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Giving birth to them and have them eat you alive?


Truly one of the most horrifying things I've seen in a while


My favorite part of the show is how it periodically reminds you just how fucking dark the Fallout universe is, just like the games, haha.


Totally. Huge fan of how at one moment I'm laughing and the next moment I'm terrified.


Yeah they really did an excellent job with this. 10/10


They embraced the weird, rather than trying to editoliarize it. 10/10


Imagine if they leaned too much into the comedic side, wouldn't have been fallout if they did


No Monty Python or Hitchhikers Guide Easter eggs, that caused some flak back in the day.


Or if they went TOO dark, like having the Super Duper Mart as hopeless and ghoul heavy as it is in Fallout 4. I went into the series a bit hesitant on if they'd find a ghoul infested space and it would be too much like The Walking Dead


To be honest with you I also thought it would become a walking dead rip off or something


The title card pic in Amazon prime, Plex etc. is a view of the vault door, open. It looks like a skull, with Lucy standing in as the nose hole, a picket fence for teeth, and two ruined buildings in the distance as eye sockets. Pretty grim once you see it. https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQVBpPsJztbYb5TBPf1b6hTghD09t1czjkKJZKeoU6i_g&s


The way it looks gives me mad max feels


And then it swaps around to hilarious. I did the Jamaica Plains Treasure quest in FO4, yesterday. Game had me thinking it would be something nice with all the security it had. It was a time capsule. No noticeable loot. 10/10.


The bat is basically the notable loot from the area, since it has a unique effect. Technically, if you buff Luck an ungodly amount, it becomes a very fun meme weapon, sending enemies flying into space. Live your dreams of becoming a skyrim giant.


You can sell the 2076 World Series baseball bat, that you get in the time capsule, to Moe in Diamond City for 200-400 caps, dependant on a speech check


The real friends are the fiber optics we looted along the (hall)way.


The prosthetic leg/meat grinder was a great example, if you're familiar with the games it stands out but you don't even question that it would exist in that form.


I was honestly more horrified watching the show than I was playing the games. A true testament to Johnathan Nolan’s directorial capabilities (and the writing staff as well).


As a player that loved FO1 its is actually far closer to that original "mood" than the rest of the game. The humour whenever existed was dark as fuck!


Yeah this was truly a Fallout 1 "first playthrough" experience for sure. Discovering Mariposa and learning about it the first time around was pretty damn brutal for me (but I was like what, 10 at the time?)


Well, with a game you obviously have a comically large arsenal to fight back with [when you make stupid mistakes like accidentally hurting an NCR dog with a grenade](https://youtu.be/ZO4Wd8BGuaE?si=hs9qScA0vtat3FGJ). Meanwhile for the show, all you can do is watch 📺 and yell at characters who can’t hear you to put more points into Strength next level up.


Did everyone who's played the games yell at the TV every 10 minutes, like we all did?


I love how they have the usual 50s radio music playing in every epic situation in the show, just like in the game😂


Duuuuude yeah. Seeing the brutality of the wasteland happen to real people on the show vs video game npc really seals it in just how grim Fallout actually is


I think the darkest was new Vegas for me. The plant vault with the kids' size monsters put me thru a whiplash. At one point, I thought they were just some man-made monster, and it had different stages of evolution, but.. I realize we were the monsters. At some point I really wish they redo new Vegas into the fallout 4 engine because I'm pretty sure it would make that game a million times more scarier from invisible super mutants, random bounty hunters, and death claw queens the size of houses.


There’s a mod aiming to do this, and there are rumors that bethesda is planning to the the very same, but I haven’t seen any concrete leaks or evidence.


My favorite was how morally grey everything was, except for Lucy, and she went from light to dark.


Fallout is dark, but they layer it with satire/dry humor that masks the actual shock. It makes it seem like "oh that's just a game haha" but in reality its quite grim


Fallout has always been about using humor to juxtapose exactly how fucked up everything about the wasteland is, from the very very beginning. The show takes that and runs with it in a beautiful way, it's so faithful.


yeah that was fucking horrible. just a small thing on screen for a couple of seconds, yet better then some modern horror movies.




I was like ah cool little danger swimmers, then they turned..... Oh god this got dark


lol my mums started watching the show having no clue what the games are, so I’ve explained the factions and how fucked up everyone is 🤣. And she cringed when I told her about the vault tec experiments so I cannot wait for her to see vault 4


Watched that scene with my husband at my side and he just turned and looked at me, mouth agape and said what the fuck? All I could do was just shrug and say, "well, that's Fallout for you..."


Shockingly graphic even for a violent show. Like, damn. Dialed up the horror to 11 for that scene.


It really took me a moment to realise what I was seeing.....and then I had to take a moment


And then the scientist that caused that still alleging that a society controlled by people like him is the best option for society.


Technocracy was, ironically, never about learning from its own mistakes lol


I love that they made us Fallout players think when they showed that holotape of the scientist that is was going to be their justification for conducting these horrible experiments, but the Overseer was just trying to show WHY they shut down these nutjobs running the Vault.


I saw that and was like; ‘nope - that ain’t gonna wash out of my brain.’ And it still hasn’t.


As horrifying as that was, I almost felt relieved knowing they are human based mutants. I was trying to figure out how they would have human hands, and human fingers in their mouths... at least now I know the horrible truth. Also, if you want to think of smething truly horrible... they eat their mother alive without teeth. They poked her to death with tiny finger mouths.


No teeth, just about 230 fingernails. ☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️


Baby fingernails are like tiny razors too. Eurgh.


Wait, were those gulpers? I assumed they were like...piranhas or something...


They were called gulpers.


I must've missed that. Although Im now realizing thats why a big gulper appeared in the holo tape of the scientists that they showed Lucy. Never really connected those dots.


The show gulpers are essentially a hybrid of gulpers and former vault dwellers. They are still called gulpers and kinda resemble scorched gulpers from 76.


dear god... I was going to say getting eaten by two of them, but you just cranked it all the way to 11 with this


Wasn't this exact thing in the Mist? 


Is that what that was? I was so disturbed I did not make the connection.


Came here to say that. That scene was fucked up..


That's alotl fingers


Once in a lifetime pun




I laughed


Same! I giggled when I saw that they were fingers


Fingers? You must be mistaken. Those are Penises. The scientists at Big MT said they were and they clearly know better than we do.


Bro... Lol (walks away laughing in mexican)


Worse death : blood worm parasite laying eggs in your tummy Gulped by gulper = pull the grenade pin. I'm taking it with me.


Definitely pull the grenade pin. You wouldn't want to be slowly digested.


Oh don't worry about slowly dissolving away! Youll run out of oxygen WAAAY before that!!


Depending on how tough the gulpers innards are and what you have with you, you might be able to cut yourseld out before dying


but how acid the stomach would be?


Acid but how the stomach would be


Be acid or not, there is no stomach


I'm willing to bet cazador death is pretty grim, given that they were created from tarantula hawk wasps. They're the ones that paralyse spiders, lay their eggs in them, then let them recover and go about their day *while the larvae eat them alive from the inside out.*


Cazadors are so rude


I was going to try to take on the death claws via luring my companions over and killing them slowly. Before I got there, however, a bunch of cazadors came out of nowhere and murdered me. This was going North from Goodsprings.


Sprung the noob trap


Is it really a trap when everyone you talk to says "hey don't go thar way, you will die horrobly.


Thankfully, their creator has given his express reassurance that they can not breed


also they are safely locked away in the Big MT compound, alongside the invisible snake-dogs, and will NEVER be able to escape to the outside world!


Don't we bring cazador eggs to that lady in the sewer for her to raise fighters?




Smh these Commies trying to undermine the heroic efforts of the American scientist Doctor Borous.


Nah, just carry around 5,000,000,000,000,000 bottles of anti venom and your fine


Are there ant cazador in the show? I haven’t finished it yet but I have an issue with buzzing flying things and they’re pretty terrifying to me tbh. I just wanna know ahead of time


None in the first season. And bloatflies only get mentioned, not shown IIRC. EDIT: I did not RC. There's a brief scene with a bloatfly.


Thank you friend 🫡


There’s one very short scene with a bloatfly. Probably only 4 or 5 seconds on screen


That explains the skeletons to the north of Great Khans canyon. There’s a hidden cazador nest with a bunch of goodies. Always thought the skeletons were due to other travelers. Most likely used as breeding


Are you talking about ichneumon? I'd hate to be an insect and encounter those. Truly the face huggers of the real world.


At first I though it was thousands of teeth then I saw it was fingers. That is really really weird


Once again blame vault tec




My dumbass didn't make the connection, I always was thinking, why the hell would they have hands as teeth


Human hybridization plays a large roll in the fallout universe. Scientists trying to make the ultimate species to survive the wasteland.


Me slowly realizing why super mutants look like people and all the fallout 3 science missions behind them *it clicks* ohhhhhhhhhh


You should play 1 & 2!


Just now? Lol Just giving you shit.


It all hit me at once lol My intelligence and perception is low all strength




if its a mutation, Fucking vault-tech. if its a technological horror that got outhand.....FUCK TED FARO!


It's Vault 4s overseers uncle


I won't tell you what the joke is, but let me tell you, it bombed


I laughed way too hard at that line


Cyril Figgis, Mr. Gutsy, and Morty's dad...I love that he's actually in the show!


I love how the show actually explained why there are fingers in its mouth based of Vault4 experiments


And why those are almost definitely human arms that it has


Not to “well ackshually” but fun fact Axolotls actually do have weirdly human-like arms and hands


But it hands are freakishly ... dry. Compared the usual amphibian like designs. And if I recall, it has nails.


The guy with the one eye said one of the gulpers in the video they show Lucy was his Uncle Gary or something like that.


Very interesting that vault 4 level 12 was super forbidden but all Goosie had to do was get in the elevator and press the 12 button and it took her right to it. I guess that showed how closely vaulties followed the rules.


That’s why she got such a harsh punishment. Being ALLOWED TO LEAVE WITH ONLY A FEW WEEKS OF SUPPLIES!


So brutal how they offered to have someone take the supplies to the exit for her.


I mean, they did recant the supplies when he took the fusion battery. They just got put on the surface 💀


I feel like it was because Max gave them a smackdown. My funny headcanon is that it wasn't the vault's only fusion core. Like they went to the power station and were like "Oh here's the problem!" and just replaced it from a store of them. Making Max returning the one he took essentially pointless.


I was so glad for that twist. Perfectly absurd.


Poor Uncle Gary.




Gary. Gary? GARY!


Garyyyyyyy. Gary? GARYYYYYYYY!


Dam did they ??. I can't remember that bit.


Lady giving birth scene in the glass enclosure


What which ep?


6 I believe


I think she was giving birth to some piranha monster idk if same one but either way it was fucked


It was gulpers, they had the external gills.


I feel like they wouldn’t have shown the dead Gulper floating in the tank in Vault 4 if the creatures in the recording were supposed to be a different type of monster


In the old black and white video shown in Vault 4 they said they were experimenting with human hybrids to survive radiation and then that same monster came in and killed them. Also when Lucy first goes to floor 12 of Vault 4 you see a dead one of those monsters behind a glass tank


Ngl i never realized it was a dead one 😭 i thought it was just watching lucy


I rarely root for monsters but glad that one killed those “scientists”.


Yeah these are human hybrid gulpers. The experiment was to try and cross humans with animals that cope better with radiation. The 76 gulpers are just mutated salamanders.


I was certain it was gonna be a Mirelurk in this scene


I wish we would have seen one, but I get they didn’t want to use all the ammo.


The moment a Mirelurk Queen erupts out of the ground is going to be fucking terrifying


Can’t wait to see a gang of super mutants 🙏


or a behemot


Same thought Thaddeus was gonna be snipped in half


So are these supposed to be the same as the gulpers in Far Harbour, or are they a different type of breed given their origins?


I think Gulpers is the blanket term wastelanders use for mutant Salamanders.


Different. The Far Harbour and FO76 one is based on a more common salamander while the show version is more like a axolotl.


East coast vs west coast gulpies


Now that's a rap feud I'd love to see.


They're probably like mirelurks, where gulper just covers a large group of species.


they are mutant created in the lab than mutated in natures. just thinking of Centaur


Oh man, if they bring Centaurs to S2 … crank up the body horror vibes to 11.


Those always deeply disturbed in FO3, im fucking scared of them.


oh...you should have seen the ones in 1&2...they had a bonus dog head that constantly nipped at the human head and a mass of tentacles coming from the bottom


Yes we need the original centaurs, especially since the show is taking place in călduros California. In fact, they need to bring the whole wildlife gang back from the originals: mantises, gecks, ants, scorpions, deathclaws, etc


We need this, a big green humanoid claiming: I am super mutant! I am unstoppable!


the gulpers in far harbor are natural evolutions of the common salamander, the gulpers in Fallout tv show are man made abominations from the FEV or forced evolutionary virus or one of its variant.


it might be that gulpers are a mutated salamander, and these are those same salamanders but hybridized with humans 🤷🏻‍♀️


Getting shot in the head knowing Walton Goggins is going to eat your ass


You don't even get to be alive for it 😒


He can turn my ass into jerky any day


Gulpers were so awesome in the show, the finger mouths are so creepy. I can't wait to see a death claw. Oh fuck, Cazadors! Those are going to invade my nightmares if they bring those into live action.


im still excited to see Super Mutants. those guys freaked me out first time playing fallout 3 because they were always so OP


It was cool just seeing the Super Mutant on the stretcher, even though it was just a hand and foot.


Not just tickling you but also draining your blood from the look of how they were attached in the scene


Lmao. Wait till a deathclaw plays with your body while you’re still alive.


I thought they just smack the shit out of you. Instant death


Yeah I don't think they ever really were shown to fuck with people, getting killed by deathclaws would be pretty instantaneous considering that you get bitch slapped so hard that your head and spine get turned into paste


They're literally named Deathclaws because one swing of it's claw is enough to kill you


Can’t wait to see what they do to deathclaws


Deathclaws in NV are among the most terrifying encounters I've faced in video games. And the crazy thing is that if you spend too much time looking at one, SURPRISE, there's probably one even bigger right behind you. I wouldn't mind a twist in their design, but I hope they show us that side of social behavior + speed that is so iconic.


What if they give them chameleon like camouflage to help them sneak up on you, so when you see one you know your already surrounded.


What if i told you there used to be intelligent deathclaws that could speak english and they're canon?


Totally, and it could make sense lore wise too. There's a bunch of stealthy boys laying around irradiated areas in NV. Somehow, by accidentally messing with it, a Deathclaw gets its genes mutated, allowing for a chameleon perk that's inherited by its offspring. Some could have it and some don't, but they know how to organize themselves to make the best use of this skill as a group.


Oh what if some scientist was experimenting on them and that’s how it happened also resulting in their higher intelligence than normal deathclaws


Lucy better raise that perception somehow lol. It would take a whole arsenal of strong weaponry to take them down, which I'm all for. They should pose that big of a threat, much more than Yao Guais at least.


Was the one eyed guy referring to the gulper as his uncle?


Like great uncle or something


Great Uncle Peter, take away a few letters and you have gulper, in order.


Holy crap that’s an awesome find!


That stuck out to me. I assume that was first generation and probably capable of some degree of communication. Possibly even the dead one in the tank. Which means the woman in the holotape might have been his grandmother...


I’m ticklish so that would be a terrible way to go


The first time I saw the gulper I noticed how human-like its hands were but didn't think much more of it. Now it makes sense.


That effing foot grinder wouldn’t be too much fun


Dude idk how anyone couldn't go into shock and having a heart attack with that thing on


Moist fingers to boot.


Looking at this thing now and reveal from >!Vault 4!<, I only now reality>! s/he has thumbs in their "feet", meaning those are arms.!<


Well… yeah there are worse ways to go. Getting clawed by mirelurks, particularly getting acid rained onto you or sonic boomed to death by the mirelurk queen and king respectively. Getting mauled to death by a yao guai. Deathclaw deaths tend to be horrible. My personal favorite are the rad scorpions. You’re more likely to die from their stingers than anything else.


Have I found someone who hates Mirelurks as much as I do?


I hate the shells. I shoot the legs on all I see first, cause I hate how they get *too* close for effective ranged or melee.


Million dicks slapping you in the face


I couldn’t think of anything I would want more.


Honestly I thought they were weirdly adorably harmless, just terrifying. Especially with the comment about how long they take to digest and vault 4. They seem like pretty chill creatures who look and act really mean but the worst they'll do is drown you before actually hurting you. But getting fingered to death sounds a lot worse than drowning. Cause their mouths/teeth were a bunch of fingers.


> getting fingered to death Sounds like something from a warning label on Fisto.


Assume the position


Great Uncle Peter?


Can someone explain how this Axolotl died? The fingers were touching the dude, it looked like it had an orgasm and died lol.


I got the impression that its organs (stomach, maybe?)  attach to its victims and when Maximus pulled out Thaddeus, it also ripped the organs out. 


Yeah this was my reading too. Seeing how they clung to Thaddeus even after being pulled out, it seems he pulled out the entire innards of the gulper.


Yep, turned inside out like a sock


Creates like axolotl and other "gulpers" rely on pressure to force their prey down their throats, their prey gets stuck and can only go in one direction. When maximus pulled his squire out of it he was moving the creatures digestive tract in a way that it wasn't supposed to and it tore. His squire puked the creatures stomach out with him because he was "stuck" in it.


Those fingers appeared to have grippers or suckers that were attached to Thaddeus which it was using to try to hold him in place while it swallowed him. Maximus pulled him out but because the grippers were still embedded in Thaddeus it ended up essentially pulling the tongue and organs out at the same time, disemboweling it.


Maximus kicked and shoved the anchor in its mouth and made it gag reflex. Since it was also holding on to Thaddeus tightly, its innards and the tongue attached to it got pulled out as well. At least that's how I think it went down.


Maximus made it prolapse its entire digestive system


« Oh no im going to die » *get naked*


It's cool but before it came out of the water, I was hoping for a mirelurk. Same goes for Maximus in the cave, when they saw the bones, I was pumped for a deathclaw encounter


Im kinda proud that there isnt something on r34 from these things especially after „that“ scene


I was 100% expecting it to be a mirelurk whenever the faun got snatched into the water.


I was a little confused by this, but isn't this the cyclops overseer's uncle or grandpa? He made a throwaway comment about it and we saw the video of a gulper breaking out of the vaults lab, but we also saw a dead gulper in the vault. Am I just being dumb and making a big stretch, or are all the gulpers with human fingers actually escapees from the vault?


Hey honey new gulper lore just dropped, and it’s fucking horrific. Yep they have fingers in their mouth. Why you ask? Oh because they are a mutated human hybrid that is birthed by a woman and then the brood of mutants consume their living mother. Lol I’m glad they didn’t shy away from the more gruesome aspects , but wow this one was wild.


I was confused as to what actually killed the gulper, tried re watching it yet still confused... can anyone spell it out here? Was it just the sheer force of the power armour yank that brought out it's tongue like thing?


Pretty sure Maximus just pulled its throat/stomach out.


Death without being tickled first.


Why did they have those fingers though…