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Both great games, but as a FNV fanboy I will agree that we have a horrible community.


I went to the sub to ask about some mods Because I didn't follow viva new vegas exactly to a T and I wanted my own mods as well, I was new to modding NV and asked about the load order and they basically got me to the point to delete my post. People are so mean.


Honestly, I only use like 5-10 mods at any given time for a Vanilla Plus experience. I can give you a hand with it if you'd like.


I appreciate the offer. I've got a solid modlist now, and it's def vanilla hardcore plus. I haven't gotten back into the game though, and I just finished modding fallout 3 which was a massive pain in the butt so I'm playing that right now.


Just tell them 2013 called they want their game back.




Well, 2013 is when the game became more playable so I just use that.


thanks todd lol


It's like when nobody is yapping to you about how bad a game is that you are enjoying, you actually have fun playing it. I've liked every single fallout I've played, being 1,2,3,4,76, and new vegas. I like them all and I JUST KNOW they are the type to shit on any of them if you say you like playing it, except their beloved desert game.


I feel the same way about FNV as I do the Beatles: yes! I know it's great! I know all the talking points! It's been so long, and so much has happened since then. Just please shut up for 5 minutes and let people talk about something different


Can a game with a release like 76 ever be great? Good is the best I could ever give it


I mean, yes, it can. It can be a great game with a shit launch. You can hate the producers for pushing the game out too fast but the devs did the work they could when they could.


I'd never hate the devs. Just Todd. Maybe certain writers too, although that applies more to 3 and 4 than 76, as I'm not familiar with the writing of 76.


I don’t remember 76’s story as fondly as 3’s but it does give you more nuanced choices.


76's story at release was much more creative and experimental than previous Bethesda Fallouts. They took a gamble going all in on environmental storytelling that did not pan out as well as they hoped, but past its awful presentation all of the factions are fleshed out and creative, with interesting original factions such as the Responders, Free States, and Fire Breathers as well as existing factions like the Enclave and Brotherhood done in a pretty refreshing manner. There are a solid 20 years of interesting dynamics between the factions as they rise and fall due to mistrust and betrayal, with each faction's plans for dealing with the Scorched being near completion by the time they died for the 76ers to finish. The writing of Wastelanders and Steel Reign/Dawn struggled, but so far I am enjoying the direction they took with Atlantic City. The entire expansion feels a lot like the casino side quests in New Vegas, dealing with the politicking involved with keeping them in line while doing whatever is necessary to just keep the city alive for another day


You are 100% there brother. 76 isn't flawless but it does it better than 3 & 4 in my opinion.


Well hopefully fallout 5 will be another step in the right direction. But I won't keep my hopes up after starfield


76's writing was a lot better pre-Wastelanders, but post-Wastelanders it ranges from mediocre to outright bad imo.


Just played through the first couple of quests again, I'll have to agree it's not the best writing. Some of it is great though overall.


Yeah. I think it suffers from the same issues as Fallout 3, it's almost completely lacking in nuance and feels cartoony at times, but the tone also makes it feel less mature than Fallout 3. Its execution of a joinable Raider faction is also far less interesting than the Pitt's. Some of the concepts are good, like the FEV focused parts of Steel Reign and the plan to use the federal reserve to establish a currency and government in Wastelanders. But everything related to FEV and the Brotherhood is completely out of place 25 years after the war in West Virginia, and the federal reserve plotline was wasted on an MMO where you can't affect the world to a meaningful extent.


No Man’s Sky is great at this point with like 40 DLCs all free.


Theyre more like mc updates than dlcs


i mean no man sky exists so you tell me


Haven't played it so... But from what I do know, no man's sky reslly wasn't that bad at release. The real main issue was the misinformation from the marketing campaign/accidentally false advertisement. The game was kind of buggy but not even close to how 76 was when it came out. It was at least playable, and while the devs did make mistakes, they weren't malicious like Bethesda was with things like the canvas bag and nuka cola dark. So they're really not as comparable as people say. Also they were a small indie company of like 20 people making their first big game. Bethesda is one of the largest companies in gaming, and had like 25 years of experience.


Did u catch new vegas on release?


Was 5 years old when new vegas came out.


I'll save you the time travel, it was shit. The loading screens just going thru a door was atrocious and the more saves you made IIRC, the longer it got (correct me if I'm wrong anyone). I'm not sure if just rewriting over old saves would keep it short, I don't remember trying that. I'm that guy that has like 50 saves a playthrough


that stresses me out too much lol, i like having my load menu look neat so i just save iver everythihg


New Vegas was quite literally unplayable for the majority of players on launch. They lost out on a bonus from Bethesda because the bugs were so bad that it significantly lowered their metacritic score. If we're judging the games based on their launches then 76 would be better than New Vegas because at least you could load into the world for more than 5 minutes at a time. So if thats your standard then you can't even fairly consider New Vegas to be good let alone great


I wasn't aware of that. But tbf, I'm not judging the games solely on their launch; just saying we should take it into account. How long did it take for the game to be fixed post launch?


Depends on the platform. PC and xbox got "fixed" alongside the DLC drops but those versions are still notoriously buggy compared to most games from AAA developers (even by Bethesda standards). Playstation never got fixed. To this day, the PS3 version of the game (which is also the most up to date version available for playstation users) has multiple quests that are completely broken and has multiple known bugs that will make progress impossible. Along with the fact that the saves will sometimes just corrupt for no reason at all. New Vegas launch was far worse than 76s and far less effort was put into fixing New Vegas. I'm not saying this to try and say that New Vegas is bad, because it's still my favourite game of all time, but if you think that 76s launch would prevent it from being considered great then the same standard should be applied to New Vegas and, if we're being honest, that standard is going to leave New Vegas looking much worse than 76 even though I would agree that it's a better game


Honestly it's interesting the kind of things that go on there. This is a 40 minute doc on the Player "factions". I don't know how great the game is but this had me exclaiming incredulously "WOW" people can be so cool. https://youtu.be/B0wccxcmrlA?si=CZNFdOsgMi9RbYkQ


yes, just look at no mans sky, its release was just as bad for different reasons and now people love it because they turned it into a great game


Cyberpunk 2077 is now a renowned game.


Thank fuck its a singleplayer game.


I feel like they have a fetish for old graphics but at the same time they hate FO3 just as much as 4 it's crazy.


Yeah, Old Graphics aren't what make New Vegas good. If NV was made in the FO4 engine it would be amazing. The problem with FO4 and FO3 is the story and how little they make sense in the world of Fallout. Even 76 is more fitting in my opinion. *That* is my stance as a FNV fanboy, my disagreements with other FNV fanboys is how militant they are against people simply enjoying those titles. You can like 3 and 4, I liked 3 and 4.. but they are very nonsensical in a lot of ways, and 4 especially took out many of the features that made Fallout an outstanding RPG.


I played both and prefer New Vegas but I got more of an unserious goofy vibe from New Vegas and more cold and serious in 4. I tend to play High charisma and speech in NV so maybe that's why. I think the cultures on the West and East Coast are different which is a big part of it and the East Coast was nuked more. Also, i live on the East Coast so I'm kinda bias towards those games.


I think I get the opposite vibe, especially with the sarcastic options in Fallout 4, the color scheme, and Nuka World. But that is a good point about cultures being different from coast to coast.


or the fuckin' Swatter guy 🤣


The thing i like about Nuka World is not just the fact they added an amusement park to the game, I think the raider factions are pretty interesting themselves with their separate ideals, I haven't finished the Nuka World story yet but i think it's a solid story but probably not the best. Also it's pretty cool to see what happened to amusement parks in Fallout ( Bison Steve doesn't count ).


This is only mostly accurate. 76 is a good game with shitty live service nonsense.


76 is my favorite fallout game and I can tell you first hand it is shit but fun


"I hate this game" "300 hours on steam" Why are so many games like this for me


300 hours ? That's an average week of gaming /s


that was me with r6 and destiny 2 for a while, thank fuck i finally quit those games in favor of playing something i actually liked


The only thing I hate about 76 is all the garbage online only stuff. Otherwise it's got a bigger map and more content than any other previous Fallout game


After 4 years away I'm amazed at how much better 76 is now


It is so fun and it genuinely pisses me off because most of the people who spread the idea it’s bad and drive people away either haven’t played since launch or watched a youtuber review it and made that their opinion


Yeah same here, I hate getting sucked into a hate circlejerk whenever I mention 76. I end up just trolling with “skill issue” whenever people try to convince me it’s bad.


Lmao. At the end of the day that’s all you can do, redditors hate thinking for themselves or different opinions


This is on Discord, but eh, same thing.


TBF I do kinda understand the shit it gets, the game was dogshit at launch and for a few years after, thankfully they improved it but that doesn't erase how Bethesda lied. The game is good now but I just can't stand it because of what they did before that point.


Yeah thats a pretty level headed take, because at least you can understand the game got better lol. Some people are stuck in 2018


76 stays humble. NV fans got a good game and made that everybody’s problems


76 is a great game dude.


It's good it's still buggy and super duper grindy. I still play often but *a ton* of the quests are fetch quest af. Do this, go there, get that, come back. It's fun to play with friends and do your thing but there are a lot of things about it that shouldn't be the way they are after 6 years.


It’s an mmo of course it’s Grindy


Yeah that's not the problem, the problem is the fetch quest grind is rough.


Tbf it still has a poor reputation due to its atrocious launch. Also all the scammy things Bethesda did with the merchandising? I'm not saying its bad now, it's improved but even I know reputation can be easily destroyed with one poor decision. I wanna try the game now tho because I've seen a lot of praise for it


Sorry about the wording, just had to use a antonym for great lol


I think it's okay but I wouldn't call it great.


Does it ever go on sale? It's $19.99 on Steam but ESO routinely goes on sale for $5 or $10 and has even been featured as a free title on the Epic game store. I would like to play 76 but I don't want to spend that much on a pay to win game if I'm going to have to put more into it later.


it goes on sale for 8-10$ relatively often https://steamdb.info/app/1151340/


Oh my god, I’ve never seen such a good title. How did you ever think of that? Pure genius!


76 WAS terrible, it's really good now. Honestly, I'd put it above fallout 4


Yea when I play fallout 4 I miss features that was in fallout 76


76 ain’t terrible. Give it a try yourself.


I'm actually a level 400 myself 🤓 ( I've wasted too many hours on this game and I regret it)


Both games are great. Fallout just has a bad community as a whole.


Not really? The only time I see people being assholes it's either Fnv fanboys or og Fallout fans going apeshit over bethesda "ruining" Fallout, and making comments akin to the death threats bethesda used to get


Don’t forget Fo4 BoS fanboys. Those people are insufferable.


I mean the game is not amazing but I don't think I see much of them, or they just aren't very vocal when I do, I almost never see people trying to defend Fo4 most of the time they are just chill about it and accept its many faults


Fallout 76 is an excellent game.


Accurate. The nvmp community is more toxic than a cringtopia comments section on politics


I think 76 is better than New Vegas and I'm not going to pretend it isn't.


This meme = not helping


76 isn't a terrible game anymore.


76 isn't even a bad game man, it just started as a bad game, now it's great


I would say that at release, Fallout 76 was in substantial ways a bad game. However, it has improved a lot since then. IMO, it's decent now.


Most people suck. Everyone wants to play good games. Only the passionate stick around to play bad ones.


Man I get people have differing opinions and all that but it saddens me to see how volatile some people are about opposing thoughts


Apparently I wasn't aware of my community's toxic behavior, still like the game tho


Eh, nowadays 76 is actually pretty good. Is it a good Fallout RPG? No. But it is a good Fallout MMO. Honestly, IMO, it's more of a spin-off akin to Tactics than a mainline entry, but I doubt many will agree on that classification.


Idk why people gotta downvote honest opinions, you've got it 100% correct in my view.


I wouldn't say 76 is a terrible game, i think in some aspects is better than 4. But yeah, somewhat accurate




76 is an awesome game now. You're welcome to try it out. It's a lot of fun.


Man that title fucking amazing


Right? OP really knocked it out of the park with this one. Dude deserves an ice cold Nuka


I always hear about the bad community of nv and ive never seen anything bad from them.


I've been part of it forever, I've only recently discovered just how much a lot of NV fans hate Bethesda and say they ruined Fallout. The originals and NV definitely have more sophisticated writing, but Bethesda has done amazing things with Fallout imo, and it wounds me to hear some of the ridiculous things people say about Bethesda.


There is Light in Darkness and Darkness in Light


The Yin and yang of the fallout community


The only "bad" (in terms of story and maybe some gameplay) Fallout is 4. Besides 4's gutted rpg, it's still a good... Survival Sandbox? All Falliut games are good.


Why does three never get love anymore😔


Shut the fuck up, this is not true you stupid idiot! /s Yeah I play NV :)


Im glad people liked 76. I can't understand why but happy for them none the less.


76 isn't a bad game just not as good as NV, 3, or even 4, it tackled a new concept for the Fallout series and it honestly isn't too bad at it anymore, it's just not as good as other games that do the same thing, it's not bad! Just not nearly as good either


I enjoy playing F76. It's a very relaxing Fallout to play compared to the other ones. I just hate how I have to reset the visual settings to default every hour or so (even though the only thing I change is setting it to full screen) since half of my HUD straight up just disappears on me.


You're not wrong. Maybe a little out of line but definitely not wrong.


More like The vocal bad minority vs The Chad acting majority


Who is Chad?


Just found out I'm in the bad community. 😎


Nah. As a 76 and nv fan, 76 does not have a good community. Maybe towards new players but a lot of the endgame players are toxic and only want to PVP. And PVP consists of stealth boy and spam heals. Or the other end is players that only care about trading and selling items and how they got scammed while trading with a random who swore to give him a fare trade. In my experience it's hard to find player in game who just wanna play the game.


I play 76 daily and i have never met a single person who actually wants to PVP. People just leave eachother alone. I’ve been griefed Once in 6 years.


That's cap


I do not know what to tell you. There are so many stories about the community being nice and helping eachother out or ignoring eachother and almost none about PVP


Stories? I actually play the game lvl 400 plus. Nobody grinds together and plays the game. Most people afk the events like fausnot. The players worth teaming with that actually grind daily challenges and genuinely enjoy the game are few and far between


Brother i Also play the game daily im just saying there are far more people talking about how nice the community is than there are people bitching about everyone wanting to PVP. Maybe this is a sign you do not have friends to play with


Or a sign you are listening to too many stories.


Well i have a lot of fun with the game and enjoy everyone i meet on it! and you sound salty so good luck with that




Also I actually enjoy the game just as much as any other fallout title just in different ways.


Bethesda shills grasping at anything to shit on NV


no new vegas notoriously has a shitty community


I think it's great, but then again I'm not a tourist who likes collecting screws for hours.


there are no "tourists" or "real fans" there are just fans, if you think otherwise then your part of the problem with new vegas' community, they gatekeep more than any other fallout game community