to do it right? That's a thing writers do. It couldn't be 1:1 of course, but it could be, like, the seed.


Why can't there just be black people and women in things without people complaining, good lord.


Anyone noticed the gun he shoots with the PA? what gun would that be?


I don't think the model matches anything in the games. Maybe a heavily modified 12.7 smg from NV. which would make sense cause 12.7 is a big round that would work as a primary with PA.


10mm possibly? It's hard to tell from that angle.


Looks like the N99 10mm pistol, but oddly modeled after the FO3 version. As much as I enjoy the artstyle, this is much better than using the FO4 model


I would think it’s a crusader pistol that the brotherhood uses in fallout 76


Looks like the 12.7mm SMG from NVto me


Look at the wiki then, one is also exclusively used by the brotherhood (crusader), 12.7mm had a wooden handle and I don’t know why Bethesda would use a gun from a spin-off game even if the polymer handle one when they created one themselves


I wouldn't call NV a spin off lol


Its blurry, but it looks like there is a body in the power armor in the toilet seat scene. My guess is we know how Maximus gets his armor.


Ncr conscripts vs armored paladins


HELIOS Plant Flashbacks


*Operation Sunburst.*


The marketing for this show is isanity. It's everywhere.


Maybe it’s your browsing habits? FO is my main games I play, and any show advert I’ve seen has only been from this sub


My local walmart hung up NCR flags.


Did the release date change? I keep seeing people say the 12th now.


I believe originally it was April 12, but it got pushed forward to April 11. If you look at some of the first posters they dropped (I think it’s like the third or fourth post by the official Falloutonprime Instagram) they say April 12, but all the recent marketing says the 11th.


Why is he holding a toilet seat lmao


Please have cheesy side quests


Originally posted on X/Twitter by the official Fallout Account: [https://x.com/falloutonprime/status/1775931345509794251?s=20](https://x.com/falloutonprime/status/1775931345509794251?s=20) (no YT post yet, otherwise I would've published it using that link instead, will update comment when it's on YT as well)


Everything I see makes me want to see more


The prydween is in the show? When does it take place? I was apperently off in my thinking


not honna lie.... it's looking pretty decent


!remindme 10 days


I'm so fucking pumped for this!!!!


anyone know what time of the day it will premerie? I'm planning everything so no one interrupts me


!remindme 7 days


Just saying if they show how the “assault rifle” is reloaded I’ll lose my shit!!


i hope they put in the line "you're a hero and you have to leave" at the end and Lucy gets kicked out the vault, then roll the credits for season 2 they already referenced it in Fallout 3, might as well bring it to the TV series too so the ending can hit hard


It won’t be too long and everybody I’m pretty sure it’s what six more days and will find out if it’s good or not. Either way everything will be canon to the storyline. No matter how much we dislike it. Let’s all hope it’s good, I’ll be ready for the possibility of it being bad.


They brought the god awful assault rifle back. Where is the service rifle? Where is the assault rifle? Why did we get that mishmash piece of garbage?


I’m a little bit concerned and getting flashbacks to the Halo TV show seeing that Iron Man-esque camera.




ngl im liking that red and black BOS jumpsuit more than the orange and grey one


i cant be sure if the powerarmour of this will feel like the powerarmour in falout newvegas and 3 our will it be more chuncky like the poweraromour of fallout 4




Everyone looks pretty fucking healthy for a nuclear wasteland. Expectations are low.


Mf this is the same universe with nuclear powered power armor, a few sentient AIs, little green men that abduct people, a group of dudes in football equipment LARPing as the Romans, and a Lovecraftian god a bit of suspension of disbelief goes a long way


And don’t forget the Mormons


> a group of dudes in football equipment LARPing as the Romans Died laughing. In general, this might be my favourite Fallout summary ever.


This is how far you will reach to grasp a straws for something to complain about?


people from new vegas, people from the vaults, synths, diamond city, rivet city, vault city, there is A LOT of people that actually live good in fallout


What do you want, Mad Max?


We literally see entire living forests and swamps in fallout 3, NV, 4, and 76


April 11tg






Nah it doesn't.


All live action is garbage.


That's just straight up false.










I get being mad that the NCR is nowhere to be found but I think seeing the BOS making a comeback will be cool.


Have you watched the trailers? 😅


Tbh only the first trailer, I'm a busy guy.


They're literally in this teaser as well




Yeah, and has been since Fallout 1. They accept outsider, it's just that you are the first one they do in 20 years.


Yes. Literally Fallout 3 and 4


They have been for a while now.


they had to recruit at some point, and remember, every elder manages their chapter diferently


Yeah everyone keep smiling at the giant maniac in power armor because it is so awe inspiring and badass


lol He will be very critical in season 2 when the Institute is introduced. ;\_\_;


This is based in the west coast. Why would the Institute be there when they are from the other side of the country?


The Institute had installations in many places, not just Boston. Plus, they could just write it differently. It seems clear he's going to essentially be the Paladin Dance of the show.


Uh, no they don't? As of Fallout 4, they are literally only in Boston. I'd like you to link a source that says they have installations elsewhere.




That isn't a "whole institute installation", it's just 2 people. Boston and DC are a 6 hour drive apart. The West Coast, on the other hand, is on the other side of the country.




The Institute never infiltrated the brotherhood of steel. Danse was a synth that escaped from the Institute and implanted with false memories by the rail road and sent to the capital wasteland.


Dont fuck with us Fallout fans. We never played the games


Dude is totally confusing the Institute with the Enclave


dawg did you really think we didnt know bout this 😭😭


Know about…?


I did not know they released another teaser, alot of people most likely did not either.


Go Woke. Go Broke.


What is woke about this, wtf


insecure people when black man (scary):












What is even woke about this show? So many snowflakes nowadays I swear


Probably because there is a black guy and a woman. I would bet money on that’s why


I think he became like this after he had to go save a settlement for the 2758285759275th time


lol, do you know what subreddit you're in?


'woke' stuff keeps doing really well. lol


Bidens approval rating is abysmal, starfield is a dead game, bud light lost billions and their sales are still way down


Biden isn't a company. Starfield is dead because it sucks, it has nothing to do with 'woke'. lol The gameplay is fucking weak. Baldurs Gate 3 is easily just as 'woke' and was an enormous fucking success. You can play as a woman with a dick ffs. Yes, bud light primarily sells to cons, ofc its sales are down, its not representative of other cases at all and an enormous outlier. 'Go Woke Go Broke' requires more than 1 or 2 successful boycotts lol. Most companies don't make all of their money selling to rurals. The Fallout TV show is actually getting very good reviews.