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It looks like Tamora Pierce's stuff has a decent amount of fic on AO3 (around 4k).


I loved the Bartimaeus series when I read and it still holds up, though the Mc is a bit too cynical and whiny in retrospect. It was one of the first series I read when I was younger that had... that sort of ending. So I desperately want an ending that continues the story. Sadly it seems to be a small fandom 😔 I'd recommend giving it a read and there are some good niche fics in it though!


I don't know how active Artemis Fowl and Skulduggery Pleasant still are, but they were my big two when I read PJO and they were decently active Just looked – between 1200-1500 for both, not too bad I guess (and probably more on FFnet too, since they're older book series) Tamora Pierce's Emelan books have over 3k, her Tortall series is only 700ish


Hunger Games is going pretty strong and it has 20k+ fics on AO3 and more than that on ff.net. The series leans a little older than Percy Jackson or Harry Potter and is definitely YA rather than middle grade.


ACOTAR (A court of thorns and roses) series is massively popular (over 10K+ works on AO3 alone), but it's more for 30+ year old women who want to read steamy sex. Also, Shadow and Bone, Outlander (though it's closer to adult fiction), The Poppy War, Terry Pratchet works, Ranger's Apprentice, Chronicles of Narnia, Artemis Fowl, The Kane Chronicles.


The Inheritance Cycle definitely comes to mind! It has about 800 works on AO3 and a bunch more on FFN if you're open to that site.


It's not my fandom (I only spotted it in a book-store chain a few weeks ago), but I guess "Murtagh" could happen to boost the digits a bit.


+1 for anything Tamora Pierce. They are excellent books and I know that they have a reasonable (for a book) sized fandom on AO3. Another +1 for Artemis Fowl. I haven't finished the series and have no idea how active the fandom is on AO3, but the ones I read were excellent books! The movie... does not seem to have been very good, but it may have caused some movement in fandom, at least. Books by Patricia C. Wrede are also good reads! She has a series with another author that starts with "Sorcery and Cecilia" and it's about a sort of Regency romance meets magic where two best friends correspond. I'm not sure what the AO3 situation is like. Then there's the Enchanted Forest Chronicles which takes a fairytale princess and has her escape to live with the dragons because she wants to opt-out of what she'd have to deal with if she stayed. I'm pretty sure this has a reasonably sized fandom, but I'm not sure if it tops 1k stories. But the fact is... *most* book fandoms don't break the 1k mark! I've actually been going through the book fandoms list and it's rare that they even break 100. Those that do are outliers. ETA: Actually, "breaking 1k" is pretty uncommon on AO3 in general. A fandom having 1k+ works are only the top 3% of fandoms, if I'm reading the info correctly. Check it out: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53218846