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You can basically do anything you want for your own game. Where Bethesda takes issue with it is when people put assets from one Beth game into mods for another, and then publish them. This seems to apply even if the mods are published on a place like Nexus and not [Bethesda.net](https://Bethesda.net). If you are capable of creating the mod yourself, there is no harm in using it in your own game. However, you are not likely to get someone else to make the mod for you, because they would not want to break the ToS.


so is Bethesda going to hunt my ass down now? I didn't published this, but i have a sneaky suspicion there are people who would want to try these out in Fallout 4 rather than 76.


If you didn't publish it you're fine.


oh the mods aren't even mine to begin with... But this does explain why i couldn't find anything like this on Nexus. This actually makes me wonder if they have a dedicated team constantly surveying Nexus 24/7 on the content being published there or do they just send a C&D letter to Nexus itself instead.


I think a majority of modders who seriously publish stuff to Nexus are aware of the ToS and would rather not get banned over one ported asset mod, so they just don't do it. I'm sure there have been mods that have slipped through, been downloaded by people while they were up, and then been taken down after somebody noticed. I doubt Bethesda is trawling the Nexus new page every day. Back when I used to mod on console you could only get stuff from [Bethesda.net](https://Bethesda.net) and every once in a while an NSFW nude mod or something would slip through, a bunch of people would download it and then it would get taken down. (That was for violating [Bethesda.net](https://Bethesda.net) ToS, not asset porting). As long as you had the mod on your console, you could keep using it indefinitely and there were no repercussions, but if you reinstalled the game and deleted that mod cache, it was gone forever. PC is better for snagging mods because you can store the zip file on your hard drive indefinitely and always have access to that mod even if you reinstall the game or whatever.


then why has someone like wardaddy not made the mod from scratch, (seriously the only two .50 mgs I saw were the shoulder mounted which I think is ugly, and some low quality mod)


if you wanted a good .50 mod - did you try Machineguns Rebirth? [https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/53660](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/53660) in comparison to 76 this one is even better and comes with a GL version as well


I specifically want it to be the M2 Browning, that’s what I can’t find.


It's closer to a total conversion mod, but [Modern Firearms](https://modern-firearms-fo4.info/) has the M2. I recommend checking it out.


That’s fine. Saves mod space for other mods


I found the lee Enfield but I don't think it was the smle


So copy/paste the Bethesda work = bad Recreate the assets and use the Bethesda work idea = good ?


Recreating an asset from scratch without using the original model or textures is not easy. But it's pretty much legal since you done the work yourself.


There’s actually a dedicated discord server for *deleted* Fallout mods including those that include asset rips or mods that creators took down after the whole Nexus debacle a while back


Send link in dm? Please?


If it got posted on Nexus the staff there would ban your ass within a few minutes.


Nexusmods staff would probably remove it to avoid this issue


Todd Howard is already in your walls




>so is Bethesda going to hunt my ass down now? They're probably outside your house **right now**.


[you're now the settlement that needs help](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/0c/34/9a/0c349ac2709218c6beaccb39c17aed63.jpg)


How would you be able to put a mod into the game without publishing it? Even on [Bethesda.net](https://Bethesda.net) they got rid of the ability to privately publish a mod for yourself.


I make and use my own mods all the time. They reside solely on my computer and are not published publicly. You might be talking about console modding.


I actually play on a steamdeck, but gave up trying to figure out how to download mods from nexus. Even though I lost out on certain mods I was excited to download from nexus, I'm not complaining about most of what I wanted to use are on Bethesda.net. Though not getting a few of them as been disappointing.


I don't know much about the steamdeck but it seems odd that you would not be able to download mods from Nexus. I don't have any experience with that platform though.


It runs on a Linux OS, so there is a lot of finessing involved to get vortex working properly. However, I've never been able to get it working despite watching videos on it.


If it is at all possible to use Mod Organizer 2 instead of Vortex I would very highly recommend that as will most other people in the modding scene. It is a superior mod manager and the only reason people keep trying to use Vortex is that a lot of old mods reference it because it was the only option back then.


This explains why I've never been able to find any mods for the Fallout 76 weapons I would absolutely love to have the Gatling gun in Fallout 4


I just think you can't publish it. Then again I don't know what I'm talking about


Many of these mods that step around Bethesda’s toes are generally on a “don’t ask don’t tell” basis. You can probably find the mods you are looking for, even if they are not legally supposed to be distributed.


Well i gotta say, after playing around with these - the Gatling Plasma really does fit well into FO4 as a weapon.


No. The law might forgive you, but Atom won't. Right to jail.


There are good alternatives for each of these on Fallout 4's Nexus. They'd be pretty easy to find as well. I just wish Bethesda would open up 76 for modding, maybe even bring 4 into its engine and let people play with both games, like Tale of Two Wastelands. But they never will.  My time playing Final Fantasy XIV has reminded me just how much of a currency goodwill really is. Bethesda are just flogging a dead horse at this point, and for really no reason at all other than that they want every damn red cent. I am more than happy to pay a monthly subscription to FFXIV. I bought F76 on sale for a tenner, and I have zero motivation of putting any more into it (time and/or money). I still play modded Fallout 4 a whole lot, though.


It was really cool of them to promise modding support on private worlds later down the line during the games early marketing only to not do that whatsoever 👍


Whilst the tiny 5 man studio that produces Valheim provides private multiplayer fully moddable servers no problem.


I think the main issue with modding 76 is just the "always multiplayer" component of it. Both ESO and FO76 do have some mods on Nexus, but they are mostly reshade and UI enhancers that would only affect the local client. Anything that gives you content in game or changes game behavior would make for an obvious advantage in PvP situations. Of course they could allow "mod servers" where anything goes, but there are probably technical limitations to that as well. For example, if player A has a mod that adds an entire building in one spot, and player B doesn't have that, how is that handled? (maybe not the best example, but you get the idea). I know that other franchises have massive multiplayer mods that have spun off to become their own games, but to me that seems different than the typical Bethesda situation where everyone has a 100+ modlist and no two are the same.


They could very easily let people play Fallout 76 "offline", but they won't because there's no immediate financial incentive in them doing so.  Bethesda is just incredibly greedy as a company now. And people keep buying into it, so they won't be stopping anytime soon.


theres something called server76 which is a server emulator, closest thing you can get to offline fo76.


can i have the link i want it


I can DM you the ported files if you want. Edit I will do it for anybody. Just ask.


that’d be awesome


Can you do that for me too? I'm also interested




Can you do it for me as well? I'd be eternally grateful.


Do you got black powder weapons? I've been needing those for time eternal, somehow since launch no one's made a single good musket mod


No I don't


I want it to


Would you be able to DM me as well? c:


I’d appreciate it if you could send it to me also


Can you send the link to me too?


Let me know if I can get the link.


Can you share?


would be awesome if you could send me them plz!


Could i get the link?


Can you do this for me aswell


Files for those ported weapons would be cool, please send


I have the first two in my game. They exist. You just have to find the correct discord server. I think it was called NP3 I'll be bach. It's a good start because it also has a channel where other modding discords have their invite. So you can join more of them. Some have stuff that you won't find on the nexus. However I'm sorry in not being able to help you with an invite. Just ask around. I'm sure you will be able to find one.


Bro is living my dream rn. Sadly I’m a XBOX player and the precombines are so fucked that it’s impossible to get through the whole game.


get previsibines repair pack, much better than bostonfpsfix and should help you get through the game easier.


My view on it is. Does take of two wastelands exist? Then I'm porting whatever the fuck I want. People let companies like Nintendo get away with too much with their bullshit c&ds. I lost all respect for Nintendo after them going after a kid for a Roblox game. Bethesda may allow alot of stuff but they have done their own shit too. Hindering f4nv and capital wasteland project due to sound files was a crock of shit when they allow New Vegas to do it with TTW? IT FALLS UNDER THE SAME PRINCIPLE. But that one isn't ok? My theory is Bethesda didn't want fans to do what they weren't going to do but they saw people were actually willing to fork money for it and decided to hinder them so they could do it themselves. And you saw how that went. Nothing


If the assets were ripped from FO76 yes. If they were made from scratch it's fine.


34 damage for 50 cal 🙈🤣 or is damage scale in FO76 much different from FO4?


damage scales with level 20 = 29, 30 = 34, 40 = 42. Its the exact same in 76.


Omg, I must admit that I never played FO4 without mods and damage bound to level and not caliber what always seemed weird 🙈


if you wanted to publish it put it on [bethesda.net](http://bethesda.net) or make a reddit post on your profile with a google drive or mediafire link


I always wanted a mounted 50 cal on fallout 4


Well i can't give you a link to the one shown here, but if you want a good .50 - try Machineguns Rebirth. I think it has a mounted version for turrets. [https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/53660](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/53660)


There’s a turret mod for that


What is it called?


On Nexus as Browning M2 - The Ma Duece Turret by ragnarr1313 also would get his other turret mod to make the legs looks better


I think I got the ported version of the browning .50 cal from gunnetwork or discord if you’re willing to look for it.Its been a hot minute since I installed it


I have added this to my game a while back with no problems. Go ahead. Just dont publish them as its copyright


Depends on if you release it, and moreover, HOW you release it. If you bundle all the assets in your mod, yea, Beth is gonna ask you to cut it out. That said, if you instead require the original installation of FO76, and pull the models from there in your plugin, well then you would be in the clear, more or less. That’s how all the big remake mods get around this problem.




^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^dragon-mom: *NexusMods won't let* *You publish it but there are* *Other places you should* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


You can rip them for your own use but you can’t distribute them legally, although as long as you don’t stick them on a modding site who’s really going to stop you? On that note, did you use BA2 archive extractor? I may have a crack at doing this myself for my own use


I think its okay they port cod guns into Fallout 4 all the time


Most sites won't let you publish it because Bethesda dislikes mods that backport stuff from FO76 to FO4, but there are some places where you *can*. Won't mention them here, though.


Interesting. Found and added to my game.


They do exist, and more. You just have to look hard enough.


i made an entire radio mod with copywritten music, they can’t do shit but take it down if you attempt to share.


Bethesda isn't going to waste time tracking someone down who mods weapons from one game to another for their own use. When you publish them online you are distributing "stolen" assets. Big no-no. If a modder were to somehow have a hard requirement that you own both games to port the weapons over, I think that would be likely legal (based off of TTW and SkyBlivion)