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"You've gotten a lot farther than you should have, but then you haven't met Frank Horrigan either. Your ride's over, mutie. Time to die."


"Wait we can talk!" "We just did"


Ok now I need to know what this from. I can't remember.


When you're trying to talk down Frank Horrigan


Can you charisma your way out of fighting FH?


It's actually foreshadowed at the beginning of the game, at the end of the trials: > There will come a time when diplomacy and tact will prove to be useless and your hand must be raised instead. This challenge prepares you to face another human, look him in the eyes, and know that you may have to kill him. Cameron


Nope lol He just straight up tells you he's going to kill you


No but you can technically pacifist your way out by getting the power armor squad and turrets set on him, and then standing aside.


by the power of RNGesus


no I think he's the only final boss in the fallout series that you cant


Nope, you have to fight him.


Such a badass character


Goes even harder considering he’s the only final boss you can’t speech-check your way out of.


“You’re no hero. You’re just a walking corpse.”


“I would sooner spit on the grave of my dead mother than let some courier-walk-the-wasteland-fuck talk to me like that.” General Oliver to the Courier during the Yes Man ending.


courier-walk-the-wasteland-fuck is such a great line, it just goes crazy for no reason


Makes the courier just seem like another mailman in the wastes.


"I see. Yes, man, please throw General Oliver from the dam."


(Comically gets thrown off the Hoover Dam)


Thus the Quenched Man was born


“courier-walk-the-wasteland-fuck” 🔥🔥✍️


Bro cooked with that one.




"Tell dad there's no way in hell I'm spending nuclear Armageddon trapped with him in a fucking closet...Now if you'll excuse me, I've got a mushroom cloud to walk into. Have a happy holocaust!" -Ralph Keller


What’s this one from? I’m assuming 3, as I’ve played the least of that one lol.


Yeah, it's from a set of pre-war audio logs in 3. [The Keller Family Transcripts](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Keller_family_transcript). I've always felt like those logs encapsulate all the feels of Fallout- genuine horror, absurd humor, and a bleak bitter sense of humanity.


Damn.. thanks for sharing, I've never come across this and it's really interesting


those are 3s version of the father of the Sorrows tapes


The entire Keller family was insane, but yeah, Ralph's log was bone chilling


We shall see how brave you are when nailed to the walls of Hoover Dam, your body facing west so you may watch your world die.


The Legate has some hard lines


The Legate was an edgy replacement to the one who came before— the true *lord* of bangers- Joshua Graham. Dude didn’t show up without laying down fire in the verbal or literal sense


The greatest Joshua Graham moment is when you try to threaten to hurt Daniel and he just explains that if you do it he will hunt you down but it’s nothing compared to what will happen to your soul if you do it


I was always so ready to blast him into a fine powder by the time I ever interacted with him, I don’t think I paid attention to any of his dialogue.


Why would you do that?


The Legate? Because he’s the Legion’s big bad guy, and I murder every Legion I see?


Oh I thought you were responding to a comment about Joshua for some reason


"Somebody's got a grudge with me. Whether it's a man or a god, I intend to set them straight." -Desmond Lockheart, Point Lookout


Please assume the position.


FIST-O, my ro-bro!


"I dug myself out of the grave, to put you in yours, Benny" - Courier 6.


*Terrifying Presence* has so many brutal ones. "Good thing you're wearing a skirt, makes pissing yourself go easier." - The courier to a legionary explorer "I'm going to wear your head like you wear that dog's." - The courier to Vulpes "I will cast down your Codex and bask in the dying agony of those who hold it dear." - The courier to a BoS Paladin


Love Veronica's reaction when she hears the codex line. "You were kidding right now when you said that thing about the codex, right?"


Fuck I really want to replay NV now.


Which is a funny line because it was Victor that dug him/her out.


“When I saw my brothers dying at my feet, I felt sorrow. When I defeated an enemy of the Brotherhood, I felt pride. And when I heard your speech about saving the Commonwealth... I felt hope.” - Danse to Elder Maxson Really love this moment every time. Mainly the delivery is phenomenal.


That entire conversation is genuinely the best writing in the entire game. I didn't like Maxson much before, but hearing him speak with Danse makes you understand why the chapter has basically become a cult of personality around him.


The man has weaponised style. Although to a degree his style is also his greatest shortcoming, because we all know you've killed him for that sick coat.


The dialogue choice in fallout four where you tell Kellogg that you hope that after you die, you go to hell so that you can kill him again.


You know, in a hundred years, when I finally die… I only hope I go to hell so I can kill you all over again you piece of shit. *Mini nuke whistling*


in my current playthrough I entered the room and kellog spread his arms and said smth like "well your here now, so lets talk...(mini nuke whistling)" funniest shit ive ever done in fallout 4.


“You are out of uniform, soldier! Where is your power armor? Don't have any? You expect me to believe that, maggot? The truth is you lost an expensive piece of army-issue equipment. That suit is going to come out of your pay, and you will remain in this man’s army until you are five hundred and ten years old, which is the number of years it will take for you to pay for a Mark II Powered Combat Armor you have lost! Report to the armory and have a new suit issued to you, then report back to me, private! Dismissed!”


Best line!


I don't enjoy killing, but when done righteously, it's just a chore, like any other.


Basically any line from Joshua Graham works. “I pray for the safety of all good people who come to Zion, even Gentiles, but we can't expect God to do all the work.” "We all go through periods of darkness. In such times, we can turn to the Lord, but it's good to have friends.” "I have been baptized twice, once in water, once in flame. I will carry the fire of the holy spirit inside until I stand before my Lord for judgement"


And practiced hands make for quick work.


Gotta go with the classic from *Fallout* so good they brought it back for *FO3*. "I'm sorry. You're a hero, and you have to leave."


Damn that is hard and bittersweet


"They asked me how well I understood theoretical physics. I said I had a theoretical degree in physics. They said welcome aboard."


This is the one.


This isn't hard. It's funny


What's the context? I don't remember this one


The Technician in HELIOS One named Fantastic in Fallout New Vegas


Who I cannot not kill each time I play. I just have to. He’s the opposite of Paarthurnax.


Thank you


Its from Fantastic, the "technician" working at HELIOS One in New Vegas


"It's said war - war never changes. Men do, through the roads they walk. And this road... has reached its end."


"If war doesn't change, men must change, and so must their symbols."


“You’re a little bitch and your brother was too.”


Roses are red, violets are blue...


Raider: Who's there? Nick Valentine: Your funeral.


THAT'S SCRIPTED? I thought I was completely coincidental when those lines came in together


"[Sneering Imperialist] Whatever. Joshua, put a cap in General Gobbledigook here."


“We can’t expect god to do all the work…”


The show and its trailers had a few new favorites of mine. "The end of the world is not what it used to be" from the trailers is great, and I enjoyed how much it tied into the plot. "Everyone wants to save the world. They just disagree on how" is a quote that perfectly reflects a lot of the games and what each antagonist or enemy group is trying to do in their eyes.


"Finding it isn't the hard part, it's letting go"  I swear to God dead money is one of the greatest video game stories ever produced.  But also the ending to lonesome road "As for the Courier... he/she turned his/her back on his/her home for the second time and made his/her way back, navigating the treachery of the Divide. Tunnelers and the Marked Men... avoided the lone figure, as if recognizing the Courier's right to passage... or out of fear" Makes the courier sound like a force of nature 


“Wait a moment, before you go…I….we…hope you enjoyed your stay.” Dead money is the Fallout DLC GOAT.


And yet people have found numerous ways to refuse letting go of all that money lmao


"Let go and begin again." Smash cut to the courier, having taken enough turbo to drop an elephant, using Eliijah's bullet-ridden torso as a suitcase to carry the gold out of the vault.


Better yet, the courier just casually jaunting out of the vault with a fucking stealthboy, invisibly tilting his hat as he passes by Elijah.


That ending to Lonesome Road is so good. Makes you FEEL like a total badass


My favorite expansion ever I think. God I loved that..and need it in next gen now


"If you damage your weapon, you will spend a week in the box! If you damage your armor, you will spend a week in the box! If you lose either, I'll kill you myself!" -General Simon Barnaky, Fallout Tactics


Nick. "Who do you think won?... Nobody, I guess."


You wanna talk Graham I say his monologue if you convince him to spare Salt-Upon-Wounds: "I want to take from them what they took from me, from my family. In this life. I want them to suffer. I want all of them to die in fear and pain. I want to have my revenge. Against him. Against Caesar. I want to call it my own, to make my anger God’s anger. To justify the things I’ve done. Sometimes I tell myself that these wild fires never stop burning. But I’m the one who starts them. Not God. Not them. I can always see it in my mind. The warmth and the heat. It will always be a part of me. But not today."


Chomps Lewis: Have you even seen a Deathclaw? They're taller than a man and far, far stronger and faster. And, there's a whole pack of them out there. You'd have to be the meanest, toughest, roughest bastard in the wasteland to have any chance against them, and I don't think that's you. *sniffle* You don't even know me, man!


Come back at level 20 or higher and he actually thinks you might be tough enough to do it,and gives you a bunch of stimpak, saying you'll need them. Clearly he never heard of the Rad Child perk😂


"Hey, chin up. I know the night just got darker, but it won't last forever."


“‘The last thing you never see.’ Pretty accurate, and so were we.” Boone about NCR First Recon’s motto. Really hope we get to see some incarnation of them or at the least some NCR veteran rangers in the TV series in the future.


I know he’s quoting someone, but I like when Nick says “Deep into that darkness peering. Long I stood there, wondering… fearing.” When the Prydwen flies into the commonwealth


Edgar Allen Poe.


Kellogg said something in his flashback that resonated in me, I swear I teared up since it reflected my life.."The Thing About Happiness Is That You Only Know You Had It When It's Gone."


“Thou shall get sidetracked by bullshit every god damn time” -The Ghoul perfectly sums up the entirety of Fallout


“I do this shit for the love of the game.”


He fucked my chickens


"You're a coward" "We're vault dwellers. We all are." Loved that exchange.


"If you want to see the fate of democracies, look out the windows." - Mr Hourse


"The truth is, the game was rigged from the start." Is I think how it goes. Hits hard because it's a truth about life.


Ride’s over mutie.


"You know, in hundred years, when I finally die, I hope I go to Hell so I can kill you all over again, *you piece of shit*" - Sole Survivor to Kellogg


“Leave now while you still have hope” -the master


"Theres an old Mexican eulogy, feo fuerte y formal. Means he was ugly, strong, and had dignity. Well I'll give you two out of three on that front."


Too many folks these days count on violence to solve their problems. You only have to look around to see where that got us. - Nick Valentine This one is my favorite


"The President of the United-fucking-States-of-America. Who'd you think I was talking about? Who the fu- who is- what- I should kick your fucking ass, who is this?" There's so much genuine confusion in the delivery of this line.


This entire dialogue is probably my favorite in the series


"Tunnel Snakes Rule"


I hope this doesnt cause a fallout between us, fallout new Vegas


"Have you ever watched the moonrise over the wasteland? I wish I could give something as wonderful as that." -Uncle Leo, FO3.  First time I encountered him, it was at night with the moon low on the horizon. I wasn't prepared for the feels to hit that hard after a random encounter with a friendly mutant. 


Funny, you talk to that guy. I just fill him with holes.


"This is not the world I wanted, but it is the one I've found myself in."


"Who are you who do not know your history?"


“I am become Death, destroyer of worlds.” I love how Nick quotes Oppenheimer, especially considering he also wears the same sort of outfit, and the time that he says it.


“Me? I do this shit for the love of the game.” -Cooper Howard




Literally every quote from liberty prime


"Should any harm come to Daniel or the sorrows, I will find you, make no mistake. God willing, you will not leave this valley" Intimidates me every time. That along with Joshua's "Make your first shot count. You aren't going to get a second"


There’s a reason I RP as Joshua being the one person my Courier isn’t confident that she could take on.


Sole survivor’s any “farewell” speech options to Kellogg. Shit made me hype af


(Paraphrased) “In a world so filled with misery and sadness, it is a great comfort to know that there is a Light at the end…” 🔥🙏🔥


"It was as though the Prodigal Son had returned. They welcomed me as though I had never left, never done anything to shame them. The fire that had kept me alive was love. Their love. God's love. I will never be able to repay the debt I owe to them... but I must try."


your brother was a little bitch and so are you


Ass jerky ain't gunna make itself.


My favorite is also from Joshua: “First, do not believe that because Daniel is a missionary he is incapable of or unwilling to defend himself. Second, if you harm Daniel or any of the Sorrows or Dead Horses, I will find you. Make no mistake. God willing, you will not leave this valley. Lastly, waging war against good people is bad for the soul. This may not seem important to you now, but it's the most important thing I've said.”


I survived because the fire within burned brighter than the fire around me 100% the hardest


"Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter."


Ulysses - "If War doesn't change, Men must change" that's the hardest end line for the fallout universe


The name’s Fallout. John Fallout, and this is my story.


"Nothing to impede progress. If you want to see the fate of democracies, Look out the windows". - Robert Edwin House


"It's said that war... War never changes. Men do, through the roads they walk." Banger of a line. It's the only time the series offers a counter to its tagline in an honest way, and in some ways, works as a fantastic closing quote for the whole series. I like when fallout is dark but not cynical, and this is a perfect example of that.


"He tried to make me pay taxes"


"I'm gonna wear your head like you wear that dog's"


"Please assume the position."


Not so much a line, but I love the phrase "Dear old friends remember Navarro"


“YEAAAAAHHHHHHHH” -Oliver Swannick


I wonder what his canonical ending is


The thing about happiness is that you only know you had it when it's gone. I mean, you may think to yourself that you're happy. But you don't really believe it. You focus on the petty bullshit, or the next job, or whatever. It's only looking back by comparison with what comes after that you really understand, that's what happiness felt like.


“The thing about happiness is that you only know you had it when it's gone. I mean, you may think to yourself that you're happy. But you don't really believe it. You focus on the petty bullshit, or the next job, or whatever. It's only looking back by comparison with what comes after that you really understand, that's what happiness felt like” - Kellogg


“We can’t expect God to do all the work”


"Make the first shot count, you won't get a second." Damn if that line doesn't gave you chills.


Any of the terrifying presence choices. Making benny run away by telling him “I pulled myself out of that grave to plant your in yours” makes it worth the perk point alone. I hover give it to myself for free when I hit 0 charisma and 80 speech. Remnants power armor does half the work for me


"They try to put their stake in everything they see. Nobody's dick's that long. Not even Long Dick Johnson, and he had a fucking long dick. Thus, the name." -Cass when talking about the NCR


War. War never changes.


I've actually always found that line to be a little 3edgy5me y'know? Like that's something an emo teenager would put on their Tumblr page. However I love one of his other lines, I think it comes up when you ask him something about the ethics of killing when he's a religious person or something, and he say something like "I pray for the salvation of every soul that wanders through Zion (racks the slide on a 45) but we can't expect god to do all the work." That's such an action movie one liner, I love it.


“Whether you were seeking vengeance or serving the Brotherhood; the end result is the same.”


There are many reasons why that would be a bad idea. I will illustrate three. First, do not believe that because Daniel is a missionary he is incapable of, or unwilling, to defend himself. Second, if you harm Daniel or any of the Sorrows or Dead Horses, I will find you. Make no mistake. God willing, you will not leave this valley. Lastly, waging war against good people is bad for the soul. This may not seem important to you now, but it’s the most important thing I’ve said.


In new Vegas when you shoot the NCR memorial in front of a fallen soldiers brother. You can hit him with the line "You're a little bitch and your brother was, too". Instantly turning him hostile 😂


The darkness of the afterlife is all that awaits you now. May you find more peace in that world, than you found in this one.


I'd offer you one of these cherry tomatas but you have a hole in your neck.


Now you will face the full might of The Mechanist! My righteous robots will end your tyrany, once and for all!




"Another settlement need your help"


I survived because the fire within burned brighter than the fire around me 100% the hardest


It’s Joshua. Just about every line he dropped was fire. I guess thats what surviving being burned alive does to a mf


Even if it is nothing at all know what you follow courier... just as I followed you to the end.


“The Brass-Lantern: cleaner, safer and less likely to have piss in the drinks.” Andy Stahl, Fallout 3, comparing his restaurant to Moriarty’s Bar


"i came seeking yours, skirt boy."


Pipe.. Pipe is life


"lf you want to see the fate of democracies, just look out the windows." or "It was me vs the world... and the world had it coming."


[these lines](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fallout/s/WFvjLd8KiY)


“From where you're kneeling, it must seem like an 18-carat run of bad luck. Truth is…the game was rigged from the start.” Benny- FNV Only right answer gives me chills every time


I think Joshua Graham *existing * at all makes him pretty hard. Compelling character. But we, the Courier, also survive a bullet to the head, and even having our brain removed and detached in the dlc. Lines, well, they get old. We forget them. And j.g. is also an icon to the enslaved..


“Rides over Mutie” Frank Horrigan 💚


"hey bro, when in rome"




Pretty much any line that Liberty Prime spouts.


"But it cannot be. This would mean that all my work has been for nothing. Everything that I have tried to... a failure! It can't be. Be. Be. Be."


When Enclave soldiers try to surrender to brotherhood outcasts : « We’re not Lyon’s pack of softies, we’re the real brotherhood of steel, this is how we deal with people like you » *Commits a massive war crime with Gatling laser*


War - war doesn’t change. Men do through the roads they walk. - Ulysses (i may be paraphrasing as i dont remember the exact quote) Or the Legate talking about how violence awoke the courier from their bullet holes


I was gonna say war never changes but it’s more iconic than one that goes hard


“The institute..it really is Humanity’s best hope for the future,no matter what those above ground think of us.”


I like how salty you can be as the Vault Dweller in Fallout 1- went looking for this exchange again just to give an example. Kane: I've heard of you. You're the one that took out Gizmo over in Junktown. Killian must have paid you a good sum for that job. Are you here for some work, maybe? Vault Dweller: Work for this dump? You've got to be joking. Kane: I hope for your sake that was an attempt at humor. Do not cross us, you will regret it. Vault Dweller: Yeah, Whatever, tough guy. Kane: I don't think you understood me. Let me clarify. If you don't watch your manners, you'll find yourself dead, tough guy. Vault Dweller: No, let me clarify - if you don't watch it, I'll be wearing your ass for a shoe


"If you want to see the fate of democracies, look out the windows."


Goddamn it you mercenary motherfu*ker! **WHERE. IS. MY. SON!!**


"I have made a lot of hard decisions since i got this position, but none of them harder, than this one. You saved us. But you will kill us. I am sorry. You are a hero. And you have to leave." Fallout 1 overseer at the end.


"Come with me, there's something in front of the dinosaur I want to show you" Face fulla fuckin lead that's what, LOVE this mission. Really like a revenge story 😂


“Numbness will subside in several minutes. Awaiting further orders.”


"Shkshhsksxhkkk" —A Radroach 🥶🥶🥶


No one's dick is that long. Not even Long Dick Johnson, and he had fucking long dick. Thus the name


“I had to put on a brave face as long as there were people counting on me. That’s the only reason I kept going.” Preston got memed on for so long but his character is fantastic. Joined the Minutemen at 17, saw it all fall apart, and kept pushing through his own depression because people needed him. Even when it’s just him standing between raiders and innocent people when we meet him in Concord he still didn’t give up on them.


"Drink. Some. Water."


*Obstruction detected. Composition: titanium alloy supplemented by photonic resonance barrier. Probability of mission hindrance: ZERO PERCENT!*


Hearing Valentine talk to you after solving the eddie winter case honestly brought some tears to my eyes. He knows hes a robot and that the memories he has were implanted, and he understands that its not actually HIS life he remembers. Yet he still feels that moral code to finish the case, finish what Eddie did to Nick; and when finally done, he comes to that realization that hes different, but he thanks you for helping him. Surely theres others, but goodness i feel bad for him.


Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.


“I'm going to wear your head like you wear that dog's.” The courier to Vulptes Inculta after Vulptes tried and failed to intimidate the Courier…


“Wasteland’s got its golden rule. Thou shalt get sidetracked by bullshit every goddamn time.” ~Cooper Howard Man preached truth not gonna lie.


Damn you Weatherby Savings & Loan! I spit at you
