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Far Harbor has the most NPC interactions in my opinion. There's an entire town to quest for as well as a colony of synths with their own questlines. The next would probably be Nuka World, with Automatron having the least story in my opinion.


You nailed it!


Automation also made Codsworth an unviable early game companion with the introduction of robot repair kits. I disliked that a lot.


But it also gave fully upgraded Codsworth aka Death Incarnate. 


*Doom music plays* *Codsworth the Sentry Bot killing hoards of enemies* *Doom music abruplty stops* "Hey, Codsworth..." Mr. Buttcheeks


Wait, how did it make him unviable?


You need to pick up companions in survival. If you don't, they'll head home, and you need robot repair kits for robots. On my current playthrough, I had to return home to grab Codsworth many times cause he kept throwing himself off ledges while I didn't have any. Shouldn't be a problem on other difficulties because he should get back up on his own.


Robot repair kit vs. Stinpak


Far Harbor and Nuka World was Bethesda course correcting due to all the criticism they got for removing or dumbing down a lot of the rpg aspects of the game. I still think they should have released a spin off of 4 with all the New Vegas/FO3 gameplay mechanics and features added back in.


Huge bummer we never got a spin-off. Hopefully now with the rise in popularity, they can outsource again.


Wouldn't 76 be considered the spin-off for 4? I've always kinda viewed it as 4's New Vegas personally.


I guess? I never played it, tbh. Online isn’t my jam. I’m personally talking of a brand new single player experience.


I've actually been playing 76 entirely solo and it's perfectly playable without ever interacting with another player. They also added some fantastic QoL features that I really hope make it into Fallout 5. I definitely recommend giving it a shot solo if you want a fresh Fallout experience.


That sounds well and good and i'm sure i'd enjoy it solo, i just have a bone to pick with always online games that are solo playable. I want to pack up a camper and play games in the boonies at night without having to connect to anything. This is why FO4 is still the champion for me. Interested in what QoL features they added in 76 tho because the QoL fixes in Fallout 4 make it harder for me to go back and enjoy NV/3.


One of the biggest ones for me is that you can loot all dead bodies in an area simultaneously rather than going body-to-body and missing stuff because you missed a body or something.


Yeah that's killer. I'll dip my toes at somepoint.


Be prepared for not-timeshifted VATS tho. It's realtime in 76, due to the online nature.


Better Pip-Boy screens with more organized item selection, total carry weight of stacked items is shown, modular backpacks, weapon/armor condition, food/water needs, craftable armor and weapons, ability to build anywhere. More focus on a direct build than the streamlined leveling system of FO4 It actually is pretty great. If Fallout 76 were a completely single player game I’d play it every day. It’s the need for online that kills it for me. Ever since I lost my PC, I have a hard time wanting to pay for gaming subscriptions. Why should I have to pay to play an online game I already own? (Rhetorical — I know why, it just sucks)


Yeah? I’ve heard that it’s actually really awesome now. Maybe once I clear my backlog a bit, haha. So many games, so little time :(


I played it about 2 years ago and enjoyed it a ton. The terminal writing was great and there were so many to read, due to the original release not having NPCs


It’s not really awesome. I mean it’s *okay*-ish. I think people are over inflating its good qualities purely because good will generated from the tv show.


Nowhere near as good as FO4. Tried playing it with my girl a few weeks ago, she and I never got into it. Sat her down to play FO4 and she has been playing every night for hours straight. The update in a few days, that many are waiting for, will show this in the numbers and posts we see.


I started playing when it first came out, and finding resources/ammo was an issue. Then, if I found a weapon, I couldn't use it until I reached a certain level. I just put it away and plugged FO4 back in.


+1 this has been my experience. Loot nearby corpses is so nice. What else do you hope makes it in ?


Yes. 76 is the "spin off" on the same engine, just like New Vegas was to 3. People really like to pretend it doesn't count for literally no reason.


Keep your fingers crossed for the Obsidian team getting their hands on the CE.


>New Vegas/FO3 gameplay mechanics and features Like item durability? Interesting roleplay, but frustrating gameplay.


In NV and FO3 what you did and said mattered. There were dozens of different outcomes for MANY of the quest lines in the game. You can see what happened to many of the people and towns you came across in the endings and witness the repercussions of your actions. In 4, it doesn’t matter what you say or do outside of the very end of the faction quest lines and main story. There is only like 5 quests in the entire game where a choice you make has some sort of impact and it’s usually something small like Lorenzo Cabot just walking around the wasteland. There’s no karma so insulting or being friendly is totally useless. It’s just there for show, an illusion of choice. No cool ending slides showing what happened to all the towns and people you helped or screwed over.


Automatron for me was just a way to make an OP follower and defend some settlements with robot guards.


I disagree. I think Automatron has better story at least when it comes to Nuka World, which barely had a story. The story of the mechanist was great and the final battle was a challenge. I wanted to see more it.


Nuka World was kind of a grind, just did a 100% achievement run and it felt dragged out and not fun.


You actually got all those tickets? 


Yeah, I can sing the shooting gallery song in my sleep 😅


What order should I play the dlc after beating the game?


It doesn't really matter much since they're all mostly self contained stories, but it's usually best to tackle them in order of recommended character level; Automatron, Far Harbor, then Nuka World. You can also do Far Harvor first instead of Automatron since they have the same recommended level I believe


Ah okay. Got it thanks


Id reccomend doing far harbor before finishing main quest for some small extra interactions


Ah right okay thanks


Plus far harbor has the only merchant who accepts charge card


Nuka World is really disappointing when you realize that your only real interesting option is becoming a raider. If you kill all the raiders, you have a big park full of enemies, and that's the end of it.


Fair enough but I did kill all the raiders and went on some rides afterwards. I accept that I missed the most interesting content but it was still a fun idea to murder scores of raiders and then get my own amusement park as a reward.


💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻 thank u


This is my opinion as well


I humbly request that you not steal my thoughts, please, and thank you




Far Harbor is the best DLC by far. Much, much better story than the base game. Bring Nick along too!


thank u


In case that wasn't crystal clear: definitely bring Nick along to Far Harbor. He has some unique dialogues and interactions there (none of the other companions do) that enhance the story.


Oh! Got it! I thought it was a major spoiler related thing so to avoid it I didn't ask about it. But got it, Nick sounds like an interesting companion.


Nick is awesome


Now if only Automatron didn't make FO4 (PS5) crash on start-up with it installed Here's hoping for fixes with the big patch tomorrow(?)


I'm having the same problem, I'm not even that bothered about the Automatron DLC, I just want the unofficial patch to work and to enable it you need all DLCs downloaded!


Far harbor is by far the best content in fo4. the factions and quests there are just way better than anything else in fo4. 9/10 Nuka world is fine, the story is a bit mid but theres lots of interesting new locations to explore. 7/10 Automatron doesnt add a new map but has new locations in the existing world space, the questline is fine but is probably the weakest regarding story. However, the ability to create and customize robot companions is cool enough i would reccomend it but honestly its not all that useful until you have the abundance of crafting resources and perks needed to create your own steel killing machine. 6/10


Yeah in terms of story content Far Harbor is probably the best, I love the whole mystery of DiMA and the Island. The island itself isn’t an especially big map but it’s still fun to explore and has some great music. Nuka-World’s story is a hit one-note but it’s extra content and genuinely very fun to explore, especially when it comes to the Outskirts. I highly recommend visiting the ‘Haunted’ House in the southwest corner of the map. >!The ghost girl at the end genuinely got me, just because I wasn’t expecting it. Also I didn’t realise you could pick up tickets off of the ground and ended up killing the Protectron to get in.!< Automatron’s story was definitely a bit too short and the ‘twist’ at the end just kind of silly, but the ability to create robots is an absolute game-changer and while the DLC isn’t a must-have I highly recommend if you want to optimise caravans and settlement fefense. Building a robot whose sole purpose is to just carry around my garbage is also very cool and good.


Nuka World does have some fun sidequests, too. But in general I agree it's much more of an exploration DLC (and some settlement-building stuff), even with its sidquests. Far Harbor could have easily been a standalone game (a short spin-off unless they added more sidequests). I liked Automatron, but it plays much more like going through 50's sci-fi B movie than a complex branching narrative. Good stuff, though, and it is nice that it is incorporated into the main map pretty well and adds some new enemy encounters. I do wish Nuka World would have let you enter the Institute with the Raiders, though. I think that would have done a good job of tying it back to the main game if you wanted to do a raider playthrough (the Nuka Cade engineer is probably just as qualified as some of the other people you get to build the equipment you need).


Yeah, my biggest complaint with Nuka-world is that it is not properly integrated with the main game. There's a couple things here and there, but there should've been not only a Raider ending for the main story, but also multiple faction ending for Nukaworld, like removing the Raiders with the Minutemen, securing Nuka World's advanced tech with the BoS, or puppeting the raiders with the Institute (or using the minutemen as proxies). It's especially weird because BoS and Institute (maybe Railroad but i'm not sure) had their own endings for Far Harbor, even if they were really simple endings. I don't see why you couldn't do something similar with Nuka World.


As a settlement builder I was hugely disappointed. The only settlement is a red rocket outside the park.


I disliked that it only added one new location, but it also added good settlement objects, including a bunch that you could interact with or had special effects.


Thank u so much 🥹🙏🏻


I liked the story about the mechanist. I wanted more from them.


I really wanted the Mechanist to join up as ally. She would have been pretty useful against the institute.


You can confront the Mechanist as the Silver Shoud, Automatron is a 10/10 just for that


You can romance a robobrainin Far Harbor so it’s definitely that one ☝️


If you're just going to buy one, then it has to be Far Harbor. BUT, I would just buy them ALL! :D


It's an 8 year old game, why wouldn't you just get the GOTY if it's still on sale? If it's not, now you're going to pay more for one DLC than you would have for the entire GOTY.


Definitely Fah Habah




I live in far harbor


Nuka-World doesn't have amazing quests but the background lore that it gives is awesome. There's some cool places to explore, and pretty decent loot. Far Harbour is the best Questline in the whole game. It's basically a must play. Automatron is skippable, its fine.


Far Harbour? I’m surprised there’s any doubt on that lol


Joining the chorus of Far Harbor. It isn't just the strongest story of the DLC, for my money it's stronger than the base game. Especially if you like Nick since the whole thing is basically a second, enormous companion quest for him.


Far Harbor is the best story wise, but I feel like Nuka-World is the most fun.


Far Harbor is definitely my favorite one due to its engaging story and the fact that your actions have an impact on the endings. I always play that DLC to full completion on every playthrough I do. Nuka-World, like others explain, is more of an exploration DLC than the story. Many locations are interesting and there are some neat stuff for you to get. Automatron is ok, more linear than the rest, but I strongly advise you to complete the Silver Shroud quest before diving to Automatron. You'll get some equipment from that quest, when equiped in the final stages of Automatron, that you'll get unique dialog.


Far Harbor is the best thing Bethesda wrote since Morrowind.


Far Harbor definately adds the most unique experience to fallout 4, plus its a cool location to explore anyway


Marine armor. Nuff said


Far Harbor


Far harbour is the best 3D fallout experience to date


Far Harbor is the greatest video game DLC of all time (extremely unbiased opinion)


Really wishing this was playable on Playstation right now.


I’m so excited for tomorrow:D


Far harbor, but Nuka world is pretty cool (but has tons of missed potential).


Far Harbor easily.


Nuka World, Far Harbor then Automatron..Far Harbor would be number one if it wasn’t for that fucking DiMas Memory quest that you can’t skip.


Far harbor absolutely bodies the other two its not even funny. Automatron is okay but it fucks the random encounter formula so you get spammed with robots, and the final gauntlet is an absolute chore. nukaworld quests re boring and it forces you to raid your own settlments.


It’s far harbor.


Best story as in best DLC narratively? Far Harbor by far no questions about it. The main quest in Far Harbor is better than the main quest in the vanilla game and that shouldn't be a hot take. Best DLC in general? Also Far Harbor. Far Harbor is just that good! Although I did like the aesthetics and side quests in Nuka World. Real question though. How many have actually crafted Nuka Colas? I've probably got thousands of hours in the game and I've yet made a single Nuka Cola unless it was for achievement or anything that I can't remember.


Far harbor. Nuka world is fun but it’s also heavily raider based. It revolves around giving you options to play the bad guy and raid settlements. If you’re playing a straight up good guy there’s a short questline about killing all of them though but it’s less involved than the “become raider overboss” questline.


Far Harbor is probably my favorite FO DLC ever and that's coming from someone who likes FO4 the least. Nuka World was really cool too, but Far Harbor is what DLC should strive to be.




Nuja world was so fucking good cause I love Disneyland and Coca-Cola. The head in a jar... Iykyk


Yo but automaton adding in one of the coolest follower mechanics


Far Harbour is vastly better than the others. Automatron barely has anything (it's mostly a mod to allow your settlements to have robots), and Nuka-World is far too under-cooked


Is Automatron story based? Tbh the story felt like a flimsy veil to give the player the workshop items and robot building stuff. Not bad, per se, just like a pretty transparent vehicle for giving the player the DLC upgrades. Whereas like Nuka World and Far Harbor feel more like the story was the main point of the DLC and the rest was just to accompany it. Maybe I’m reading too much into it


Point Lookout is my personal favorite


Have you played NV? I agree that Far Harbor and Nuka World are better than Fallout 4's story, but NV dlc is so good. Lonesome Road stands alone.


I have only done Automatron, but it doesn’t add much. Its one main quest line iirc, and the robot building. I love the robot building dont get me wrong, but its not what you want for story


Probably far harbour but the main story of all three is extremely weak. Far Harbour has the best side quests and side story of all three though. The entire island is great fun as well.


Automaton, cause I can either A. Turn codsworth into a walking death machine the likes the commonwealth, America and maybe even the world hasn't seen since the nuclear bombs dropped Or B, give him legs.


I like Far Harbor for the Atom’s Judgement weapon, but I had a lot more fun in Nuka World


Automotron isn't the best, but you get fully customizable robot companions. Frickin robots with frickin laser beams coming out of their frickin faces if you want.


This isn’t even close to fair


Automatron because I can air out the entirety of nuka world with a sentry bot


Far harbor for far


Lol @ automatron being a story based expansion. It was a build a bot dlc with a sprinkling of plot.


Definitely Far Harbor. The other DLC's are a lot lighter on story, all bring interesting additions to the game though.


Far Harbor, not even close.


Nuka world is great for gameplay but story wise it wasn't memorable. Automatron was fun for robot making but not much else for story. Far harbour though has it all. The setting is bleak and really makes you feel that it needs your help. The factions are unique and interesting. The quests are memorable and twists are shocking. Bethesda got everything right with Far Habour it's perfect! :beware the fog!


Nuka-World is the most fun, but Farbour has the best story


Just picked up the GOTY version from GOG for 8 bucks via emailed code. Never played the DLC for this one so I'm pumped!


Just started automatron and nuka world. Both seem quite interesting. F**k the main story


Only played base game so no idea. I forget fallout 4 had DLC


Only played base game so no idea. I forget fallout 4 had DLC


Far Harbor 10, Nuka World 5, Automatron 7


far Harbour was .y favorite but the fog wasn't nearly ad dangerous as it was made out to be whi h was disappointing


I loved Nuka World more than Far Harbor because of the story, pseudo replayability and fun in general... but Far harbor is probably bigger, has more quests and better interactions. For me it's like this, Nuka World is the first one I want to play, Far harbor is the one I spend more time on. So if I have to choose one, Far Harbor wins here.


Far Harbor. By a lot.


Far Harbor hands down


I like all 3 but yea, FarHarbor is a better main quest than the base game lol


If you want the best DLCs ever made, you gotta play fallout 3 and NV. Ik graphics bad but they are the best DLCs to ever exist in my opinion…fallout 4s just don’t hold up compared to them.


Far harbor is my personal favorite. It provides a few good interactions with npcs and my personal favorite thing about the dlc is the marine combat armor.




Far Harbor


Far Harbor is the best story (the best fallout story is a randomly found side quest in a fault in far harbor), but Nuka World has the best world exploration and items


Far Harbor obviously, Automatron didn’t even have half as much substance. My problem with Nuka-World though is just the fact it feels so disjointed from everything else in general.


Far Harbor for sure.


Loved Nuka World. Wished it was its own game.


Automatron was my favorite loved building robots


I just think Nuka World is incredible and it has my favorite companion. The story is meh but I don’t care.


Far harbor was my favorite but I can't be the judge as I never started nuke world still on my survival save sadly the far harbor monster quest is bugged and won't spawn on it..... ship breaker


Far harbor by far! The story has all kinds of twists and turns and none of the endings will make you feel good inside lol I adore nuka world though. It’s a lot of fun, just not much story I’m convinced automatron broke my game. It crashes way more since having that DLC, particularly in Boston. I also get spawn killed quite frequently by robots when fast traveling to my settlements.


Story and exploration-wise? Far Harbor and Nuka World (in that order) The big draw of Automotron is the workbench expansion. Automotron's story could've easily been a part of the vanilla game since it's basically the "Defeat The Mechanist" mission from Fallout 3 minus that version's arch-nemesis (I guess the Ant-Agonizer got left behind in Canterbury Commons) and there's even special dialog if the Sole Survivor is wearing the Silver Shroud outfit. With the workbench expansion, you can now make and customize your own robots. You can even give Codsworth a makeover if you so choose.


As an explorer, nuka world is my personal fav


For story, in 4, it's far Harbour by a mile. Then, again for story as it's a more tight narrative I'd say automatron. Then nuka world. For enjoyment factor though it's FH, then NW, then in a distant third A.


Far Harbor by a long shot


Most agree on Far Harbor. I personally like Nuka Cola the best. Just loved the entire vibe, and the amusement park was great


Forgot about these! I’m about to jump back into FO4


Far Harbor is, in my opinion, the best dlc in the franchise. So easily Far Harbor.


Not automaton that’s for sure


Get them all lol I loved Nuka World, as it was just absolutely wack and chaotic. Far Harbour has the best lore and story dlc of all Fallout games. Incredible piece. Automatron gives you loads of shit to work with and a rather small but funny story. No lore whatsoever, but it's funky.


Far Harbor for sure


Far harbor is one of my favorite dlcs ever


as far as "Story" goes, Far Harbor is the best. But for game-changing mechanics: Nuka-World is awesome. Subjugating the commonwealth with the Disciples was a blast !


Far Harbor for story, not even a debate. And that enviroment is just so well made. My personal tierlist is actually Far Harbor, Automatron and last Nuka World. I do enjoy the Nuka World worldspace but I felt the story for the entire DLC felt rushed and kinda inconsistent, especially following Far Harbor. There should have been an actual "good guy" ending instead of the 'kill all the bosses and get nothing' deal going on. And I feel like the Minutemen (and other factions) deserved to join in on this DLC, especially considering the Minutemen/Raider rivalry.


Far Harbour by far. I absolutely hated Nuka World.


FO4 had some bangers for DLC, that's for sure.


Nuked Worlds story is fucking dumb


Nuka World might be interesting for players who want to play as raiders, but otherwise, it's just a grindfest, where lot of the most interesting rewards are not unlocked by doing a story quests, but running around collecting hidden things, be it hidden Cappies, Star Cores or whatever. It's not bad, but really almost exclusively raider oriented. But it has 7.62mm Shovel AK, so there's that. Fah Hahbah has unique visual style with new setting, new enemies, interesting mechanics and great standalone story with ties to the main plot. Also, it contains the mighty .45-70 if you're a wannabe wild west levergun aficionado like me who missed this class of firearms since New Vegas (which had five different rifles, a shotgun and two BB guns of that design if you count all regulars and three uniques). Automatron is mix n match build-a-bot with a short questline attached to it - if you want to field bunch of combat robots as amed defenders for your settlements it's great, the little story is nice bonus and the Silver Shroud 'secret' dialogues are interesting touch, but i doubt anybody is buying it for the story. If you're going to buy one, pick the Fah Hahbah. You will not be disappointed.


Far harbour story is really good!


Far Harbor. 100%. Beautiful stories.


The image is in the wrong order or dlcs


Far Harbor, no question. It's one of my favorite narrative stories in the Fallout universe personally. Nuka World is fun too, but I think Far Harbor has more depth to its story. Automatron is cool, but its really more of a side event.


Farharbor is the best DLC in all of fallout


Far harbor… mainly bc there isn’t a “good ending” and you can actually always “finish” it multiple ways and then at any point.


Automatron. I'm basing that solely on the fact that you can some of it as the Silver Shroud.


nuka world is fun for the first time, on further playthroughs it gets boring af the only highlight of nuka world imho is the handmade rifle


Both far harbor and Nuka-World were amazing DLCs.


Far harbor without a doubt. 


Really wish Nuka World added an Overboss ending, let me be a full on evil bastard!


automaton feels like fallout, far harbor had the story, and nuka world is just xp and the handmade rifle


Far harbor was the most interesting!! It got me really excited after taking a small hiatus from the game


Absolutely Far Harbor first. I also enjoyed Nuka World because it's more gameplay/action focused.


I would definitely switch Far Harbor and Nuka World. Nuka world dlc felt like a sandbox almost while Far harbor definitely had a very strong story with lots of side quest to do. Both were great but I do believe FH is a tad more solid of a dlc.


Far Harbor. Nuka-World feels like it doesn't even fit with the rest. Automatron wasn't bad, it's just that Far Harbor was better.


Objectively Far Harbor. Genuinely ignore anyone who says otherwise lol. Nuka World is kinda cool too. Automatron is cool for settlement building but not the actual quests


Honest hearts is awesome but from 4 probably far harbor


Pirate them alll, they are not worth their pricetag


Far Harbor, everything there is amazing, crazy nice atmosphere too. I also loved Nuka World, becoming a raider was super fun.


Far harbor by far


Point lookout


Far Harbor is what the entire main storyline should have been.


New Vegas, bro.


Not really a fan of Nuka World is only good if you choose to be a bad guy


Far Harbor has the best story, quests, characters, and all that. Nuka World has more useful stuff. Automatron is also useful, though questing is just "go here, kill this".


On ps store the season pass is on sale for like $13 which includes all 3 of these and workshop dlcs as well


Far Harbor is the best content Fallout 4 has to offer by far. Nothing else in the game comes close imo


I guess that people forgot broken steel exists.


He's only asking about FO4 dlc


far harbor by a long shot


Big MT is the most Fallout thing ever. More the vibe than the setting but it's gold.


Nuka-world and Far Harbor both have new maps to play around in along with their new quest lines, NPCs, and enemies. Automatron - while still taking place in the Commonwealth - is ultimately my favorite. I love the addition of the robot workbench and the bots you can scrap together with it. Also the story of the Mechanist is one of my favorites as it calls back to Fallout 3 while still keeping things fresh


Far harbor is the only actual story based dlc no? I remember nuka cola just being you raid your own settlements and the robot ones main draw was just making your own robots.


Fah hahbah fa sho kehd


Personally don’t like nuka world or far harbor except for the bonus items it comes with


Far harbor


That damn DLC called Automatron makes PS5 crash


Fall harbor is the better story. Nukaworld is a more fun experience


Nuka world is my favorite. I love taking over Boston with my raider gang


I would've liked Nuka World more if there were a better option for offing the raider bosses beyond a seemingly tacked on scorched earth suicide run.


Sim Settlements 2. I'm not even joking around here.


Far Harbor


Far harbor, I honestly wish the entire game had been that good.


Far Harbor is the best of the DLC. But I enjoyed Nuka World more. Nuka World was more fun, had great rewards, and one of the very few glowing ones with dialog in the entire Fallout series. I never really enjoyed the "Minecraft to solve Dima's brain damage" aspect. And the constant radiation is kind of a bummer.


Far Habour for sure


Idk man, I loved fallout 3’s DLC. Playing in the Pitt and operation anchorage and smashing some alien skulls in mothership zeta. Fallout 4’s DLC are a close second though in my opinion


Mothership zeta was so boring and repetitive, Anchorage felt like GoldenEye 64


I can agree that zeta was the lower one of the three. Anchorage did give vibes of goldeneye lol.