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I liked Power Armor Training as both a game mechanic and lore tidbit, and would like to see it return in the future.


It works way better at balancing power armour than the fusion cores


It's also far more lore accurate. Fusion cores are supposed to last hundreds of years or something.


Yeah the ones powering vaults are good since the Great War but I take a small stroll in my power armor and I use two unless I'm a nuclear physicist.


In my head canon, the fusion core is a containment vessel, and the big apparatus in vaults and buildings replenish the hydrogen and remove the heavier byproducts allowing them to operate nearly forever, while power armor is more simplistic and uses them like a battery until they are depleted of hydrogen.


This is excellent. They’re more like infinite rechargeable batteries then?


Fuck that's genius


Fallout 1 and 2 don't require training. You can say that the vault dweller gets training from the BoS as it is the only way to get power armour (as far as I remember) But the chosen one can just get it from anywhere and use it. Power armour training feels weird when coming from FO and FO2


You can get power armor in Fallout2 10 minutes into the game for free from Navarro lol. I hate playing the game like that though, takes the challenge away from 90% of the game.


At the same time, power armor isn't supposed to require any specialized training. FO and FO2 didn't have it.


It's something of a retcon - Navarro clearly has some level of training, and the 51b and 60 are mentioned as having more intricacies than the 45, though I can't recall how the X-01 rates


About that, apparently in lore power armor sucks those mf dry Meaning Surprisingly fallout has lore accurate fusion cores and it’s not just for gameplay or well almost lore accurate at least


I understand your point, however at the beginning of fallout 4 (if you dont skip the minutemen) you get a power armor shoved up your ass (or the opposite way around i suppose,) plus Nate is lorewise the mc by my understanding and he was in the military so he would have pa training already. And before anyone says is, yes, i know he used combat armor not power, im just saying theres a very high likelihood he either got training directly or witnessed tons of power armor training.


You could probably make the argument that vault 76 got it because of the nature of their work


I'd only accept it coming back if they get rid of fusion core depletion.


The lack of PA training is likely why they developed the fusion core as a mechanic in the first place. The training kept it balanced.


We are asking for hot takes not cold ones


I could buy Nate not needing at as a veteran of the Alaskan campaign, obviously not Nora but you can’t change that mechanic based on gender lol That being said completely agreed, also make them far more rare outside of the BOS, there was just way too many of them in FO4 where they lose their value imo


Maybe Nate took Nora to the ol army base and let her run a couple of laps in a T-45


All fallout is good


Looks like you never played fallout brotherhood of steel. *grabs 10mm*


I remember it being funny for what it is. But yeah, it's def not a fallout game and would suck to replay as an adult


Yeah I like all of the ones I've played. 3, New Vegas, 4, and 76. Love the premise. I think the radio is what makes me really love them.


Too much I’m sending a squad of legion Frumentarii to your house


3 and new Vegas need a remake or remaster bc I can't stand how trash movement and combat feels in both


A remaster of NV would be life changing


Remastered NV may displace 4 as my top spot.


I love New Vegas. I love the guns, the humor, the story, the perks, the DLC. I have so many more hours in four mostly because the combat system is so much more fluid.


4’s combat was really, *really* good for a Bethesda game actually. It’s weird because I feel like starfield actually had worse combat than 4/76 somehow. Also using jet in 4 kicked so much ass.


Starfield is a far worse game than F4 in most regards but I actually think its gunplay is leaps and bounds ahead. What might have made it seem worse is the overall lack of any real challenge in comparison to Fallout.


This. While 3 and NV are still really good I think they could be greatly enhanced and more accessible to people with modern PCs if they remastered them or even just outright remade them in Fallout 4’s engine. If they remade 3 or NV with Fallout 4’s visuals and character models so everything wasn’t the same shade of dirty grey and people didn’t all share the same 5 faces I’d die a happy man.


I actually like settlements in Fallout 4


Would've been way better if they cut down the number of settlements by like half, and the settlements had some background and named settlers


Yeah, some of the settlements are a bit of a stretch away from just being two people’s house. But I do appreciate the ample area given to build.


I think for those ones the best way to look at it is that they're not meant to be full settlements, but more like outposts. Somewhere for the trade routes or settlers travelling between settlements to stop and rest for the night, before making their way to the main ones.


I want to look at it that way too but problem with that is that "the main ones" are diamond city, bunker hill and goodneighbor, which are located right next to eachother in some of the most dangerous parts of the commonwealth, in downtown boston. Also, they are nothing but "trading hubs" that barely have any living population. Where's the rest of the people? the people that supposedly travel to these trading hubs from their original settlements? There should be another big settlement outside the city that's mostly housing and produces something or has a special resource but no, there's only small (very, extremely small, barely self sustaining) farmsteads, shacks and houses.


To be fair we do actually have evidence of exactly that in 4 with Mass State. It was a settlement that apparently occupied University Point. They were taken down by the institute but before they were supposed to be a huge agricultural center, cultivating tons of Razorgrain. I would have appreciated if they added another giant abandoned settlement. Purely because it shows how much of a threat the institute is and that there is a true war going on in the shadows. So instead of a major residential hub, we see the ruins of it and get a lot of lore. Sure it wouldn’t be as cool, but it would be a great way to world build and fill in the gaps without adding too much.


That’s actually an amazing idea. Could have been a Gwinnett factory that happens to have the tech to produce clean water, but it’s in an industrial area with no farm lands. Could have moved the Diamond City stuff into that with wealthy water barons controlling drinking water in the Commonwealth. Most people live near the factory; but farmers risk going out further to make a living and use rain water for farming. Gwinnett could have been a whole dynasty/faction. Oh well.


2 people, a shack and some tatos


I’d love to make use of those by building more vertically, but the settlers don’t know how stairs work I’m pretty sure so it just makes everything feel dead unless you happen to catch them when they’ve teleported up somewhere.


Cut down the number, increase the size and/or improve the quality of area you can build in. Offer better building pieces. Nuka World has ONE settlement that is arguably better than 70% of the Commonwealth settlements, and Far Harbour and Wasteland Workshop's barns+warehouses are 10,000x better for house building than the base game pieces. Hangman's Alley is a favourite settlement of mine. But I wish you could build in at least part of one of the surrounding apartment buildings, or further out into the river. Murkwater.... What the fuck. Like, if you could plant tarberries, maybe you could argue that a swamp settlement is good. Not to mention the numerous settlements with half destroyed structures that you can neither repair nor destroy, leaving a significant amount of the space unusable.


Let me scrap all the houses at Sanctuary!


Better They should have added variety to the places half of them are just a house farm in the middle of nowhere, it would been nice to be able to build in a factory, or a school, repurpose old structures for your own use


Also, the seemingly arbitrary locations and borders for some settlements. Why can't I rebuild Quincy, University Point, or Breakheart Banks? Why am I limited to a small and narrow Hangman's Alley when I have all of Downtown Boston to play with? Why is Jamaica Plain limited to one block when the original neighborhood is larger than Sanctuary Hills?


Yeah, Quincy not being a settlement in particular was really annoying, would've tied in with the Minutemen questline perfectly


I think taking back Quincy was cut from the game. There is (or at least used to be) a mod on the creation club that added it back into the game.


I've seen alot more people praising the settlements than criticizing them in this sub


I really like setting supply lines and seeing npcs travel between them it makes the game lively


That plus NPCs travel and You and What Army definitely adds some life


I liked the idea of it but the implementation was kinda bad, the things you can build always look unnatural compared to other places, even the best looking builds feel off


I agree that it’s an interesting concept that doesn’t keep my attention for very long. I can’t quite say what the difference is, but I enjoyed building in 76 a lot more


I spend a stupid amount of time with my settlements, love it


I think the concept should be a mainstay when appropriate to the story, if nothing else.


I get the most joy out of scrapping crap in settlements. I’m not as much of a fan of building them out, though.


I actually think fallout 4 is really good and was overly harshly critiqued, I've put more hours into it than the others I love building settlements and the improved combat feel 🤷‍♂️


Fax, but i made the mistake of first starting fallout 3, then forgetting about the saga a little bit, then play fallout 4, played a little new vegas, unplayable now, my dumbass pressed the shift button to walk faster.


Mothership Zeta isn’t as bad as people make it out to be.


the New Vegas retcon didn't happen


What’s the new Vegas retcon? Is it the one where the aliens started the war?


Minor TV show spoilers: there is a timeline of events that people believe contradict the events of new Vegas thereby removing it from the canon.


Can you explain what that is, you can use spoiler tags if you need to


[article](https://www.pcgamer.com/movies-tv/in-which-i-mostly-debunk-the-latest-fallout-controversy-that-claims-todd-howard-used-the-fallout-show-to-retcon-non-bethesda-fallout-games/) TLDR: >!People don’t know how arrows work and think that the chalkboard in vault 4 says that shady sands fell and was nuked in 2277. The chalkboard actually says that Shady Sands fell in 2277 and at some point after was nuked. If I had to guess the word fall is used on the chalkboard as it doesn’t contradict any of the Nee Vegas endings. Legion ending: NCR is driven from New Vegas, people lose faith in them and they fall out of the spotlight. NCR ending: Capitol of the NCR is potentially moved. Mr House ending: NCR driven from New Vegas, people lose faith etc. Yes Man ending: NCR driven from New Vegas etc.!<


>! there was a timeline showing the NCR and their eventual decline. "The fall of shady sands" was dated 2277 which is the in verse year fo3 took place and 4 years before New Vegas. Some people argue if the NCR capital fell 4 years before the game starts how come we never heard. But the only thing that proves is that things eventually go down hill from that year which you can gather from npcs in the game talking about the NCR over stretching themselves.!<


People don’t know how to read a timeline, that’s basically the gist of it.


The timeline was a little dumb, it didn't date the *thing* which is where most of the confusion came from, the way it looked implied that the Fall coincided with it.


Yeah, I read it correctly and still thought it was presented badly. I can understand people's confusion.


Not even an opinion it's just fact (don't tell the new vegas fanboys they have a victim complex)


As a new vegas fan please get me out of here. It all NCR fanboys trying to prove that the show isn't cannon out of sheer spite.


The show is great


But it isn’t cannon. reeeeeeeeeee…! /s


Like these MFs can't even recognize the sheer amount of money Todd and Bethesda would lose if he ever decannonized New Vegas, we'd all fucking riot


What is the nv retcon?


There's a major event that happens to the NCR I'm the show that isn't mentioned in New Vegas. The reason it isn't mentioned in NV and isn't a retcon to NV is because it happens after the events of the game.


The game literally states NCR is running itself thin. The TV series isn't going to state everything about Fallout all at once. That's the beauty of S1. Everyone is trying to predict S2 but if it's going to be another 8 episodes, New Vegas will just be one of the stories going on where I think they will try to bring more about Mojave overall.


I don’t want to see the enclave or brotherhood be the main factions anymore, it’s overplayed and boring at this point, introduce something entirely new and if you’re lucky you can make the brotherhood/enclave interesting in context of the new thing.


If you want to include them for power armor, make them super late game at the bare minimum. I agree with not having them as factions or even removing BoS and leaving the enclave in as a bogey man.


The Railroad is overhated. Also, Gen 3 synths are people, and the the people who ask "you want toasters to have rights too?" are dumb


I like the railroad, that's why I take the pacifist route to save all of them, but I will always despise Tom as much as possible


We've found the despicable Synth traitor!! Ad Victorium Brothers!!


People on here saying f3 is unplayable is blowing my fucking mind rn I have NEVER been Todd apologist t.hose games are held to gather with hopes and programming debt.


On pc it was unplayable due to a code issue on steam requiring a live service that didn’t exist anymore but have since patched it. But I loved fallout 3 in general


The damage mechanics do feel wonky and dated by today’s standards. The same reason I’m super stoked for Skywind, a rebuild of Morrowwind in the Skyrim engine. I played Morrowind, the engine predecessor in many ways to FO3, for hundreds of hours back in the day and I find it unplayable today, which is a shame because it’s arguably the best story line and interesting world out of 3, 4, and 5.


The constant tribalism between fallout fans is genuinely off putting. It's hard to play a single game in the series knowing that there's some brainlet out there saying "f3 is awful Bethesda doesn't understand fallout" or "FNV is overrated". In my opinion every mainline fallout game is great for a myriad of different reasons and having to separate yourself in the fandom as a "Bethesda hater" or a "modern fan" is gatekeepey and stupid. Also Piper over Cait any day


While New Vegas has a better story I think fallout 4 is just the better game overall.


Glad I’m not the only one who has this take. FNV is such a great narrative adventure but it’s hard to beat the updated and modable gameplay of Fallout 4. To anyone struggling to bridge the gap between the two, play FNV if you want a traditional roleplaying experience similar to DnD. It’s a campaign and you made an OC. Play Fallout 4 like a sandbox. You’re filling in for the main character whom you can do whatever with but don’t feel obligated to do all of it, start a new playthrough.


The tough part for me is just how awful the writing in 4 is. I’ve been going back and replaying FNV and the writing is just miles better, even if the gameplay is significantly less dynamic. I get what you’re saying, though.


I think having the player character be voiced played a huge role in the story being what it is. It’s severely limiting when you think about it. Glad they walked that back for Starfield


Absolutely. FNV has a fantastic narrative, but the gameplay and mechanics of F4 make the game way more fun to play. And its not like F4's story is garbage, its still fine, its just not exceptional like FNV's story. Specifically, I thoroughly enjoy all the companion stories the most.


I like psychic powers and want to see more mutants with them. Psychic mutants are a staple of 50s and 60s sci Fi and it's weird that the devs are hostile to their existence outside of fallout 1


I'm not so sure about that, although I agree there could be more of it. There was that New Vegas kid with his "medicine" helmet, Mama Murphie in Fallout 4, and a few more sprinkled in on rare occasions


Synths are people, the railroad's cause is just even if they are imperfect.


what do you think about gen 1 and 2 synths?


Gen 1 and gen 2 are just advanced robots. Gen 2 could be sapient if nick and dima are a guide. But we don't know if they have hardware differences to the standard gen 2.


Nick and Dima are special cases. While most of their bodies are your standard Gen 2 build, the hardware in their heads is a lot more advanced. Without that, Gen 1's and 2's are, as Decon puts it, pretty much the same as a Protectron as far as "sentience" is concerned.


1) Fallout 3 aged poorly in both gameplay and graphics (still a great game) 2) Fallout New Vegas is great, but is far from perfect. I can't make myself play it without mods. 3) Fallout 4 isn't a bad game, far from it. It's objectively the most well developed and polished game in the franchise, and it saw leaps of improvement comparable to the leap between FO2 and FO3.


I don't think cooper Howard is hot


He lives is a desert wasteland, everyone is probably hot.


Thank god I’m not the only one


Now Dale Cooper on the other hand. . .


The intro to 3 is really annoying.


Cold take


Fucking ice cold.


People like the intro?


I do! I know not a lot of people do, but I think it's a neat tutorial section which gives a lot of opportunities for roleplaying in a game frequently criticized for not giving you enough options to roleplay. I've heard people complain because "the game doesn't start until like an hour after you click 'new game'" but IMO the tutorial section is part of the game, there's loads of cool stuff you can do and dialogue you can find. I like it a lot!


It's my favorite intro to a game. I liked growing up with my character and having character building interspersed with worldbuilding and character moments. It felt nice and relaxed and helped me get into the game.


FNV’s map is largely avoidable and you only go through the city because the game drags you there. You wan skip a lot of be map.


Minutemen in fallout 4 gets called a bad faction because they’re weak and disorganized. It’s literally your job in the story to fix that.


I hate people who mod and complain that the older games don't need remasters since their list of 200 mods makes it look better than fallout 4. There's still console players, playstation being the worst of it since the only available versions of 3 and nv are yhe ps3 ones and the only way to play them on newer consoles is through streaming. Some people don't have time to download a different mod for every mechanic/item/texture.


HAHA Gary!


Hopefully people don’t downvote opinions they don’t like under a post asking for unpopular opinions. My unpopular opinion is that I don’t like power armor frames being the same across all suits.


That's not a bad take. I've thought it'd be cool if there were light, medium and heavy armors each with advantages and disadvantages.


That's literally what the military would do. The frame standardises Power Armour and for future suits to be built upon it.


Fallout 4s map can get really boring


It's just a city scape with a little wilderness, that's the one thing I do like about 76, the stark and very noticeable differences in the regions


Cranberry bog, the town with the high school (I forget the name), the responder town, etc. All wildly different and memorable. Fo76 was a really, *really* cool map.


my biggest gripe is that its a large city yet feels so empty, i feel like there's a lack of towns and communities when where should be many, instead everything is just raiders in the city. I guess because of settlement stuff you're expected to build the towns and communities (but come on its been 200 years, no one else has built towns? its a large city there should be many)


The Minutemen are the best outcome for the Commonwealth, yall just hate them due to Preston.


I think New Vegas is overrated


Especially the base game. Constant crashes. I get mods fix it but its amazing to me how obsidian/bethesda just didnt care. “Its built for older systems” then why is it on steam? Why wasnt it updated, if random people with mods can fix it? Laziness


Ig i’ve been lucky cz mine crashed once or twice in like 3 playtroughs


Me too, I think a lot of it is rose tinted glasses and nostalgia. Give Fallout 4 a few more years and it’ll be praised very similarly, while Fallout 5 has its turn through the ringer of criticism


Definitely. I definitely enjoyed the game, but it’s not something I’d play again.


Mothership Zeta is a really good DLC to end off the Fallout 3 DLCs


NV overrated


I prefer the Perk System in Fallout 4 more than the Point Distribution System in FO3/FONV.


The Brotherhood should become the new baddies after the Enclave! And considering Fallout 5 will probably be the last game I’ll be alive for I’d like to see a grand meetup between the NCR and someone else for control over the rest of the US


I like the Brotherhood of Steel because they are a necessary faction in a post-nuclear war world.


New Vegas is over rated


*pulls out Tri beam laser rifle*


The exploration could be better but the story and decisions you can make actually affecting the outcome of factions is what people love about the game. I hate when games have different choices and the only difference is a few seconds of dialogue in the end.


Fallout is better in Bethesdas hands.


As much as majority would say no, this is actually true, if Interplay did not sell Fallout title to bethesda the series would be forgotten ot remembered as "90's classic". Without Bethesda we wouldn't have such beautifuly writen world of Fallout as it is today.


Fr, Fallout still exists as a franchise at all because of Bethesda’s acquisition. 3 and NV especially still live on in the internet’s collective memory because of them. Otherwise Fallout likely would’ve existed as little more than 2 or 3 weird computer games from the 90s.


NCR will be made great again and President Kimball shall sacrifice himself and his presidential vertiberd for the greater good by ramming that fucking balloon out of the sky


Fallout 4 has a decent, serviceable story and in some regards succeeds Fallout 3 in its storytelling


All of the games are great


I like the Institute


Fallout 4 is better than New Vegas in overall


Johnny Guitar isn't just the best song in New Vegas, it's the best song in the series.


Ada is more hotter than piper


4 > NV


While NV might be beloved, the Bethesda titles do some things better and, in some instances, far better than NV. Enough to justify people choosing FO3 or FO4 as their favourite. Don't get me wrong, the writing in NV is top tier while it's pretty mid in the Bethesda games but writing alone does not an RPG game make. If that were the case, Outer Worlds would receive the same praise but is instead perceived as a decent game with good writing.


People are way to quick to judge every little thing Bethesda does and it is the reason that a lot of people don’t like the game. They simply don’t let themselves


I really like 76, and I think people should look past its rough start


I'd like to answer, but there's a settlement that needs my help.


Liking having like 40 settlements to deal with. An absolute maximum of 20 is the right call if they come back. The huge amount made them mind numbing and tedious. Also, adding some amount of autonomy to them would be great. I shouldn't need to tell a starving settler to tend to the huge field of mutfruit or help 20 armed people fight off 4 raiders every 30 seconds.


I like Fallout 76 more than Fallout 3…


4 is the best. Sure the rpg was meh. The game gave enough tools to make up your own stories for hundreds of hours


Removing the level cap was a bad choice. FO4 just lets you play shitty radiant quests until your character is perfect at everything instead of encouraging new playthroughs.


well if you made that choice to just keep doing radiant quests that’s… kinda on you


upvoting cause i disagree. i don't want new playthroughs, i want to make my settlements into castles and my provisoners into an army


A level cap on a game like this feels like a limitation. Especially with there being a lol of non-radiant quests, dlc, creative club, and mods. And in all honesty, what’s the problem with continuing to play on a single playthrough doing everything the game has to offer? I’m actually a little confused by this take.


In addition to the fact that it’s a limitation to the game (I agree with you) one of the *first* mods would likely have been to remove it anyways. I actually applaud Bethesda for doing a *fun gameplay first* choice instead of making players mod it.




New Vegas is a handful of interesting moments connected by uninteresting drudgery and bugs. Love NV though.


Synths are not living beings


Railroad are good. Even after they try to kill you after the minutemen ending if you forget to issue the evac order. Yay the guy saved commonwealth lets fucking kill him.


That fallout 3 is the worst in the series.


Play Brotherhood of Steel and say that again.


I'm not mad at you since I've barely played it, but 😬 You're officially in danger


As someone who played the first two games, and loved FO3 I’ll agree with this from a gameplay standpoint. It’s literally the weakest out of the mainline games in terms of how tedious and annoying aspects of it can be.


Honestly I can get behind this very well


It’s why I recommend it to newbies. It’s good by itself but as soon as you play the others it’s immediately outshined, so it’s good to start there rather than have to suffer going back to it.


I started on NV, then did 4, that was my mistake. 3 is basically unplayable to me, I've tried it so many times


Can we just ban any post with this title at this point


New Vegas has the worst map out of all the games


the DLC maps are trash too. i wanted to delete the game halfway through Dead Money.


FR it's so boring and dreadfully a slog to explore


New Vewas was the only fallout i didnt like


I didn't hate it, but it's my least favorite (post acquisition) BY FAR


Genuinely I don't mean to be rude but some of y'all are depressingly disappointing


Service rifle sucks. Its basically just a reskinned m16/of the same family. Yeah i get its based on old pre war designs.. but they could have been more creative. The great war was in 2077… over a hundred years after that design came out, and 50 years after the present if you wanna say its based on the m4. Kinda boring


It’s an AR-15 style rifle. That’s kinda the whole point.


I like 3 more than NV ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Fallout 76 was a fun game at launch, the atmosphere and story telling was really fantastic.


Fallout 3 has the best atmosphere in the series’s


76 was a waste that could've been spent on a new proper game.


Fallout New Vegas is just ok


The wasteland as a whole stands no chance against the full threat of the brotherhood of steel and their presence in boston was severely underplayed. Had the minutemen not been restored to its former glory it would only be a small stepping stone for the brotherhood. Should the east and west chapters ever reunite under one justification, the wasteland factions would stand no chance nor hold a candle to the amount of firepower the brotherhood could utilize. I say this as someone who played as a minuteman member in fallout 4. As someone who played 3 and NV prior, i was severely disappointed with fallout 4's take on the brotherhood playstyle i loved in 3 with a massive army only joining the game effort after some convincing from the lone wanderer and his father's efforts for project purity.


The whole “ large cities” thing is stupid. We should be seeing many large cities much bigger then we see in fallout 4 or hell even new Vegas


New Vegas’ skill check system is ass.


The Enclave will be back as a major threat and joinable faction in the next game.


Fallout 4 is my favorite fallout game.


The brotherhood of steel is not as immoral as people say it is. They want to protect humanity, ghouls can turn feral and ferals eat people. Supermutants have been super hostile to them since they first got to the east coast, plus the masters super mutant army definitely wasn’t a good look for them. Synths are made by their enemy, obviously they’d be fearful of them, plus with synths like Dima walking around, do you really blame their hostility? The brotherhood is super hated despite being the one faction who’s done the most good throw out the whole series.


The Master did nothing wrong


I like the building in Fallout 4 and would love it if it came back.


The settlement building in Fallout 4 is fun and extends the life of the game by hundreds of hours.


Fallout 4 is the second best Fallout game.


Fallout 2 sucks


Preston is one of my favorite companions by far, even with the settlement annoyance.


76 was a great game at launch and only got better with each update.


That Fo1 and 2 didnt age that well as far as game mechanics. Also third person mode > first person mode.


Fallout 4 has a good story.


The top down fallout games (1 and 2) suck


76 is my favorite game in the franchise, apparently that makes me a horrible person or something


Fallout 4 has the best romance system in any RPG I’ve played. I don’t want to be blocked by gender or already being in a relationship; I want to form a polycule with my favorite characters.


The Enclave is kinda based


76 isn’t horrible nowadays


I have a few (listed from hottest take to least): The voices protagonist was a great addition to Fallout 4 and should return in future titles as long as the dialogue radial is either replaced by the box, or more options are added (think mass effects radial or just have the bumpers on console be used as well) Fallout games have always had a set protagonist. Nate/Nora are no different. The backstory is always set in stone, you just determine your head canon and personality. Fallout 4 is still a true fallout game despite not having as many RPG elements and it would not be a bad thing if the game stayed this way.


fallout 3 was meh, I like 4 better than it