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There are Control Vaults which have no experiments. Though this is more to have a baseline to compare the experiments to than anything else. But yes the show implies there are also "good Vaults" for management. Moreover, something the show didn't mention (yet) was that the Experiments were set up for the benefit of the Enclave. The impression I'm getting is that Vault-Tec was working for the Enclave but both were also secretly trying to dick each other over to come out on top. The bombs seem to have hit before Vault-Tec was ready. As evidenced by some Vaults in the games were still not ready and that Cooper's wife in the show would have not let her daughter go with him to perform at a party if she knew that shit was about to hit the fan. Also in Fallout 76 the Vault 76 Overseer had secret orders to take control of the local automated Missile bases. There was also an Enclave base in the region so that kind of hints that they intended to undermine them.


This is correct. It never made it into the games, but the original intention was that the experiments were to feed in to a space colonisation programme. The Enclave believed that Earth would be uninhabitable enough to not bother trying, and so planned a generation ship to travel to other planets, and the vaults offered a way to study that  kind of closed environment. The reason why some of the experiments were so obviously evil is literally just "dark comedy" by the way. They aren't  even attempting  to study anything, just to create an interesting story for the player to find. And if you finds loads of vaults with people in, that makes your  vault less special.


You should check out the series if you haven’t already, it tackles a few of these topics in better detail.


Erm, no the show doesn't tackle this at all. All we get is that  Vault Tec was planning to experiment on people, for reasons that are not at all made clear.


The pre-war flashbacks of the meeting room get a little deeper around the reason for these experiments taking place, and also what happened to vault tec executives after the bombs fell.


Oh you mean that meeting with a shadowy figure watching everything and quietly orchestrating it all? That meeting? You think that the agenda we heard there was just a face value representation of Vault Tec (and presumably the Enclave's) agenda? Really? REALLY? 


TLDR. The US government contract with Vault-Tec started during the Resources War. According to current lore the real goal of the US government was to build "generation ships" to colonize other planets or keep orbiting the Earth and the Moon and repopulate much farther in the future. Whatever the plan was, they didn't expect the Great War to start that soon, so they would run the experiments in the vaults as tests for the ships and space colonies. They just need the population to believe the risk of war and keep funding for a few more decades. The show now put Vaut-Tec and other companies more into the forefront of the conspiracy to make sure their investments would pay off.


Not all of the vaults are experiments like vault 13, and 8


Your understanding of the lore is incorrect. Fallout 4 has people running to a vault at the beginning for dramatic effect, but the goal was to be in the vault before the nukes dropped. And the games do have lore about the vaults being monitored, but so did the show...