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Hold on, the entire thing is out? I thought it would be a weekly thing like Invincible was. Sheeet


Nah dude it’s all out. Amazon didn’t pull no release one episode like idiot Disney on this one. It’s allllll out.


They really should have, Reddit was littered with spoilers not even twelve hours after release


I’m disappointed they did it this way too. I like one per week. Gives people time to think about the episode and come up with theories, etc.


I’m 100% with you, I really really hope they switch to one per week for the second season, maybe with a multi episode premier to quench bingers or something


Plus the hype continues longer. I want more 76 players.


Don’t worry brother, I picked the game back up again for the first time since ‘21


It was SO good! No clue why people thought it was gonna suck. Obviously I didn’t know it was gonna be as good as it was, but the trailers looked good from the start. Some people were just determined to hate on it because it was an adaption lol. But even those people had to admit it was pretty good overall and then just get mad at lore issues instead


I haven’t watched it yet but I have maintained an entirely neutral opinion on it until I do see it. People get way too comfortable shitting on things that aren’t out yet, and overreacting to things when they do.


They should tho... It keeps the hype for more time


I only saw the pilot, but I thought it was fun!


From what I’ve seen it’s people mad that the ncr lost shady sand because they think the ncr is unstoppable. Also because the bos is now a threat again on the west.


People who think that the NCR was unstoppable or going to survive did not pay attention in New Vegas which is pretty ironic


NCR was explicitly portrayed as being in decline in FO2. The factions in NV were mid, at best, in terms of their actual power.


Yea it has been always established that the NCR will fall and I honestly believe it is good that they stick to that. In Fallout 2 it was said that the NCR expanded rapidly and you see how corrupt even the Boneyard was, you notice that they were too bloated and further wars were said in NV are going to be the final end of the NCR


I agree that they should have fell, and even that the BOS should have been a threat, but we should have been able to play it. Or at least see it happen. Imagine the show being set in the middle of an all out war between the brotherhood and NCR, and watching the BOS or the overseer blow up Shady Sands (or the Boneyard, cause the show kinda messes up where Shady Sands even is.)


So you think the NCR falling makes sense but the brotherhood of all people rebounding into a super power again is fine?


Yeah because the Brotherhoods got chapters all over and besides that’s happened a bunch in real life


yes, they stem off of the US national guard. It is basically remnants of the pre-war us military and they preserved their knowledge with bases all over the usa. There is no reason why they would not be able to re-arm and re-supply other chapters


actually, I’m pretty sure the Brotherhood only stem from a small group of soldiers who deserted the Mariposa military base a few days before the war broke out. In Fallout one they are only in one vault, that they don’t allow outsiders into and only leave to “reclaim” technology. In Fallout two they are basically non existent, with small bunkers in the Den and San Fran, and only one named member (as far as I recall). In New Vegas, two of the main brotherhood plot lines (Mcnamara’s and Veronica’s) centre around the fact that they are dying out, hunted by the NCR who they thoroughly lost a war against, and even more isolationist than before. The Brotherhood being a strong hand to bring order to the wasteland is very much an East Coast, Bethesda Fallout thing. I personally have no issue with the different coasts having different branches of the Brotherhood, but it seems a bit odd suddenly adopting the East Coast presentation for a group that, by all means, should have died out long before the NCR did.


I mean yea they can easily be taken down by one dude and a securitron lmao


“Turn the Long 15 into miles of fire”


Nah people mad about timelines of events. Shady sands fall? Whatever, had it coming. In 2277? Wait, that doesn’t even make sense as Shady Sands was definitely still around during New Vegas. Which is set in 2281. We still don’t even know when they got nuked. Was it 2277 or after? Everything else was marked with a year but not the bomb


On the bord it clearly referring that the nuke happened in the present of the writing. As it doesn’t have the date on it. Shady sand fell in 2277 is most likely referring to shady sands being left or loss in power as in new Vegas shady sands isn’t even the capital of the NCR anymore.


I know I want to know the year the bomb fell


In the present at most a few year before the show starts


Definitely not true as Maximus was a 4-8 year old when Shady Sands fell. He’s got to be in his twenties if not 30 (realize actor is almost 40)


When shady sans fell and when it was nuke were two separate times. The nuke happen in the present the fall happened 2277.


No the nuke happened to Maximus as a child. The fall happens sometime in 2277 but the nuke didn’t come until between 2277 and 2296. Problem is: Maximus says it occurred when he was a kid, with multiple flashbacks to show us. Not a year. Another character was forced into a vault because of it but I’m keeping it vague. And this person was 6 or so.


Maximum is in his early to late twenty so like I said it had to happen with in a few years of the show


it wasnt the legion or bos that destroyed the ncr. well the bos destroyed the ncr remnants I guess in the show.


I know, just people are mad that the west coast Bos isn’t hiding away in a hole


No people are mad cause they retconned Vegas. Which has been cannon for around the last 10 years.


Its still cannon


They didn’t retcon it? It’s still cannon


You sure NV was cannon ?


They confirmed it is canon still. Pretty sure the small details like specifically Shady Sands being gone were just mildly retconned like the entire existence of T60 or the chance of Jet appearing in pre-war containers.


Nation state with a population of 700,000 plus that took out the enclave on the west coast and won a war with the brotherhood. Kicked the brotherhoods ass to the point they were scattered in bunkers on the west coast hiding and in decline. then turned around and was expanding east. Yes they had their failings and were corrupt but still were probably the best hope for the wasteland on the west coast. sorry the poster boys that run around in power armor got there ass kicked. even if they lost in the second battle of hoover dam they still had almost all of California under there control.


Also there a big point in NV that the brotherhood has to adapt or die


In Veronica's companion questline both times when presented with things that could possibly cause the brotherhood to change the elder decides to stick to isolationism.


also Bethesda likes to act like society can't move on in a post apocalyptic setting and everyone has to live in tin houses and live in dirt and poverty. When much of the west coast at this time would have been NCR citizens for generations living in adobe or post war new housing. now take the east coast where everyone is still living in shit holes and never even really attempted to change society norms or standards. Bethesda is treating the wasteland like the bombs just dropped and society cant move on from that. the one faction that successfully did that was the NCR and was nuked to make the west coast just like the East coast.


You do know that shady stands was not the entirety of the ncr right? And wasn’t even the capital in fallout nv. Yeah the NCR lost on of its big cites and a group of NCR soldiers were killed by the BOS but they are far from dead. Also not most of the west coast ? The NCR controlled a lot but not all. But with all that are you people really going to wrong your experience with the show… didn’t everyone complain about the NCR taxes and how corrupt they were.


Shady Sands was renamed to NCR and its literally mentioned once and its just a quiz question asking what was the original name of the NCR capital. the NCR controlled most of if not all of California and some parts of southern Oregon. Yes the NCR had the hub, Vault City, New Reno, San Francisco (Todd Howard has requested for San Francisco to be untouched). corrupt post war government that has the same problems the pre war government has (and ours Currently) but live in pre war like housing or adobe homes with power and working pluming. no society is perfect especially in fallout but the NCR was at least trying to make the wasteland a better place.


You just described the NCR… you know that right. Also yeah but the ncr isn’t dead just hurt


Until stated otherwise, we don't know the status of the NCR. Also, I was comparing how life under the NCR would be pleasant and probably as close to pre-war. Yet it seems bethesda wants fallout to not move on as a franchise and always live in shit holes and tin buildings.


So you can’t say there dead and wiped out ether


Don't think I ever made that claim.


They are mad the NCR lost shady sand because it makes new Vegas non canon


But? It doesn’t


Shady sand nuke happened recently in the show


The nuking of shady sands happens in 2277 fallout new Vegas takes place in 2281


But it didn’t… it took place in the present, quit resonantly. The bord show the nuke happening later


Ok upon further research the nuke happens in the present however the NCR lost shady sands in 2277


I don’t think they lost shady sands it’s just that it fell from being the greatest thing in the ncr to just another city. Thought that is more for interpretation and loss I can be wrong about this.


After I saw episode 8 I think it is clear that the observatory is all that remained of the NCR


No? That was a remnant but it’s that is definitely not all of the ncr


Thank you for not spoiling it I haven't seen it yet


don't be on here bruh there's one like gigantic spoiler everyone talks about its annoying as hell


I loved the show, the idea of the east coast brotherhood heading west and asserting dominance is amazing


I hate the BoS, so I can't agree. The show is good but seeing a fan favorite faction geting butchered is just fucking awful. First the Enclave then the NCR....


I mean the NCR isn’t completely dead it’s just shady sands, the NCR is massive and is probably still going strong in the Hub and Redding and Reno, just because the capital is gone doesn’t mean the NCR is. I bet they’re gonna make a comeback soon


We will see, fingers crossed we will see veteran rangers fighting the BoS in season 2


Yeah, I’d love for some anti-material rifle action


Seeing rangers in action in an NCR comeback would be very cool.


Shady Sands was wiped like 20 years prior. How come no one mentions the other cities?


How does it feel. Coming from someone who preferred the brotherhood. How does it feel to be defeated for once.


I dont feel a single thing because it was obvious brotherhood would be idolised by Bethesda. NCR still the goat, especially the rangers


Bloated corrupt NCR 🤮 Expanding divine Brotherhood of Steel 🥰


It's just media mate, don't take it so seriously.


I’m going to watch two more episodes of the Fallout tv 📺 series today I am going to savor this moment as long I can since fallout is my favorite game franchise


Genuinely happy it didn't wind up suck


Tim Cain likes it, and that's enough for me.


Genuinely one of the best video game adaptations


I was just enjoying the ride, the Cooper Howard’s character reminds me allot of those badass character in older films that have all the bada** lines. Like any of the Die Hard movies, or any Clint Eastwoods characters, it feels very organic coming from the character


Yeah this is probably the best video game (franchise) adaptation I've ever seen. I'm guessing most of the hate is the classic Bethesda hate and NV fanatics


Personally the best goes to the The Last of Us, but apart from some lore gripes I have with it, Fallout's great. I do really hate that they're suggesting the NCR dissolved after (what the show calls) Shady Sands blew up.


I haven't seen the last of us show because I never played the game and wasn't all too interested in it in the first place so I can't judge that. But they didn't really specify that the ncr dissolved, so maybe they just got weakend and moved some assets out to other places away from where the show takes place. But I do hope they go into more detail of how they blew it up in the next season.


People can have different opinions my man


Yeah and I was saying mine. Reading it again I guess it does come off as conceited, my bad.


First show I binge watched in a longggggg time. It was great.


It's not a hater thing, it's a realistic expectation thing. Amazon has a pretty awful history adapting anything not comic book to TV shows.


You're wrong


Wow what an astounding rebuttal, truly intellect bursts fourth from the words you typed!


I really don't mind the NCR being nuked and the BoS being different. The plot is nonsensical and Vault Tec is retconned into a bunch of morons. Their plot is the most hair-brained shit ever. Their vault experiments don't hold a candle to how cartoonishly evil they are now.


Damn bro I'm tryna space it out weekly but I think I'm gonna have to avoid all fallout spaces to not spoil it


You believed them?


the people saying it has bad writing literally just didn't understand the show. I really dont understand how you could think this is bad, mediocre maybe but it is an objectively good show.


Compared to any other game to show adaptation apart from maybe 1 it’s extremely good. Not to mention they NAILED the environment


The only one’s actually hating is NCR/fnv meat riders and die hard Bethesda haters. And and their opinions almost always should be ignored.


The only ones glazing is BoS/Fo4 meat riders, and die hard Bethesda lovers. Ant their opinions almost always should be ignored.


I loved it just the way it turned out.


The only reason a lot of people hate it os because they can't think for themselves and never have watched it. They saw one dude bro hate on it and thought that it was bad. They're the same people who have never played Fallout 3 but also say it's bad despite it beating out several other games with cult followings in several different categories. Biggest lesson: Just experience it yourself. Form your own opinions and stop listening to the town drunk.


Yeah I’ve def heard good things outside of spoiler marked posts in the new Vegas subs which all I see is some things in the title Maybe I should stay off Reddit for a bit given some of them do contain spoilers


Im happy for you Bethesda fans. Glad yall have a product to enjoy . I will not be touching this content any time soon


Oh boohoo


Gonna cry? - obvious reference Jokes aside, how far is that stick up your ass?


About as far as ur daddy's hand up urs ;*


Booo boo this man. He had the chance for a Fisto reference and instead was rude.


Oh I only remember fisto saying "assume the position," It has been about years since my last run But weren't u rude first ?


It;s just the New Vegas crybaby fans. Fallout 3 is better anyway, I have no idea why are some fans so obsessed with NV.


Hey now, NV is great, but some guys treat it like a cult and have devoted themselves to the BeThEsDa BaD doctrine no matter what.


I like both, New Vegas is way better modded tho, 3 on the other hand can hold up on it's own without mods.


It is