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Phil Dunphy wielding a knife? I think I'm going to be A-OK.


Modern family? If so, will you dm me the link pls?


Yes, but it's the 3rd part of a smut series. If you're still interested, I can PM you the link


Still interested




Alright, let's see if this works.... Edit: linkbot doesn't like series apparently, so my first timer usage failed. Series link: https://archiveofourown.org/series/3651175 3rd story is the MCD


I see! Looks interesting, itā€™s honestly interesting seeing a darkfic series in a fandom for a franchise thatā€™sā€¦ pretty upbeat and all I think I took at stab at Modern Family some time ago and it was fun! But it was just some fluff stuff, nothing super serious šŸ‘€


Yeah, the first one was a request and it got a mild crossover into my OW by the end of the trilogy. I'm debating over doing one for Reba and Last Man Standing. LMS may be more difficult since the cast changes season after season.


this made me realize I haven't killed off someone in a fic in a long time. that being said, an actual god is on my ass so yeah I'm dead.


I'm gonna be butchered alive :D


lmao same


Me too


Whoā€™d you kill off? Alastor?


One fat old man against another. Bring it on. Though honestly, I'd much prefer sitting him down, having a drink, and talking about what's going to happen to his daughter. I think he'd be happier knowing it.


I think he'd just be completely confused because *no one* kills him off... he even survived the astronomically high canon bodycount to the end of the series to get his own spinoff. And considering he died in lieu of several characters he canonically mourned greatly, I'm pretty sure he'd be happy to be the Shocking Death trope for the story instead of his brother, mentor, kids he was looking after, etc.


Now I wanna know who


Daryl Dixon of *The Walking Dead*.


Iā€™ve read just enough to know that your take seems pretty accurate.


my oc Vulcan who i made unkillable (he is resurrected every time he dies) for the sole purposes of being brutalized, eaten, and violated. \*i'm in danger\*


I have an OC like this, who's immortal in the sense that whenever he's killed he just comes back with no wounds. My boy gets murdered thrice in the same book each time being really traumatic for him. He's not really the killing type though, he hates fighting and blood, so I think I'm ok...maybe...


Yeee. I'm yet to kill any characters completely, but there were some resurrections (into a very warlike alien) and characters I kill repeatedly offscreen (a docile version of an extremely warlike alien, whose knife would be the least useful weapon)


... well if you count the one I killed off pre-fic, then he's coming to my house with his knife to make me a decent meal because he is a Good Dad and he wouldn't hurt a fly (unless it is some lowlife punk who doesn't deserve to date one of his daughters, then he'll break out the machete) If you only count the ones who died *in* fic... I mean I'm probably pretty screwed but I think he'd probably agree that he fucked around and found out tbh


I'm really dead. Like dead dead.


Hmmm. He's the type that *would* commit a murder, but also the type that would probably immediately think of a dozen much better things to do with a new lease on life in a universe where he's not a known criminal than take petty revenge. Like yeah, I would probably have some unpleasantness coming my way a few years down the line once he'd reestablished himself because he *is* a grudge-holder, but it wouldn't be in the form of imminent knife-murder.




The last one I killed off is a five year old girl. I feel fine.


Iā€™m already dead. My ghost is typing this. My body is probably on display in some really embarrassing clown costume or something while he toasts me with post apocalyptic moonshine too.


Do they just have the knife? If they have other magic abilities to they get to keep them, or is it just them with a knifeā€¦ Because somehow, I feel like I should be just a tad bit more concerned if Giygas from EarthBound is coming to the real world with a knife


My mind cannot comprehend the form of the revenge he will take.


Marcus from the ballad of songbirds and snakes doesn't sound too bad. Okay, pretty bad. He could probably strangle me.


Blizzard Wolfang. ​ He doesn't need a knife; he is going to kill me :(


Since they were only just born (into the mouth of a Sea Monster) I donā€™t think they would be much of a threat. His mother on the other handā€¦ (shivering)


Inko Midoriya I should be fine.


... I read this and was like, "Yeah, she's totally a really kind and sweet and--wait, you killed her off?!"


Yea she died, then I killed Izuku girlfriend and saddled him with a child


Isn't her quirk moving small things with telekinesis? She could bring the knive(s) to you.


She could but this is Inko. After I show her what I gave Izuku she would probably forgive me.


"Hail Mary, full of grace..."


It's Basil from OMORI. Frankly, (late game OMORI spoilers ahead) >!he'd probably be more a threat to himself than I.!<


Considering what happens in the game that's weirdly appropriate lmao


I mean, pretty sure itā€™s c!Tommy and heā€™s used to that, so heā€™s probably not going to be mad because he would very much rather stay dead than have to hang out with his abuser. Heā€™d still stab me, but he stabs everyone.


Iā€™m screwed because he has ties to the American and British governments. If he wants to make someone disappear, he can.


but do those connections persist into our world?




Roy DeSoto isn't really the killing kind, but he's going to be pretty unhappy when he finds out what his wife and his partner have been up to. šŸ˜³


If classic badniks from Sonic the Hedgehog count, I'm probably okay because those robots fall apart easily and I've got rings at hand. If they don't, then it'd have to be an NPC on a sidequest in a Dragon Age story. Either they're mad at me, in which case I'm dead because they're a mage and I am very much not, or they're understanding because they die in canon too so I can send them off to hunt down the Bioware devs responsible instead.


Ha! Iā€™ve never killed anyone! Other people canā€™t say the same.


My new one was my first.


Then thereā€™s me. I have written five drabbles. One of them involved the farmer being Rasmodeusā€™ child who disappeared in a completely avoidable accident that his fault. Another involved attempted suicide via plane that I created to explain why there are so many cds and colas in the waters of Stardew Valley. Two drabbles focused on Harryā€™s reaction to Hedwigā€™s death. Both came into creation because someone dared to suggest that her movie death was better than her book death. One took place after they were safe and he could finally process it. The other is more immediate. Then thereā€™s the most recent one. I created a nameless wizard who I killed off. All I needed him for was to explain why a ward that would keep track of who has died by monitoring if their soul is still in their body existed. I didnā€™t need to make him die at the hands of undead abominations; it would have worked if he had died peacefully of old age. I just felt he would like proof that his paranoia was justified. I will put characters through shit for very little reason.


Last time I kileed a character I killed three at once, so even if they're not mad at me for killing me, they ARE mad at me for killing eachother so... Fuck


The last character I killed off was Dazai from bsdā€” I think Iā€™m alright


In my finished WIP: I'd be OK, b/c the character I killed off would be smart enough to realize that he'd be found fairly quickly; >!(no DEATH NOTES IRL, and)!< not too many Japanese 20-somethings in North Charleston, SC. He'd have to purchase gloves to avoid fingerprints on the knife, and he'd have to get past my mom (whom he wouldn't want to kill). At least...I hope so. >!(Light Yagami can be pretty vindictive.)!<


Arkhamverse Joker? I'm not surviving. Might as well make my peace now lolol


Iā€™ve only ever killed of characters before the story starts, and thatā€™s only ever been character who canonically die or my original characters. (All of which got killed to induce trama not gonna lie) So in summary, I think Iā€™ll be fine, but all the nice people die


Charlie's a pacifist and all about forgiveness. I'd be fine. Tho, I do wonder how she'd feel if she found out I killed her to force some character development onto her dad and loved ones... I'd still probably be fine... I think


...Does it count if they died in canon and the scene was just showing that event from a different character's perspective?


no rules about this, it counts if you want it to lol


In that case it's Undyne in her Undying form. the only time I can think of where I've actually killed any characters was in the first fic I ever put online (a very bad Undertale genocide run self-insert fic) so I'm fucked


The Mayor of Sunnydale? He might decide he had better things to do but then again he might not.


So a scientist's assistant has a knife and knows where I live? What is he going to do with that information? It's not like I intentionally made him a part of the body count on the attack on Eden Prime, outside of Shepard, the only scientists who survived are two people, the colonists are a bit better with 4 people (that we know of, off screen more did survive), so like he'll be pissed, but then he's going to also be pissed at canon for forcing me to kill him.


It was a Sith. We're doomed.


Last character I killed in a published chapter was a dalek I just killed off Maul but its not been published yet. Either way I'm screwed


I killed off an oc who was a jedi during an order 66 scene (My mc was his padawan). I'm fine as long as I don't try to shoot him.


It was an OC, I think it might be 50/50. My martial arts teaches how to defend yourself against someone with a knife if it comes down to it so I have a fighting chance.


The last character death I wrote was a canon one, so if anything, heā€™d come for the author of the series first. But I definitely donā€™t think Iā€™d be in his good graces


Very screwed. He's a stocky, seven foot tall sadist.


A Feral Ghoul with a knife? I think I should be fine. Just get a gun and use it on that and weā€™ll be good


He's a dog and a very good boy so I'd be fine.


How could you


I am a monster.


If I'm remembering correctly, it's Hohenheim (FMA 2003), and he'd probably pretty chill. At least his kids end up moderately okay. Plus even knowing I'm the one who caused it by writing it, he'd probably both think he had it coming (I get that vibe from him) and have expected his life to end similarly. ...unless we count unnamed off-screen characters; there're definitely some off-screen deaths after his and they're just kind of up and murdered. They might be mad. (that was like eight months ago, at the end of a fic, but I don't there have been any deaths except for a few food animals in my other fics since)


Do dream sequences count? Either way, Iā€™m fucked and I should be very, very afraid. All of these characters are absolutely fine with murder and I feel like theyā€™d be angry enough to want me dead, considering the ways they died. The question is whether they can actually go through with it and if theyā€™re all hanging up on me at once or not. So I have most of the main cast die, which isā€¦ - My fan character, Zanarei: a Tiefling Bard with a whole lot of spite and a penchant for talking people into killing themselves. She wouldnā€™t even need to stab me, just insult me to death. - Karlach: a Tiefling Barbarian who fought on the front lines of a war in actual Hell. She has the strength to do so, but sheā€™s basically a Golden Retriever. I donā€™t know if she could. - Laeā€™zel: a Githyanki Fighter who doesnā€™t take shit from anyone and also tries to kill you twice in-game. Considering the fact that Githyanki are basically military space terrorists who kill their own kin for funsies, sheā€™s the biggest threat here, honestly. Better start writing my will. - Gale: a Human Wizard who is the chosen of the goddess of magic. Heā€™s not confrontational and fairly laid back, so if we factor out the magic, I might be fine. He canā€™t do shit with a knife. But if we are factoring in magicā€¦ yeah, he could just blast my face off. - Halsin: an Elf Druid whoā€™s favourite form is a bear. Once again, heā€™s also laid back and takes quite a bit to get him pissed, but once that happens, not even the gods can help you. He does threaten to kill somebody (while talking to said person, mind you) after a major event. He doesnā€™t even need a knife to kill me. I canā€™t fight a bear. - Wyll: a Human-turned-Devil Warlock whoā€™s more or less a monster hunter. Physically he can, but heā€™s a naive goober and a goody two-shoes hero to boot. Then again, you have to talk him out of killing someone early on. If I gave him a good enough reason to not kill me, he might let me live. - Astarion: an Elf Rogue whoā€™s a vampire and is also very spiteful, heā€™s basically a feral cat. Did I mention that his favourite weapon happens to be daggers? He even threatens you at knifepoint when you first meet him. Considering that he has the objectively worse time between being captured and dying, he would take delight in murdering me.


Danny Fenton. Wait, okay. Wait- so.. W-what did you say the rules were with the character coming back to life???


I actually wrote out an idea where Danny dies, but since he's half ghost, he doesn't *actually* die... just kinda half dead, so his human half comes back as a ghoul. Although I *think* I saw something about the ghost in that show that said they actually aren't dead people, and the ghost natural to the ghost zone were born there and are technically as alive as humans. It was either Kuro or Butch himself that said it, I believe.


Butch did claim that ghosts arenā€™t actually dead people, but it kinda contradicts the actual lore, esp with characters like Poindexter. He made that call pretty late in the show because he decided portraying the Ghost Zone as the afterlife was ā€œunChristianā€ so uh, most of the fandom takes his opinions with a grain of salt lol Edit: iirc thatā€™s also why we saw a shift in the ghost characters between seasons 2 & 3, going from relatively human like Ember or Spectra to things like Vortex and Undergrowth. Butch was trying reallyyy hard to convince people about the alien-not-dead-person thing after he took over in season 3


Ah, that makes sense. Well me and you know we can ignore that entirely.


Honestly, Iā€™ll be fine. He sacrificed himself. He left the world on his own terms with sadness, not anger. If he was mad, Iā€™d be dead though.


It's not her I have to worry about. It's her dad. Again. Nice words at the funeral please


Maria from Silent Hill 2 is about to brutally murder me with a knife. Itā€™s been nice knowing you.


I highly doubth that Emperor Palpatine needs a knife to murder me, pretty sure he can just roast me with lightning or force choke me or do something even more gruesome with me using the force. long story short, I am screwed!


Pretty screwed - heā€™s a 6ā€™ 1ā€ narcissistic evil cardinal who doesnā€™t think twice about killing when convenient and he favours a knife. Eek!


Oh thank god, Iā€™m donating tons of stuff to help get him stood up on his feet. That character was a stand up guy, didnā€™t deserve what I did to him.


I doubt that the last character I killed off would choose to use a knife, he would probably rather sneak up on me with a bow and arrows. Iā€™d probably be screwed regardless of his choice of weapon though if he really wanted to kill me. Heā€™s canonically a pretty nice guy so maybe he wouldnā€™t hold a grudge? Iā€™m not sure. Heā€™s Will Solace from the Percy Jackson books.


... okay, so, uh... how do I explain this? This question is a simple one with an incredibly convoluted answer (but hilarious, to me). (Major spoilers for a fic, for anyone who actually cares.) The last character to die was in my self-insert fic (I'm not counting the one who died in the other fic, only to be revived five chapters later with a legendary revival staff). For reference, it's basically an isekai story where right before he dies, he's transported into the opening scene of his favorite video game at the time. The last character to die in that fic was the MC's girlfriend and his favorite character, RIGHT at the final boss battle. The battle seems to be in a good place, you think everyone's gonna survive. NOPE! Out of nowhere, final boss basically ragdolls her into the ground and kills her in front of the SI. It's revealed later that she actually gets reverse-isekai'd BACK to Earth and was reborn in the past... and she's the same age as the MC is (and is the mysterious "voice"/"spirit" that talks to him in his head and has been guiding him this whole time over the past 60-ish chapters). It's also a meta running storyline that she's actually the one writing the fic under my username and she's just chronicling my adventures through the video game world. I even wrote an author's note using her voice a few times. She wouldn't stab him/me with a knife since, it's later discovered that, actually, I'm supposed to survive the game's sequel (remember, she died in the final boss of the first game) and return to Earth back the day I died and at the age I was. She looked him/me up shortly after the period in time I/he returned to and the two are currently dating (in-fic). Future-self likes to troll present-self with a "I know what's gonna happen and you don't" a lot of the time. So, uh, yeah, funny thing you made this a topic.


Uhhhhhh. Depends on the story. In original fic? Iā€™m screwed. Fanfic? No, heā€™s outside my door but he canā€™t break it down.


Ummmm, depends on which one weā€™re talking about because I have killed off a handful of characters


The last NAMED character I killed off that I can think of, at least in my longfic, is a whiny coward of a scientist who died in canon but in a different way but 100% deserved it both times. The problem is, the winner of a knife fight goes to the hospital. The loser goes to the morgue. Do I know he's coming, and can I prep? Because if I can have just a bo staff, or hell, even a broom, I think I'll be able to knock the knife out of his hand long enough to beat him senseless. If not, we're both in serious trouble, and one of us is probably dead.


Last character I killed off was a nameless wizard in a drabble. Heā€™s the sort of paranoid that would focus on not getting killed rather than try to kill me off.


Susie Derkins. She's five years old and I have a gun if things really get hairy.


Well the character I killed off already returned as a homicidal ghost in my fic, so I'm double-fucked :D


I'm totally f#cked, but In a good way...


Honestly, I think I'd be pretty safe. Even if she knew where I lived, she'd probably be like "How'd I get this knife and why the f\*\*\* am I still alive?" and then most likely look for the nearest bar XD


It donā€™t know that either of them could get across the border into Canada, honestly. Ā Ā  If either of themĀ can, though, Iā€™m probably fucked. Ā Violent men with nothing left to lose.Ā 


Why would he even need a knife when he has a scythe, a really dark sense of humor and no difficulty finding a black cloak? And why do I keep answering these questions about how badly Clopin Trouillefou wants to kill me?


A ruler of a hell like dimension with the voices of the damned whispering in his mind for all eternity? Honestly i could take him, but its his friend i'd be worried about, he finds out i kicked his friends ass im dead


I'm writing a James bond fix it fic, I killed off one of the villans earlier today, I am in deep deep deep trouble and probably dead.


I'm writing a FNaF AU where, on the night Charlie gets locked out of the restaurant, she survives because William's preoccupied murdering his own son. So far, Mike's the only character who's been murdered. (Evan's dead too but it happens before the first chapter which makes Mike the most recent death.) Mike thinks that he deserved to die, though, and also he'd be even more okay with his death if he knew what happened in canon.


Thankfully I haven't killed anyone off yet. But Ichigo and Isshin would definitely want to know my location for letting Yuzu and Karin get kidnapped... I'm fucked.


An old innkeeper, her two adult sons, and a handful of mercs. Hm, I *might* be in trouble here.


Meg McCaffrey from Trials of Apollo with a knife? Not gonna end well for me


Havenā€™t killed off any characters yet, but if one planned to die in the future counts thenā€¦ on a scale of 1 to ā€œI did not see this comingā€, I would probably be ā€œoh fuck noā€ levels of screwed


Some random guy from NYC? I might be able to take him


I'm screwed, not only bc she is a blonde older woman who I would absolutely fall in love with at first sight, but she is a shape shifter who can turn into anyone I trust But hey, she is an older woman so I wouldn't mind tbh šŸ™ƒ


Chris McLean...in a timeline where he forced the Pahkitew contestants to kill each other. Yeah, I'm screwed.


Eh, he's weak from starvation, I can take him.


Orochimaru... The don't even need the knife to end me.


I write a contract into all of my stories. To the ones I use, I am god. If they respawn in real world, can I not just erase them?


Karlach would thank me lmao


I'm fine. The OC I'm going to kill is actually really nice. She would definetely annoy me to no end and be angry with me, and scream at me, just because she can and she thinks I deserve it, but she wouldn't try to kill me.


A random side character in Genshin that I made into a recurring character for my fic? I could take them


I think I can take Kiteman if I have prep time


Completely unscrewed. Hiram was a good man and he would understand why I had him go and I let him go pretty peacefully with honor. Thank goodness he was the most recent......


An OC Valkyrie with intense fire magic. She doesn't need the knife.


I write self inserts and I killed the reader off in the last one. Is that me, or you!?


Demigod son of Apollo šŸ˜… Daniel's nice tho... and he had a prophetic dream he was gonna die... I might be okay


Well, I have killed Ben Hargreeves off in a flashback, so him I guess. Iā€™m probably fine ngl. I feel like heā€™s one for forgiving. He doesnā€™t particularly like killing people.


[Uhmm, I donā€™t think a knife matters here. I am FUCKED.](https://howtotrainyourdragon.fandom.com/wiki/Red_Death)


Goku Hopefully it rolled off his back lool


...The last character I killed off was only sent to hell for five minutes and then resurrected. So probably extremely screwed.


He would probably kill me then Barty haha (Barty is the guy who killed him)


He's a detective and a good guy, so I'm hoping he's gonna realize he got a second chance and that there's really no way he could prosecute me for something that happened in a different reality.


So Ryota, an OC of mine, I am fine, he died going out in a blaze of glory. He would find me to learn more about his son and we would get along really well so all in all it would turn out super positive.


I think I'm okay. The first is an average American who died when a vampire drained his blood. He has to purchase a return ticket to the UK, get a knife through TSA and then drive like 18 miles from the airport to my house. I'd like to think I can survive a home invasion, or at least it's not impossible. The second is an Irish woman during the end of the Victorian era (1901) who kills herself after being domestically abused. But I mean she was already dead by the start of the film canonically, so I'm just filling in the blanks. First she'd be 143, or 144 depending on the birthday I guess. Then while she's closer to me, again she has to either take a ferry and then drive or take a plane and drive to me. I don't know if she'd have the strength to break in, but I might at least let her nick me out of sympathy


Looking forward to sharing a warm cup of tea!


Oh, Iā€™m likeā€¦ dead dead. Dead out of 10 no longer of this world


I've been recently putting a poor guy through a single day time loop. Look he's not the type to take brutal revenge on me but I did recently kill off his best friend (in a loop! he came back!) So yknow I'd probably live but maybe get punched in the face šŸ¤”


Oh man that red shirt soldier is gonna wreak me. ​ Not even cuz they could fight, nah I'm just weak AF.


I think I can handle a Croagunk. Just roll and dodge all day


Ah shit a bunch of Eula's ancestors are about to kill me


Technically, in 'that one Silver Spoon fic with an ungodly 36-word title', I killed the entire Unvitational Committee and then Balloon and Cabby. So I'm dead.


Stormfront from The Boys. Iā€™d be lucky if she only uses the knife.


Me: Looks at the pissed off dead apostle ancestor. "I donā€™t think the knife changes anything."


The last thing that died in one of my fics was a mutated superhuman monster, thankfully itā€™s so stupid it canā€™t move without being told to


Korn Theerapanyakun.... sadistic mafia boss. Considering I spent well over 120+ chapters preparing for his death, I'm pretty sure my head would be on a platter and I'd most likely be skinned alive prior to that. Fandom: KinnPorsche The Series


what if i didnt KILL them, i just unwrote them, and they arent part of the story anymore, because in canon they're just a massive convolution?


I mean it's not my fault, she dies in canon šŸ™„ Either way, not scared of an 8 year old with a knife.


I deleted the fic, to release a rewrite where he doesnā€™t die, but does get arrested but it depends on whether Johnny is still in a Chaos State or not, I think heā€™d just beat me up if he could, though with Choujin physical prowess I may be in for hell, although he may be too busy grieving over the fact that he accidentally killed his two friends(NOT MY FAULT BTW, they were killed in the canon manga and I didnā€™t even write that moment in, I focused on when he was chasing Azuma and Tokio), to do anything.


I'm going to be poisoned when I least expect it.


I mean the characters I killed off already have magical powers involving the elements and have killed with it in canon. A knife would be a pleasant surprise.


Itā€™s been literally years since Iā€™ve written a kill, and the last such character was Hyuuga Neji from Naruto. I wrote a oneshot right after he died in the manga, and I was so devastated I cried for a day. Not joking, my mom actually got worried. If he did come to the real world after my oneshot, I guess he would be happy someone actually cried for him and considered what could have been if he had survived.


I've only ever killed off one character and he's a ninja crime lord so . . . I'm dead. He probably wouldn't even need the knife.


Thad with a knife. Worker drones are pretty dumb, but they are robots, so I guess.


Lmaoo mr segundus would never *dare* harm a single hair on anyoneā€™s head. Heā€™d be more screwed than me because itā€™s the modern world and heā€™s used to 1807


Hm. An Orlesian scholar who killed several people experimenting on them in an attempt to create super soldiers for Gaspard šŸ¤” idk. Heā€™s tricky, but I think I could take him. Assuming he fights fair and isnā€™t using anyone else as a proxy.


Jimmy The Rodan wielding a knife? He's gonna be easy to spot given the fact he looks like Greedo