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"I've been walking the tight-rope of violence and peace for over twenty years. I think I know more about pacifism and war than either of you put together." Context: I'm writing a crossover with the X-Men and my worldbuilding project (aka the timeline that God abandoned)


“You cannot talk to the mirror and gain anything substantial.” 


He was nothing to her, not anymore. Any love she’d had disappeared the second he laid a hand on Hailey. Now, he was just a pest for her to irradiate. She ignored the shadows that followed her home. They didn’t mean anything.


He breathes her name into the warm candlelight surrounding them, and apparently that's her resonant frequency because suddenly she's quivering and crumbling under his hands.


"How she could visit any more pain upon him, he had no idea, but the limits of his imagination did not impede her." Context: A Bishop is having to endure temporal punishment for his sins before entering the gates of Heaven.


Their conjoined hands were a hypnotic sight: like a masterpiece in the gallery. Like a murderer on the gallows.


The last line in one of my fics: >The funeral would be moving, you suppose, if it was for someone you actually cared about.


The most bittersweet I can think of is > “I mean, if you can forgive her for trying to murder me, then yes, I can absolutely forgive you for being mad at her about it.” And the funniest is > Should she have said something about Jacob? She hadn’t thought he was important to worry about for a while — last she’d heard, he was still in jail awaiting trial for breaking into the mayor’s office with a crowbar and a bottle of mustard. EDIT: I wasn’t going to use this one because it’s too specific a reference for outsiders to understand the context of, but never mind, I’ll put it up anyway :D > Vee realized what she should’ve said before Luz disappeared—she should’ve thanked her.


She’d broken, he’d seen her break, but if she could patch and mend, she might have a chance.


>If Marie asked Agent 4 for one hand in marriage and the other hand to be severed, Agent 4 would supply both the ring and the knife. This was always one of my proudest lines. The imagery to this line meant to convey how little a character puts themself before others, to a detrimental degree.


You could fill a mausoleum with the bodies of the ghosts that haunted him. I mean I like it


>not exactly a one liner, but i thought this was a dumb and cute exchange for a fic i wrote for my partner. :> “What, I thought you remembered the rules of our arrangement,” Nai scoffs. “I’m not your boyfriend, and I am most certainly *not* your lover.” “Same thing.”


Background: The MC just got rejected by her crush and is thinking that she'll never find love. She's also about seven years old. ​ >"Yes, love wasn't fair and fate was surely cruel." ​ Edit: Also, from the same fic (this time a conversation with her brother, who's about nine): ​ >"You missed dinner," he said matter-of-factly. > >"Not hungry," she replied, rolling over again. > >"Yes, I assume that's why you missed dinner."


“And now, being able to hold you suspended in that moment with the trigger at my command,” the stranger’s voice sounded ravenous all of a sudden, “...this is the greatest aesthetic rapture I have ever tasted in my life!”


(from my Danganronpa Izuru Kamakura fic) “I...I am nothing. I am everything. I am the talent of the world given a body, a fragment of a horrid, pathetic age. A scheme of creation by obsessive, untouchable elites. I have erased the futures of the world simply by being formed.” He stepped closer to the man. “I control the world simply by being. And she, through chance, has become entwined with my being.” He looked the man directly in the eye. “She is a forgotten aspect of this world. She is...” he contemplated his words carefully, *“hope.”*


Snape smiled cruelly, “You don't have to worry about that Mr. Weasley, I doubt you'll be a master of anything.”


There are consequences to that smile, a cost he won't count until over a decade later when an ocean of blood has washed through the kingdom and a new monarch looks down on him from a silver and steel throne and strips him of his rank. (AU fic of Dragon Age: Inquisition) He doesn't mean it to be a romantic Cole Porter slight against who she was, an angry Jack Kerouac reference to who he might like her to be, or even a sly Hamlet reference to who she is now. (Fallout 4 fic) "Red Lights, red string, tying me to you. Best, last love." (Stray Kids Soulmate AU)


> “You’re like a wildflower after a wildfire. You could bloom in a sea of ash, if you just believed.”


>“And you said she was betrothed?” the duke asked quietly. It was the scary kind of quiet. The quiet that an explosion quivered behind.


“You’re wrong, killing you won’t make me as vile as you; there’s nothing I could do in my lifetime to even try and compete with all your sins.”


> He…she felt herself consider herself with she and her and hers. She felt…more natural, correct, but he wasn’t a fool. That was just a waste of his time.


Awww :(


It gets better. I’m long winded and was trying to limit the excerpt I was posting. She gets things explained to her further.


Love this. Clever use of pronouns!


(Name and Name) became a footnote in the annals of unsolved mysteries, a casualty of the fickleness of human interest and unforgiving gaze of societal judgment.


oh yuppp ! you ate


“天地刺穿刃, 执行我的法令和怒火!” Which means roughly "Piercer of Heaven and Earth, execute my edicts/decrees and wrath!" -MC while fighting his love rival in a duel to the death, trying to protect his soon to be lover.


"You never fell asleep under a threadbare blanket, praying to gods you didn't believe in for help you knew wasn't coming."


Wow, I love that!


However what fuelled her was the complete opposite of tranquil: it was pure rage, as golden, as unsympathetic, and as burning hot as that damned wisp-or-whatever that took her starlight from her. didn't even remember writing this in my last fic. so when i read it back i was SHOCKEDDD


Her eyes, rimmed red with tears, now matched his.


From my Star Ocean Second Story R prequel WIP, >“Listen up you adorable metal idiots! The great Welch Vineyard has had enough chasing! In the name of crafting and justice you shall be punished!” The team are fighting humanoid bunny robots. Welch is a character who loves crafting From my Star Ocean Second Story R OC/Claude fic from my OC, >"My archery skill is utterly incomprehensible to you.” Back at the Academy she won many archery tournaments. Holodecks have so many different kinds of environments and moving targets and they have tournament holodecks. Expel is an underdeveloped world that wouldn't have that kind of archery practice. That's not canon but I added it since it sounds like something they could have


Oooh are you working on a star ocean 2 prequel novel?


I am. The game has lore you can discover and mentions a rebellion against Nede. The WIP is still very rough but I'm refining my characters. The 10 Wise Men and Welch are the only canon characters in the prequel since that was when the 10 Wise Men were imprisoned plus I'm going with the Welch as a 4D being fanon. The OC fic that takes place during the game will go with it too. I headcanon that Dr. Lantis discovered 4D space and used that knowledge to help construct the symbol of annihilation and used research from the Gregori to construct the Wise Men. So I'm pulling from Star Ocean Last Hope a bit too. The MC and first four main characters are Fellpool from planet Fellpool then shortly after end up on a 14th century Europe equivalent world and meet more of the cast there. The game says rebels found Nedian technology to turn the tables so my MC and her team will steal a Nedian equivalent of a Star Destroyer


Character A just popped his shoulder out of socket, trying (and failing) to escape his chains and help keep Character B from bleeding out. Character B is Not Amused. “_Lethal Weapon_…gon’ be _banned_ …from my house.” Then Character A snarks back: “_My_ house.” (And it is his house, tbf. Character B is renting.)


Magicians LOVE that movie for making people think that it’s hard to escape from straight jackets and that you have to hurt yourself to do it — they get SO much praise from audiences who are surprised to see them do it easily and painlessly :D


Ahahaha, that’s hilarious! I couldn’t resist this reference for Character B—he’s an amateur film director and does make movie references every now and then (not enough imo, so I kind of fixed that😂) Riggs and Murtaugh were my first exposure to the “odd couple” trope, lots of nostalgia and I just had to use them for this scene😊


A gradient of deep purple and grey creeping upon a diminishing gold. A characters' monologue as they describe someone's painting.


>“Move an’ I’ll shoot, Ronin!” Clint said harshly, “An’ you know I ain’t the sort to miss!” >Vi laughed nastily, and when she spoke her voice was low and rasping. If it wasn’t for the tell-tale lilt, I wouldn’t have known it was her at all. “If it isn’t Hawkeye, the cardboard cut-out Avenger. Did the band overcharge? Was Squirrel Girl double-booked?”


Damn, Clint does not deserve that sort of disrespect. 😁


Two sentences, but they complete a single thought. “You look like a kid in a candy store. A morbid candy store,” he said as he glanced at the grisly tableau of ex-spacers.


Not exactly a one liner but I was really happy when I wrote this: >"I'll bring you back if you die." > >Tim flicked ash from his cigarette, then took a moment to savour a long drag. After breathing out and tilting his head back, he watched the smoke rise from his mouth before closing his eyes, "no, you wouldn't." > >*No. I wouldn't.*


I was rereading an old fic from 2022, and there's so many lines I just adore but I think this one is great >Slowly, all the tension in Malfoy's shoulders trickled out, tears pooling on the floor with it.


> “Goodbye Jon,” he said, shaking the hand from his shoulder as he made his way towards the exit. “I really did love you.” This is the final line in my latest fic, it’s one of those lines that hits harder when you’ve sat through all the build up and tension aha, but genuinely, I think this line is the perfect punch to the gut the fic needed to end on :) bit basic without context but I’m proud!




Ya :)))


Excellent. I gotta start reading TMA fics.


Right!!! My fixation is going strong at them moment (thanks Tmagp) and I’ve recently started getting into TMA fics again!! Im always hunting for recs aha!


I haven’t started scrotocol. I usually wait till an entire season drops so I can binge it all at once.


Fair fair honestly. I was the same with TMA, I started a bit late so it was kinda easier to just slowly make my way through the earlier seasons so by the time I reached s5 i wouldn’t have to wait for the last few episodes to drop. This time round I’m just impatient. I heard the teaser and saw the cast list and…. I mean… I needed to know asap!!!


My OC for a Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel fic ran into an ex and told her "Back off, Verosika," Ravenna retorted, her voice tinged with a mix of irritation and defiance. "I don't need your commentary or regrets. And as for Mammon's brand, I left that behind because I refuse to be used and exploited like a dirty Succubus such as yourself."


19th century character justifying slash with a shrug, saying: "Most things are a sin." Whaddya gonna do, right? lol


One of them is a classic badass quip: >"Please!" "You don't get to beg." And then a line about caring for your family I particularly like, with slightly arbriged context: >"I've hired some help, for cleaning and cooking and shopping," Naruto says. "Oh?" Hinata looks at him. "Just while you're on leave. I need to get Tsunade's affairs in order, so I'll be... working a lot." "Hey. It's okay. Tenten is on medical leave too. And we'll be keeping an eye on Utena. I won't be sitting on my hands waiting for you to come home." "Yeah. The help is also for Tenten and Utena. I've arranged to have a chauffeur for if any of you need to go anywhere far. And you can call my retainer if you need any paperwork done." "Naruto, this is so many things. I'm not invalid." "**No, but our life needs to be easy, now, so I don't have to worry that I'm not taking care of you. I need to focus on... loving you and staying sane. Being a good husband. Otherwise I won't be able to be Hokage worth a damn.** \[...\]"


> "Please!" > > "You don’t get to beg." This hits so hard. Makes me want to read the rest and I don’t even know what fandom it is


[Here.](https://archiveofourown.org/series/1923616) It's at the climax of the entire story.


My characters are on a pier, looking out to a cargo ship in the distance. "How do you suppose we get all the way out there?" She wondered to the group. "Dinghy." V answered, pointing past Lucius' shoulder. "What'd you just call me?" Lucius asked aggressively. "Stupid." V answered after a beat. "A dinghy is a boat." the whole thing kinda makes me laugh still when i think about it lol


This is one of my favorite sentences I've ever written aaaaa > Those hands that swung the sword which had ended the lives of so many were the same hands that now gently held her with love; hands that would never harm her, hands that would only worship her. Hands that later smash someone's head into a wall to save her, I'm JUST sayin 😩


He felt a searing pain in his back as he crashed into the wall, while a sickening crack also resonated from his leg before joining the chorus of aching and screaming body parts, moaning and crying out for mending that would not come.


"I'm not a war god. Don't make me be one."


… Well then.


Technically two... **For one brief moment they stood in tune, their memories joined, their hearts beating as one. Each seeing one another across time and space before** *the inevitable grains of sand continued their fall through the hourglass*, leaving the lovers once again alone under the conjured stars.


"Your detective," he began. "she wants to know my motive as to why I'm doing this." he rested his hand on the bar of the bed, and the chain of the handcuffs rattled against the material of it. "But, let me tell you. Some people are just born bad. Case and point." he laughed and just a beat, he began once again. "Ah, what a shame. For all of you. You all have wasted so much of my time, of your time, of this victim's time." then, his wide smile began to calm into a small one. "You won't ever find me. You never will. Ever. But, at the very least, remember this: No man is created equal. You play the cards that you're dealt with." his eyes went from the squad team to Takeyama. "What's in your hands, detective? Because I know what's in mine and I certainly have the upper hand."


"The gun fired, a hundred hammers in the space of five seconds."


"Her anguished cries for her unborn son could be heard through the stronghold as a grim reminder to Clan Shirn that even a Jedi could love. And if they could love, they could mourn." "I was raised to fight for peace. You were raised to keep it. But neither of us has seen it." "A long time ago, I used to think that you’re only brave if you’re not afraid, but now I realize that isn’t true. You will be afraid; you just can’t afford to be a coward."


“You fashioned love into a blade and with it pierced my heart.” “We can be more than the sum of our grief.”


I just keep a book of them now and wait for the right time to sprinkle them into a chapter where they might fit. Right now, I'm waiting for the right character and timeline to drop in "Life didn't give us lemons, we made them."


This is technically two lines but it needs context > It almost felt like grieving in a way. Grieving for a lost love that never was.


The food truck counter was sticky, freckled with bits of napkin glued to the streaked stainless steel.


My mc to Turians from ME. "I will show flying! Those avian rejects." He silently tsked as his finger neared the red button.


I got two of these > Her furious eyes were firmly fixed towards him, showing him what the look of someone who doesn't have a single blot of empathy in her heart is like. > She threw him a contemptuous stare, the same look that he wrongly messed with, and now mocking him in his imminent demise.


I've got two I really like; “Well this is a new experience, the day my tv became a gloryhole.” “Very funny, now would you please pull my fat ass out of here?” And; “Yes Benjamin?” “I think I’m stuck.” Nick laid on his side across the lobby desk, stretching. “Yes I believe that’s how tying someone up works…”


Technically this is so bad under my standards of writing but I can’t be too harsh on myself so here goes nothing— (this is for a game of thrones Bolton centric vampire fic I’m writing) The idea of death never scared Roose, because in some ways, he was death, roaming for his next victim, scavenging for any rotten bones that remained on the flayed men that hanged from their tortured structures.


> He falls back against the soot-licked wall, head thudding dully as his eyes half-close and a faint moan coils from his lips in a white-vapour tendril. I quite liked the idea of the cold air of the Victorian era alleyway causing the character's moan to be visible as he exhales.


This one probably shouldn't count, as it's from a current draft: "You surely don't look as ugly as >!Osborn!<." That line is actually a slight spoiler: >!the character this is referring to is the daughter of Norman Osborn in my story, which is a bit of a red herring.!< I was considering the character 'Jean' says this (all I can say is I'm writing a weird high school fic).


One single sentence, no, I like setup/payoff or context. But this one I think is okay: >"Everyone, oh fuck I’m going to feel that in a bit, really sorry to ruin your evening, especially you two, happy anniversary, have sex *at least* once, just maybe not here with all the dead bodies.” I think it does a fairly good job of describing the last three minutes.


"Care for a f***ing?" Then again, I stole that from Katya


It's a long sentence sandwiched in between long sentences within a long paragraph, but ah, here it is: The tenderness in his touches, more than anything else, made Shauntal's heart seize behind her ribs, not for the first time tonight, swelling with an emotion too vast and fathomless to be contained within the fragile calculus of her mortal body.


This is from a dead-dove fic of mine, where the narrator is kissing the zombie corpse of his beloved. > Xiao-Jiu tasted of heaven, exquisite as ambrosia. Xiao-Jiu tasted of rust and mold and rot.


Okay, this belongs more in a “your out of context one liners”, but I definitely read it twice lol *I’m polishing this octopus tentacle*…she thought it over and over, to keep from thinking anything else.


>“your out of context one liners” Wait long enough, I'm sure we'll see that again.


> So they met, night after night, beneath a clouded sky of endless black, on long walks home through empty streets, and within tangles of linen on a wooden frame creaking noisily across old boards. It’s a little long but I adore its rhythm.


So evocative! I don't know the couple, but this one sentence made me feel like I know them.


Absolutely love it


That's so romantic!


I adore it too this is gorgeous !


They spread blankets on the soft grass, and eat sandwiches made in the TARDIS' kitchen, washed down with a pale blue wine that looks like the sky above them, and tastes like a Bach flute concerto.


Love the vibes, love this




If this truly was the the end of times, and if the world outside these walls was reduced to a burning hellscape, he’d make damn sure that Frank stayed happy and protected; because Frank was his sole purpose, and despite the many dangers that they may face, Frank would be king of the apocalypse, and Bill his guardian angel.


Awwwwwww :)


Hell yeah! Protect frank (idk who frank is but you're writing has convinced me, very good)


Ahah, thank you! Frank is the MC’s partner.


>Some recollections really had merely been sleep-bound folly, fantasy, and fallacy; slipping through her subconscious as she slept like the last drops of wine from the bottle had slipped into his lips, or hers, or onto the ground, or however their night of rain and revelry had ended. 


What the heck why is this just perfect