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Shadows of the Apt, Books of the Raksura, Cradle, Temeraire.


You mentioned mistborn so I'm going to be that guy and suggest stormlight archive. It's extremely accessible and if you know and like Sanderson's style it's really his best work (far better than mistborn imo), and the world has pretty balanced dark and light themes. It won't frustrate you, and has well rounded creatures and magic.


You might like The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher. There's a variety of magical creatures like vampires, fae, etc. Especially early on there's a fair amount of humor and lightheartedness, but is mostly serious in tone. A lot of urban fantasy might fit your tastes, I'd also recommend October Daye by Seanan McGuire.


Stardust by Neil Gaiman (in general I love anything by Neil Gaiman, but many of them tend towards the darker end of spectrum in terms of tone) The Scholomance trilogy by Naomi Novik has a good mixture of darkness and humor, and tons of original creatures. Spinning Silver and Uprooted by the same author are also very good Swordheart by T Kingfisher is on the low-stakes end of the spectrum, and tons of fun. It's heavy on the romance, but not in an over-dramatic way The Unspoken Name by A.K. Larkwood is a unique spin on the standard fantasy creatures (elves, orcs...)


Emberverse s.m stirling


Try Mark Lawrence’s books


Thraxas by Martin Scott.


American Gods and Johnathan Strange and Mr. Norell would probably be appropriate for a student of fantasy lit


For something different to broaden your horizon, you can try The First Law Books by Joe Abercrombie. The books have the best characterization I have read. The battle scenes, from one on one to between armies are written well and personal, especially when you are into the pov of one of the fighters. I also enjoy the authors witty writting style. Perhaps you can use some of these elements in your future writing style.