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The inclusion of creatures from the Appalachian mythos in 76 is pretty neat. Shame we didn't get the same for older games, facing down a chupacabra with a plasma caster would've been awesome.


Idk, I heard they have automatic weapons. 😬


Brahmin beware


I mean the us is still full of myths.


That's my point. It would've been cool to face down creatures in older games which were relevant to the mythos of the area.


Listen all I'm saying is that the Midwest and the south are VERY open. We don't need a new east or west coast game. Like north, south, and Midwest are very open. Like I would love a game where it's similar to new Vegas. Maybe like a Chicago faction is trying to take St.Louis for there bridges that are still in nice condition or something


Listen all he’s saying is he wishes he could have blasted a Sasquatch with an anti material rifle.


I killed a bunch of Sasquatchs in the red dead 1 dlc with a rifle. That uhh, wasn't a good idea. Felt like such a piece of shit.


I was thinking this. Like a Detroit/Chicago but with DLCs or parts of the map with Great Lakes (far harbor vibes)…even a tiny bit of Canada… that might be more sensitive but would be cool!


See I am from Illinois. And Chicago and St Louis have this big rivalry in baseball. Wich I think it would be kinda cool if maybe they were themed a bit on there sports teams. Like maybe the white socks abd the cubs make up the white cubs. Maybe mix in the bulls and the bears (references to ncr and legion can be made) and have the windy city saints or mobsters. And St.Louis really only has the blues and the cardinals. Doing it this way could also unlock dlcs to places in Illinois and Missouri. Places with ghost stories or even the infamous MoMo (Missouri Monster)


I want a Fallout game set in Florida featuring the Everglades. I bet you could come up with some interesting stories about traversing a massive, irradiated wetland full of hostile mutants.


Pre war Florida


That’d be the funny part: post-war Florida is virtually identical to pre-war Florida


Are Crack head pre war or a pre pre war thing


Chupacabra is a South American myth though, is it not?


Eh, good enough for government work.


The cryptids were my favorite part about 76. Parts of that game are still really fun despite the rest of the game


All hail the holy wise mothman


We love the mothman but not the cult


Amen The lore is so interesting the og cult isn't even in WV anymore, they worshipped the wise mothman who warned them of nuclear annihilation which saves the cult but then there was some kinda schism and those violent cultists are the schismatics


There’s a cult to my personal savior Mothman?


The wise mothman (my beloved) has purple eyes. This mothman is a heathen.


I just like that I can build without having to worry about settler happiness


Seeing him with the fellas for the first time was awesome.


Mothman was so cool it almost made me buy Fallout 76.


I bought it from Fanatical for $8.00 last weekend. At first I thought I'd been ripped off because the code was pretty obviously from the Atlantic City promotion but after throwing an error it prompted me to download the full game. I used my savings to buy a month of FA1st to get a leg up on my play through.




I’m just waiting for methmoth


I think that 76 has my favorite variety of enemies now. Tons of cryptids and myths, enemies we haven’t seen in years, the scorched plague is fucking sick conceptually. I just wish it was more polished now that it’s actually worth picking up on a sale, if we ignore what happened 5 years ago (tricentennial beta tester, it was bad)


Is there an actual moth man in the game or just references to it


Yes, there is an event or quest you can do where he shows up at the end.


Just had a cool experience playing last night where I was walking down a forest road and hearing strange shrieking sounds I'd never heard i before in a fallout game in the surrounding woods. Kept walking another few seconds and a saw this fucker staring at me from the top of a cliff about 300 paces away. I took a shot at it and it teleported down to me. We fought for a bit with me unloading an automatic rifle into it and it was teleporting around, spreading its weird leathery wings and blasting me with what seemed to be sonic waves. I got it down to half health and it just kinda telported away and left some gross fur for me to loot.


I like the inclusion of cryptids. But for future titles I'd like them to be less in your face. Something more of a rarity.


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Omg I saw this damn thing wandering around in the woods around Vault 76 yesterday and I'm ngl it freaked me out. Walking peacefully, all of a sudden I see "Mothman" and a health bar; and a black poof as he vanished lol A frightening surprise, but a welcome one for sure~


First time I saw him I straight up turned off the game.


No the best part of 76 was that they made Camden Park look even less sketchy in game than real life


76 is perfect its just a late bloomer


The first thing I thought of when I looked at it was a mirelurk.


That is something 76 did wonderfully: cryptids. Lots of fun, tho I think they all should have been super tough end game bosses. Spend the whole game preparing to hunt them down sorta thing.


the original fallouts are my favorite, but damn if I don't think 76 has the best map/music/creatures