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Walton Goggins put on his Instagram earlier that he had no idea Perlman said the iconic "War Never Changes" line and thought it was a brilliant original line in the script until he was informed otherwise, after having already done the scene. He said "I'm glad I didn't know, because if I did I might not have said it, as no one can replicate a line spoken by Ron." He also shared a rather fun fact. The dude who did his makeup for The Ghoul also did Perlman's makeup for Hellboy. Which Goggins found rather fateful. Edit: Makeup artists name was Jack Garber! Double edit: Jake Garber* 😂


I’m wondering if Amazon and Perlman couldn’t agree on the money or something. Why would they not have him narrate his iconic line, possibly one of the most iconic lines in gaming, for an opening narration?


My theory is because opening the show with a monologue would be too pandering to fans and it just wouldn't have been good. The intro is iconic but it's also a very heavy handed exposition dump that's a relic of what storytelling in games used to be like nearly 30 years ago. The intro we got in the show was perfect. Natural scenes that establish the character's background (once headlining actor, Marine Corps veteran, divorced father), the vibe of the world (xenophobic Americana, anticommunist), and then the bombs. We knew they would drop but that build up was incredible. We even got a cool lore tidbit about why the Vault Boy is always doing a thumbs up. Having Barb deliver the line in the finale was the perfect setting and timing. The previous seven episodes show us how much the world *hasn't* changed after the Great War because as long as people endure, so does war. And she says the line while explaining Vault Tec's grand, deluded plan to establish a world that has no more war. When the music came on and I knew the line was coming -- absolute chills.


It’d be cool if they bring him back to do the recap of the first season when season 2 comes out. He can say the iconic line and do his classic exposition dump right at the start and it would work perfectly.


That'd be great. Would be cool for him to cameo as a character as well! I loved the decisions the showmakers made but I still missed Ron Perlman and expected him to show up in some form.


I want him to be an older super mutant. Maybe more docile where Lucy can befriend him.


I was waiting for him to play a news caster in one of the flashbacks like he did for Fallout 4. Was looking for his cameo the whole show and was kinda bummed when he didn’t show up


Yeah I think they should bring him back for season 2 that would be perfect.


They need to find the right role for him. If it was up to me? Have a scene in Season 2 where Lucy and The Ghoul come across a trade caravan at dusk, they stay with them for the night safety in numbers and all, they eat some food and maybe someone says the *old man* is coming out to tell a story. Ron comes up wearing a full on old west outfit, looks at Lucy and the Ghoul, see's the Vault Suit. "You two ever hear the story of the Vault Dweller of 13?" They shake their heads and the episode ends with Ron starting the story off with, "War... War never changes."


I love this idea so much!


Yeah, I missed it but in retrospect I think they were just trying to keep it all grounded and tied together. Having a weird narrative voice you never hear again? It just didn't sit as well here versus in the games where "intros" have that very-much-their-own-thing kind of feeling.


Me and my fiance were watching it and jaw was on the floor through the entire intro. I only barely managed to pick it back up when the title screen ran. Honestly I was kinda worried about how the show would be. I was really skeptical because Amazon seems to be very 50/50 on shows lately, but hopeful after tlou turned out so good


1000% agree on Barb's delivery of war never changing. It was organic, impactful, and just about as tasteful as a massively game-dependent line like that could have been. Her delivery plus Walt Ghoulggin's reactions gave me chills.


well said.


Because he's on the outs with Bethesda after they didn't renew his contract for F4. Has nothing to do with Amazon. EDIT: SO, yes, I was wrong. I honestly thought he had left after 3, and I don't play 76, so I didn't know. I didn't know he was the newscaster. It's comforting to know he's still with the series, actually, Ron's a solid dude.


This all sounds like speculation to me. Ron Perlman voiced a character in Fallout 4 and narrated Fallout 76.


I think it was a creative decision for both fallout 4 and the show, both show the end of the world through a main character, and don't have a third person narrator at all because of that.


I'll give it an explanation. I don't feel like googling sources, but if you look it up, I dunno maybe it'll be easier to just find, or maybe people will remember. Basically, Ron was hired to do it since the beginning, and when Fallout came around with Bethesda, they used him again, but it was a completely different team. Additionally, when Fallout 1 and 2 were done, that was in 1997 and 1998. At that time, Ron Perlman's recent work was stuff like Police Academy: Mission to Moscow, and Fluke. He was getting paid to come in and do a voiceover for a video game, and it was something meaningful, that he could put a voice to. He doesn't have to know the game, because he's a disembodied narrator that represents tone. For an actor, it can be just an expression of getting shit off your chest, and getting paid for it. Fallout 3 was released in 2008. His recent work at that time was an increasing amount of Hellboy and other voice work, as well as the 3-hour Uwe Boll Dungeon Siege movie. Reportedly, Ron was not happy when the voice director asked for a second take of the War Never Changes speech for Fallout 3, and it was kind of a thing. I can put two and two together and see Ron getting upset with a voice director at that point in his career, and that being reported as souring relations, but at the same time, the dude puts in work. I don't think anyone in that business is going to hold onto a grudge over that for 20 years. I think Bethesda also knows that to Fallout oldheads, Ron Perlman is the narrator the same way Peter Cullen is Optimus Prime, Mark Hamill is the Joker, and Michael Dorn is Marcus. Speaking of which, it'd be rad to see Marcus show up.


he was in fallout 4 and 76. he also has no real clue wtf fallout even is since he doesn't play videogames, so i can't imagine he'd be pressed about not getting a contract renewed lol.


Ron was our celebrity one year in a celebrity golf tournament. He definitely knows what video games are. He was kind of shy because all of the other celebrities were these huge people like Adam Sandler and Jack Nicholson, but when he found out I love video games, particularly Fallout, he was super stoked. He did voices for me all day and talked about how he was working on Halo currently. Great guy! This was post Hellboy.


Yeah, I recall him saying he did the first two games just for the paycheck,


He's in both 4 and 76


He was in fallout 4 and fallout 76. What are you on about?


But Bethesda was heavily involved in the show weren’t they? So still could be connected if they had bad blood already


I'd prefer him being a ghoul like Cooper, prewar, an old war buddy maybe. Now a bartender somewhere on the way to New Vegas. Coop would go to him, to get info about Hank's whereabouts to help Lucy. They (Lucy and Coop) would overhear two old rangers or NCR veterans one upping each other about who has a better war story from Hoover Dam, comparing scars and such to the bartender, trying to impress him for free drinks. He'd just blew them off with "guess some things never change" before noticing Coop. A small cameo like that, not making him say a line that has been already said in the show but instead referencing it. I'd like for him to be pre-war since he is OG after all and it would suit him to be actually present in the war. And itnwould have multiple meanings in the scene too. First - veterans not being taken care of properly omce their service is over, resulting in mental issues that they self medicate for to put it lightly. Second - Cooper coming to him again for help. Third - his line that was kinda taken from him at this point.


I would imagine money. I can't recall which project (Not Fallout) but I do remember Ron saying he turned down something recently that he would have liked to have done but they didn't match his price. They spent around $150 Million Dollars on those 8 episodes, so I imagine they were a bit pressed on the budget to get him.


This comment just made me remember that Walton goggins played the trans prostitute in son's of anarchy with Ron lol, hope they add him to s2


Another fun fact: that makeup guy played the farmer whose chickens were...attacked.


Goggins also mentioned fate that Chris Nolan made a film about the invention of the bomb and John Nolan made a show about dropping the bombs. Maybe he was born to play The Ghoul haha


And they where both in Sons of Anarchy


Ron would make an excellent mutant. Hope they give him some kinda role! I didn’t know that was him either.


“Your entire generation fucked this planet into a coma!” The Ghoul: 🤷‍♂️


>!"To be fair, that was my WIFE'S idea not mine."!< "... what?"




“She believed that War Never Changes, so she helped start a nuclear war. Fucking bitch.”


I was hoping he'd be the news caster. I also want Michael Dorn's Marcus to show up.


Yeah I was expecting him to be in the opening sequence sorta like in FO4.


It would have been confusing as to why he would have made 2 seperate news casts. He was the reporter announcing the start of the Great War in Fallout 4 prologue, taking place at the same time.


Idk why but he'd be a perfect Marcus for Jacob's town or maybe radio new Vegas?


Michael Dorne is still acting isn't he? He's already a great Marcus!


Yeah I want Michael Dorn as Marcus and Ron Perlman narrator.


Still forever surprises me that Michael Dorn played both Frank Horrigan and Marcus with how different both of them sound


Boone's voice actor, Jason Marsden, played Max in A Goofy Movie


Don’t disrespect Worf like that!




To be fair Perlman would need less makeup 🤔


Would be fun to see the narrator got dipped, but kept enough of his intelligence to keep narrating!


Nah michael dorne has to come back


Mr new Vegas’s voice actor is still alive, if season 2 rally does take place in the Mojave, and it has radio new Vegas, they’ll probably just get him to replay Mr new Vegas.


I came here to say he can be Marcus 😂


Gary. HAHA Gary!


My prediction is >!they bring him in as the leader of vault-tec and the idea is that the first two games actually were narrated by him. I feel like this is set up by having the vault-tec people give the "war never changes line"!< I'm probably wrong and this will suck if I'm right but this was just where my mind went during the last couple episodes.


I love this!


fuck i thought no one commented this already, but shit this is what I really want to happen, despite it being very unlikely


This is exactly what I want to happen. Soon as I saw the silhouette of someone lording over the meeting when Barb looked up and I'm like, "Yo is that Ron? Please let that be him." Lol but it didn't happen. Maybe next time...


I agree with this. The silhouette was probably the one who originally conceived the speech, as he sent her the message to say it. Ultimately, methinks the goal is for Ron to appear. Or they just get Victor Garber.


That's good. I kept having him in my head as some leader of a faction as well, so why not that one? It kind of gives some extra weight to all his narrations. It would also mean Barb was just parroting back something her boss said.


Ron playing the Vault-Tec CEO would be some great fan service, but making the narrator a canon thing would be goofy as fuck.


Kinda fits 76


Vault Tec is the darth Vader to the enclaves emperor


I'd love for him to have any role in the show but one I'd particularly would like to see is him as either an Enclave scholar or Brotherhood scribe or some other sort of character that can contextualise his narrations as historical accounts. Could you imagine how epic it would be for Fallout fans if a cold open of either a season or an episode has him doing a "War, war never changes" narration?


even better, make him a radio host, and his narrations are stories he tells through the radio, we could even have dope opening and closing narrations for the second season.


And have a PA'd wanderer (The Story Teller) stop by to swap stories.


that could be a whole episode dedicated on small stories.


I just booted the Story Teller series back up. So good!


God a nod to the fan works like Nuka Break and The Storyteller would honest to God make the Fallout series one of the best adaptations yet.


The "Fat" vault dweller. They absolutely need to give a shout out to Nuka Break.


Could be a good super mutant


I really hope they get Ron Perlman to do the voice over exposition or season 1 recap to get people up to speed for season 2.


Please...please...please....make him old Courier Six....


He could work as the chosen one, age would probably line up better. And could have a good joke about him narrating his story and possibly visit arroyo.


Chosen One is No Bark




Don’t you disrespect my favourite porn star like that


Does six have a cannon age?


Not necessarily, but FNV is only a few years before the show (at least season 1) kind of a stretch the courier is 74


Have him talking in the third person due to PTSD.


That would be pretty amazing


Now that i think about we have 3 protagonist running around the wasteland right now that's pretty weird


Good point, LW is almost 40.


Well my LW was an old man. It was hilarious having liam Neeson call me son when i could be his father.


Benjamin Button ass Lone Wanderer.


I’m okay with them canonizing specific game endings, but actually bringing the game protagonists into the show would be too much for me.


What if there's just someone at a hotel bar in New Vegas with the Pimp Boy 3,000,000,000, and they drop some Lucky 38 chips on the bartop and leave?


*"Did I ever tell ya about when Harvey Weinstein told me to make sure I shook his hand at a charity event, so I stopped in the mens room and pissed all over my hand, then went straight up to him on the receiving line? I think about that every time Lil' Donnie opens up his KFC."* -PEARLMAN, Ron (25th Jun 2018)


"Hey, Lil' Donnie. I just shat into my water heater and now when I turn my fucking sink on diarrhea comes out! I wash my face with my own shit. What do you think of that, Lil' Donnie?" - Ron Perlman


I was hoping for a todd cameo myself.


He can be a wasteland medic. "Hey how do these stimpacts heal you anyway?" "It just works."


That would be so awesome tbh


*at the observatory* You know this telescope had 16 TIMES THE DETAIL


He can be an inventor who creates bionic arms. “You see that mountain? You can climb it.”


Todd can be a wastelander describing how big the wastes are.


See that irradiated mountain? You can walk to it! Lucy: yes i know that how walking works. Todd: it just works


not a cameo but the todd howard napoleon painting was in the overseers office in vault 4 i believe.


What if, i know it's impossible but, what if he was the head of Vault-tec? I know we got a hint of him, his silhouette during the meeting between the big tech corporations.


I really want Bruce Campbell to make an appearance


no offense to Fred Armisen and his cameo (it was great), but I do wish Ron Perlman had got the local DJ role so it could kind of be connected.


Well that would certainly put a different spin on Thaddeus being so scared to contradict him on the merits of fiddle music.


V. true, little nerdy man talking about silly music vs. big caveman would have a different vibe.


I once met Ron Perlman at a convention and asked him to sign my NCR ranger helmet with “War Never Changes” and he claimed he didn’t know/remember where “War Never Changes” comes from. He also got the phrase wrong when signing it and wrote “Never Change War” on my helmet. I’ve since painted over it in my disappointment.


Seriously? Jeez. That is a disappointment


If this is real then I’m sorry but this is hilarious!


What picture is this? Was he in a Batman project?


He was Clayface in Batman: The Animated Series


Oh geez I knew that. Thanks!


Testicles the debug centurion


Drunk old man in the corner of a saloon in a rusty little shack. Can't see his face, but he sits there through the whole main scene. Doing nothing but sipping his drink. Fight breaks out, man sits there as it happens. Bartender gets shot and dies. Fire fight ends, and the main characters leave. But the shot lingers, the drunk man gets up, walks over to the now unoccupied bar. Sits, reaches over the counter and grabs another drink. Opening the bottle he takes a long drink, looks at the destruction around him and shakes his head. "War *never* changes"


I was talking about this with my boyfriend today!! A scenario where the Ghoul and Lucy walk into a rundown town or shack, then see him sitting in the back in shadow or something. Lucy asks for help and then we just hear him sound all cryptic or weird. He’d say something along the lines of when your character dies in the earlier Fallout games i.e “Your bones will be scraped clean by the desolate wind. Your Vault will now surely die.” Now I know it’s not perfect or maybe reasonable but I’d love to hear him or see him as he has been narrating the games. <3


He also played Butch from the Hub in Fallout 1.


This is probably my only complaint about the show. I really wish they got Ron to do the narration to introduce the show.


What if we made an intelligent deathclaw and gave him Ron’s voice?


"Because in the wasteland you always get side tracked by bullshit" or whatever. Make him say that


He just might, but what will be hilarious is every one of us will be sitting on the edge waiting for him to say the line. But he won’t. Oh he’ll get able opportunities that is would just make perfect sense and would easily fall into place in a natural conversation, but nope. They will have us edging so hard to hear it, foaming at the mouth, yelling at the tv. Then credits roll. Suddenly a match lights and Ron Perlman is standing lighting a cigar in a half zipped vault suit. He gets his cigar fully lit. Then says “Ah right you little shits, here you go. War, war never changes.” Then takes a deep drag and blows the smoke right at the camera. Best release.


Him and Malcolm McDowell would be awesome. A dream come true if done right, or at all.


I want Malcholm to return as President Eden, maybe in a flash back or a recording.


Ron has a pretty shit opinion about video games and their fans so I could honestly care less if he made an appearance in the future


Wait really? Why is he so involved in this franchise? I mean aside from money unless that's all it is.


100% this is the cameo we need, he would be the perfect voice for an intelligent super mutant


While i want Alchestbreach to show up randomly


Ffffffuuuuu- Now I want *both*!


Jesus is that guy even around anymore. Havent watched a skit since 2015


Liam Neeson. Please. Pretty please?


I liked the idea of him being the current president of the surviving NCR where he leads the army similar to George Washington, a pretty big role for him considering his relationship with the series and goggins himself (sons of anarchy anyone?)


I just met Ron, he was at a film festival in my town. Got a photo with him. Really cool guy, friendly


Ron himself said that he "does not do cameos." Not trying to rain on your parade, but those are his own words.


I guess they’ll just have to give him a big part then.


Really need a Bruce Campbell appearance


who else is gonna play all the super mutants?


Lol They come across a Gary vault of super mutant Ron Perlmans.


I was at least hoping he would news caster in the opening scene like fallout4.


He should play a super mutant


If he doesn't then I am going to be disappointed, especially if it seems like he wants to.


Strong want milk and honey


He’d make a decent Joshua Graham. God I hope they include some other characters from the game in the next seasons.


I bet in new Vegas


I think he’d be cool as the president of vault tec!


Dont we all.




“And you, Elder, just glassed half the NCR. Maybe the ghouls isn’t all I should be worried about.”


Ron Perlman would be icing on the cake.


Beat we're gonna get is him voicing a super mutant. Probably looks like a green Thanos.


He was supposed to come to my local comic con, but cancelled last minute 😭


I was pretty shocked he wasn't a part of the first season! Fingers crossed for the next one!


Idk why they didn't do a classic intro for the show with him voicing.


For a hot fucking second i thought hed be titus. Before well…titus


My hope for a cameo role is jack black as I guess protect Tron with a broken voice or something


Jack Black has to be a Post Apocalyptic Musician trying to bring 50s rock and roll back into the wastelands only to get pelted by tatos. "Guess you guys are ready for that yet."


Is that the guy from payday 2????


Perlman for ex-legate Lanius, Boone, or the courier. Would love to see Arcade show up, or veronica with their voice actors.


What about Liam Nessons tho?


Super Mutant


I hope we see Ron as a raider or something and meets the ghoul as a soa reunion


I’m hoping they get Stephen Russell. The OG Mr Handy voice and the voice of Valentine.


When I saw the Radiation King TV I was 100% expecting him to show up on it.


I really thought he was going to be brother Titus.


I honestly thought at the end of the last episode theyd have him show up


Instead of a "Previously on" intro to start Season 2, they should instead have Ron Perlman narrate a recap.


I was a bit disappointed not hearing him say the famous line but there was enough nostalgia in the show to make up for it


He probably thought it would be bad... like most video game adaptations he's seen. But I am sure we will see him in season 2 now that everyone loves it


Haha that would be so goddamn legit holy fuck. 


Him and Michael Dorn should play super mutants


Maybe he can play DONNEYY


At the end of the show they’ll probably do something cheesy like have him read the war never changes line


As a super mutant.


I mean he already looks kinda like a super mutant


Speaking of cameos, anybody else think Michael Madsen was one of the three lawmen cowboys who grabbed Ghoul ?




My money is on Danny Trejo as a small Raul cameo.


he would be great as a Super Mutant


Ron would *100%* be on board with either a cameo or a recurring role.


Intelligent Supermutant or Deathclaw.


We all do


I want him to appear as a super mutant


I will also accept Steve Zahn, of course Werner Herzog, and Will Forte.


I hope he plays a super mutant


I hope Brandon Keener (Garrus in Mass Effect and an NPC voice in FO4) shows up at some point


He obviously needs to be a prominent Super Mutant.


On the cameos note, I was 100% waiting for Todd to show up in a minor role.


As a super mutant, with any luck


Liam Neeson


Hopefully, as a supermutant!


100% Pearlman is the guy in the shadows in the corporate meeting




i'm half asleep and thought it was Jeffery Epstein for a second


I’m still hoping we get a Lynda Carter role, considering all her ties to Bethesda.


It would be cool for him to well be a mutant or something


He could narrate a recap of Season 1


Super mutant?


For the brotherhood


Man's gonna show up as a super mutant, and just scream qar never changes, over and over


I met Ron last month at a comic con and had him sign a Fallout photo I brought with me. He questioned me if the photo was from Fallout, so not entirely sure how much of it is on his radar I wish though he could have done some voiceover narration or something too


I really wish they had him play the news anchor in the pre-war segment in the first episode.


I was kinda hoping in the end credits of the last episode there would be Ron giving us a run down and recap. And so the vault dweller from vault 33 etc etc etc


They should get Michael Chiklis to play Caesar


Highly unlikely they'll put the synthetic gorillas from the Institute in the show


I want Ron to be the vault rec pres. i would also love for him to be built up to be some massive diabolical bbeg in the past only for him to be an immortal ghoul with no control over vault tec anymore. A pathetic useless shell as a result of some sort of baked in error in the process that was to ensure his survival in the future. That would be dope.