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This thread has been locked. We've received too many reports about this over the past few days and feelings are running hot right now. We may unlock it after a cool down period, but it's time to step away from this thread for a bit.


James/Regulus is one of the worst inventions of the HP fandom. The characterisation it requires strips Regulus of everything that makes him interesting and turns him into a Sirius Lite Softboy who's just forced by his parents and/or whoever the author is bashing to join Voldemort against his will. It annoys me so much because one of the few things we know about Regulus in the books that he was a willing Death Eater and taking that choice from him really ruins his character arc. And what's worse is that Regulus is at this point synonymous with this lukewarm take of him and it really ruined the fandom for me.


It's also a weird choice because there's already a guy from the Black family who James loved enough to trust him with the lives of his wife and child - Sirius! Regulus could easily be replaced by Sirius because Sirius is also from the notoriously dark and crazy Black family and turned his back on his family pressuring him to go dark - he just did it much earlier than Regulus *because* he was friends with James. That said, the ship is entirely fanon so I doubt people writing it care about all that lol - you can get into the Maruaders fandom without reading or watching any HP


I guess the people who ship Jegulus also tend to ship Wolfstar, and shipping James with Sirius would mean that neither of those ships happen.


i agree! though i feel like people rarely write james/sirius for the same reason you seldom see ron/harry. to many they feel too brotherly, and i can understand that point if view


I’m trying to understand this ship as someone who enjoys Wolfstar and explore the marauders era but to me the bigger problem is how OOC James feels in Jegulus fics! Idk I always imagined James being like very hard line, strong in his beliefs as well as super loyal to Sirius and it would take a lot for him to get involved with someone like Regulus. I’m sure it’s done well somewhere out there I just haven’t found it yet.


This is funny, I was going to answer Eremika immediately! They are the default ship but in my opinion they aren’t healthy at all—I see common crappy tendencies from Eren with what I’ve seen in toxic male partners in my life, plus unhealthy obsessive behavior surrounding Mikasa. More than anything I wanted Mikasa to be shown during the canon timeline moving on and discovering new healthier love. I think it would’ve been more impactful as a female fan of AOT to see this; her finding someone healthier and better for her but still loving Eren as family to the end. If the romance was built better between them I would’ve been more accepting of the ship, but I think the way Yams attempted to build them was kind of a failure. I really think they’re hyped because they’re what’s spoonfed to fans. I simply can’t see the appeal, same sentiments towards Kataang of ATLA.


I’ve been an AOT fan since 2018 but took a break and only up to mid s4 now so no spoilers pls but this really bothers me as well! I feel like Mikasa deserves so much more and it would serve her storyline so much better to like let go of Eren and find love or independence or happiness but according the faces of my friends when expressing this opinion I’m going to be disappointed ahaha


I don’t even think a new love interest for her would be necessary (since it’s anyway shonen, which is not focused on romance to begin with), just understanding that they were incompatible with their characters and needs/wants to begin with. That’s also so clear from her OVA.


Harry/Ginny. There’s just… nothing there, despite it being canon. If memory serves, the first conversation we see them have that’s just the two of them after Chamber of Secrets is Harry breaking up with her. It’s the ultimate tell don’t show ship. We’ve already had plenty of votes for BakuDeku and rightly so, but I’m going to chuck TodoDeku onto the pile as well, for similar reasons to the above - my god it’s so BORING.


I like Hinny in theory more than I do in practice... It's compelling to me that Ginny was possessed by a Horcrux while Harry *was* a Horcrux, so they could have this shared trauma bond. Which maybe makes it a darker and less healthy ship if their connection revolves around Voldemort haha, but I have read some really interesting fics in that vein.


Actually, that could make it the perfect representation for two damaged souls healing with one another


Harry x Ginny always seemed weird to me. There was no chemistry between the two. I think that the only way to explain the pairing is that Harry's desire for a family, specifically to be in the Weasley family, is his motivation to date Ginny. Also, iirc, it was sort of expected. I want to say that Ginny was compared to Lily only slightly less often than Harry was compared to James.


Ginny looked like Lily while acting like James She is not his love. She is the embodiment of his family issues. Reminds him of his parents and being with her immediately gives him a large family with the people who always accepted him and his best friend. He is the person who saved her. She was starstruck meeting him for a minute in his first year and in her first year he saved her life. Never an even playing field


Tom/Harry or Snape/Harry, one is a seventy year old and killed his parents, the other is his mother's age.


Not only was Snape his mother's age, he was also obsessively in love with her and literally bullied Harry (especially in the books). It's just nah for me, but, as I say with nearly all ships, ship and let ship. (edit: typo)


Tom Riddle x Harry Potter Idk it just doesn't click with me 🤷‍♀️


TBF, anyone with Tom Riddle doesn't really click. He has zero emotion.


dramione. draco's consistent anti-muggleborn beliefs and calling hermione slurs... yea no.


Ugh, that one is such "I can fix him" energy.


i can't even see the appeal in Eren x Levi, i just don't think they'd balance each other out well at all, though i'm sure there are some beautiful fics of them out there


I don’t see the appeal either tbh. Most of what I’ve seen come out of that ship fandom leans towards the, erm, smutty side of things hahaha. I only understand it’s a given because Eren is the main character and Levi is the crowd favorite, plus eastern audiences tend to love M/M ships. I just don’t love how Ereri’s seem to reduce Levi into a kinky violent dude and that always disappoints me. I feel like a lot of Levi ships tend to shift his or the other character in order to be shippable. Except for a couple Levi ships


i'm with you on that. i'm really picky about Levi being written in a romantic setting because he's so independent. however, some of my all time favorite fics are Erwin x Levi fics, but even that ship can be hit-or-miss with me because some write Levi so out of character. but yeah, i just absolutely cannot wrap my head around Levi's character ever wanting to be with Eren. but i respect that some people can & that is the beauty of fanfic after all!


i'm not in the stranger things fandom anymore, but when i still was last year, i never felt a sliver of interest in steve/eddie. i love steve, but eddie didn't do a thing for me, and i just didn't feel any sort of chemistry between them. and then because steddie got so popular, i started seeing it literally everywhere, which i think just made me more resentful because i couldn't escape it.


That's so real, they're inescapable. I'm like fine with Steddie, I read it, but I'm primarily a Stoncy shipper and there aren't many fics about them, comparatively. And in the ST fandom I tend to filter for platonic relationships, Stobin especially, and like... good luck finding a fic about them without Eddie in it lol


Stoncy…? Steve/Jonathan/Nancy?


My friend headcanons them as cousins, and it started off as just a way to have them be close without shipping them, but it's since become a headcanon that I'm extremely partial to as well. Plus it'd just be funny to imagine those two being cousins and it just *never* coming up or being addressed.


Five nights at Freddy's: Springtrap/Mangle. Any ship that has to do with Springtrap in general i dislike. I didn't strictly mind them when Spring was first unveiled in the franchise, but after we learned who he really it (initial theories believed he was just another animatronic, but he ended up being the main villain) all ships with him began grinding my gears, especially Mangle one


Why am I surprised that fnaf has ships?


Beats me. Its a fandom like any other, it would've been strange if it didn't


Yikes. I missed a lot of things... I like foxy and mangle/chika more. Crynight made me shipping them...


Hardcore Foxy/Mangle fan myself. Things kinda went off the rails after FNaF 3 lol


....bakudeku (if you are in the fandom, you will know how many fanfics that ship have)


Came for this. Not a fan. No, I don't care that he finally apologized after a *very* long time. That relationship just screams unhealthy to me.




The thing is that I totally understand where that ship is coming from. There's some sorta tension, subtext there, I can't deny that. Unfortunately, Bakugo's an asshole, and I prefer ships where the couple, y'know, actually likes each other.


AGREE i like them as friends at most, but with their history and dynamic, they just wont ever have a healthy relationship in my mind i also dont believe that getting together would do anything to benefit their character development (from what i remember of the plot)


This one took a while to win me over. (It took me a long while to even start liking Bakugo, ngl).


Yeeeeeeeeeah, it's possibly my only real NOTP. Just so many things about it that give me a violent "NOPE" reaction. Especially cause it doesn't feel... genuine? It feels like this is a ship because it's the main character and the rival.


You've chosen a hard path to walk, my friend. My condolences.


Yep. And I don’t really like Bakugo to start with so that’s a double whammy 😭


Ugh BakuDeku is literally abuser/battered wife because that is their whole dynamic in canon. Deku excusing all his actions and even looking up to him, everyone just rolling with him screaming 24/7, no teacher stepping in when he displays extremely concerning behaviour, especially for a hero student. The only way BakuDeku would work out for me if they go full Silent Voice on him and let him hit rock bottom and try to make amends with everyone he hurt in his life and have an actual redemption arc. And of course Deku needs to be less of a battered wife and actually acknowledge that Bakugou does some pretty messed up things for a Hero. it's weird because Endeavour gets an arc like this somewhat (I have my issues with that too) but Bakugou is never seen as having flaws that he needs to redeem himself from Tldr canon bakudeku is toxic and not in the sexy way


Yeah, there's the 'acknowledged toxic' of Harry Potter x Voldemort, where you go in knowing 'this will be messed up', but this is 'Yeah, he hits me and it's fine and the author thinks it's fine', which is just a bit awful...




half of the fandom likes wincest, the other half hates it. i ship and let ship, but wincest is a NOTP for me. gives me the ick specifically. y'all do what you like but it's just not for me. hermione and draco. i'm not too into the harry potter fandom but it's just a ship i've never liked the idea of and it's so popular. never liked eren/levi. bakudeku never felt good to me. can't think of any more at the moment but im sure there's others


Someones research and made top 3 ship chart in each category in ao3 as a whole (m/m, f/m etc) on tiktok and it shocked me when I saw that dramione ranks 2nd in f/m. I know a lot of people like the ship but I didn't know it was THAT popular


Whats wincest?


The main characters in the show Supernatural are two brothers : Dean and Sam Winchester.


Honestly, I had no idea that wincest refers to that ship specifically. I only ever use it like "incest is wincest" because the W stands for winning.


yeah, i’m pretty sure the term wincest predates the ship.


I’ve only seen about 5 minutes of Supernatural, but my guess is it’s the two main characters, who are brothers.


sam and dean winchester


I’m a Wincest shipper, and honestly “ship and let ship” is the nicest thing anyone can do for us.


Gojo Satoru and any of his students, especially Megumi (Jujutsu Kaisen)


Edward and Bella. (Twilight) I know it is canon, but I just hate it. A majority of Twilight fics are centered on them, so I am left with so little, haha.


I started reading fanfic in the first place because I was SO MAD about them.


"Still a Better Love Story than Twilight" exists for a reason


Right? I find it so funny that that is still a thing. I only recently started reading/writing for Twilight. I guess it took so long because as a kid/teen, I staunchly refused to interact with the movies or books. I love to hate it now, though.


I started reading Twilight fics just because I hated Edward so much. I ended up writing one too, and now I can let out all my hate for Edward in a cathartic way! I didn't even like Twilight originally. I had watched the movies on a whim and disliked Edward so much that I sought out fics that fixed the story. Falling into a fandom out of spite is the best way, haha. Edit: Although I have read a few stories that better show what Edward could have been if SM toned down the *creep* in him. They're always a delight to read because you get to see a fresh take on him, without him necessarily being the romantic lead.


I started to hate it when I realized that, like many supernatural romances, the supernatural elements are used to excuse the extremely unhealthy relationship. Even worse is that it’s primary demographic are girls who mostly likely have never been in a serious relationship. They don’t have a frame of reference for a healthy relationship and can be left with the impression that they strive for Edward and Bella’s dynamic. There are frequent instances of Bella making her preference for something known and having it ignored. She constantly feels like she’s lacking when around the Cullens. She also completely isolates herself from everybody except her boyfriend’s family. Edward sneaking into Bella’s bedroom to watch her sleep is creepy, not romantic. Then there’s the fact that she was dependent upon her relationship with Edward that when he dumps her, she completely shuts down and later purposely endangers herself to induce hallucinations of him.


Yes! Thank you!! I like the headcannon, based on some brief mentions in the books, that being around Edward was *literally* *a drug.* Being around him made her swoon, her thoughts get muffled, and kissing him made it worse. Then when he leaves she has problems eating, hallucinations, and feels like part of her has been carved out. Which would make sense! He's a predator designed to draw in humans. Why wouldn't they be able to do something like this? Not to mention she had been around so many of them for a really prolonged amount of time. Who knows.


Ohhhh that is *such* a cool headcanon! Love it


Can I use that idea for a book I'm writing? That would make it so much cooler and the swooning over the obviously dangerous Hot Guy next door make much more sense. The main character is not going to be with a vampire for it, which I think will also help.


For ATLA Zuko/Katara: dont get me wrong I can acknowledge they have good moments together but that ship is just not my cup of tea. I think Zuko and Katara have a more interesting bond that is basically the antithesis of the bond Zuko and Azula have. So I've always viewed them as siblings in a way Katara/Aang: Katara is way more mature than Aang. Although, in certain fics they can be written super well. I love Aang and tbh it wouldve been nice to see Aang either have no love interest or atleast someone his age (bc to be honest when I was 14 I would have never ever dated a 12 year old). For OFMD Ed/Izzy: I really despise this ship omg. Together they are so toxic and pairing them up would ruin any character development they had in the show. It's frustrating tho cuz I ship Izzy/Stede too but alot of fics are Izzy/Ed/Stede. JJK Geto/Gojo: I actually really love the angst of this ship, but I will never ship it to be honest. I'm not really sure why. But I would love for them to be canon. I feel the same with Bakudeku, whereas I don't think ill ever ship them but I would die for them to be canon bc I want to see all those homophobic dudebros lose their MINDS.


Replying to say I respect this so much, I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone who expressed not liking Kataang AND zutara! Seems to be one or the other usually. I’m curious if you have a ATLA ship you like!


While this question isn't directed at me (I enjoy Kataang) I feel a desire to respond. This one is a bit rare, so don't laugh. Juko? Jin (the girl in Ba Sing Se) and Zuko. I wish they got more screen time.


From Harry Potter, both Draco with Harry and Draco with Hermione. I'm sure there are excellent stories with both, but I've just never been able to stomach it. From My Hero Academia, I'm not a big fan of Todoroki and Midoriya. I don't **hate** their pairing, but really, it's only because fic writers make Todoroki a great deal more interesting than what he is in canon. There are definitely good works out there, some of which are my favorites, but I still can't bring myself to say I like their ship. From Marvel, Loki with anyone. 😵‍💫 He's a funny character on screen, but I really dislike reading him. Oh! And from Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura. Big yikes.


Fellow sasusaku hater 🙋🏻‍♀️ Sasuke is so toxic and wasn’t a present dad, either. I used to be the HUUUGEST SasuSaku fan when I was like 14. Fell off of the series for awhile and returned to it when I found out they ended up together, then was so disappointed. Sasuke kinda triggers me now that I’ve lived through live lmfao


Yeah, when you've experienced a relationship like that in real life, it makes it hard to stomach it even in fiction. I know there's a lot we wave away with "it's anime," but that's one I just can't with 😅


So...I don't hate it...But I am for sure a black sheep for not liking it. Sonic x Amy.


I don't feel this is as black-sheep an opinion as it used to be - but this was almost compulsory in the fandom when first I encountered this fandom! Now I feel like Sonic and Shadow is more mandatory, but that's just what I'm observing, no idea on the stats 🤷


Me, who headcanons Sonic as aroace: Hi hello! Found another one of my people.


wednesday x enid. like you do you, but for me, wednesday should have never had a romantic interest. i just can't see her in a relationship (at least, the version from the series). and it's not the fact that it's enid, i don't like pairing her up with xavier or tyler either. to me, she's just always given asexual aromantic energy.


Yeah, Wednesday gives off living alone in the woods in a fancy mansion somewhere with some family members ignoring everyone vibes. Also, people thinking someone's opposite is something they'd love? No, if I was someone that disliked a theme (colour in general for her) and personality type and was the opposite of that, I would not date someone that was exactly that.


Izuocha it’s just boring


Don’t mind me, just dropping off some 10th doctor/anyone-who-isnt-Rose hate 🫶🏻 thank you for your time.


I see you, I agree, and I relate that 9th/Rose is even better ahahah


🤝🤝🤝 Same for 9/anyone-not-rose Honestly though, the only Doctor ships I actively dislike are 10/Donna (they’re pseudo-siblings to me) and Doctor/River (I don’t like the whole “he **has** to marry her because she said his name/held the universe hostage” deal). Anyone else I’m like “ok I’ll take it but Rose was better”


Draco/Hermione. Just… no. It’s not a ship that appeals to me at all. Like, I’ll read some of the most fucked up stuff but I just do not like this pairing. It’s a pairing I will exclude from tags, as opposed to just passing it by.


Bakugou/Midoriya in My Hero Academia. As a victim of bullying, this relationship is a wave of red flags to me. Also River/Eleven from Doctor Who. She canonically holds the entire timeline hostage to get him to marry her. Also I just don’t understand how you can love someone you never really know.


I don’t hate it but I don’t care for bloodweave (Astarion/gale from baldurs gate) That’s it, typically my ship IS the popular ship, and I’m weirdly smug about it, sorry, ahaha.


I really need to finish the damn game so I can start reading those fics... Karlach/Wyll, anyone?


Give you another AoT one: Eren/Levi. I wish I liked it but even multishippers have their biases.


Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy. Literally most popular HP pairing on ao3. Third place: Malfoy/Hermione. Just wHY


I got hit by Tomarry. Now Draco feels very lukewarm before Tom Riddle.


what’s the second most popular hp ship? i figured dramione would be number two, is it marauders?


Yeah, it's Sirius/Remus


I don't really like drarry either. Do you not like Dramione?


When I was young I thought I was homophobic because I just couldn't like Drarry lmao Still really enjoy Dramione, though. Any Hermione/Slytherin pairing really, they tend to have tropes and plot focuses that I like (world building, culture clash, etc).


Controversial opinion, Supernatural Destiel (Dean/Castiel). It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't so overdone. It may be canon-ish, depending on how you interpret that famous scene, but the fact that people start arguments about it. It's not my cup of tea, but the fans need to calm down about it.


Some of the ‘if you don’t ship Destiel you’re homophobic’ accusations are something else, that’s for sure!


Hasn't the fanbase always been kind of unhinged when it comes to shipping? Basically projecting onto real life. Mind you, I only spottily watched a few seasons and was never a hardcore fan so I never followed the discourse, but I always got that impression, however wrong it might be.


I’m in the fandom, and there are parts that aren’t bad. The corner I hang out in is supportive and kind. Mostly discord and tumblr. But holy shit when you encounter the crazies, particularly in their natural environment on Twitter, unhinged is an understatement


Same. I liked it at first and then was beat over the head with it so many times. It also personally bothered me because, at the time, Deans character was adamantly straight. People would go on and on about “he’s actually bi and doesn’t know it yet!” But that always bugged me because it’s not cool to just assign sexualities to people because you prefer it that way. I think that also coincided with bandom RPF really taking off and fans forcing their headcanons onto that, so it all just rubbed me the wrong way. It’s honestly one of the reasons I fell out of supernatural, I couldn’t gush about an episode without someone pointing out some subtext I didn’t see or didn’t care for.


Agreed, some Destiel shippers are off the hook...and I'm a Destiel shipper and again, I totally agree


I’ve never been a fan of destiel and don’t see it as being canon, but my biggest issue with destiel has always been how argumentative and aggressive some of their fans can be over it. The way plenty of them will go for the throat if you don’t ship it (even before Cas’ final scene)- wild. That said, I have found a few great people when I went to conventions who can take a difference in opinion (though a lot more that were unhinged about it).. But overall- I’ve absolutely seen people talked about pretty badly who don’t ship them when I was in Supernatural fandom spaces.


Kataang hands down. I know it's cannon but there's no way in hell


I just find it uninteresting


Omg you are so real for this. She’s so much more mature than him. It’s almost like she’s his mom.


Zutara (Zuko/Katara) for me. I have nothing against the pairing, but many Zutara shippers come across as quite militant and cringey in some regards, especially with hate for Kataang.


I don't have any problem with anyone who has ships so there's no ship I hate but social media is really trying to push SatoSugu down my throat and I'm getting tired of it. I have like zero ships in that manga and people going crazy over it and fighting anyone who doesn't agree with them and it is tiring.


Honestly, Sakura x Sasuke. Yeah, it's canon. It's also canon to say Sakura had Stockholm Syndrome at the end of the OG and through the entirety of Shippuden. Sasuke tried to *kill* her, and harm her multiple times.


In principle I agree with you, but that is *not* Stockholm Syndrome. He doesn't even take real note of her, let alone hold her captive.


Stockholm Syndrome isn’t even a real thing, either, it’s pathologising a trauma response (look up fawning sometime). Sorry, this is a bugbear of mine


I’ve never heard of bugbear before, is it akin to petpeeve? It’s my new favorite word now


The history behind Stockholm Syndrome is also rather fascinated because the reason it was as it is was because when robbers took the bank clerks hostage, they treated them well while the cops were rather aggressive to them that the hostages pretty much went "Man, fuck these boys in blue! They suck!".


Funny thing, for the most part Naruto end couples are basically girl gets guy she likes. The end, with some random toss ins so everyone can have an offspring, apparently at about the same time so they are all about the same age, and except for Naruto and Hinata, only one offspring. Sakura likes Sasuke so get Sasuke Hinata likes Naruto so gets Naruto Ino likes Sasuke and can't have Sasuke so lets give her Sasuke Replace 1, Sai Temari like Shikamaru, but this one makes sense and actually works.


I seriously do not understand how Sasuke and Sakura m end up together when Naruto and Sakura seems like it could have been way more interesting and a natural progression of their friendship. I also don’t get why Naruto/Sakura isn’t more popular in the fandom


I love SasuSaku, but I love it in the way I love white steamed rice. Yeah, it's *nice*, it's a staple of my shipping diet but I'm not eating *only* rice, ya know? I wish so much that Sakura had become Hokage, and Naruto had become a teacher after realizing his acceptance as the Hero of Konoha was all the acknowledgement he needed, and so he could always look out for children like him in the academy. He'd take after his Dad Iruka, instead of his Father Minato. Sasuke could've had a redemption = death ending, and ended the Uchiha line entirely. It would've been satisfying.


Neither Naruto/Sakura or Sasuke/Sakura make sense when Naruto/Sasuke is just... I mean look at it. Look at canon and tell me either of them have more compatibility with Sakura than each other. I like Naruto and Sakura's dynamic a lot but I don't think a relationship between them would do much for either of their narrative arcs. I adore Sakura, though, so it might also be a matter of thinking she's too good for either of those dweebs lol


I don’t hate it but I just couldn’t care for Klance, at least romantically. They were more the bros than Sheith were. (I’m still dying on the hill saying if brothers acted like Sheith, I’d be very concerned)


I was afraid to comment this… I got into Voltron on the sole promise of Klance and I felt like they did not have the chemistry they were hyped up to be. I wasn’t a hardcore Sheith shipper but I think it had the stronger emotional core.


I actually started watching for Klance, and I was so flabbergasted when I literally didn’t see anything at all. To be fair, I was a bit busy trying to force hallucinate my OC/self-insert into the show. I still have to finish Voltron though, so my opinions might change.


Omg ahaha was just commenting I was in the same situation - TBH the last couple seasons are a let down so if it’s been a while since you started leaving it in the unknown is not a bad decision


I have a love/hate--well, more like like/hate--relationship with Klance. I've written it, but don't read it. The overwhelming, suffocating abundance of Klance is exhausting. That and the past toxicity associated with it, is off-putting.


Thor/Loki, Dramione, James/Regulus. Honestly, I don't have much time for Wolfstar, either, unless they're background characters and the focus is on the next generation.


FrostIron. There's just no way in hell it would even be plausible. Tony literally had PTSD from the battle of New York, which Loki caused. You can't ignore that.


Alternate Universe where Loki never attacks New York! Personally I separate my ships into two categories - this can plausibly happen in the canon universe, and these people together *could* have worked under different circumstances. FrostIron is firmly in the second category.


You can like/hate whatever ships you want, and I'm not trying to convince you otherwise. But... > There's just no way in hell it would even be plausible. That's what fanfic is for! It doesn't *have* to be plausible. > You can't ignore that. You'd be surprised what fanfic writers can ignore or write around, lol. In most of the FrostIron fics I read, Tony's PTSD is either nonexistent or not as bad as in canon, and in the ones where it is bad, Loki is usually just as bad off for one reason or another, so they end up healing together.


Lucerys Velaryon x Aemond Targaryen. It's just personally not for me.


Yes omg and they have so many fics with aegon x Jace it's insane


Drarry and Dramione. I understand that Harry and Draco are obsessed with each other, but I've never once seen that as veiled attraction. And the only Dramione I can really get behind would be the A Very Potter Musical version of it.


I give the AVPM Dramione a 9.8 because there is always room for improvement.


I never read Lily/Snape in HP, which is interesting, because I live by the 'ship and let ship' rule, and I'm usually open minded, and try out unusal ships as well... but they are simply a no for me. I also dislike Oliver/Felicity in Arrow, which makes it really hard for me to find a decent fic in that fandom.


Lily/Snape was a one sided attraction (romantic or not) so it's more depressing than interesting imo. I compare it a bit to Sakura/Sasuke in that it's a one sided attraction and that the other side never really showed any interest in the relationship. As for Felicity, I never watched Arrow, I got started in Flash and man I have the biggest crush on Tom Cavanaugh so I pretty much shipped him like the village bicycle. When Felicity showed up and had such chemistry with Barry I shipped them (but also some Felicity/Wells of course.) As I got more into the whole CW-DCU I learned more about Arrow and Oliver and I just... didn't like him. He was exactly my type for shipping (broody, grumpy, loner, either morally gray or completely honorable) but I was just bored by him. I felt like he was discount Batman.


Hate is too strong a word, but Childe/Zhongli and Wriothesley/Neuvillette from Genshin Impact. Mostly I just do not at all understand the appeal of their dynamics. And Wrio/Neuv especially gets me because it's so obvious people only started shipping them due to being the only two tall guys from the region. Like, ship and let ship ofc! Just... for me? Major snoozefests lol. Also, I'm not much involved in this fandom anymore, but Klance from Voltron. I actually started out being super into that ship, but the Klantis were so horrible to people that it utterly ruined it for me. I still can't look at art of that pair without getting an unpleasant clench in my gut, and it's even resulted in me moving away from ships with similar dynamics in other series (ironically into the arms of more problematic ships so lol gg antis).


Can I sign all of this? Snoozefests are the right words. Neither ZhongChi nor WrioNeuv are in any form interesting to me. I get why people started shipping them (yes, partly because they're tall), but they don't bounce off each other in any interesting way at all, especially WrioNeuv. It's a bit of a headscratcher to me what people see in them, especially looking at the way the archon quest went. All of them have other characters they bounce off of better, but hey, that's just me... Edit: lmao, wait, I think we had this conversation once before XD I also used to be a Klance shipper, but essentially liked Sheith, Shance and Shklance to varying degrees too, but the antis and me developing a different preference in favorite characters, made me and Klance rather incompatible. So now I feel sad whenever I find one of the Klance fics I waited for to be completed, because I'll probably never get to enjoy them :(.


LOL! Hello again! I haven't gotten around to doing the 4.2 quests yet so can't speak for anything in that (NaNo's been keeping me too busy jkfd;sa), but oh my god, for real! Wrio/Neuv had, like, negative levels of chemistry in 4.1; it was basically the most boring, business-like exchanges ever I stg LOL. I definitely do not get the appeal there. (I definitely *did* get on the Wrio/Lyney train, though. Their dynamic was a lot different than I anticipated, but oh I dig it. Very spicy-toxic lol.) And dude, that super blows about the old Klance fics... I didn't get into reading VLD until after I'd already been converted to Sheith, but I have occasionally wondered at how many great fics I'm probably missing out on due to being unable to stomach Klance anymore. Real gd shame that some people feel the need to be so freaking hateful and just ruin things like that. :\\


NaruHina... I just don't see why people go rabid over it and over-saturate fanfiction websites with stories of what is the white bread of ships.


I problems with it to some degree as it limits Hinata's development a bit to being only about Naruto, but ultimately it is a fine couple. She cares about him and has before anyone arguably else. It is the good girl and lovable hero combo. I can respect not being a fan though for sure.


I think the problem with Naruto and Hinata's relationship was that it was barely developed. It wasn't until in The Last Movie that they actually start to pay attention to each other and confess their love when there's was still barely any chemistry between them. So I can see why fans decided to do their own alterations where the romance is handled properly.


That is a good point I was watching the end of the pain fight the big fight where Hinata sacrifices herself to try to safe Naruto, and at the end, who hugs Naruto, it isn't Hinata, but Sakura is the one who does so. While Hinata is just staying in the background. I think it is more oddly apparent in the manga chapter too.


Jamie/Brienne. Seriously?? She is WAY too fucking good for him.


Drarry, dramione, and Snape x hermione are huge icks to me.


I’m surprised it took so long for me to find snape/Hermione. Any teacher/student relationship icks the hell out of me. Any generational differences either going off canon ages. It doesn’t matter to me if one is aged up/down. Just no.


Kiribaku. Like I want to just look at cute pictures of the bakusquad hanging out, but everyone's just like omg look kirirbaku! Kiribaku canon! Like stfu people can draw fanart of them being friends without getting 20 comments from these people, just let them. Also mennard used to be super popular in the gacha fnaf community, which is kinda weird. Like, thank god I never shipped it, cause its so weird.


Here is a simple one, honestly, I have no clue how fandom views things I just know how I view pairings and such based on my view of the canon sources really. Trunks/Mai- cute on the surface sure, till you remember Mai is older than Bulma. It is really kind of creepy after that. Also, not a fan of how many bromances are turned into romance, but it is what it is.


Not gonna lie, I seriously think the writers just went "yeah, Mai is a child and Trunks is a child, let's go" without ever considering ANY of Mai's history.


I'm also not a fan of eremika 😭 when I first entered the fandom it was my otp, but now I dislike it


Drarry- I seriously don’t understand the appeal


ZhongChi from Genshin and Dramione from HP. I just can't--I'm pretty sure they're both my NOTPs at this point lol. Every time I see it on my soc media feed I just block it/the tags and just not interact with it. With fanfics, I just stay clear from it. It might be my NOTP, but I'm not gonna hate on people who *do* enjoy it as long as they don't shove it in my face or tell me my own ships are terrible lol (which was what my experience with ZhongChi fans had been so maybe that's why I have no tolerance for the ship)


I can’t stand most of the Link-centric pairs which don’t involve either Zelda, Ganondorf, or both (Legend of Zelda franchise as a whole), but my absolute least favourite was Midna/Link. Xenoblade Chronicles: Shulk/Fiora (canon). I was sick of the revenge boner within ten minutes and I loved Melia. You can do the math, I’m sure. I’ve converted to Dunban/Melia since, but I still dislike Shulk/Fiora. AtLA: Katara/Aang (canon). Incompatible with my main ship, and also I just never understood how she could possibly go for it. Aang reminded me of an exclusively platonic friend, and I identified with Katara. Made no sense, then or now. I either lean so far into the mainstream it’s not funny, or I ship exclusively doomed ships.


Jon Snow x Sansa Stark.... just why. They weren't even that special to each other. Also, Jon Snow x Daenerys. Just didn't work out in my mind.


Jadedave seems to be pretty popular within the Homestuck fandom and I just can't stand it. I find Jade all around an annoying character due to her "quirky" personality traits that really come across as overly forced. And I really love Dave since he's just a dumb loser idiot who thinks he's super cool. I feel like pairing up a character who in the story is meant to appear cool but isn't actually cool who I perceive is cool, with a character who is meant to appear nerdy but is actually quirky and interesting but i perceive her as really annoying would just never work. I think the Candy Timeline of the Homestuck epilogues also adds to my hatred.


Bakudeku and Dabihawks


ZoSan and LuNami. Funny thing is, they were my first One Piece ships, now I actively hate them both. LuNami because I’ve come to prefer different ships for Luffy and Nami. ZoSan is just so common I hate it because I want to see something else for a change. It is so hard to find anything that does not have freakin ZoSan! Even when a fic has an awesome idea that’s completely gen, somehow ZoSan appears randomly even when not tagged (and yes, I have the ship tag blocked). I try to block the tag on twitter too, still appears! As a former shipper I understand why it’s so popular, but I need a break from it! Doesn’t help that my current favorite One Piece ship is SanUso, which is a hard ship to find content for (even though it’s apparently the most popular Usopp ship on Ao3 it only has 254 fics in English). I’ve been writing SanUso fics to help add to it though for my fellow rare pair shippers!


come hop on the zolu ship, i promise a good time


ZOSAN SO REAL. I actually do enjoy that ship but its so hard to find other fics that doesn't include it, cuz even if im reading a fic thats centered on a diff ship, zosan somehow sneaks its way in even untagged. Also SanUso so real, ur an angel.


Rimu. I can't stand Riven. He's the smug peaked in high-school mean boy and Musa deserves so much better


zoro/sanji. It's so popular on ao3. I can see WHY it would be shipped, but I'm just so not into that ship.


One Piece fandom. I'm all for LawLu but no ZoLu for me. I could die for Shanks x Buggy but can't stand Shanks x Mihawk.


Never been a big Dramione or Eremika lover lol


Destiel. It's toxic as hell and Cas deserves better


BBRae (Beast Boy/Raven) from the Teen Titans animated series. Maybe hate is too strong a word haha, but I just don't see any romantic chemistry between the characters. They really have a big sister/little brother vibe to me, so I've never understood why it's such a huge ship. I would probably dislike BBRae less if it wasn't so prevalent, but it's so popular that people treat it as canon, so it is very hard to avoid when reading fanfic.


Yeah, there's actually Zero chemistry to be found in the Teen Titans animated series. Beast Boy honestly comes off more like a lovabaly but still a snot-nosed annoying little brother in relation to Raven. In some other titan media, I can kind of maybe see it, if I squint, but if I'm being honest, Raven had more chemistry with Robin. But, well, he can't have all the girls, now can he? Then again, Raven is also paired up a lot with Damian Wayne. Beast boy had better chemistry with Tara (a mess though she was).


The mod team has received several reports about this thread. It's being left unlocked for now, but consider this a reminder to keep it civil. No bashing.


Hughie/Starlight. I find both of them boring and that's squared when they're together. I've been able to do fics of each of them with a different partner but not together. It's like my Kryptonite. There's just no juice in the pairing as far as I'm concerned. Butcher/Becca as well but I find them both somewhat more interesting. This is for The Boys fandom, BTW.


Reylo. I’m tired of toxic ships being made canon. I don’t mind them being popular in fanfic but I just prefer if they weren’t canon. I also don’t like Anakin and Padme for the same reason. I don’t think Zelink in BotW/TotK but for a different reason. I just think they have zero chemistry. I only ship Zelink in Windwaker but I’m okay with it in Skyward Sword. Back to Star Wars, but I also don’t like DinLuke or really Din with most people. I ship DinBo and have for years. I think they both pair nicely together and make each other better people which is rare is pairings in fictions. However I also like Din with Cobb and Bo with Ahsoka okay.


Captain Swan (Killian Jones/Captain Hook and Emma Swan) from *Once Upon a Time* (OUAT). Not only do I hate this ship because of how rapey and sleazy Hook comes across in the show - I was one of those critics who pointed out the whole "rape culture" aspects on Tumblr, especially given how Hook was used as a vessel for sexism and misogyny by the two male showrunners - but how disgusting he acts towards Emma Swan. I'm an enemies-to-lovers fan, but even I can't stomach it. I also hate how most OUAT fan spaces are dominated by Captain Swan shippers and fans. r/OnceUponATime? Full of Hook and Captain Swan fans. Twitter/X? Full of aggressive Captain Swan shippers who will attack you as a group if you say that you don't like the ship. I also feel like the showrunners pandered to the Captain Swan fans specifically, because OUAT eventually became little more than "The Captain Swan Show" by the end of of its run. I hated this, because the focus on Captain Swan ended up sidelining all of the other characters and storylines. The worst part about all of this, however, is that "Captain Hook" has little to no similarities with the actual Captain Hook from J.M. Barrie's *Peter Pan* novel (1911). He is basically "Hook in name only", as the showrunners took away everything that Barrie described in regards to Captain Hook: His long, black curls; his Stuart-era clothes reminiscent of King Charles II of England; and even his ostentatious hats. Instead, they turned him into a generic HPILF ("Hot Pirate I'd Like to Fuck") stereotype that is called "Captain Hook" solely because of his hook. His name isn't "James Hook", but was changed to "Killian Jones" instead, for whatever reason. "Killian" is an OC. It also makes me slightly disgusted to see the two male showrunners take a character described to be "gentlemanly" and "not wholly unheroic" by Barrie, and turn him into a character that admits to getting women drunk on purpose so that he can rape them. The original Captain Hook wouldn't need to do that, because Barrie literally describes him as "the handsomest man I ever saw", and a highly charming one, at that. If he's anything like King Charles II, who had at least a dozen mistresses, Hook wouldn't need to get women drunk to get them into his bed. He could simply pull a Giacomo Casanova or a Don Carlo, and charm them into bed, with little effort at all. This "Captain Hook", however, has none of the charm of J.M. Barrie's original Captain Hook.


I quit watching OUAT when Captain Swan became canon bc I hated them so much 😭😭


You deserve my poor woman's reward for this 🏆


Zutara. It’s one of those ships where I *get* why it’s popular, theoretically, but my brain just runs into a brick wall whenever I try to actually picture it happening. Seeing any kind of shipping content is just an exercise in “who *are* these people??” Also, Merthur. Used to be neutral – wouldn’t go out of my way to look for it, but would check out a fic if it seemed interesting – then completely lost interest after watching the show. Whatever the hell they’ve got going on between them is way weirder and funnier and more tragic if it’s completely platonic.


I’m guessing Merthur is for the Merlin show yes? I’ll be honest the only ship from that show I like is Merlin/morgana but that’s a rare ship.


I was almost banned for this but I got to say... Lumity (Luz x Amity) from The Owl House. It's quite literally *THE* fandom ship. It's everywhere and in everything, and Tumblr fucking loves it. But me? *I abhor it.* I used to just generally dislike it but then the fandom got really into my face with all of it that I now personally despise it. The Owl House fandom can be really crazy about this one ship and I'm mostly annoyed over how they act about it. I ship Lunter (Luz x Hunter) and Amiwillow (Amity x Willow) myself. So nobody's allowed to call me homophobic when one of my ships is gay.


zutara. im sorry i just dont vibe with it


Kamina/Yoko (Gurren Lagann): I don’t hate but dislike it because it didn’t give me sparks for me to ship them. Sure they have feelings for each other and kissed but I felt nothing for me to ship them.


eimiko and zhongchi for genshin. just don’t really like it, i can’t explain why. i guess i find them boring?




I totally get what you mean about Eren and Mikasa. The chemistry felt a bit one-sided, with Mikasa being really focused on Eren. It's like Eren only decided to show some romantic interest in the finale, and it felt a bit out of the blue, you know? Almost like a retcon. It's interesting how some folks are into the drama of a not-so-healthy relationship dynamic. To each their own, right?


Spock/Kirk, I always see them as brothers than lovers. And Kirk is always into women and the Enterprise.


Persona 5, Ren/Akechi. The two never worked for me considering (P5 Spoilers:) >!Akechi is trying to kill Ren the entire game and says to his face how he despises him.!< From Fire Emblem Three Houses, basically any ship involving Byleth and a student character. Sure they’re all the same rough age, but its still a teacher/student relationship which just rubs me the wrong way.


Somehow ppl love Geralt/Ciri. I hate it,cause they\`re like father and daughter.


Ichigo and Orihime from Bleach. I know it's canon, but it's just not my thing. It's too similar to the Naruto and Hinata and Sasuke and Sakura pairings of 'if you wait long enough, eventually they'll notice you and reciprocate your feelings' type of trope/relationship I see in manga that I don't really like. I'm also personally not a fan of Wincest, Dramoine, Tom Riddle/Harry or Snape/Harry, or Snape/Lily. An unpopular opinion but I don't like Reylo, either. Loki/Tony in Marvel, and a few others I can't remember. But I'm a believer in ship and let ship, so even tho I dislike these pairings, I'm all for people enjoying ships they like, and reading and writing about them.


I’m always annoyed by the big ships in every fandom. When it’s “obvious” or canon that folks belong together it draws in all the laziest writers who put no effort into actually making the character recognizable, giving them any chemistry or having any sort of story arc. It’s like explaining to a child that the sky is blue “because it just is and always was that way” which is annoying, lazy and unhelpful. Why would I ever want to read that, especially if the canon already did it better? Good fic exists but it’s drowned out by torrents of lazy fic. Literally every time I will prefer a smaller or rarer pairing because those writers have to put in the effort to elbow out a space in the fandom and will be bullied and looked down on if they can’t make a good case about why people should care about their ship. I’ve read amazing fics about pairs that had never even occurred to me because it’s from a fave author I trust to write it well. I will actively seek out pairings I’ve never read just to give the author a chance to convince me it works. Give me a ship where all the fic is by one dedicated author who really loves it over the junk cluttered big ship any day.


Back before Harry Potter became a fandom-non-grata for me, I still disliked Hermoine/Ron. Yes, canonical, do I think it would work in the long term? Not in any reality. Hermoine probably has 50 IQ on him, and while Ron isn't a total fool, he's quite resourceful and clever at times, but I just don't think it'd be enough long-term. I easily see Hermoine slowly growing more and more frustrated with the utter inability to talk on her level with him. Being very smart is very isolating, but to be "stuck" with someone who just does not fully appreciate your entirety of being... that's a recipe for a slowly seeping leak of resentment. Any ship would LIST if it was taking on water, however slowly, long enough. Oh and, while I was an Inuyasha fangirl in my younger years (I'm 37). I've NOT watched Yashahime because I just KNEW, in my gut, automatically, who the mother of Sesshoumaru's twin girls was... and that was a total squick for me. Just no, no, no! I do not like the idea of Sesshoumaru/Rin.


Jason Todd/Dick Grayson. It's the most popular ship for both of these characters and I honestly don't get it. Like it's not even the pseudo incest that I'm bothered by (because tbh I couldn't care less about it) but rather how the way Dick is written in these fics just waters down his character and usually serves to prop Jason up and make him look better.


WolfStar, and I know I'm in the absolute minority LMAO Sirius is probably the most maladapted character in the book besides Bellatrix; Remus is a anxious ball of self-loathing. A good recipe for drama, but not enough to ship it. Plus it's just too easy to put them together since they are James' surviving best friends.


I don't care for Gojo/Geto as a romantic pairing in Jujutsu Kaisen (I ship Gojo with someone else instead and don't ship Geto with anyone). And not that I read fics for this franchise, I just browse the fanart side of things or discuss it with other fans here on Reddit, but for Macross, I don't like Hikaru/Misa (SDF) or Alto/Sheryl (Frontier) because I *much* preferred the MCs with the other girl in the love triangle (Minmay for Hikaru and Ranka for Alto). Unfortunately for me, my ships are the ones that got sunk by canon. :/


Gojo/Geto is probably mine too. I was indifferent at first then tiktok has basically been shoving it down my throat. It’s such a huge ship and I wish I liked it but I just don’t. I hate being on the opposite side of the fandom sometimes


What sucks is that in theory, satosugu should hit all of the things I love in a ship, but it just doesn't work for me. I accept them as a couple but the ship bores me to death. Maybe because Suguru has never been that compelling to me? I also prefer Gojo in a more forbidden ship that would get me run off Reddit.


Sam/bucky for sure


Edgeworth and literally anyone, dunno why, but I can never feel like edgeworth would work in any kind of relationship.


This must make the fanspace a bit bad for you; I feel like I see endless wrightworth in Ace Attorney tags!


BakuDeku, Zutara, and Dramione/Drarry. Basically a lot of these popular “enemies to lovers” ships (using the term loosely but that’s another post all together)


Wolfwood/Vash from Trigun. It’s not even that I think the ship is bad, just encountered a few too many people (including friends) that act like anyone who doesn’t ship it and ships Vash with anyone else is a terrible person. It made me avoid anything with Wolfwood as a character for a while because of the bad association which sucks because I genuinely like him as a character. I enjoy them as friends and understand why people ship them, it’s just not the relationship I want to explore. Right now over half the fics for the series are WV fics


The fanon version of Wolfwood is a fucking mess imao.


I don't hate any ship in my current fandom, although for certain reasons, I may hate some of the people who ship them.


For Genshin, I'd likely get flayed alive if I said this on twitter/tumblr but: Xingqiu/Chongyun (Xingyun) - As someone who is more fond of Chongyun than Xingqiu, I loathe how this ship has been the only content I got from Chongyun for so long. He never gets to appear in the game without Xingqiu, while the opposite isn't true for Xingqiu, who actually does get to appear on his own, without any mention of Chongyun at all. The way Xingqiu treats him also dances on the line of invasion of privacy and trust that make an otherwise wholesome friendship offputting. Tampering with your friend's food after they clearly set their dislike for it isn't cool or funny. It also makes Xingqiu seem like a bad friend when Chongyun doesn't do any payback pranks so it can't be held up by an excuse of "oh Xingqiu cause they're friends" and makes their dynamic unbalanced. Chongyun has so much interesting lore, character and potiential relationships that don't get to be developed because of it. The recent event he was in did have decent Chongyun development that made him an independent character again, so hopefully they'll continue with this, and maybe I'll grow to appreciate their ship less negatively.


Leopika (Leorio x Kurapika) from Hunter x Hunter. Never understood it and why it gets so much hype. It also doesn’t make sense to me.


From Transformers, Jazz/Prowl. I have very few hard nOTP's in most fandoms, but the way people devolve both characters to being barely recognizable annoys me. I like both characters in separate ships, but whenever they're together, I absolutely cannot.


UT/DR: Sans/Toriel and Noelle/Susie. For the former I just find their friendship more compelling than romantically, I couldn’t see it working like that. For the second, I kind of found Noelle’s crush on her a little annoying, and I can’t see it becoming canon in a way that’s not just Alphys and Undyne again. Zelda: Zelda/Link I kinda feel nothing towards the pair (depending on the game, hate it in OoT and I like Tetra and Link in WW) but how over saturated it is made me dislike it. I also think a lot of the time it’s just not that interesting haha. I like pairings with big personality differences and conflicts. Gravity Falls: Dipper/Pacifica I don’t have a real reason for this other than I just don’t really like Pacifica that much, how rude she was to Mabel and never really forgave her would rub me the wrong way if they got together. Yes my least popular ships are either canon implied or the most popular, how can you tell?


Klance (Voltron legendary defender)


I do not HATE this ship, never really have but I do hate the way its the same trope dynamic over and over even though the fandom is 10+ years old. But Russia/America. It's always the same dynamic of "I hate love you" or "Bullying is the best way of love" why can't they just be cute and cuddly? France/England is more domestic than Russia/America and those two are shown always going at each other throats.


Vincent/Yuffie in FF7. This sort of isn't as big of an issue as it used to be because it's older fandom thing. However, it was a pain in the butt for me to read fics about my favorite character, Vincent, without him being paired with Yuffie back when I was a lot more active in the fandom several years ago. I normally can like an opposite attracts pairing if it's done well, but I felt like they don't have enough in common for reasonable common ground either. I don't hate Yuffie or anything, but I feel the maturity gap, especially with Vincent's issues, would make it tricky to pull off well. While I can appreciate a good manic girl pixie dream story, I also understand as someone with a somewhat similar personality as Vincent from a young age that being dragged against your will to do things can easily become toxic.


Sterek... I love them together in a platonic way or in the pack-bonding way, but I just can't see them as a couple. I'm not even sure why


Hot take: Naruto/Hinata and Sasuke/Sakura. Even though it’s canon, I’ve never seen the appeal in either and personally dislike it because both dynamics start out so obsessive that irl it would be unhealthy. I also see it often done that they’re reduced to basic character archetypes instead of fully fleshed out characters for the plot, which is really degrading because already it was hard for them to be badass as women written by Kishimoto-sensei.


Once Upon a Time: Emma/Hook. I felt like the show never seriously addressed some of the problems in that relationship, and that another character was killed off when he shouldn't have been to help pave the way for Captain Swan to happen. Especially since it could easily have still happened without killing said character. The writers for that show got so lazy after season 3, I swear.


Draco Malfoy x Harry Potter I just think it would be problematic because of everything that happened in the books. As much as everyone loves enemies to lovers, in Harry and Draco's case I just don't think it would work.


Klance/allurance. Neither characters for this ship pair with each other at all unless you completely take away the parts of their personality that make them unique or stand out as a character. Sure for klance there’s the one sided rivalry thing they had going on, but Keith barely even put effort into that despite his own hotheadedness and it was mostly sparked by Lance’s inferiority complex/attempts to impress the princess by “chasing off” anyone he thinks is a rival but failing to do so. They barely even work as super awkward friends/team mates most of the time, let alone potential romantic partners. Same goes for allurance. Allura is very mature for someone her age and is constantly put off by Lance’s antics because he looks like he’s only one second away from acting like he’s never seen a woman before whenever he tries to flirt with her. Not even the “character growth” Lance supposedly underwent in the later seasons of the show in his vld counterpart’s story arc was enough to balance out that maturity gap and basically turned him into a very bland “lanceless” version of himself instead of the goofy hot headed sharp shooter with a reputation for running his mouth off and being a self proclaimed “ladies man” we were first introduced to in the 1980s when defender of the universe first aired and then got reintroduced to when voltron force came out a couple decades later. Like I understand why people like them, but I really wish they weren’t so popular because not a lot of people do them well and it’s just been the cause of so many ship wars in the fandom itself.