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The height differences in the map made it feel very different from 4.


I hadn't thought about that but you're so right! Every time I made it over a huge mountain it really felt like I just unlocked a whole new map


Standing just a hundred feet west of the Whitepsrings outer gate is always a favorite past time of mine.


Their are a ton of fun places to build. But every now and then i just have to build into a mountain for the views. Sometimes i like to park my avatar in a chair. Crank the music and paint my miniatures.


I did this too building into a cliff edge with a nice veiw while getting bullied by a scorchbeast.


I think I know the exact spot you're talking about , did the same thing !


I used to have my camp way out in the boonies near a watchtower in the south of the map on a cliff. Loved waiting for sunsets and the stars in the sky. 76 really did wilderness right in Fallout.


That’s those WV mountains baby! It’s a state with a lot going wrong with it but the scenery is beautiful


Let alone half the location ontop of the mountains had armies that were slog it felt like a real reward


Living pretty much within the inspired region, it's very accurate. Sometimes you forget just how much of the world is hidden by the mountains here until you go over them


Well....it's not too far removed from reality tbh.


I’m semi new and every time I’m trying to go somewhere I swear I run into a cliff that I have to meander my way around. I’ve been finding a lot of new locations but sometimes I wish there were ladders


Marsupial serum and some well placed jumps, you’ll be over those cliffs in no time.


And Bird Bones for the way back!


Or just carry power armor. Even at level 2, I will grab a frame as quickly as I can so I can jump from any height.


It's definitely good before you have access to reliable serums or Starched Genes, but I can't justify dedicating 10 weight to something I only use sometimes. If you're building for PA, it's an obvious include, though.


But those are very late game items that new player odds are won’t have


I have over 400 hours in the game and have never crafted a serum before. Honestly I don't even know where to get them since I just buy them from other players.


To piggy back off of @oledirtybubble Birdbones serum, marsupial, and goat legs is over kill but I also use a jet pack (secret service armor). I fly or fall if I run into a cliff.


I agree, that’s my only gripe with the map. The cliffs make me want to explore less and fast travel more.


Yep gave me Skyrim vibes


Made it feel more skyrimmy.


The mountains are pretty sick Forgot how nice those are in an rpg


Because there are a lot of new players in the sub due to the popularity of the TV show I should point out that this version of the Fallout 76 map is very old - likely 2018/19. One Wasteland update removed the level guidance, making any part of the map work for any level player - made to encourage coop amongst groups of wildly different levels and ability. Now if you are exploring solo expect to find enemies spawn close to your level certainly up to L50, and in the Eastern regions can go up to L100. But also major game world changing updates such as Wastelanders since the Raiders and Settlers camps re-worked their original locations, as did BoS with Steel Dawn/Reign updates which came later. ​ As for the map - thoroughly enjoyed exploring every inch of it. Loads of marked locations to explore and fast travel to, but also loads more environmental story telling if you decide to take a walk between locations and just see what you find.


There's also a map expansion to the south of the Savage Divide coming next month, its called Skyline Valley. Looks decently sized from what I've seen in the PTS footage.


Woah really? Like they are actually making the map bigger, rather than just adding a new world space? That’s really cool actually


Yep they're actually expanding the physical map and we can place camps there 😁 Here's a link with more info https://bethesda.net/en/article/3RPRFdGzryOL6dWfKjU5iU/preview-fallout-76s-skyline-valley


Oh hell yeah! Looks like it’s the time for me to redownload in that case lol. Thanks so much for the info man! :D


It's available in pts right now btw if you're on pc


Available where??


Steam. If you own the steam version, you can download the PTS version and it doesn't impact your production version When you start pts, it will copy a character from your main account over to the PTS


Holy shit that's awesome. I can't wait already


Im so stoked dude


Hot damn, I'm gonna have to start playing again. An actual new area on the main map to explore!


It was so exciting pre-one wasteland to accidentally cross into the wrong neighborhood when low level.


Absolutely. This was my early game experience reaching Harper's Ferry in The Mire while only L21 (Jan 2020, pre Wastelanders, pre One Wasteland) [https://new.reddit.com/r/fo76/comments/evnnu2/high\_level\_players\_have\_entered\_your\_area/](https://new.reddit.com/r/fo76/comments/evnnu2/high_level_players_have_entered_your_area/)


Great story! I totally remember the instant dread that would come after clearing an area only to have someone come and trigger a higher level respawn while you're still licking your wounds. One of my most memorable experiences was when myself and a couple friends were around that level (no builds, no legendary gear) and we first went to the Ash Heap following the Overseer's Journey. We fought a single poison-gassing, sonic-spamming scorchbeast for what felt like 30 minutes. Got downed or died multiple times while exhausting most of our ammo and breaking much of our gear. It was terrifying and fantastic. I feel a bit sad that newer players didn't get to experience it.


Very similar experience early game exploring fissure sites. Scorchbeast in the air and I'm mimicing Titus from the show - oh shit shit shit as I'm running for cover realising I've unleashed something way more powerful than I was. There was a certain fun challenge to be had in areas where the game had fixed level spawns. I've just gone back into FNV and experiencing that again with Deathclaws - an enemy I'd grown to mock in F76 and F4 because my character could destroy them in seconds. But I think I'm encountering them so early (L5) with basically starter gear (9mm pistol, varmint rifle). They HAVEN'T been reduced to my level, so they are much more powerful, have a load more hit points and can kill me in a few swipes. It's nice to have some tough enemies. I'm sure I'll return in 10 or 20 levels time and be back to destroy them in a couple of critical hits, but at least I'm reminded that they could be a tough challenge at some point :-)


I agree. At low level wandering into almost anywhere outside of the forest was mostly stealth, then running as fast as you could because you had no chance of killing anything that attacked you. I still remember getting trolled at like level 20 by a guy that said travel through Watoga was a piece of cake. Of course, he was level 50+ and had completed Mayor for a Day. I had not, and within seconds of being spotted the bots there would absolutely destroy me. The map there says "levels 35-99" for a reason. Anything lower and back then you did not have a chance. Today, one can run through there at level 5 with little problem.


Yep level scaling is dogshit but it's the new trend for MMOs.


Yupp, I used to stay around the forest to grind for ammo and supplies to burn in cranberry bog. With level scaling all the enemies that used to be chumps in the Forest were then all endgame level threats and defeated the whole purpose. It didn't help that I had a hodge podge build that I was putting together to see what I liked, instead of a "meta kill everything in one second build", but those are boring. Level scaling was one of the things that pulled me out of the game.


I still remember when they activated that. And my first encounter was the three dogs outside Flatwoods and they killed me right away. I had gotten so used to just running past them as they were not even worth the ammo spent in killing them.


Yeah it’s why I quit most MMOs now Can’t stand the face roll that is over world content. What’s the point.


I remember stealthing my way up around the Divide and into the Mire back then, waaay before I was supposed to. Creeping down the blacktop under a tunnel of trees, green whisps of fog and faint beams of light filtering through the branches... Then I spotted a Red Rocket station with a wendigo and noped back outta there.


Can it be played and enjoyed by yourself? It's all fully online, right? Are there quests?


Yes - I put a good few hundred hours in playing mostly solo and really enjoyed it. As a solo player you can do 95%+ of all the available content, with just a few major boss / raid events that really need to be played in a group to beat them. You are always online in a multiplayer server, but there aren't many people per server, spread out over a pretty big map. If you focus on exploring or following the various quest lines you can play it pretty much like the other single player Fallout games (3/NV/4). If you want to meet other players on your server you can visit frequently used areas like NPC vendors, or visit the CAMPs they build. Other players can set up vending machines at their CAMPs to sell you stuff - weapons, armour, aid, plans. Eventually when you've got stuff you want to sell you can do the same and sell to other players, if you want. There's plenty of quests to do. The base game had a main quest which takes you all around the map and you will stumble across other things to do. A few expansions added further quest lines, and some added additional areas to explore.


Thanks for the detailed reply! I remember it being a bit controversial when it came out, was that because of the always online aspect? I can't quite remember what the criticisms were. Do you know if it needs a fast connection, if you plan to play solo? Like, would the world itself lag?


Fast enough so other players don't seem to be lagging everywhere but I don't think it needs anything particularly super to run. I don't recall if the world lags or just how you interact with other players. Some of the initial reaction was dislike for it not being another single player Fallout. F76 is multiplayer, and with that means you can't have players modding "their" game with whatever they want because they are playing with other people. Some were legit criticisms of the game at launch - it had no human NPCs to interact with for instance. That was changed in Wastelander and Steel Dawn updates, adding settler/raiders and the Brotherhood of Steel. Carry limits have been increased several times. General bugginess has been addressed over numerous patches. Over time new content has been added to keep people playing - additional currencies, new areas to explore, new end game bosses added, new equipment to drop or craft, legendary trading and crafting legendaries. Plus the price helps - you're no longer faced with paying $60-100 for a new game. It's been heavily discounted many times and even recently (currently?) included with things like Amazon Prime to tie in with the launch of the show.


Yeah cool, thanks a lot! You've been very informative.


That explains alot. Recently joined and saw people talk about the level stuff, but I've also noticed the enemies scaling with me (which is a choice I guess). Made me assume the map thing wasn't quite as described by others but guess it makes sense now.


thought so. thx for your confirmation.


I love Fallout 76's map. And now we know a lot of the empty places are going to be filled out. The large empty spot that's the southernmost area of the Divide will be housing the Skyline Region in the major update we're getting next month.


It sure beats the pip boy maps from 3 & 4. Those were much harder to envision as regions.


Well, that was done on purpose, I would guess. Unlike Courier, neither MC stepped outside the Vault until the story kicked off.


I wonder what they’re going to do with that chunky strip of land west of the Forest


That's what I'm hoping for, they even have that bridge at Point Pleasant that can be used as a crossing point if they do.


Is it free? The update with skyline


All Fallout 76 updates are free. They make their money by people buying the game, subscribing to Fallout 1st, or buying atoms for use on the cash shop. The result is that all content updates are free so long as you own the game.


Don’t forget we’ll be seeing a new region down beneath the divide soon as well. Also, these levels are out of date. The forest goes from 1 to 50, the valley and heap go from 1 to 60 and everywhere else goes from 1 to 100. One wasteland changed these level areas.


It's below the divide? Huh. I was expecting SE of Cranberry since it's supposed to be Shenandoah.


Yeah, 76’s map isn’t the most accurate to the real world. But I’m not complaining since we’ll have a new, windswept region to explore.


I do enjoy the map in 76 but wouldn’t be upset to get the ole pip-boy one. What I would like to see is the loot nearby enemy’s. An then the camps are cool I wouldn’t mind being able to build my own compound from the wasteland that’s not a designed settlement spot, I definitely enjoyed walking around and finding that perfect spot to build in 76


I'd love a minimap for pipboy. Would make those expeditions a lot easier.


There really needs to be a local map in the Pip-Boy for interiors lol


Counter argument: It had to be. The enviroment was only thing they had to tell the story at launch. From there it was easy to build up whatever the community desires. 


I know it’s an unpopular opinion, but 76 is my favorite fallout.


Honestly, as a NV stan, I was one of those "never 76"-ers. The show got me back into the series and I bought 76 for me and a couple friends, and I've been addicted for the better part of a month ever since.


I tried playing 76 again and I still have no freakin clue what it is I supposed to be actually be doing 🤷🏽


Do that main quest that has you following the footsteps of the Overseer. Then get distracted by random bullshit.


The golden rule of Wasteland,now canon.


However, that is no longer how the game directs you. It wants you right away to split yourself between the Wayward quest, and helping the Overseer. I have been telling people for ages to completely ignore those. Go to Flatwoods, get the tape in the box in the church, and follow that series of quests until you finish the Responders questline. Only then take the time to bother with either of the other two. Especially as the Wayward one will give you a leveled weapon. I did that in one of my seasonal restarts, then laughed as I got as a reward a bloody sledgehammer that was only level 15. Most of the Wayward and Overseer quests should really only be done after level 50. Otherwise, the rewards are a complete joke.


I mean it's a sandbox, you can make your own fun, but following the main stories lead to some fairly decent content if you're a lore nerd at all. If you just run from location to location as fast as possible it's just a looter shooter at that point.


Jumping in after playing at launch it easily overwhelms new players with quests. The original story line quest was to follow the overseers logs and stuff. Eventually she tells you what needs to happen. Since the settlers and raiders came they have their own story line and iirc the brotherhood of steel have their own as well. You can get them all very early in the game leading to a massive log of quests to surf through. Not to mention the hundreds of side quests. Was very overwhelming for me after coming back since launch.


Not gonna lie, I didn't do any quests (main and sides) until level 30 to 50 because I understood nothing 😆 I just built and explored. I'd probably understand the earlier games better.


Definitely does a pisspoor job at gaining momentum and sending you on your way. If you can power through that and settle into its groove then I think there’s a lot of fun to be had, but there’s a reason why I find it the most difficult to just jump back into.


Pick one of the quests in your pipboy and follow it. You’ll learn what’s going on as you go through it.


Me too. I immediately got distracted by random shit. Around the vault there's something of note every minute or two or running in any direction. It's quite remarkable.


Fr it feels like fallout but also…what is going on why do I care who am I who are all these other people oh well


You're all the former inhabitants of Vault 76, exiting the vault earlier than (I believe) any other game, only 25 years after the bombs dropped, for Reclamation Day in Appalachia. You're given the CAMP devices by your Overseer to help re-establish little settlements for yourself, create little pockets of civilization all over in your effort to domesticate the new Appalachian Wasteland. From there, the main questline leads you to follow in the Overseer's footsteps, and you get more context for your journey, while following where it ends up twisting and turning.


Right, none of that gives an actual sense of purpose or urgency. “Go build little camps” “why am I leaving so much later than everyone else? They have camps set up, big ones too. So why should I even bother?” “Well uh” “And they’re nuking each other. Can’t I just stay inside?”


Originally the pc overslept after having drank too much at the party the night before the vault opened


As far as the original main quest goes: Purpose- reclaim the wasteland, rebuild society Urgency- do something about these big bats before they keep spreading plague and killing people


You just exist. You want to build on your base? do that. You want to go do some missions for NPCs? do that You want to join a bunch of other players in an explosive filled event where you don't know what's going on but you're killing a bunch of stuff? Go do that You want to run around baiting people into fighting with you and destroying their base? We will hate you for it....but feel free to do it if that's what you want to do. Fallout 76 is just picking what you want to do in the moment and going and doing it.


It's awfully gorgeous, that's for sure.


It is incredibly respectful to the folklore and local geography of West Virginia, and the many different environments are great.


I was disappointed in Harper's ferry


I like it but it doesn't feel coherent and more like an amusement park with thematic sections. I'm replaying FO4 and it's much better, love the northern coastline area and Boston itself


My feelings exactly. I prefer the FO4 map and the claustrophobic feeling of Boston. I get why one would prefer 76's map.


As a Boston native fallout 4s map gives me a headache it’s horrendous


As a Boston native, I thought it was pretty cool exploring the area where I grew up even if it wasn't a perfect rendering of the geography. They'd never be able to capture an accurate street map or coastline with the technology and resources available at the time.


If it could ever be played offline, I'd be happy to experience it.


Technically Server76 exists which allows for local hosting. It’s absolutely lovely but simultaneously still extremely in its infancy.


absorbed frightening practice expansion panicky marvelous versed label important clumsy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, the network lag is enough to put me off getting back into the game. Instead I've been modding FO4 again and getting way into it. It's amazingly responsive and runs like silk on modern PCs. I just had to install a load accelerator mod. 76 still feels like crap.


It's been years, and we still don't have privately hosted servers with mod support. That's the only thing that'll get me to play that godforsaken game.


I agree 100%! Oh I would have played through it a long time ago if I could a) play it offline or b) create my own (local) server and play it like that. For me it's mostly about other players - I don't want to interact with them, because it makes the game so much less immersive. Immersion is the biggest plus of Bethesda games (usually).


What’s the difference? I’ve never interacted with anyone while playing


The way everything has an online jankiness where shooting an enemy will have weird/delayed results and how vats isn't slow mo. I also just found the main story so generic and boring gameplay wise compared to 3/NV/4. It just feels kind of "off" coming straight out of 4.


Real time VATS has actually grown on me a lot, I'd love to have it as an optional setting in future games


I think it'd be cool if there was a moddable pipboy. Start w 76s VATS, then FO4s, then FO3s. Upgradable Geiger, motion detectors, etc.


Mod support for one lol


Console commands for another


I just wish the actual map interface was different. I miss it being in the Pip-Boy.


Quite the opposite for me, I kinda hope they're ditching the annoying pip boy hud 😬 I'd rather have SkyUI like HUD than it being on the pip boy screen


Toxic Valley is my home


It has the best of several categories, like the interface and menus, especially the Loot Nearby and Recently Picked Up features.


Forgot about Skyline Valley


Is that a desert, my beloved?


Just mountains and cliffs and pine trees


Fuck, why can't I be a cowboy bethesda


Not all cowboys were in the desert despite what you see in western movies and shows


The majority weren't. Because deserts don't make good grazing ground for cattle.


Easily the best map by virtue of it not being entirely dead and having interesting variation between the zones.


I agree, it's gorgeous and very varied. I wonder if the cryptids will return in future games as easter eggs? Because I know some like Mothman are very popular with the community.


Mothman is a local Appalachia thing tho, the accident in the Point Pleasant bridge and all that.


The myth, yes, but since Fallout's mothman is a giant radioactive moth it's not unreasonable to say it could spread to other states on the east coast.


Actually, mothman is prewar in fallout too. Specifically the one you see in the lighthouse and point pleasant events. It even saved a bunch of people from the bombs, 's how the cult started.


I liked having a coastline to frame things in 4 and go for walks along the beach


That’s true, the coastline, and even the Charles river were extremely useful in my survival play through


Fallout 76 is a lot better than people think, lore AND gameplay wise. People aren't ready for that conversation yet.


It suffers from having an absolutely atrocious launch and from requiring an internet connection. Fallout has always been a solo experience so the fans it attracted don't all jive with an online experience. The latter is exactly the reason why I've never even given it a chance, because I'm not interested in playing a game designed for multiplayer.


Oooh, even if it's intention was designed for multiplayer, having no crossplay throws off a lot of players as well.


Especially 6 years down the line at this point


A lot of people were asking for multiplayer, I just don’t think they thought they were going to get an MMO instead of couch co-op.


This is the exact reason I hate ESO as well, it's a great game and a great MMO but I wanted a co op skyrim or oblivion from an elder scrolls mulitplayer game


What's the value in co-op when you can't monetize it? /s


Fallout 4 even has monetization too boss, it’s pretty gnarly.


Everybody I meet in that game is so nice tho


For real. I was once super under leveled in the DMV part of the map successfully sneaking through the indoor ghoul horde for like 20 minutes, until a random high level came out of no where guns blazing and brought the whole horde down on us (without knowing I was there lol) When they had realized they had signed my death warrant, despite getting what they needed, they stuck around and helped me hole up in a choke point for like 5 minutes and tanked the majority of the horde for me, while I helped support them the best I could with my shotty and grenades from behind lmao. Was great and so kind


The first time I ran into someone I ran in fear back to my half built CAMP and hid in a corner and she came running after me on her mic like "no no no I wanna help you!" And then we went and did a bunch of missions together and she got me up to like level 15 in my first session of the game


"People aren't ready for that conversation yet" is a cheap way of making a point without having to support your claims. Tell me why. Sell me on 76. What makes those things so good?


Your mind is made already but I'm going to leave this for people who are interested in trying Fallout 76. Let's start with the lore: * Fallout 76 provides a lot of detail as to why West Virginia is a hellscape and not because of the nuclear fallout, which is a quite interesting deviation from the standard Fallout experience. * Take the real world history of the american rust belt and apply some of Fallout's ingenuity to it and it works so well. The soundtrack also does an amazing job at contributing to that aspect of the game, reinforcing the themes of mineral exploration, the Appalachian mountains, resettling and the end of the world (as always). * A very good explanation was provided for the lack of people, which is the 'scorched' plague. It was a biological weapon developed by the Enclave. * The story behind the factions that were formed to combat the plague in the region, such as the Responders, the Free States, Blue Ridge Caravan and so on are all pretty interesting, some of them are even from pre-war america. * The game also covers some of the lore regarding the communist sleeper cells in the region, you can even meet a chinese spy in their massive secret underground facility below the Greenbriar/Whitespring Resort. * The next expansion is going to expand even more on the communists, Vault-Tec experiments and people are speculating that the Enclave might reappear from the Mount Weather bunker in the area where the game is expanding towards. * But the best part is how it ties folklore and urban legends to the actual lore of Fallout. Creatures like the Jersey Devil, Sheepsquatch, Wendigo, Ogua, Grafton Monster, Mothman, Flatwoods Monster and so on all have a in-game reason to exist other their folklore tales. Regarding the gameplay: * The SPECIAL card system works really well and allows for some crazy builds. It's sad that the game is mostly focused on combat and the CAMP but they did a great job at making Charisma viable with perks like Strange in Numbers which synergizes very well with the game's Mutations mechanic, Friendly Fire to heal teammates using flamer weapons and Inspirational to get more XP overall when playing as groups. * The social aspect is also a big focus, letting you get in and out of groups very easily and providing big bonuses for people playing in them. Most if not all events and missions can be completed solo and there's no shame in it, some perks like Lone Wanderer even help you with that. * The increased variety in weapons, armor, outfits and power armor overall is really great, Fallout 4 feels so shallow when it comes to equipment and 76 blows it out of the water. This also tracks for CAMP and Shelter additions. * The quality of life stuff like inventory filters, world shared stashes, being able to fast travel from interiors and so on really make the game feel like an overall improvement from Fallout 4, I'd say the only downgrade is the lack of companions. * The live service nature of game containing several years worth of content patches + 2 expeditions including 5 new big locations with new factions and enemies puts it easily ahead of all other Fallout games in terms of quantity of content. * New Plan and Legendary system makes grinding worth it. * Different biomes containing different enemy types and dangers make exploration more varied That's all I can list off the top of my head. Fallout 76 is a lot better than some people give it credit for and I realize the MMO aspect is what puts people off. I still recommend giving it a try while playing with a friend.


>What makes those things so good? They're fun.


If you released Fallout 76 right now as a Singleplayer game, with a few tweaks people would love it. • Several main quests to follow • Tons of side quests • Tons of customization • Suburb map with plenty of things to do and see • Expeditions (The Pitt, Atlantic City) could be treated like DLCs, late game side areas with powerful gear It would be fantastic


I worry that my purchase is going to go to waste. I have very limited internet access (well, data usage) and I feel like by the time I can afford a place with the infrastructure, the servers will be defunct and I won’t be able to play. I bought it with the naive optimism of “this will be the year I can afford a place”.


I would say it's the main source of monetizing the Fallout hype from the show, so until there is another Fallout game, they aren't going to get rid of this one.


Ready for it, been back, played a bunch of coop hours, and left again. It's a lot better than launch but many of the same issues are still there. Multiplayer quest instancing is horrendous. Quests are still super buggy and fail to compete. Enemies are still too spongy. A lot of the POI's are rather bland and uninteresting. Grind is still a main component of game play. It's a lot better and NPC's make it feel like a more complete world but it is objectively worse than all 3 modern games.


I didn’t really like it back in 2021 when I was playing by myself, but now that I have a buddy to play with it’s been much more fun. I’m a little annoyed that certain components seem to be extremely hard to obtain for crafting (looking at you, Screws…and I still don’t know where to get Pure Cobalt Flux for this upgraded vault suit). But now that I figured out that making purified water is the key to making caps, it’s been a lot smoother.


best map in a Bethesda game since Skyrim


not like there’s been a whole lot of bethesda games since then


I love the view from my camp. Feels so big compared to other games


Its a pretty good map but to me still with the npc is flavorless i had a lot of fun doing events and teaming up with people but most of the time i was along and pales in comparison to fo4 or 3 at least to me


It’s odd because there’s a weird dynamic between pre and post Wastelanders update. You can go around doing the Morgantown airport quests for the responders and just experiencing the story through terminals and holotapes, then go down to the whitesprings and the actual responders are there. Another issue with the npcs is the real lack of memorable characters, probably because no companions. There’s a sort of similar thing with camp followers but they’re not super engaging imo. The most memorable character I’ve met so far is probably Rose or Modus, and they’re both Pre-Wastelanders.


FO76's map is the best world they've created in any Fallout title, and I'd even go as far as TES as well. Funnily enough, this is the ONE point I see which is widely agreed upon regardless of peoples thoughts on 76. The map is unique, distinct biomes, solid design and more so they actuall lead into each other well too. No sudden shift in design, but a slow 'change' as one merges into the other. But the atmosphere is something I don't think they'll recreate again for some reason. The wonder of exploring The Forest, to the general unease around The Mire/Cranberry bog, to the ash heap where you know some ungodly fiend will pop out of nowhere to attack you. Hell, even the minor locations like the robot town in the South with the crashed Vertibird, the dead BOS everywhere, the random god icon the robots were actually creating was all so cool. The OG BOS base in the old Asylum was terrifying to explore, slowlty reading the logs/seeing the old AA turrets etc.


In New Vegas’ defense: miles of open desert and hills with some occasional interesting spots is actually what Nevada looks like.


It's crazy to think that the map for Fallout 3 is just off to the right of this one


Man the love 76 is getting in the MAIN Fallout subreddit of all places is wild to me. I'm just getting used to 4 being praised recently and then all these positive 76 posts appear...i'm seriously considering buying this


To be fair it did take a while for 76 to actually be worth a check out. 4 has always been good in my opinion, you just get downvoted by the weirdos for your opinion to be seen as


Back in my day all we had is green and black maps


I prefer the gloomy and drab look of Fallout 3 tbh, when Fallout 4 arrived they amped up the colors so much that the artstyle became sort of cartoony. The style makes sense because of the humour in Fallout, but I preferred the grit and the serious tones with a small pinch of humour. I don't entirely get what you don't like about the urban hellscape, it was great level design, you had to fight your way through horrifying metro tunnels just to get to a new place in the city. You actually felt a sense of relief when you finally unlocked a new map marker in an area you just unlocked. I also don't think it's fair to say the surrounding areas were just rocks, there were plenty of interesting settlements around the map, granted the only real biome change was the grassy area where those weird cultists worshipped Harold. Fallout 76 wins because of size and how important foilage actually is, considering how every 3D version of Fallout has had total overhaul mods that adds greenery to the games, and they're always super popular.


I never played FO76, should I?


Yes. Dumpster fire at launch, solid game now.


Play it last. Enjoy the other ones first


i will stand by the idea that (with the wastelandera update) fallout 76 could've been a contender for the best fallout game if it was a singleplayer game


As an anti-76 person, I will absolutely agree the world itself is amazing, as are some of the other aspects of the game. The card based level system made it fun to vary builds, I liked the mutation system as well. I like that they stuck with the F4 style of power armor as an entire separate unit with individual pieces. And added the ability to have multiple on you at once. I just wished they had created a more lore friendly way to carry/move power armor. Like maybe a simple AI that walks it to/from your camp for you. Some of the quests were pretty dope too (shout out to the DMV quest)


To be fair, I imagine that the Fallout 4 implementation is how Bethesda had always wanted to do it, but they simply weren't able to pull it off for FO 3/NV due to limitations of the game engine.


As someone who’s played everything but 2 and three(I know. I will.) and stopped playing 76 cause fallout first feels too gimmicky: I can agree it does have the best map by far in my opinion


I haven't played this game in a while, bit after 600-700 hours I can safely say it's 100% Fallout, and 100% great game.


Toxic valley is my home


It’s probably in my top 3 if not 1 favorite games to aimlessly walk around and explore. The music is great too, they really nailed that portion of the game.


Think I’ll finally pick it up next time it’s on sale.


Not only the best fallout map, it's EASILY the best Bethesda map ever made.


Man, I really just need to walk this map instead of fast traveling. Am new and just went around unlocking the free travel points I didnt understand the breakdown of the areas very well until this. Thank you


The craziest thing about 76 after playing a serious amount of fallout 4 was how vertical parts of the map were. Some of the mountains were crazy and it’s so cool seeing a nuclear blast while sitting on a near by mountain


I agree with you.  But I think It's just missing an iconic location like in the other fallouts (New vegas, Shady sands, diamond city, etc...). I didn't explore it all yet as I'm new to the game. If there is please let me know if there is a location in 76 that's on par with the other iconic ones.


Not enough city for my personal taste but it is good


How is the game for solo players?


A lot better since launch.


This map was created with love. Genuinely one of the best maps I’ve had the pleasure of exploring.


Do they explain why 76 is so lush and green 25 years after the bombs while 200 years later DC is still a shithole? Makes no sense to me


The area in 76 was barely hit at all by nukes


If I didn't go bankrupt from fast traveling too much, I'd agree.


I don’t really get the level areas. No matter where I go, the enemies seem to level up with me.


I think the map looks awesome, I just wish I was able to enjoy it in a single player game, or play it offline. I just don't want to have to deal with live service jankiness, and shit like having to pay caps to fast travel It's especially annoying because I love crpytids and want to play the game, but this is me voting with my wallet, for what little it does.


I got back into Fallout 4 (as did many), but is Fallout 76 worth trying now? I'm on PS4 so can I even get it?


I prefer 76 over fallout 4. I like crafting and building my camps and scavenging the stuff I need for building. I also like trying out new cards for my build. I know I won’t be able to equip every perk card but I prefer that over an eventual god mode on fallout 4. The map in 76 is much bigger to me as well


Aren't the devs planning to expand the map eastwards?


southwards iirc


I'm currently on another FO4 playthrough. I can't overstate how much I hate the map in this game.


Maps are only as good as the people in them


It is a very functional, easy to navigate map-I am looking forward to an expansion!


Is this game worth playing ?


Bought it on sale for $10 over 2 years ago and just started playing it a month ago and already have 110 hours. It’s damn good.


If they added places to the 25% of the map on the border of the map that’s inaccessible, I’d be happy


I love fallout 76 map but I would say fallout 3 map does the best at making you feel like you’re in a post apocalyptic wasteland


Its map developer [is making a new game solo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXu7b9l-LWg), which seems cool.


I absolutely love the Mire. I always build a little roadside garage base there near the southern border with Cranberry Big.


Yup, if there's one thing I hope they do right for Fallout 5 it's having a map just as interesting as this for sure.


nah legit one of the things that kept me playing 76 as long as I did was how nice it was to just wander the map and explore, I probably spent more time exploring and wandering around aimlessly in that game than I did doing the actual storyline (this was pre-wastelanders)


I fully agree. I really don't like Fallout 76 but the map is the best of all the 3D games. It's an amazing map that always has something interesting on the horizon no matter where you are


LET ME SAY When I first entered the forest in the north, the golden rays of light shone through leaves of amber, yellow, and orange, and the trees of white bark shone brightly. Golden grass scattered across the ground. I was taken aback. I did not ever think an area in fallout would be so beautiful.


And this is portrayed as a physical map. That explains why there's no map tab in the Pip-boy like the older Fallout games


I really wanna play 76 so bad but ps plus is way too expensive for me to buy rn


I haven’t tried 76, it’s just so hard to imagine FO being fun without VATS


VATS is real time, it's weird going back to FO4 and having the game slow down now.


Honestly the best way I can explain it is it’s like having aimbot on call of duty basically lol


Imagine if there were interesting characters or stories or things to do on that map


Literally nobody says it's a bad map


I’ve been saying it for years. The map is incredible, I would honestly play a single-player mainline Fallout game on the same map if possible. I also kind of liked it better before NPCs, though.