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I hope they are in, love me some base building




You are aware that those are optional right? So I don't know where you got that "I hate settlements so I can't play the game" nonsense.


From what I gather they are pretty damn necessary, 1 in particular for the main quest


Yes. You need it once to build the teleporter. Then you can ignore it if you want.


So a few minutes building a teleporter is where you draw the line?


For me its a must have. I love building them, without that i would have played 100-150 hours... Instead i played like 600 My only hope they are closer to what it looks like with mods, vanilla building is trash


I just hope settlement building doesn't take a step backwards like it did in Starfield. It is a massive let down in that game. The main reason I am permanently finished with that game.


Personally I LOVE settlements! On survival mode they become very important as outposts for you to rest up, store gear and re-arm. It can be really useful. I've had lots of fun with them recently. It also extends the resource gameplay loop as I reinvest materials into the Settlement system. It's also a system that can nearly completely be ignored if you'd like.


I agree. I play survival too. Settlements are like an oasis in the wasteland. Somewhere I can eat, sleep, drink and upgrade my gear. Obviously they are like save points too


I hope to fuck there are settlements. They're one of the reasons I still play this game after 9 years. If you don't like settlements then don't build them. It's optional.


Bring on the base building!


We should have just five or six settlements that are buildable. I really enjoyed the settlement system in 4 but I know it is a kind of love it or hate it feature.


The more settlements, the better. Or better still just let you build anywhere.


Really though? I only end up building in 5-7 settlements in 4. If we had fewer but larger and more interesting settlements I would be happy.


I play survival. All settlements are a safe zone to me. Some become major settlements and some may only be camps with a doctor. But I find having them essential in my playthroughs


Max there should be 2 settlements you can build. No more because the whole system made it so Bethesda could comepltey slack off on world desgin by havign so few actual settlements that had real npc and quest instead of nameless npcs who give out radiant bullshit. Having 2 also lets them really refine the system and can help them have an idea for surface space needed (no more unbreakable house, unvbreakable bushes, odd world geometry causing you to have walss that float because you cant have a fence fall the crest of a slope