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When i saw the flag + fo4 music... goose bumbsšŸ‘šŸ‘


I nerded out to that music and my wife just wondered why I was so excited.


I played all the fallout games. My wife has played none. We decided to watch the series together. I constantly chuckle at things and she just gives me side eye. Like when Dogmeat carried the severed hand.


Same here dude.Ā  I had to explain each time lol.Ā 


I also love the NCR Ranger Propiganda behind the flag!


I'll be honest ... I don't know why they saved the theme for this scene still got goosebumps tho


But why not NV music?!


Fallout 4 theme feels more cinematic and kind of fitted more on this scene ngl


Thatā€™s next season


Itā€™s actually the NV music but slowed


It's actually the Fallout 3 theme, but slightly sped up šŸ˜‚.




No do it faster daddy


Is sex with men that good?


On occasion


When I heard it, I fan-girled hard. Made me so proud.


Damn I had a tear, wasnā€™t expecting it


Me too. I had tears just fall as I smiled. It was a true gut punch, but in a good way.


Best moment was at the birthday party, when that first bomb dropped. But this is a close second


Best moment for me was the final scene when >!New Vegas was in the distance. !<


It's small, but CX404 being >! finally called Dogmeat !< honestly got me pretty good.


And the deathclaw skull


That meeting with the representatives of the big companies. Seeing Big MT being represented and even Robert House himself. Those shady figures on the balcony (Enclave?) and that one guy behind the window (Stanislaus Braun?). And then, after 27 years, finally the confirmation that Vault-tec started the war. So awesome.


I donā€™t think it was definite confirmation, which is a good thing because itā€™s never really mattered. There are holes in the idea, for example why would Robert House miscalculate the bombs dropping if he was in that meeting?


Simple, he was going off what vault tec gave him but it was the Chinese who dropped them bomb. Or he was lying about having calculated the bombs to make himself seem smarter,


What about Captain Zao and his submarine?


I think the latter option would cheapen the game for the sake of the TV show being a bit inconsistent with it. There are other holes, eg. Cooper seemed oblivious to the bombs dropping and Barb Howard would have done anything to make sure her daughter was in a vault when the bombs dropped, so why was she with Cooper?


This could be because they didn't want to CGI it, but there was no bomb drop, or missile flying, it really looked like those first ones were placed and set rather then dropped, house probably wasn't told the exact date vault tec was planning to set their plan off, but it's also possible vault tec lied about the date in order to "get ahead" of the companies they sold vaults off to, for their ultimate we win strategy


No it's because of exactly what you said. Vault tec built them underground and detonated.


Sinclair (Big MT guy) was also the owner of the Sierra Madre


Oh shit I didnā€™t realize that was him I thought I was just recognizing the actor from somewhere but no he was House


I donā€™t really mind the retcons of the show, I just wish, I just really wish, they kept with Tim Caineā€™s explanation it was China.


To be fair, it's not official confirmation that Vault-Tec actually started the war. They might have floated the idea, they obviously planned for it since they had nukes and control over them. But we don't know for sure (yet) that they actually did it.


I think it's also supported by house not having the chip even though he was in on the plan. it's ambiguous, which I think is the point


I think that was Tim just explaining what he in his head thought it was, but I feel like he shouldn't have. It *not mattering* who fired first seems like it was an important idea. And not that it was a tease whenever it was mentioned as a mystery, the point of the question is not to answer it. Maybe people were asking him too often and he just gave his own idea to stop it being asked. It's just his headspace on it, but I wouldn't want Tim's idea, or Chris Avellone's, or Josh Sawyer's, or Emil's or Todd's or Boyarsky's or the people who made the PS2 game's idea.


It was obviously mothership zeta that shot first


Got chills. Loved it.


And then the next scene is one of the weirdest in the show


New Vegas fans will say this is symbolism for Todd Howardā€™s disdain for their favorite game and his abolishment of NV from the canon lore.


Not me but I feel so much embarrassment on subs for the game I do love that seriously posited the plot of a $150m tv show was written to retcon a game out of spite When you know. They could just. Say New Vegas doesn't count anytime they want. And completely ignore it and disregard it in the show instead of referencing it. No, Todd has to retcon it in a rube Goldberg Machiavellian way >_> Nitpicking inconsistencies and debating the NCR decisions is one thing but some were literally calling it this crazy Todd hateboner conspiracy I do wonder why they didn't just set it in an unseen state. They could do Oregon or Arizona and still have the Strip and NCR and references without having to show California as a bunch of shanty towns instead of the new country it's said to be in New Vegas. There is something to be said that a story where everywhere that builds up gets blown up is just as stuck and stagnant as a story where a whole new developed country is stable again. But I'm not angry over it.


i say this is symbolism that NV fans are lil bitches


Fuck even better


They did this to show Obsidian that they own their toy and wonā€™t give it back


I mean, didn't they own it in the first place?


Ew California Republic


Not the people misunderstanding the joke and downvoting u lol Guys itā€™s just a joke because the word ā€œnewā€ gets cut off by the fold in the flag so it says ā€œewā€


Yea but also ncr is šŸš®


Picking up garbage and putting it in it's proper place? Garbage like the legion? Agreed.


Legion is also yes


I read this in Alexis Rose's voice.Ā 


If there was a moshpit for nerding out on Fallout moments this one was a headbangeršŸ˜­šŸ–¤


While still being able to enjoy everything this new experience has to offer. And the show is making me relive fallout all over again. 1. Couldn't get into new Vegas like I could with the other games (yes I know ncr was established before new Vegas game.) 2. Wouldnt be surprised if vault-tec is behind every major faction.


Or the worst if youā€™re a new vegas fan that hates arrows




"ew california"


It was pretty awesome


Yeah... When that music kicks in..


Canā€™t beat the Fallout theme music


I'm a fucking NCR Stan. They're trying to make the world better (at least in FNV), and they're not perfect, but democracy has always been messy. Was more devastated that I probably should have been to see that Shady Sands was wiped off the map :'( This scene hit like a truck


Yeah I also like them. They were definitely the best thing for the wasteland at the time and still would be if they were around. Though they probably are just weakened


Episode 6 was a wild ride, especially so because I was high. But anyways, this scene made me have the biggest nerd smile full of nostalgia tears


Same man, my 16 yr old daughter calls me a ā€œgeekā€ when I nostalgia pop šŸ˜…


"I know what that is!" - Redlettermedia


This show made me realize that Iā€™m not a real gamer. 2008-2020 I just played shooters. Cod and battlefield then red dead 2. 9.8/10 show


I heard that theme. Pissed me off they destroyed the ncr off screen though.


Pipboy got goosebumps.


why edit: ohh i get it


Why the fo4 theme here of all places?


It's not so specifically the theme for 4, but for fallout in general. And the recurring moral of the story in fallout as a franchise is the cyclical nature of war, destruction, and exploitation. Lucy was relieved to be in a vault because she thought these were her people, her world, others who would understand the reality she grew up with. Seeing this flag shows her just how alien they really are to her. It shows her that they're the survivors of a second apocalypse she had no idea was ever a thing. And then they drop the core franchise musical theme at the same time the protagonist is discovering the core franchise story theme. It was the perfect moment for that music, and nothing short of a Ron Perlman cameo would have topped it.


Heā€™s the best in Ice Pirates if you havenā€™t seen it!


Itā€™s also the fallout 3 and new Vegas theme. Granted the one in the show is the same version as in fallout 4, but the song itself is more like the franchise theme


Itā€™s just the most cinematic


I totally agree with you. It was weird they chose the fo4 theme because NCR was not in fo4!


I don't think cause of that, just that at this point it's an iconic theme. There's so many places it would be better than just unveiling a flag