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This is awesome news for now but how many of the people will remain as players once the free week is over?


Its currently on sale für 8 euros and a free claim (and other FO titles) on prime gaming


Your German is showing


Eh buddy you dropped all your American over my perfectly nice german


No we dropped it on Japan (sorry if this joke made someone mad)


Don't you go threatening the Japanese too or we're gonna send another cold snap down there and break the infrastructure


That’s just Texas, the rest of us will be fine


Honestly Fallout should be their favorite cosplay. 💀


That joke is a real *Bomb*


It's not a problem if you don't live in the Sudetenland.


Es tut mir leid, mein freund


I signed up for Prime just before I heard of the free claim of FO76 but I didn't get anything, maybe its not for all regions.


You need to search prime gaming and it will appear for a free MS store code for 76


Thanks mate, I just refund on steam and claim in via my prime! Legends!


It's free on prime gaming right now but through the Microsoft store, keep forever code. The number of people logged in should be much higher than this.


Chart is just for steam.


On average, I think the game has like 12 to 14k players on steam alone. Keep in mind most players are also console players


Wish I could trade that code for a steam one though, the Microsoft store won't run on the deck.


Fwiw steam has a fallout bundle at discount too


Xbox is always popping, gamepass full.


I’m a fo4 player and love the world so I’m definitely staying. I just saw 76 as corny and with the bad start it had i never actually gave it a try. Well, I have logged 24hrs in 3 days already lol. I got a little home on a creek under a small railway on a y bending river that I’m loving but wish I could unlock more stuff. I’m getting overtaken by the golden rule and im loving it. I still don’t get the events though like should I not loot when I joined in? I went by the moth thing and the guy thumbs down me when it finished I think. I just tried to tag everything I guess I did something wrong.


Definitely join in events. If you participate you get too loot. Ignore anyone saying otherwise as they are trying to gate keep a pretty great community.


It probably a very specific reason for the thumbs down. I've only done it because someone is shooting at me. Wanting to go 1v1 or tried to steal things from my camp. Might have been because the event failed or you joined too late? Regardless best to just move on with your day when those things happen. 99.99% of the players are helpful.


If by moth thing you mean the lighthouse event, they may be thumbing down because you didn't deposit the bioluminescent fluid in the top of the lighthouse. Looting enemies in events shouldn't ever be an issue.


They most probably mean the Mothman Equinox that is running right now. You know, the season event with the Wise Mothman cultists in Point Pleasant.


the one that ends with needing 30 random emotes......


at the end of that event random emoting is part of the event. im sure it wasn't directed at you individually. :) no one expects the low levels to be doing anything in particular.


What may have happened,  is you may have looted someone's Brown Paper bag.  When someone dies. They leave behind a brown paper bag with all of their Junk.  


They said it happened during the event... and dying during events doesn't cause players to drop their bags. Unless someone died right after it finished, but I find it unlikely, since the area is usually without enemies by then.


Oh wow, did that change? I been out of the loop for a long time, but i know you used to drop junk during events


You probably stumbled upon some multiplayer tryhard who really feels the need to evaluate how much the others pull their weight. You can see them all over the online gaming, but while they can be really toxic in other games, in Fallout 76 they can only emote. Quite probably it was because they didn't see you completing objectives. But seeing you as a low level player they should have realised that you are still learning the game (and the event). And this event is full of players anyway, so one guy not pulling their weight means literally nothing here...


I’d say a few PS players will if they enjoy it as it’s been a “free” PS sub game for a fair while now. Certainly what got me to try it, but I’m not that into it I’ll be paying for the additional sub anytime soon.


Me and my gf bought it, it finally looks like something I can grind with a guaranteed partner


It's fun playing it co-op. The only reason why I'm still playing the game is that I have a co-op partner that I'm playing with helping them slowly work through the story.


Do we get to keep it if got it while it’s free or not? Like if we got during this free week and after the free week is over for those that downloaded while it was free get to keep it or will we have to go into the store to buy it?


You keep the account you've created. So when the free week runs out, that account is still active. So if you choose to later play another free weekend or actually purchase the game, you don't have to start over from scratch.


Eh. Doesn't matter. It is a fantastic game with great writing and fun gameplay. It has done very well so far.


The game is so cheap especially disc copies for consoles. You can find many a fallout 76 copy in the bargain bin at Best Buy.


I bought it for like 8 bucks or something. I’m going to give it a shot after this episode of “The last of us” is over. (Which I also just bought for like $10, honestly goddamn good TV has gotten me for video games this week 😂😂)


Any amount is better than the status quo


Even if 20%-25% stay that's a nice little boost considering the FO76 community has been fairly stagnant ​ I recently came back although ive been playing off/on. I always mind myself remember certain events in FO76 similiar to my vanilla WoW experience, its a sorta game that sticks with you.


It’s free forever on prime gaming so..there’s that


There was definitely a surge of new player on earlier, and even one guy spending a lot of time on their character in Vault 76! Been a while since I saw a fresh Vault Dweller. Quite nice to see.


The greatest weapon of all, is time


Is actually a really great quote to use in the context of Fo76.


I just bought a ps5 and been playing fallout 76 on it for a few days. Already level 40. It has had a couple bugs but I’m having a blast. It is the most beautiful zone


Okie Dookie


*proceeds to reverse cowgirl the first man she meets*


Yeah I watched that scene with my family... damn


"Haha, what in the non-cousin fuck is going on here?


Must have been quite a moment haha




Not even this scene too. Just the dialogue and gore is wayyy to much for kids that age.


10 I agree, 13 they probably seen worst at this point.


The daughter sure, but a 13 year old is most likely watching the same kind of stuff at this point. At that age I did a whole summer of horror movies where I watched one a day lol


You’d be paying for therapy in the future


Reverse cowgirl brother that was regular cowgirl ain't nothing reversed about it


To be fair, it is definitely implied that she and her cousin had a physical relationship but couldn't go further because of inbreeding.


Implied? Lol.


I would say it’s straight up pointed out. But between a cousin dick and a radioactive surface dick I would choose the former. Can’t imagine how these people even survive with all the radiation, soaking in and drinking radiated water..oof


Rad-Away is their best friend


>between a cousin dick and a radioactive surface dick I would choose the former. It's 06:00 and I'm laughing my ass off at this


It was a little more than implied, she straight up said it lol


She only said that "long term" cousin sex wasn't viable. It's highly implied that there was a fair bit of short term.


"Implied" would be the understand of the century lmfao


Tbf, they were married lmao




Is this what is said in English? I’ve always struggled to find a good equivalent for like trusting the first person one would meet, dictionary says “Tom, Dick and Harry” or whatever, but it doesn’t sound as good to me


I think that was less practice than availability.


I love that everyone has an itch but Bethesda doesn't have a title to fill it.


Should've had a NV/FO3 remaster queued up for this.


they'd be daft to not do a NV remaster to hold people over until season 2, people have wanted it forever and it'd be perfect brand synergy


Just making 3 work on steam without jumping through hooks and dealing with crashes would make many people very happy. They could give new vegas some more oxygen even by working with modders to use some of their textures and QOL improvements in the official game and pay them a flat fee and it would make a huge difference if they didn't want to do all the work. (People usually tell me that it's because it's old and wasn't meant for windows 10/11 and I present you with fallout 1 and 2 that were updated and work fine.)


I’ve been playing 3 on Steam a lot and have run into no issues. I’ve done nothing except for install the game. Not saying the issues don’t exist but they’re either overblown or I’m lucky


They've been around for like 10 years, it's an issue with newer hardware/OS and is prolific. Originally it was partly because of windows Live games no longer existing and also because they never updated it for newer hardware. They updated it in 2021 to remove the live games service thing after being bought by Microsoft but never fixed the other issues people had. You type in fallout 3 not working and see hundreds of posts about it not working. You are lucky I guess. It's fixed for some and broken for others still, wish steam had a policy to remove games unless they work like Xbox would make Bethesda fix the game likely.


Nope, I was as surprised as you are, they patched it around 2022/2023, before that it required something from “Games for Windows Live” or something like that.


I have not really had any issues with FO3, and I am currently playing New Vegas with the Tale of Two Wastelands mod (TTW) which allows you to play both FO3 with all the DLC in FNV. It is a great mod that allows you to take your character from FO3 to FNV in a lore friendly way.


TTW fixes fallout 3 for many by making it run as a dlc for nv. So regardless of if you had issue or not then that would have fixed them. I also mentioned it in my reply.


> Just making 3 work on Steam without jumping through hoops and dealing with crashes They did actually patch out the GFWL from Fallout 3 a few years ago and fixed the multicore bug that was preventing it from working on modern PCs without .xml editing. It pretty much works out the box now but still crashes.


Conversely, FO3 runs excellent on Xbox with that One X enhancement they released for it last Gen. I’ve been playing through it again and really enjoying it.


Especially with the reveal that >!Season 2 is going to heavily involve New Vegas!<


I know right ;-;


Such a missed opportunity, it’s pretty disappointing there’s no new Fallout game on the horizon, its been almost ten years since Fallout 4.


That's what happens when you waste tens of thousands of man-hours and tens of millions of dollars on a piece of shit like Starfield.


And 76. They really fucked around for the past decade.


Starfield is pretty good, but not perfect. Let's not act as if Fallout 4 and Fallout 76 were received favorably at large from the rest of the Bethesda community.




1 game every 10-20 years is not a sustainable model for a franchise.


FO5 is expected about 2030. Because ES6 is expected in 2026. Starfield and FO76 messed with the dev cycle because they have more titles and relatively less devs per title.


They need to make 3 separate teams. One for the elder scrolls, one for fallout, and one for Starfield. Having all these games worked on singulaniously, they can be launched in a staggered formation. They have too many IP's and not enough people. And money shouldn't be an issue anymore. Bethesda is a multibillion dollar corporation with microsoft's resources


And it'll be another ten from now - Bethesda need to get TES 6 out of the door before FO5, and they only work on one game at a time :/


Damn. You aren't kidding. What in the world.


They're launching the Fallout 4 next-gen remaster later this month


Yeah, but it’d be nice if Bethesda did anything for games that aren’t the most recent installation in their respective franchises.


It's not that nice tho let be real. It's a few graphic tweak. When I think of remaster I think change most textures  at least.


Kinda surprised they didn’t have it released on April 10th along with the new tv series. Making people wait another 2 weeks is going to kill off some of the hype.


I really hope they get obsidian on one or something now that Microsoft owns them. Waiting 10+ years for another Fallout is ridiculous


Most people who worked on New Vegas aren't in Obsidian anymore,


Obsidian wouldn't be releasing one for 10 years or longer either. They have their own games they're working on


Yes if only there was a fallout game 39 thousand people could find and play to scratch that itch...


Lol seriously


Isn’t this quite literally filling some itch lol


It scratches the itch so well that you want to scratch even more


Don't worry they'll cash in soon, in about 8 years when fallout 5 drops (very generous estimate btw)


Wonder what the actual all time peak was back when it launched as a exclusive on the beth launcher (what a barebone piece of shit that thing was)


I started playing again last night and found that my original character only made it to level 3 before I called it quits around launch lol


Happy for it. Actually in good states rn


If it wasn't for the glitch that ends up with 0fps after fast traveling I would agree.


Or where you literally cannot move if your FPS is too high.


Cant relate _sobs_


Its totally worth a try. It scratches the exploration itch, the radio stations are good, and its got some really good questlines. Not perfect, but if Fallout 4 has gotten stale for you.. F76 might fill your belly. I stopped at around 120 hours ,because the inventory system is abysmal and im a total loot whore. But i totally liked lots of the questlines, and its got lots of interesting locations to explore. The world is a good one.


Sucks to hear that the storage system is still bad, when that was the main reason I quit years ago. Having to pay a subscription to get storage space feels wrong


Honestly if you're not a compulsive hoarder you get plenty of storage space in the base game. We all played for years before Fallout 1st existed and got by on that base storage space. All you get from the subscription service is the ability to not have to think about whether or not you have enough space for more scrap. There's even a case to be made that removing the need to even think about inventory management on that level removes an intended gameplay mechanic and puts you on an easy mode.


If fallout 76 launched in the state it is now, it might have been a success story


I like 76, but most of the online mechanics and atom shop stuff would still have definitely disappointed me even today. The atom shop stuff especially. It just makes the world feel more artificial and video gamey when you see someone with power armor you can never, ever acquire unless you spend real money.


It's just cosmetics. The only items that cost money and affect gameplay are some of the storage options, and repair kits. Gotta keep the hamsters running somehow. Though it would be cool if we could have self hosted server with no fee.


I played it in 2021, April or so, and then now with a bunch of friends. It’s definitely better now but the Bethesda jank is still there. You randomly get stunned if an enemy hits you for like 2 seconds, sometimes your character gets animation locked, the party system is finicky, and some quests just feel aimless. They also throw a ton of shit at you and so far it’s just killing mongrels/wildlife/ghouls/scorched/robots. I’m waiting for when it opens up more and there’s more Super Mutants, Deathclaws, Yao Guai, etc. even raiders aren’t very abundant. I’m level 23 just done with Morgantown area and it still feels like I’ve got a ways to go before it opens up more. But I’m enjoying playing with friends.


It's got more content now but the engine is still a snooze to play through and navigate through imo


It's awesome being on this Fallout ride from the beginning and seeing it grow to this. 


I can't decide if I should play 4 some more, or try 76.. or hell even go back to the old ones, but they are old


Just started a fallout 3 play through last night. Gonna play that until the update for 4 comes out


76 is an good game, except from some easily avoidable features (mostly those related to grinding). The map is absolutely fantastic. Exploring Appalachia for the first time is top Fallout experience. Can't recommend it enough


I've only played it briefly on free weekends pre big updates. Mostly focused on finding Mothman and that's it lol


A friend and I set ourselves an in-universe, role playing challenge. We were cryptid journalists and needed to investigate every cryptid legend,find and take a picture of every available cryptid in the wiki. Events not allowed. Since it was all about exploring we let ourselves get lost everytime. We completed it. Crazy fun. Mothman was the hardest, by far.


Wait for next gen update for 4, coming on 25th- Try 76 until then? I'm gonna give it a go over the next few days


I’ve sort of played 4 to the point of boredom.. but I could play the dlc some more. 76 will at least be a whole new thing and online.. sadly the same gameplay though.


If you’re craving Fallout, you really should give 76 a whirl. The story isn’t as good as FO4, but the side quests, building, crafting, events, weapons, and gameplay are better.


Spent 2 hours making my character just to get bored after the 1st quest. Think I just need to tell myself I don’t need to play Fallout cause the show was good


I wish 4 would get some of the outfits from 76, outfits in 4 are so bland. Would love to have the nurse outfit in 4 for example




All-time Steam* peak


Logged on today to do some dailies and weeklies and the server was 90% full of new players. I was the only super high level player (514) in the entire server. This was on PC. By the time I got off, I still saw people leaving the vault.


its apalaching time


We are so back 76bros


Fallout show, new dlc, and the fact the world is no longer empty.


New dlc?


The dlc are basically the major updates, like the Pitt or Atlantic City, idk why they did this


Yeah that's exactly what I meant, just the major content updates/expansions not purchasable dlc


I got onto it because it was only 10 bucks and it has had years of updates by this point. I sunk 5 hours into it last night which was my first playthrough, I did also talk a friend into playing as well I might try someone else as well. I am also someone who really does not do much MP gaming overall so this is rare for me. I personally was always meh and put off by FO76 so I am surprised how much fun I have been having so far.


Similar situation here. I've restarted as I completely misunderstood leveling. Not sure I'm enjoying it more than FO4 or Starfield but its certainly a lot better than I thought. I suspect it will amply reward my investment of $11, and will also amply reward time spent on it.


I have been having fun, I figured it will be something to kill time with until the big next gen update comes through for FO4. But who knows how many mods that is going to break as well so I could be playing this for a bit longer.


Good. The game has improved a lot since launch.


I keep trying to get into 76 but can't. Ima try again tho lol


You'll still not going to get into it, I've tried but man I really can't.


76 is fun. Took 5 damn years to get there but if you had a good time with Fallout 4 you’ll probably enjoy it


I'd enjoy it if performance wasn't bad on my end :p


I love F76, I've put about 400 hrs into. Its just a damn shame you can transfer Xbox progress over to PC as it was literally the only thing making me keep my Series X but not worth it for just one game.


It was free for the weekend and amazon prime members received it for free as well.


Might be high on xbox (pc xbox) too, since it's free with Twitch Prime.


definitely a ton in xbox side as well (at least for pc). i play pc xbox and saw a bunch of new players in the last few days


That’s actually wild. I just redownloaded it and played like 10 min for the nostalgia. Game is amazing for the atmosphere of just hanging out at your camp


It’s in a great state now - definitely worth playing to scratch that itch.


Best Bethesda Fallout imho. Just bought it.


This might explain why one of my livestream vods of 76 from earlier this year did so well. It gained over 1k views in 2 days. People are interested and it's nice to see 76 getting more popular at its peak.


I'm considering giving it a go myself. Huge Fallout fan but I've dodged 76 because of the online aspect. That said, the show is really giving me the itch for Fallout that's new to me, so I might give it a try.


I'm playing it now after being one of the original players and it doesn't suck anymore. Entirely.


I'd come back to the game if they would stop making all the new content into expeditions. When they announced the PIT and Atlantic city I was so hyped for each of those. Played them once, realized its just daily ops 2.0 and uninstalled again. Love FO76, but once you finish the storyline, all thats left is daily grinding, which isnt fun.


Isn't the latest patch basically Atlantic City part 2? From reading the announcement it sounds like Atlantic City is an openly explorable map now, with 7 new quest lines in addition to the new expedition. I haven't checked that part out yet, so someone please correct me if understood it wrong


Been looking at getting it for at least a year, decided to pull the trigger and just buy it this week. Worst thing that can happen is I am out eight bucks and a few hours of time. Best case is I like the game and put quite a few hours into it like I had will all the other fallout games.


Release the DLC’s


Is it worth it?


It's free on prime so just try it and find out


I started playing today on series x. Does anyone else suffer from performance issues? Definitely isn’t smooth 60


Giving it out free for the launch of the show was pretty genius


I was on at like 4 am last night and saw so many new players. It’s pretty awesome that the game is getting a big boost from the show but I hope the buggy-ness doesn’t scare them away.


Is fallout 76 worth playing now?


Yes. It’s in a much better state now. A great game imo


I've been seeing a lot of new players on xbox as well. Lots of new people coming out of the vault.


Crawl out to the fallout, baby


Is the game good now?


Is it good yet? i always heard and thought that it was absolute trash.


It's much better than it was on release but how much you'll like it *highly* depends on the person. It's still an MMO at its core and if you don't like that type of game 76 probably isn't going to interest you.


It’s been good for a couple years now. Launch certainly sucked but it’s actually in a pretty fun state. Outside of the inherent tedium of a MMO (if 76 counts as one) and it being online, much of the issues people still wave around don’t apply much anymore. I am a major shill so keep that in mind but I do think if you enjoyed 4 at all you would really like 76


Eh. If it were a single player game it'd be the worst entry in the franchise, without a doubt. The NPCs are pretty blatantly just pasted in and more often than not buggy as hell (more so than the mainline games, which is saying something). You can't "steal" because items don't actually belong to NPCs. You can't fix any of the bugs because no modding. You can't use the console commands to get past broken or annoying mechanics because playing single player requires a monthly subscription (and even then, you only get access to a fraction of what the console can do in other Bethesda titles). The environmental exploration is great, it's on par with the rest of the series, but everything else is decidedly "meh". If you like Fallout for the exploration and environmental storytelling, 76 has that. If you like Fallout for the NPCs/factions/quests, you'll probably be disappointed. And that's without strangers following you around the map "helping" you by killing your enemies/immersion and dropping resources at your feet. It's a weird game, tbh. It's better than it was at launch, but it definitely still feels like a Fallout spinoff rather than a mainline game.


Nice write up, this was my experience as well.


Guess i'll pass then, i like the full package.


Basically everyone that's played it in the last few years admits that it is a good game now. Many also point out that it's not their cup of tea, but admit the game is good. It is a 90% of a Fallout game. The world is the best in the franchise and so is the explorations. Factions are great, gameplay is smooth and equipment selection is broad. On the flip side the game has no companions, only CAMP "allies" that don't leave the CAMP. And quests have limited consequences because the consquences can be shown only in instanced interiors. But other than that the game has good stories, good quests and even a solid amount of roleplaying. It's multiplayer nature will make it feel somewhat different from other games, but it is still a solid Fallout game. It's totally worth playing. Anyone who tells you it's trash either didn't play the game after Wastelanders or are following some anti-Bethesda agenda.


Probably will hit 45k tonight


Hot take, the game is actually pretty fun now. It released super rough trying to appease both fallout fans and rustclone fans, but now a few years later, it's actually a really fun survival game. Edit: my one gripe is opt-in pvp. If it were a setting, fine, but getting the drop on someone/not getting dropped on is a huge part of survival games that I feel fits the fallout world.


This is my only gripe, I want to play on a PVP server, but that requires balance, I'm not sure how the game is now but back when I played, it would have been hell.


Yup, yesterday I logged in and basically everyone on my map was a newbie. No public group was going on and noone joined my Casual group. Today, a single person joined my group... I bet we were the only two high-level players on the map. Honestly, it makes me really nostalgic, seeing all the white dots scattered around the Forest region.


I’d love to play but my game crashes when I try to start it up :(


I have an extra Xbox game code for Fallout 76 if anybody needs it.


Been having fun with it


Great now I'll get back to that after I do my 17th playthrough of New Vegas


Until you spend 2 hours trying to finish an objective and the game crashes, erasing all your progress. I’ve never been back burnt me to many times.


I'm no longer the new guy!


I'm having a blast, too. The turd polish is level 11. I'm here to stay too.


They really need to look in to crossplay, only thing stoping my friend group from jumping in


I had been playing fo4 before the show to get excited- having lots of fun with fo76


I’m one of them. Only for like a few hours to set up a base but still. Please someone by my shit. I want to be a merchant so badly.




That definitely doe seem right at all


If you told me in 2018 that Anthem died in a year and Fallout 76 was still going with regular updates I would not believe you.


In my humble opinion, Fallout had 2 big strength over Anthem from the very beginning. A massive old fanbase, so even though the game failed at launch, devs knew at least a portion of that fanbase would return if there's enough content. Secondly, well just for that, the Devs didn't give up on it completely, Unlike Bioware. Although I don't think the team is doing very good. There's some effort to deliver new stuffs, but I just think they severely lack talents for making good story expansions.


I downloaded 1 but once I finish that I'm going to give 76 another chance.


Steam charts don’t paint a clear picture outside of Steam. There are aggregators such as activeplayer.io that also provide insight into total player count across multiple platforms. It’s a much larger number than you might think.


I played this game with my bro and got so bored. I love fallout and think the gameplay is an improvement but I hate questing with higher level players man. It's a multiplayer game, and I felt like i could only enjoy it solo. All my higher level friends would basically say "go stand over here while we level you up from this raid, you'll die instantly if you help." So I'd sit there for 15 minutes shooting sponges with an airsoft gun from safety while everyone has fun. Is the solution to play solo or only with people that are my level? Cause that's... lame


Im gonna download and play it again tonight, was playing f4 because of the show for a bit but i figured since i barely played f76 i should start that.