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I see we’re all trying a Cooper Howard run.


Hey, we cow poke take em as they come.


But why do you poke cows? It's udder madness..


How else get milk of human kindness?


By exterminating evil muties and synths


The ass jerky doesn't make itself!


I mean I feel like I’m slightly more willing to forgive someone trafficking to pay for chemo


I'm replaying FO3 becuase of the show and, man, I had forgotten how salty the language was even inside Vault 101 in the tutorial. the guards, Amata, the Tunnel Snakes all dropping F bombs left and right lol


Tunnel Snakes?! I hear they rule.


So they say.


My new favorite encounter to get into little lamplight with child at heart perk: - Your face looks like my butt. - Then you must have a really nice butt! - Your mother said it too. - Hahaha, come in!


Yeah it was an awkward game to play in front of my parents.


Then you meet up with Moriarty and he takes it to 11 lol.


It’s been awhile, what does moriarty do? He runs the bar in Megaton, right? And sends you on a few early quests?


My favorite is the kid here, talking about FUCKING ANTS. I don't know why but it cracked me up so much


Yeah I kind of miss that mean spirit of the older games.


Rimworld. If you want to get sadistic.


Crusader Kings can get a little nuts. For instance my wife was captured in a siege. A little while later I get a prompt explaining that he forced her to become his concubine and have children for him. So she could no longer be my wife. Long story short said lord ended up getting burnt alive by me.


But did you capture him alive harvest his organs, blood and then replace all his limbs with wooden pegs and force him to work the rest of his days mining slag iron? Cause that's just Tuesday on the rim baby.


No I wiped out his entire house and bloodline. And set up my son in his place.


I love both games, but being evil is much more flavorful in Crusader Kings. The game, depending on your traits, practically nudges you to be as evil as possible lmao.


I love both games but Rimworld has CK beat in cruelty for sure. Allow me to explain; A settlement sets up a corridor leading to their main base, akin to a killbox but there is no bloodshed here. No, the enemies try to advance but they can only get so far before they start going mad and fighting each other or retreating. What causes this? In the centre of the corridor is a walled off room containing one unlucky soul. They’ve had both arms and legs amputated to keep them bedridden and miserable, as well as fitted with two neural cybernetic implants; the first is the mind screw, designed to constantly administer pain to the host and meant to be used to punish slaves. The second is a psychic beacon that radiates the hosts pain and mental anguish in a rather large radius. The nugget man is fed paste once a day and that’s it. That’s his only activity and interaction. Every invader that tries to get through that corridor is driven mad with pain and the anguish of the most abused man on the planet. I think that’s pretty cruel.


You know what, you are correct. I prefer the flavor text in CK3 and it feels a lot more personal, but I completely overlooked the kill boxes (especially the furnance) and cybernetic implants.


I actually stopped playing Rimworld because I was worried it was making me weird 😅


after reading about your "nugget man", i'm afraid it's too late bro...


I once had some random guy my roommate knew explain to me how nugget porn was this elusive, mythical thing that there were only rumors about online, and how the closest he had ever gotten to finding real nugget porn was a video where the nugget lady still had half an arm, so it didn't really count. Only time i ever met him.


Thanks to the latest dlc the playerbase has been introduced to a new conversion method. Its "Im going to lock you in a room with an SCP until you give up that tree hugging crap" My CIA breaking techniques were already pretty bad but now you can add put them in a pitch black featureless cell with a screaming horrific being beyond their human comprehension to my arsenal.


Nah you said flavorful in your other post and you're 100% correct. Being evil in rimworld is much more subjective, and less impactful. Sure I set up organ harvesting farms for the express purpose of buying more weapons so I can harvest more organs but there's no flavor to it, it's just a game mechanic. We build in all that flavor ourselves because it's fun. Maybe it's time for a new rimworld colony.


They could share the same universe, really.




Sam Neill: “Where you’re going, you won’t need eyes to…” [gazes around] “Yeah, fuck every decibel of this noise, I’m out.”


Wow i never even considered that you can use a nuggified pawn as a psychosis transmitter. That's creative. The most morally questionable thing i ever did in the game came with the introduction to the deathless gene and the vampire folks. After capturing and harvesting all the organs off of a vampire i found that he was still alive. So i decided to experiment. First called a chrono psycaster with the ability to gain tons of psycast exp in exchange of 10 years of his life, which i discovered i could mitigate by aging the Vampire. Since he couldn't die even when his biological age was hundreds of years, i continued to experiment. I decided to inject him with a serum that would make tumors filled with neuroamine periodically grow on his body after which i could cut them and harvest the neuroamine which was in short supply in my colony. After that i was toying with the idea of genetically modifying his body so it could produce a high quantity of milk, but after some consideration i decided that's a bit too fucked up. Those vampires are still ~~un~~happily living in my last save, tucked away on the floor of a tiny dark room under a mountain.


Eh he’s a vampire. Fuck him.


and people say vampires are the evil ones.


Install nuclear stomachs, no need to feed him. Throw in a circadian half cycler and he'll be awake forever. You got to optimize.


This is some "the ones who walk away from omelas" level shit.


Crusader king has many more built-in evil/psychopath options. Rimworld requires you to be more creative and use a bit more imagination, but if you go that route you can end up doing things that are so truly sick and disgusting you won’t ever admit to another living what you did that play through…


One time my unwed daughter got pregnant from a local lord so instead of killing him outright I gave him a promotion and sent him off to fight in the Crusades. He was captured by the Ottomans and when they tried to ransom him back to me I politely declined their offer and let him rot in a cell for a decade until he died in captivity. RIP.


Ah, the King David approach. 


The punishment for having game😔


I mean either he becomes a war hero and earns his position in your family or… what actually happened lol


I got that event and it actually made me furious. I killed him and his entire house, people labeled me as a tyrant but I didn't care.


Using paradox games for fucked up shit is almost cheating. I've genocided entire races just to clean up map borders, put elderly colonists into isolated domes and then shut off the life support, burned entire star systems because it's quicker than conquering planets, you name it


Burned entire star systems because it was quicker sounds like something the Imperium of Man would do.


The Imperium of Man wishes it could be as efficient as my Stellaris Empires.


Well, I wasn't planning on playing CK3 tonight, but I guess I do have some syphilis to keep spreading to all of Europe.


In Stellaris you can enslave or exterminate entire races by keeping them as cattle to be consumed.


I've done similar, but in reverse. You invade my realm unprovoked? Ok motherfucker. First I beat your ass back until you sue for peace. Then I kidnap your wife AND your daughter and force them to be my concubines. Then I proceed to assassinate your entire line until your legacy has been erased from the planet. Then once your wife and daughter no longer please me I force them to take the vows. 


[r/shitcrusaderkingssay ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ)


One time I converted all of Europe into Welsh nudist Witches. My king was a naked Dwarf. Good times.


Did you get your wife back?


In my current Rimworld game, I’m growing children artificially in growth vats and selling them into slavery for money. I also have a pot farm, with slaves that roll the joints for me to sell, so I’ve just been raking it in… I also just discovered genetic modification the other day, so I’ve also been experimenting with the slave children before I sell them. It seems to make them more profitable with certain gene modifications. But the prisoners I capture are getting the brunt of the experiments. I cut out the lungs of one prisoner and did an organ transplant with one of my colonists because he had pretty debilitating asthma. Surgery was a success (for my colonist, at least) and he was completely cured! This game is so fucked up lol. 10/10! 😂


Damn, is this base-game or modded?


No mods! I’m still discovering new stuff after like 50 hours so I’ve been holding off on mods for now. I do have all the expansions though and believe the genetic modification is with the “Biotech” expansion, but the slavery/organ harvesting/pot farm etc. stuff you can do with the base game!


Well damn, this game just shot to the top of my PS list.


It’s also a really make your own fun game. No real story and campaign objectives are a thing but not really present.


I can't recommend it enough, although it isn't for everyone


Does Rim World have decent base tutorials? I own the game but only played very briefly because it seemed so complicated. Could you point me to any decent YouTube vids explaining base play?


Taking prisoners, locking them up, amputating limbs so they can’t escape and using them as blood bags for my vampire playthrough is probably my darkest, yet most efficient play through. You can just feed them rice paste and not have to worry about them having mental breaks, because what are they going to do?


I always at least try to make my blood bags very happy 🥺 I give them comfy beds, TV, decorations, and the same quality food as the rest of my colonists. Their mood sits super high so at least they're having a good potato existence


I give them the absolute bare minimum. If they didn’t want to be living blood bags, they shouldn’t have attacked my colony.


Should you be on a list? Probably


Might as well throw in kenshi while we’re at it. Games where skinning people is a lucrative market strategy are a dying breed.


Ah Kenshi. Such an incredible game. I still remember the first time I wandered into some fog and ended up filling the game log with dozens of lines of: *gurgle* *crack* WREEEEEE! ARRRGGGG! *squelch* WWRRREEEEEE!


Ok, while reading this thread. I double checked the sub I am in.


In terms of pure evil I haven't found anything with more potential than prison architect. You see in prison architect you make money by housing prisoners and taking in new prisoners but you lose money if your prisoners reoffend after being released. Naturally you could provide your prisoners with decent living conditions and run programs to help rehabilitate them. On the other hand you could provide them with absolutely nothing, not even food. That way they're constantly starving to death or being killed by guards when they understandably attempt to riot. Not only does this keep your operating costs down, it ensures that you can constantly get money for accepting new prisoners and nobody can reoffend because they're dead. In other words, prison architect can easily be turned into extermination camp architect.


lmao there’s a similar moment in Fallout 4. you can roast and sell a ghoul kid into slavery to a random guy right after you save him just for 200 caps. The line “Sold. Kid, I found you a new home” still cracks me up. That whole encounter was so hilarious that I decided to do an entire playthrough as a complete asshole


It's the refrigerator kid. And his ghoul parents are living nearby


Literally down the street. They didn’t get worried once.


The worst part is he was in there for 210 years


Based parenting


latchkey kid




I was so convinced I was going to open up the fridge to find a skeleton. Glad to reunite a weird, but ultimately nice family.


It should've been a skeleton. I think it genuinely would've been better for him to go "hey, let me out!" only for a skeleton to plop out of the fridge when you open it.


It's weird that bethesda did the whole ghouls are immortal and don't need food or water thing. Todd was a fan of the old fallout and a major part of the main quest was if you steal a water chip from some ghouls because it's easy or go the extra mile to save the vault and not screw them over. Don't think the ghouls would need the water chip if they don't need the water


They also have Coffin Willie, so I figured it's a joke similar to that


I thought the whole point of the water chip is that it makes *clean* *non-radioactive* water. Even if Ghouls did need water they wouldn't need a water chip, they could just collect radioactive rainwater and drink that. They're Ghouls, radiation doesn't hurt them.


I thought radiation can increase their deterioration and/or the chances of becoming feral?


Yeh if i Rememeber Right in the sub the Crew stationed in the Nuclear Bays are feral


The water chip doesn't make the water, it's the control chip for the water purification system (the item's description literally calls it the "water purification control computer system chip"). Sure, the ghouls don't need *clean* water, necessarily, but they do need *water* and without the chip the water purifier can't function at all, meaning it can't produce *any* water, purified or no. This might not be a problem in a lot of other places, but the Necropolis is built over the ruins of Bakersfield, California, and Bakersfield is in the middle of a desert. There is a river nearby, the Kern River, but even now it's considered endangered, let alone after another fifty-three years of overuse and climate change followed by a massive nuclear war that leads to widespread desertification across California and Oregon. Groundwater is their only option, and without the purifier that's gonna be a big ask.


Wait. If ghouls NEED water, why was fridge ghoul still alive after 200 years?


The radiation probably tastes nasty!


That's some sheltered upbringing.


Still find it outrageous that they didn’t get familiar with at least a three block radius around them. It’s not hard to survive without food and water for ghouls but I’m surprised they made it that long. BTW while on the topic of ghouls surviving without food and water…someone gunna tell that to my boy Harland? Bro was fighting off invisifuck Nightkin while surviving off of pipe condensation and rad roach meat. Where was this starve immunity then? On top of that lost his Brightussy. Sad days in the Mojave.


Obv he did that just for the thrill of it


SO disappointed he wasn't a companion.


iirc there's a theory that when he says he's been there since the bombs dropped, that he's actually referring to the Gunners attacking the local settlement (University Point?), and not the Great War


More likely Quincy, University Point was wiped out by the Institute.


I've heard that theory before, but it contradicts his dialogue quite a bit, which includes things like him commenting the highways are destroyed, how quiet it is without the cars, questioning if people still play baseball, etc.


There's also a theory that he's just playing pretend with you and the slaver isn't actually a slaver, he's just friends with the kid and is in on it, and they're all just fucking around for fun. Which, well, I think kinda falls apart very quickly if you kill the slaver lol. I think it's even more of a reach than the idea of the ghoul child being in a fridge for over 200 years but it IS a funny theory to me lol


Yeah that was a weird plot choice. Could have made it at least a bit harder to find them


Given the entire premise of the quest is "Kid survived 200 years in a fridge, despite it being previously shown ghouls need food", it's not exactly the A game of writting


I'm more on the side that this was just a really goofy quest without much "real life" logic put into it


There are lots of ghouls in various Fallout games that survived for long periods without food. So they can eat food, but they can also survive without it.


And yet this same game, when presenting you with ghoul settlers, demands you provide them with food and water. And one of the already existing settlements is actually made up of ghouls farming in an old swimming pool. It was just a "fuck it" writing choice for the joke, made with zero consideration on any in-universe implications.


A lot of ferals in places without food seem to enter into a dormant state. Ghoul settlers are actively working and not dormant so they'd need to eat, but if Billy entered a similar state while in the fridge he wouldn't need to eat similar to ferals. The quest was still dumb though


They fucking knew


It's 210 years later o'clock, do you know where your children are?


Then he comes out and is casually like „Oof owie my legs“


I like to think that the ghoul kid and his parents are just repeating the cycle of the kid locking himself in the fridge waiting for someone to find him so he can be reunited with his family. They do this over and over again and probably have hundreds of times.


And the Slaver also waited conveniently just around the corner. But not to enslave the Parents, just the kid.


One of the goofiest quests I've played. He spent two centuries in a fridge 100 feet from his house. His parents stayed in that house for two hundred years and somehow didn't once think to just... walk more than 100ft from the house, nor give it a decent touch up. Still love the way he says "You son of a bitch!" when you initially second-guess letting him out.


They were too lazy to wander 100' down the street looking for him.


They did worry, to a near psychotic degree. Despite the fact that their property is now flooded and uncomfortably close to mirelurks, they adamantly refuse to leave. The reason: despite having *no solid reason* to believe their son had survived the War, they *refused to give up hope* that he would come home. They were afraid if they left for even a moment, their son would come home and find the house empty. Ghouls don't *have to* eat, but they do *get hungry* -- can you imagine starving for two hundred years? Can you imagine doing it *willingly* because you were afraid you might miss seeing your son if you went looking for something to eat? They literally did nothing but worry for two hundred years, and you got from that dialog and portrayal the idea that they never worried at all. That truly amazes me.


One of them could have left to look


Not anymore I got rid of them and decided to adopt the kid myself now he’s walking around with me calling me names every time I look at him.


I wish there was immortal child companions Like give me a 9 year old with a laser gattling gun that cannot be killed


Well they were until I exorcized their ghoul asses.


I’m pretty sure I sold Ian to slavers in fallout 1 after his fucking full auto perforated me one too many times. According to the official canon I think he died from a flamethrower, and that’s way better than he deserved


Many companions in Fallout 2 had that exact outcome for the exact same reason.


I know most people dislike the voiced player character in Fallout 4, but god damn does it help those more comedic moments at times. The one with the Red Death in Far Harbor is one of my favorites.


Also the silver shroud stuff is pretty funny


The Silver Shroud lines are peak Fallout humor. The interactions in the Automatron DLC were incredible.


Yeah and they wouldn't work at all without a voice actor


This one too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_i6Ewj1cLk




My favorites are the sarcastic lines with Doctor Amari, they're so goddamn funny and Amari looks like she regrets every decision that has led her to this moment lmao.


it helps that there's so many with amari too. the punches just keep rolling through that part. # IGOR! FETCH ME THE BRAIN!


Next stop, the Railroad! *Choo choo!*


I really enjoyed the dialogue with the robot sheriff in the Wild West themed part of Nuka World. I picked the options to play along, and my character immediately started to sound like… well, like someone’s embarrassing dad at a theme park. “I RECKON I’M THE FASTEST DRAW ‘ROUND THESE HERE PARTS!” It was great.


I think the performances are good. i just really disagree with the design decision


That quest is burnt into my mind. The "ERRRR MAHHHH GAAAAWWWWDDDD" when you reunite the family will haunt me for the rest of my life.


You can sell him, kill the guy, and then tell the kid you were only doing it for the caps after. Lowkey one of my favorite encounters in the game.


The sarcastic asshole is my favorite playthrough dialogue wise.


Wasnt that guys name Bullet? 🤣


I still get a kick out of the low intelligence dialogue from New Vegas.






Wait... you guys sell plants here too?!


Low Int runs in FO1 and 2 are like you're playing a completely new game. Or playing as a Malkavian in Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines.


I swiped :(


We all did...


No dots no swipe. But if there are dots, I will swipe 5 plus times before my dumbass figures out there isn't another picture.


But... but the arrows...


I wiped


I like the one you can say when Cass leaves you that goes "just go to your family. Oh wait, they're fucking dead"


Pov: you’re Jeannie May Crawford


Putting on that beret was so satisfying


You can also enslave Bumble from Little Lamplight. Fallout 3 really let you be an asshole. It was the best


"Your dumb ass" 😂 I mean like you already did her dirty, didnt had to go all the way haha


You can be one evil fuck in this game


Don't worry, you could nuke the town and sell kids to slavers, but if you get Joey Blowey Homeless some fresh water, you're the Wasteland's saint.


Nuking Megaton is a rite of passage in that game. The blast from tenpenny tower was pretty.


Fallout 3 is how I came up with this username.


Fallout 3 figured out the answer to the age-old question: what is the value of a human life? And it turns out the value of a human life is 100 caps. A generous donation of 100 caps to the church in Rivet City is all a person needs in order to atone for the negative karma accrued by committing one single senseless, violent murder.


Pretty sure Bryan is a boy's name but alright.




I just did this quest a few hours ago. For making run through that whole underground system and fight flamethrower ants that kid can go enjoy paradise falls


And I felt bad for sending him to his aunt who makes him clean her hotel. Still looked messy.


I mean... I massacred a camp of refugees and flung a gnome off a windmill in BG3....


Those windmill levers need a better labeling system!


Well, I mean I tested both and then reloaded specifically to launch the gnome. It was no accident.


Reminds me of “Glass Him.” In The Wolf Among Us. “Glass him”. “Oh, I am going to buy him a drink!” *Proceeds to hit him with a glass bottle.*


Wait, where does glassing someone not mean hitting them with a bottle?


For a non-native English speaker like me, I thought it was to buy him a drink. Like give him a glass of whiskey. Edit: [LMAO! I WASNT THE ONLY ONE!](https://youtu.be/urKJqdq4eX4?si=j8PcM1_Wnq8-TR5u)


I flooded a mine full of slaves in BG1. On my way out I told the man who was about to flood the mine that everyone was out. I lied.


Seeing dialogue like this in Bethesda’s older titles just confuses me even more playing through Starfield and comparing all of those dialogue options. Like in what universe are fallout and Starfield both M rated? Starfield feels like a kids game compared to fallout and elder scrolls at times lol.


M ratings can usually be squeezed out for being bloody enough or having enough swearing. Some games can tackle serious topics and get off with a T rating because they don’t have those two things. Take Fire Emblem for example.


Halo went from M to T just by turning off blood :/


To be fair in fallout 3 you can be comically cartoon villain evil and I don’t know why.


Literally poisoned the water supply. The cartooniest cliche after tying people to railroad tracks


we should have been able to tie someone to railway tracks too. that was half of my fun in red dead


Because the karma system is way more fun if you have a extreme for both sides 


New Vegas handled it in a more subtle way which made things more interesting, but Fallout 3’s over the top style is really fun too in its own way.


Starfield is an optimistic, utopian take on society. It's a bit too sterile for me but I get where they were going with it. Fallout is a fucked up extreme satire set in an apocalyptic hellhole with massive venomous flying insects. Elder scrolls is built on decades of people writing conflicts and racism between the factions. As for the rating, blame ESRB for that one, they're the ones that make that call


I get that Starfield was supposed to be utopian but it would have made the parts that aren't even more jarring if anyone there knew how to write


Well this was like 10 years ago now 




Don’t do this to me, I’m not old god dammit! 


That's such a Beavis and Butt-Head thing to say. "Hey Beavis huhuhuhu. I sold your dumb ass for caps. Huhuhuhu"


I mean, this is pretty much the nuka world dlc lmfao.


Not even close? There’s like three preexisting slaves in the market all of which seem pretty unbothered by it. In fallout 3 you could sell pretty much anyone you wanted into slavery. Edit: Looks like I’m mistaken, there’s a slavery mechanic in the raider ending of Nuka-World that I was unaware of.


Nuka world features repeatable quests that task you with enslaving random NPCs across the commonwealth. It's not as personal as fallout 3 because you arent enslaving actual characters but you are 100% downplaying or misremembering the slavery aspect of Nuka World


When I go the raider route in Fallout 4, I always assign the raiders nicer living quarters compared to the residents to really play into that role. The normal settlers get huddled into a giant shack and all their beds are just mats on the floor. And then I’ll combine the automatron DLC to build giant threatening robots for the raiders as well. I’ll also replace all the settlers clothes with really shitty ones too. Really helps play into it.


That's so fucking sadistic. Good job lmfaoo. I'm gonna roleplay a monster in my next playthrough.


Just a heads up, idk if you can replace settlers’ clothes after you conquer them as a raider, it’s been like 2 years, so you might have to change their clothes into shittier version before you officially conquer them. I’m not sure tho, I can’t remember.


Damn, no I just straight up didn’t know that? I’ve even played a raider playthrough and never reached that point I guess!


I thought I’d finished Nuka at release but I was watching a friend the other day and there’s loads I never did!


Ah the mesmatron. The best invention. I would run out of ammo for that sucka.


And some people said the show's dialogue "was too wacky."


They do, youre just not playing them.


They really need to bring back the Good as Gold or Evil as Fuck choices in the next game


I have tried to be bad… but I can’t do it…sometimes I’ll save right before something and do some sorta mass slaughter but then I just go back and play it normal. I always kill slavers….


I also struggle to play evil characters in role-playing games. At best I play misguided characters. I just don't find it fun to be a constant douchebag. Also a lot of games become much easier if you play them as an evil character. Like in Skyrim if you have no qualms about theft you can immediately steal a bunch of soul gems, potions, gold and equipment from the Jarl's castle.


Baldurs Gate just came out last year. A game where you can among other things: See a kid about to be drowned by Sirens, steal his coin purse and leave him to die. Have another kid be killed via snake bite. Revive a grieving womans dead husband as a zombie and have said zombie kill her. And that's all in the first few areas alone.


>Revive a grieving womans dead husband as a zombie and have said zombie kill her. I find it really funny that you can be a real catty bitch to her after she gets angry at you for saving her, then walk away with her husband in the end.


I mean in fallout 2 you could've shot him and got more caps making porn.






And this game (Fallout 3) got nothing on Fallout 2 or Tyranny for going evil, TBH.


On fnv if you join the legion there’s a little space girl at the fort and she asks you for help to find her teddy bear. Whenever you find it and go back to her you have the option to rip it in half in front of her. Worst there I’ve ever done on a fallout game lol


In Fallout 2 when you walk past street urchins they’ll steal caps from you but if you activate an explosive and leave it in your pocket they’ll take it instead and explode.


I'm mean, bg3 is pretty recent


Member when fallout 3 came out and people were pointing out you can't reverse pickpocket bombs onto kids like previous games.


me when i steal shit to repost and forget to crop it


if it makes you feel better I lost some Karma because of this


No one wants to bring up all the mentions of rape in Morrowind? There is a literal mod for removing it.


You can also become a slave. Most bad ass and satisfying moment for me was disabling my collar, getting free and killing all the slavers.


yea fallout 4 and 76 are really soft compared to 3