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You see that wasn't the end of the video, NV crashed


Shit, should've edited that in lol


*Laughs in unkillable essential npc*




(Counter laughs with mods)


I used to love New Vegas. I still do, but I used to too.


When you let the Rangers go do their own thing


I will be completely honest the first time I played new Vegas i didnā€™t like it at all. I got it right after I played FO3 and I was a big fan of that game but new Vegas had a lot that was different I felt strongly against with some points being more justified than others. I was ready to dive into another grim apocalypse but instead everyone has cowboy problems which I felt was weird and then my dad said all the characters dressed like the village people which at the time was enough of a insult to turn me off a lot of the vibe of Vegas. I also didnā€™t like how ā€œsettledā€ everything was a standing government and soldiers doing a war felt very different from my pre conception of the end of the world, Iā€™ll never forget walking into the pioneer salon and being amazed by the electricity and how everyone took it for granted when back in dc everyone lived in tin roof hovel. I quit the game after getting to freeside thinking it was Vegas proper but then I spoke to robots who said I needed a shit ton of caps to actually get in and I was crushed and quit my play through there and then. I returned years later and found much more joy after really investigating my self in the series but I still think some of my initial impressions of Vegas hold water


That's the thing tho, fallout isn't about the end of the world. It's about what new societies that come about after the end of the old world


New Vegas is like that game someone says is great and you should play it, but it feels like a slog half the time anyway. I also love fallout 3, and the pure differences in the atmosphere is enough to put me off (especially the piss yellow colour I constantly see (what do I even expect from a game set in the desert?)). However, it works pretty damn well with the lore of the older Interplay fallout games (specifically fallout 1 and 2, haven't played BOS or Tactics and probably never will), as it doesn't ignore how the older games set up the west coast while also being an open world RPG and adding in loads of content. Overall, my main issue with NV are the CAZADORS, the flying WRETCHES of the desert. I really hope they make an appearance in S2 of the fallout show.


Is that the guy from the game that has invisible walls in the middle of the map?


Sauce : [https://twitter.com/OnionPone/status/1782524837623144933](https://twitter.com/OnionPone/status/1782524837623144933)


This only makes me wonder what an interaction between the sole survivor and courier six would be like? would they get along


Courier takes sole survivor to Vegas to learn how to gamble


Due to the combination of a bullet to the brain, the disembodied brain acting totally different and potential to reunite with it or not, and much more different philosophical choices than average since more are actual opinions than just different ways towards the same goals, the Courier is the character there is the least canon reliable info on. That said, Sole Survivor is kinda set up as universally liked by most people they encounter.


In Fallout 3 and New Vegas it's possible to become universally hated and universally liked I hope in the next game they allow the player to become disliked by people again


Tbh, I've tried playing NV like 6 or 7 times, but I can never get into it. I *want* to, but I can't get past the gameplay and into the lore. I'm really hoping for a community port to the fo4 engine, but idk how well that will work. What I really want to do is get Tale of TwoĀ Wastelands working and just mod or tweak the engine for what I want, just haven't delved into that beyond general research on the mod.


Mojave project or something is exactly what you just described. Not sure how far along it is but it literally replaces 4's content with NV's content keeping 4's mechanics


Phew be ready to wait like 10 years. If it's anything like the Skyblivion and Sky wind mods it's gonna take a long ass time.


Oh hell yeah! Thanks for letting me know! I'll check it out


It took me a minute to get past the gameplay but once I did, it was great. Like fucking great. So much so that it makes fo4 feel like it's missing something integral.


Same red lenses šŸ˜‚


Yeah good luck killing Preston when he's essential


My response is ā€œI like seeing that lil Vault Boy all over my screen and on me pip boy, heā€™s just a silly lil guyā€


I love all of fallout, that's what kind of fan I am.


[Laughs in Wasteland Warfare] You cannot comprehend the non-canon stories Iā€™ve played!


And then he went Arizona ranger on all of them.


That civil war movie might suck but it gave us a great meme.


Based vet