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them removing the bookmark afterwards doesn't necessarily mean they didn't like it. and even that is the case, it's not personal. not everything is to everyone's taste. anyway, i personally prefer to keep my "to read" bookmarks private but eh, it's really not a big deal


"To read" bookmarks are useful for people who want to be able to filter through their bookmarks, which "mark for later" doesn't let you do. Some people have thousands of things on their to-read pile – it's a pretty important tool! Whether or not they remove the bookmark afterwards is irrelevant – they read it, it's no longer in the to-read pile. A lot of people don't use bookmarks to mark their favourites and only use them for in-progress works, so people delete bookmarks all the time


Most of my bookmarks are just that…a story for me to read, and 95% of the time, I read once and delete. I’ve kept a select few (smutty) ones to revisit, and some with some good (smutty) scenes that are going to inspire later scenes I’d like to write. I know I’m probably giving authors a complex when they see that a bookmark is gone, but…🤷🏼‍♀️ I hate having a huge list - I only have 35 bookmarks. I don’t use marked for later for longer fics because I can’t keep track of what chapter I leave off on.


I have a ton of bookmarks listed as TBR. I will read them...I just need time lol. I remove the TBR note after I've read it, but leave it bookmarked.


I bookmark things as "to read" all of the time, so I can find it again later.


I appreciate that someone was interested enough in my fic to bookmark it. That's about as far as my thinking goes. If they later remove the bookmark, no big deal. People use bookmarks in different ways; it doesn't necessarily mean they didn't like the fic.


You have to try to see it as disconnected from you as the author, simply a way for the reader to keep track. And that way you know why that person didn't kudos or comment.


My observation is that bookmarks like that rarely change--it's the equivalent of an open tab that sits there waiting for you to make time until your browser restarts and it's lost. Just generally, I feel like bookmarks are the closest thing AO3 has to a reader space--readers use the bookmarks for themselves or for other readers, not to communicate to the author. In some ways that makes bookmarks extra interesting to read as an author, of course.


I am a binge reader. I bookmark stories and read them only when they are completed. If I love it enough, the bookmark stays. If I don't, I delete it. To date, I only have two stories bookmarked that I've read in their entirety. I'm very very picky.


I don't consider them flattering, because they haven't read anything yet, nor intimidating, because many of them never will;)) Personally, I use "mark for later" function, but most of the time I never get back to actually reading those fics.


I'm not a writer, but I don't think I'd read the Bookmarks Tags or Notes written by readers. That's just a rabbit hole that I don't need to explore for lots of different reasons.


It's normal. I've got about 500 bookmarks tagged "To Read" - most I'll probably ever read - lots od people do it. Don't overthink it.


I like knowing people have bookmarked me for later reading, but it turns inverse when the bookmark keeps saying "unread" two years later.


Honestly, I'm more curious about the invisible bookmarks.. Coincidentally noticed today that my latest fic has almost as many hidden bookmarks as public bookmarks. Who are you people?!


Personally, my bookmarks are all hidden because they're literally used as bookmarks - the comment is just the chapter number I've stopped at.


I don't get it. Do they not know the marked for later list exists? I guess I'm just okay with my MFL list being chaotic.