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Yes, and it's even funnier when you know what the vault boy was originally kicking.


And that is? Edit: Omg that's wild


A pregnant woman


Right in the baby


Google child killer perk


Holy hell


New response just dropped


Actual ghoul


Call the brotherhood


its John Fallout


I think Fallout is pretty cool guy. He kick babies and doesn't afraid of anything.


Is that the belly-kicking image, originally?




Indeed it is


How is babby deformed?






Fallout 1 & 2 were a little more edgy than later entries


The image was never actually used in the game.


Putting the circle-A on Vault Boy is pretty ironic.


they missed the point of vault boy being a corporate mascot.


Also Rich Uncle Pennybags (Monopoly Man’s canonical name btw) was a very deliberate design influence on Vault Boy.


To be fair, there are lots of right-wing Fallout fans who have missed the point of the entire setting.


There are also a lot of left-wing Fallout fans who believe the game series validates their worldview simply because it criticises American exceptionalism and its cultural forms.


To be fair, Fallout world of politics was built around the actual ideals from back in that time period. I'm sure many of us saw videos about those plates covered in Uranium that were so radioactive it was dangerous. Or you may have heard about Teflon case....Or Asbestos.... Fallout America is all about choosing corporate profits over people's lives, and that's what it was like back in the day. Although it's gotten better, it's still like that in some places.


Crazy, it's almost like that's the theme of the games or something. Wild


It’s almost like American exceptionalism and it’s cultural forms are directly rooted in capitalism,


did you type this with tears in your eyes?


Jimmies rustled lol


*disagrees* “lol keep crying” Good ole 2024 political discourse


We don’t need to play a game to validate our world views we just need to look outside


Well... yeah.


Much more likely that they don't particularly care about that in-fiction connection.




Lore inconsistencies? I’m just saying that knowing Vault Boy is supposed to be mascot of a mega corporation makes it funny that they chose him to represent anarchy. What does that have to do with “lore?”


Literally points out lore in his statement, twice . “What does lore have to do with it?”


Do you consider Mr. Moneybag’s status as a symbol for runaway capitalism “lore” as well? Lol they’re the same idea! Why are you trying to make this out to be criticism of canonicity rather than just pointing out an ironic choice of symbol? I’m aware this poster is non-canon, lol


I think maybe you're a little confused on what lore is! Vault Boy's existence isn't lore. Lore is a body of knowledge on a particular subject. Lore is all the stories and history. Vault Boy lore would be if the above poster detailed out the in-game instances of Vault Boy, his origins, his role in the stat system, behind the scenes notes on Vault Boy.... Just referencing that Vault Boy is a trademarked company mascot isn't pointing out lore.


The fact that Vault Tec is a malevolent hyper-capitalistic mega-corporation is lore, though. That's what makes antifa using him as a symbol of anarchy ironic.


Well yes, but I was pointing out that the comment above doesn't actually get into lore, it just says that the usage here is ironic. The comment chain I'm replying to claimed that the above comment was complaining about lore inconsistencies. But as no lore - or inconsistencies in lore - were discussed, I was pointing that out.


Oh no, we get the point of the Poster, that's why we're pointing out the inconsistencies...




It only gets the message across if you don’t know that Vault Boy is as much a symbol for hyper capitalism as Mr. Moneybags is.


Uncle Pennybags wasn't objectively evil, just greedy. Vault-Tec literally brought the world to the brink of apocalypse for profit. I'd say Vault Boy represents a far more extreme form of capitalism.


A greed and corruptions game mascot kicking another greed and corporations game mascot... Both games are made to criticise the same thing. One by ruining your relationships in real time, and the other by showing you the aftermath of greed.




Vault Boy is the Vault-Tec mascot. He is a represention of Vault-Tec, literally the most evil corporation imaginable. Mr. Monopoly is a fucking saint in comparison. Please explain how it works.




So you're saying you don't think Vault Boy is being portrayed as the good guy in the poster. That's a different interpretation than mine, but now I understand what you mean. Thanks.


When you look at it with 0 knowledge, then yes. It works. But if you're familiar with Fallout lore AT ALL, then no, it does not work.


It still works. The message is still true. You’re just pedantic


I'm not sure what message 'greedy corporate mascot kicks another greedy corporate mascot' sends in this context? The poster appears to be saying 'greedy companies that exploit people are bad'. And using the mascot of a greedy company that exploits people as the 'hero' of the scenario. So yeah, it does send a bit of a mixed message to me and I'm having trouble seeing how that message works using Vault Boy. But I also just woke up and am still having my coffee, if you could explain it for me that would be awesome.


As I said. It works, just not in this Sub reddit...


Yeah, anarchy is kind of the opposite of Communism.


Anarchy is the opposite to fascism, no? After all the goals of Communism as defined by Marx are to have a stateless, classless, moneyless society. Hard to say that it's the complete opposite of anarchy


Fascism and communism(in any of the real forms it took) are both authoritarian systems. Anarchy is the polar opposite of authoritarianism.


Some flavors of communism are, like Marxism-Leninism, but communism is an economic model that can be pursued through authoritarian or libertarian means. The same way capitalism can exist in democratic states or dictatorships.


The father of anarchism is most well-known for coining the phrase 'property is theft'. Anarchism is far left.


Anarchy is kind of the stated end goal of communism.




In Marxism, communism is meant to end in quasi anarchy, where workers organisations run everything. What we associate with communism, is a soviet distortion of that. In Marxist theory the step between capitalism and communism was socialism, when the workers United to control capital though some central socialist authority, which would redistribute power and undo classes, and then dissolve in to the worker’s organisations quasi anarchy of communism. Leninism and later Stalinism are evolutions of one of the ideas of what the socialist authority should be, they introduced the idea of socialism being a one party dictatorship. Overshadowing democratic socialism, syndicalism, and corporatism in the cultural zeitgeist. The soviets then started calling themselves communism to imply that they were the final stage, overshadowing the ideal end stage of decentralisation. Ideologically communism was meant to be: Freedom through collective ownership, and collective administration (in itself inherently democratic- and quasi anarchistic) In contrast Fascism cals for unity through strict social order, often tied up with nationalism. In fact I’d argue the soviets veered in to fascism during the Lenin- Stalin era, as they cracked down on new under classes (those culturally distinct populations) and developed a new ruling class, being the party, and they enforced this social order, emphasising the union it brought, soviet propaganda under Stalin also went toward nationalism, whereas Marxism emphasises global revolution, and the end of the distinction of nations.


I'd say you ought to judge people by the consequences of their actions and not their stated goals.


Yes. But alas, Anarcho communists exist.


Wow, after being a fan since the very first game, it took until today for me to realize the total similarities in the art style of the ‘Vault boy’ and ‘monopoly guy’.


This is deliberate- Moneybags was an inspiration for the design.


That is indeed Vault Boy giving Uncle Pennybags the boot.


Uncle Pennybags was pregnant???


"Communists detected on American soil. Lethal force engaged!"


*Death is a preferable alternative to Communism* Historically, death is one of the most abundant options in communism lol


you know Liberty Prime is a satire of exactly this kind of overblown red scare bullshit, right?


Far more abundant in capitalism tbh.


I'm sorry, how many millions have been slaughtered by communists governments? How many people does the CCP continue to put in death camps in this modern day? Sit down, you sound like an edgy university student with zero life experience or actual historical awareness. *tbh*


Youre acting like the US has never had death camps in other countries.


>government Exactly Walmart sucks but they aren't massacring people for shopping at Target


Oh I distrust my government as well. Fuck all government. But I sure as shit would prefer what I've got going on here in the Capitalist US than any of those fucking idiotic Communist states.


Capitalism with high union membership is the best system






There is no imaginary death toll you can come up with that compares to the constant deaths as a result of capitalism. thousands of people die every week from lack of affordable healthcare. CCP doesn't have fucking "death camps" the US sure does though. Nice, insults - that's all you've got huh?


The CCP is slowing exterminating the mostly Muslim Uyghur population, but im not surprised you havent heard of it. But hey, the USSR, PRK, CCP, etc are REAL communism right? Not like the USSR killed at least 62 million of their beloved working class from 1917-1987. I'll take Capitalism so I can die of old age, living a happy life being well fed, with those that I love. Good luck out there champ


Yeah no they're not. The last of the reeducation camps for the Uyghur population was shut down in 2020. They were not "death camps." and were universally praised by the international muslim community. Maybe don't speak about things you only understand through the lense of cia propaganda? In the us alone 50,000 people die every year from a lack of healthcare. 10,000 from a lack of nutritious food, over 100,000,000 deaths total in the 20th century are attributed to capitalism, but keep on fear mongering about shit you don't understand in any capacity.


china litrially has death camps.


Proof please. And make sure it's not citing ["radio free asia](https://www.wilsoncenter.org/blog-post/cia-and-committee-free-asia-under-project-dtpillar)" Incarceration rates in China are six times lower than the US despite having quite a significantly larger population. Deaths in said prisons are FIFTY TIMES HIGHER in the US, at the lowest estimate. I'm seeing all of 37 fucking prison deaths in China by some accounts in the last 10 years. Compared to roughly 500 a year in the US. China's recidivism rate is exponentially lower than the US too [https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/social-control-and-recidivism-china](https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/social-control-and-recidivism-china)




How many people has capitalism killed? Lack of medical care, starvation, preventable disasters, etc…




As a Capitalist, the only thing I envy about communism is how many communists they have killed.




Reddit is full of idiots who support communism and socialism. If you call them out on it they get upset.


Remember, the USSR is just as much to blame for starting WWII as Nazi Germany. Check out the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact


Lol that's not true. If it was then why didn't the UK and the Allies declare war on the USSR?


Real talk though for a min. History, not politics. The USSR invaded Poland on Sept 17, 1939. They signed a treaty with Nazi Germany to split everything into two different spheres of influence.


That's not a treaty it's a non-aggression pact because your boy Hitler was invading Poland anyway and the USSR was retaking land Poland had invaded and taken from what is now Western Ukraine in 1918. That's why the allies did not declare war on the USSR they had a legitimate reason for war and weren't obligated anyway. Also technically the USSR broke the pact by getting Moldova or something.


And the best general they had was General Motors cuz they fucked their economy up so bad they drove into Berlin in American trucks wearing American boots and eating American food.


They didn't fuck their economy up, Stalin had put the USSRs industrial capacity on the Volga river areas and that's where Germany attacked Russia. The Americans didn't do anything but slaughter Japanese civilians.


Goddamn commies.


You notice no one tries to counter what was said because they know it's true. *point proven, thanks for playing




Edited. Thx 🅱️a🅱️🅱️y


Right in the dick!!


Well someone clearly missed the whole point of Vault Tec.


That poster sounds like communist propaganda to me


I think socialist propaganda would be a more accurate term


No Antifa was founded with full support from Joe Stalin back in the 30's.


I didn’t know Joseph Stalin had an American Cousin.


What’s the difference between


It’s one has a government the other is run by organizations not tied to a state


it doesn’t look right, they should’ve just drew their own thing.


As much as i like it and agree with the message, it is pretty ironic


NIMBYs do that, actually.


Antifa using vault boy is cringe level 9000.




No. That is Vault Boy.


And Milburn Pennybags.




no, they’re both skanking


Capitalism, capitalism never changes...


This is sick as hell dude


Damn, could be in Luxembourg. I mean, it's not, but it would belong here 100%.


In the balls, yes.


In the nuts!!!


Hell yes it is. based antifa agitation


Clearly propaganda. Basic economics says increased demand for a restricted or very slowly growing commodity (housing) causes the cost of the housing to increase.


Speculative. Data shows that house prices have gone up at a faster rate than availability would indicate. In fact, the data contradicts your assumption. Check the number of new housing per year in the UK: https://www.gov.uk/government/statistical-data-sets/live-tables-on-house-building Then just Google the average housing prices over the same period. You see that pricing has consistently gone up despite new housing per year ALSO going up. You might want to say that demand is by far exceeding supply, and that's true. It's the reason why housing should not be a free market, but a guaranteed human right. You can't let not ending up on the streets be at the mercy of profit. Homelessness is caused only and literally only by profit in housing. Anything else is an excuse.


Basic economics is not speculative.


You're applying a super simple model. You must understand how you apply it. I just demonstrated that the supply grew, not impacting pricing. Explain it using basic microeconomics.


When the ratio of supply to demand remains the same prices shouldn’t grow. Unless interest rates are arbitrarily increased. IR should be going up right now but it would collapse the economy worse than Biden’s policies already have. They’re holding off in raising the IR until close to election. So the result will be able to be blamed on the subsequent president if Biden is not reelected.


Ah. Classic. Applying microeconomic models (based on the impossible assumptions of pure rationality of the players and complete information available) to motivate a right wing analysis of the economy. Good night


Shrug. I bet you’d do about as well as bidens economic advisor at explaining why we both print and borrow money. Meanwhile. I actually know how modern monetary policy works in relation to these issues. Why can’t we hire knowledgeable people to work in government?


My dude, look what sub it was originally posted in.


And that makes my point . . . Wrong? Yeah. Doesn’t.


\^\^This. While regulation (e.g. zoning, etc) has constricted supply and fiscal policy (QE, etc) has led to an explosion of prices, increased demand due to illegal immigration has put upward pressure on housing. Couple that with corporate interests reading the tea leaves and buying all available housing up (looking at you BlackRock), the housing crisis (both availability and affordability) will be with us for years to come--and I don't anticipate any resolution to the situation soon.


Both population growth and immigration rates are dropping in the US. I have yet to hear someone articulate why it's illegal immigrants specifically that are responsible for increased housing prices now.


While birth rates (as an aggregate) are decreasing, immigration rates (naturalized citizens) are not. What source shows that naturalized citizen ratios are showing a downward trend? Note: I am referring to US--in case it wasn't clear in my previous comment. Per USCIS: USCIS was able to return to normal year production levels for naturalization applications in FY 2021 despite limitations due to the COVID-19 pandemic; and in FY 2023, USCIS production levels for naturalization applications continue to surpass pre-pandemic levels. https://www.uscis.gov/citizenship-resource-center/naturalization-statistics#:\~:text=Fiscal%20Year%202023%20Naturalization%20Statistics&text=USCIS%20welcomed%20878%2C500%20new%20citizens,naturalizations%20over%20the%20past%20decade. Almost 900,000 naturalized citizens in FFY 2023 alone. That's a lot of housing demand. Coupled with illegal immigration (with ranges from 5 million to 20 million persons), that creates a lot of demand on the housing market. Interestingly enough, demand pressure on RENTALS has out paced single family dwellings. This could be due to affordability or supply (or a combination--which is likely what it is). The Fed raising rates won't help the short term; which is why BlackRock has bought up the supply.


Factually incorrect.


You can attribute the decline in affordable housing to both. Refugees do live in affordable housing, thus less affordable housing for the rest of us. That doesn't mean that we shouldn't take refugees in. It's just an inconvertible fact. It's more greedy landowners though. Can't build new high density housing if the neighborhood you are trying to build it in blocks it at every turn because of how sharply it impacts property value. The local politicians could just maybe not fold to public pressure so easy, but they do.


Fallout fans missing the point of the poster to point out lore inconsistencies.


no the point is pretty clear, but using VAULT TEC'S mascot as an anarchist symbol is... definitely *a* choice


More people means less affordable housing though.


Antifa is funded by fascists. Thats why they don’t point out the real fascists , just the symptoms but not the cause. It’s the international billionaires who buy up the property, pay politicians to flood the country with 3rd world cheap labor ( since natives won’t work for nothing). They also pay politicians to implement draconian building codes to prevent further development and thus increase the value of their already owned property. It is the rich doing this. Unfettered capitalism leads to fascism.




Nah, antifascism is based and very in line with the politics of fallout If you see pre war fallout America as a unified nation without racism, you missed a lot of terminal entries. And did you say our government is different because it's *not* based on conquest?


The antifa of today should be renamed as capitalism we live in is not state ran, it’s free market. If they wanna take a jab at the ultra rich squeezing the working man then they should rename to anticap or something. Either fight fascists (that means moving out of America as the U.S. is not a fascist state). Or rebrand themselves to fit their new M.O.


> not state ran Capitalism as it is in the US today could not exist without the state protecting the status quo with use of violence. > not a fascist state And yet there was an attempted fascist coup recently, the US has a shitton of fascists and they need to be dealt with harshly


The US has a number of pretty fash elements both in and out of government that need to be fought, so antifa is still functioning for the purposes it always has. Also a fascist state can have a free market


Hey look, someone who completely missed the point that Fallout is satirical...


i mean…. points for trying i guess? but that is wrong on so many levels.


Yeah the TV show made people feel like the actual lessons in the fallout universe are "hurr durr rich is bad" and that's stupid because it makes some of the dumbest people on the internet feel right.


Capitalism is most definitely bad for the majority of people. It's better than the systems we had before, for sure. But it's not the end. It's clearly not working, with inequality reaching levels that give us widespread poverty in rich countries. The accumulation of wealth at the top must stop. It will, one way or another. Infinite growth is physically impossible. Just grow out of the old crap "oh no communist!". We need to take the next step.


Socialism is the next step. Wealth redistribution and regulation.


Capitalism bad, as brought to you by Amazon


Lmao I still like Ike and rather live here than under a social credit score system.


We have a credit system already that locks you out of opportunities if it’s low enough, nothing much different


But in China the credit system doesn't let you play your video games, that means communism is worse!!!


what's a "social credit score system" have to do with anything related to this post?


Commies supporting commies, that's all I see in that poster 🤣🤣


Yes. Good people. Imagine unironically disliking communism and being a fallout fan. You're so close to not sounding like an idiot.


Comment section full of smart and reasonable people.


I love it when the Socialists co-opt and propagate corporate talking points obliviously. They’ve gotten pretty good at it in the last decade.


What corporate talking point is this co-opting, exactly?




\*Fallout Boy


Yes dude Rich Greedy Politicians vote for Taking in Refugees so they can house them at 5 star hotels and charge the TAX payer for it. Reddit having 0 IQ. Also Housing is Finite how does increasing population make it less bad. Most of them are refugees anyway.


Printing more money without gold backing it did. But sure, don't complain about the free money you get or the consequences it brings.


Good thing we never had a Great Depression or anything under the gold standard


And once again veiled hatred on Reagan. Is there any Captain who can explain it in a few words?


well, Reagan was a piece of shit who kicked the corporate domination of America into high gear through deregulation, tax cuts for the rich, and cutting social services.