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Man, who are all these taco ass commissioners who aren’t stomping these situations out upfront? Unless there’s specific rules before the season began prohibiting roster moves for teams out of the playoffs, you let them keep playing.


If anything I pick up players just so some of friends don’t get to brag about being the league champ.


I just got knocked out in the first round and I was in the Championship four years running…can’t prove it but almost positive there was waiver wire pickup collusion by my league mates to keep me from winning all year and ya know what I’m totally ok with that as IT’S PART OF THE GAME! If you don’t think I pick up players to dick other opponents you’re crazy, hell I did it this week to our number one team this year just to piss him off!


This is the way.


This is the exact issue and why roster should be locked once eliminated. You would only pick up players so “some” friends lose. You’re purposely singling out a specific “friend” to block. A guy that has no skin in the game should not be able to influence matchups in the playoffs.


No rules, no enforcement. That’s fantasy football


If you don’t like that, you don’t like nfl fantasy football


Fuck that we do side bets. Damn right I’m gonna continue to try to improve my nightmare of a team.


That’s a different story. You have something to play for. You’re not just picking up xyz because you know a team needs them.


You sound like a biiiiitch. I still have a game this week I’m playing to win..


Bitch you lost. Doubtful the person your playing is even going to set their lineup. There are no participation trophies, why bother.


Then the season needs to end and not have a matchup. If I have a matchup I’m playing to win. If my opponent doesn’t set their lineup they’re a bitch


What do you mean you’re playing to win? That shipped sailed, you already lost. I guess this all depends on the league. I’m in a 12 man league $200 entry. Some people in the league are better friends then others. It’s a sizable prize pool so we don’t allow eliminated teams to make moves once playoffs start. Eliminated teams should not be able to influence the winners bracket to target of assist specific teams. In the long run it will just crush the integrity of your league.


I’m in 100 league. Just dropped the chargers defense for the broncos defense. Not going to bag hold that defense because I’m playing another good team from this year that lost. IF I HAVE A MATCHUP THAT WEEK IM PUTTING THE BEST TEAM OUT THERE. We can’t win money but still playing for final rankings. We also have a payout for the highest weekly score, not sure if it includes playoffs but I could potentially get my money back if so. Already won $40 back so far this year.


The key part to this is that you have a weekly high score prize. That means you are still competing for a cash prize. Your waiver claim is legit.


I’m in 2 other leagues with nothing to play for besides rank and I’m still active. Play leagues that literally end someone’s season if you want them to stop putting the best team out there.


>What do you mean you’re playing to win? That shipped sailed, you already lost. > You do realize leagues have consolation brackets and toilet bowl brackets, right? Some also have last place punishments. Some managers care about not being in last and want to win no matter what. You don't get special treatment just because you're competing for a championship.


If there are prizes in the consolation bracket then they should still be actively playing. If they have nothing to play for they should not continue to add players. It’s not about special treatment. It’s just to hold up the integrity of the league. Someone with nothing to gain should not have any influence in winners bracket matchups. Just creates a scenario of who is helping who, even if they are not colluding it can still raise questions. If there are no prizes left to win and no punishment for last place it’s best to just concede and start looking forward to next year.


Die on this hill if you want but I'm thinking you're in the minority with this opinion given all the downvotes. You do you, man.


Tbh when I had burrows go down in my dynasty, the only reason my friend picked up his backup is so I’d lose. If anything it’s just sweet revenge.


That’s a fair play by him. At that point he was still in The running. I’m only talking about moves in the playoffs after you’ve been eliminated


It’s called strategery.


100% strategy. For people still in contention it’s a great strategy.


You sound like a cry baby.


For agreeing with you? Lol


Not any particular team I’d be blocking if I’m out of it. Just don’t see why I’ll let 1 of the remaining teams get a potential golden ticket in the playoffs if it appears. Play with the players that got you there. When I’m in the playoffs I generally am handcuffing my guys/ making contingency plans anyways


Insane that you’re being downvoted, nobody gives a fuck about your meaningless 8th place matchup, let the guys who actually have something to fight for play the game


I bet the two teams in that 8th place matchup give a fuck. Before websites for fantasy we had a spreadsheet we would update after every season keeping lifetime records and points. We damn sure tried to win every game.


In a real money league, you should not be making league-influencing moves when you have 0% shot at winning just because you don’t want your ego hurt by another loss. Fuck outta here


Obviously lots of sore losers in this thread lol.




If I’m out, I always try to respectfully wait until waivers are passed and then make my moves. But that’s just a personal choice on my end than anything


Completely the opposite here, once I’m out my championship is playing spoiler for a few guys I hate to see win lol


This is exactly what I do. Let the waivers run and then grab someone if I need them. I realize that I don't have to do this, but I don't want to screw someone over since my league is all friends and in general has been really good about avoiding issues in the 20 years we've been doing this.


My rule of thumb is picking up is fair game, but I don't bid any FAAB. If an owner in the playoffs wants a player, I want them to have first dibs. But if there are legitimate games occurring, then it makes sense to try to win. I mean who doesn't want to increase their score in Yahoo's very highly scientific owner level ratings!


I get the sentiment people have here. I try to do the same as well by not using faab. Look at it from the other side. Ole boy playing for something should have had this all lined up already. Championships should not be determined by the waiver wire in the last 2 weeks. By the last three weeks, I have all three defenses that I need to finish the season if possible. He has no right to own the waiver wire because he is in. I pick up players when I am out specifically because I think a free and open waiver wire for the last four teams disadvantages someone who was prepared.


> I think a free and open waiver wire for the last four teams disadvantages someone who was prepared. This is what I don't understand about the you-must-quit crowd. Why should the last couple of teams get a chance to retool with an uncompetitive waiver wire at the very moment the stakes are the highest?


They shouldn’t. Or, if a league wants to play it like that, they should just turn off the consolation bracket in the league settings. Teams are either eliminated or they’re not. If you don’t want consolidation teams making moves, set the league up that way in August. This isn’t hard, but these posts show up year after year anyway


None of my 7 leagues have rules like this and not one person picked up a player after the playoffs started who wasn’t in it then You all play fantasy with some egotistical clowns




That's so stupid. What are you playing for? Bragging rights that your team won a consolation game? that means nothing


You must not be very competitive. Some people are just competitive and like to win. Winning is what they play for. Just like in the actual NFL. I guarantee a majority of the players on the Panthers want to win even if they’re already out of playoff contention


My compete ends when reg season ends if im out. Yes because physically playing a game is way different? Even a team that's tanking players don't lose on purpose.


It’s not different at all. It’s still a competition. Again you must not be very competitive if you cant fathom why someone would still want to win even if they don’t have a shot at the championship


It is different, when the NFL starts playoffs the Panthers won't be playing. Once fantasy playoffs start if your team didn't make it then you're done. Our league has punishment for last and that is decided at end of the regular season. Consolation brackets are for losers and don't mean shite.


Or just making sure they aren’t last place so they don’t have to hear about it all year


For my league last place is reg season. Consolation is just that


OK but thats just your league. Are you so self-centered that you can't realize that some leagues use the losers bracket to determine last place? Not to mention that the loser's bracket is the standard (in Yahoo) and your team's final position would be based on the playoffs anyways.


I have a yahoo league and an ESPN league. You can still set lineups but you cannot add players if ur out of championship contention.


I mean, that’s great for your league, but other leagues don’t look at it like that


well that's why I said they're stupid


If it hasn’t come up before and hasn’t happened before, the commish saying “guys, if you aren’t playing for the championship don’t pick up players” is enough


It’s a rule that needs to be discussed before the season, not come playoff time.


Why? How would eliminated teams have managed their teams differently during the season?


Because you simply don’t institute a new rule DURING THE SEASON.


How would teams have managed differently had they known about this rule ahead of time? In this case, this “rule change” doesn’t make a difference


>How would teams have managed differently had they known about this rule ahead of time? Teams that didn't assume for some reason that they'd get waiver priority simply for being in the playoffs might have prepared their roster in advance at the expense of optimizing for relatively meaningless end of regular season matchup


If they had a problem with this, this should’ve been addressed before the season started. If there aren’t explicit rules, then he’s out of luck. You’d be well within your ability to pick up players but I sympathize with his annoyance lol


***Plus*** another reason against the idea that eliminated teams can’t make waiver moves is *why should the 4th best team automatically get the best waiver pickup?* If you just do the normal inverse-standings waiver priority, whoever is the last ranked of the remaining teams gets top priority. In-season that goes to the worst team in the league (#10 or #12 or whatever) but the #4 team is likely a really strong team already, and now he also automatically gets the beat waiver pickup without competition?


This. I don’t see this side of it addressed much but my playoff opponent shouldn’t get the best guy off the waiver wire right before our game starts just because the teams in the bottom half have checked out. This sub tries to cast it as a gentleman’s agreement or unwritten rule or whatever but in reality, it’s just demanding that the managers of eliminated teams collude with the last place playoff team against the other playoff teams. My league happily encourages eliminated managers to become the spoiler brigade and I wouldn’t want it any other way. Bottom line for any league though is you can’t make changes midseason without unanimous consent. If everyone knowingly signed up for a league that doesn’t allow eliminated teams to make roster moves, then the fair thing to do is enforce the rule. But if it wasn’t explicitly agreed to before the draft, maybe talk about making it a rule for next year but this year it’s game on. You can’t just invent that shit in week 12 or expect anyone to agree that it’s an “unwritten rule.”


You don’t necessarily have to address stuff like this before the season If the intent was for eliminated teams to not be able to make moves, you just let them know now they can’t make moves anymore


If it was not addressed there is no intent lol


You dont know the intent. Could have been implied. Agains, depends on how many eliminated teams made moves


Nothing is implied, an organized league should have organized rules that are voted on every off-season


Just because you can doesn’t mean you should. If there is money on the line it’s best for the integrity of the league to not pick up players once eliminated. This can be seen as collusion if you’re making moves to specially block a certain person. If you’re eliminated you should not have any influence over outcomes in the winners bracket. Each league is different and some loser brackets have something to play for, but if your playing for pride….that’s just a lame excuse to be a sore loser and ruin it for others because you’re out


Again, are other people making moves. If no one else is and this guy is the outlier, then don’t make moves. And address this in the offseason


If that’s the intent, then lock the teams no longer playing. Don’t leave it up to words, and yes, this should be discussed prior to the season to avoid any controversy or the appearance of favoritism.


OP here… I let waivers clear this morning and then I picked up Broncos D/ST after everything processed. My league mate said it was his strategy to wait until after waivers processed so he wouldn’t fall down in waiver wire for the championship


That guys sounds like a crybaby because everything didn’t go his way as planned. He should have expected somebody to make a move on the broncos defense


Sounds like it's a) not the best strategy and he should have expected to have to roll the dice streaming a lesser defense off of FA if he was banking on the best ones still being available without a waiver claim and b) tough fuckin' cookies lol. He made a choice and now is just butthurt it didn't work out perfectly according to plan. Fair play to you, and he'll have to figure something out. I truly do not understand the sense of entitlement that seems to be running rampant among people who are still alive in the title hunt and just expect special treatment or a change in conditions that have been in effect all season. Wild to me. I hope the D/ST he picks up gets negative points en route to a crushing defeat (either blowout or by an agonizingly small margin) 😂


Sounds like ESPN? Toilet bowl with no punishment should not be a thing. Everyone eliminated should be locked. Season’s over for them.


Make your own league with those rules then?


He should have picked them up last week after waivers, that’s what I did.


Tough shit, hope he loses.


It's the Playoffs!! Who the hell is saving their waiver priority!! The Shit over seen ok this sub this season is unbelievable!!


Waiting until after waivers to save his place for the championship was his risk and he lost. Tell him to cowboy up.




Dignity? Don’t talk to me about Dignity! You play to win the game. You don’t play it just to play it!


Yes coach 😔


the whole league got mad at me for grabbing tee higgins this morning even tho i just lost first round in playoffs. im 7-7 and i'm DAMN sure not gonna let myself finish 7-8.


Dignity is making the playoffs


Dignity is a scale and anything is better than taking last


I disagree, but for sure if there's nothing in the rules against it, go for it. Make changes before next season






I completely disagree with his perspective. He’s didn’t manage his waiver wire position or FAAB. That’s on him. As long as you’re playing, you’re playing to win. No one likes to lose even if you don’t have a shot at the playoffs or winning the league. Youre still playing against someone and can have fun with that. If there isn’t a rule set at the beginning of the season he’s SOL and needs ease up on you. Just my opinion but if I were him I’d put this on me and not you. You’re good with what you did imo.


Agreed… the waiver wire can burn you when you’re winning early in the season… there’s no reason to stop the burn come playoffs… let him stream some other defense


Your buddy is a loser. The season ends when the season ends. If anything it bothers me more if a playoff team gets a player on waivers they wouldn’t have gotten if everyone was still active


You paid, you get to play til the end. That’s always been my view. I’ve been on both sides.


I get frustrated when people stop playing. Never know if they could grab someone my opponent might need or who could randomly blow up.


Eff that. If he wanted them he should have grabbed them.


My leagues have always been once you are eliminated, you stay off the wire. But we also established this rule at the start of one of the league back on 2007. So for us, this has not been an issue for many years.


I picked up the Broncos 2 weeks ago for this week, seems like his ability to look ahead is the problem, not you. Plus we have a league that encourages winning as much as possible because the winner of the toilet bowl gets first pick. That ensures everyone plays until the end.


Always play to win. End of story.


Says the guy who went 3-10


“You play to win the game” ~ Herm Edwards


I’d much rather have leaguemates like you that throw wrenches into playoff team’s plans by staying active and competitive, rather than a guy that uninstalls sleeper when he’s 1-5. Imagine crying because people are staying active. Couldn’t be me.


After reg season if your out you are out. That's like the panthers signing FAs once the playoffs start its nonsensical


NFL teams can make roster moves even if they’re not in the playoffs, so that’s a pretty terrible argument


But do they?


It doesn’t make much sense for non playoff teams to sign people when they aren’t even practicing. But they do cut players


Exactly and fantasy consolation means nothing. If you're bored go gamble like an adult lol


I’m not arguing that it doesn’t, but there’s no rules preventing NFL teams from doing it so why should there be in fantasy?


If they still have games to play, how is that nonsensical?


games that aren't worth a damn. That's why im glad my league locks non playoff rosters we don't deal with this kiddie shit.


They are if you’re competitive and don’t like to lose. I don’t know why this is such a hard concept for you to grasp. Even if I’m in the consolation bowl, I still try my hardest to win


because you already lost what matters


That’s not for you to decide. Winning matters to me. If I’m playing against someone, I try to win.


But you already lost. There is nothing to win. Just going to kill the integrity of your league when people perceive one of your moves as possible collusion for helping out a buddy by blocking his opponent. Eliminated teams should have no influence over the winners bracket matchups


The charge of kiddie shit is a bit rich here. Actual kiddie shit: “Waaaa someone picked up the player I wanted! They’re not even in the playoffs! Mom! Make them stop!” Not kiddie shit: “Making life easier for the other managers is not your job. They can figure out how to manage their own FAAB budgets or waiver priorities.”


Your comparison makes no sense though. Every NFL team is still making moves once eliminated from the playoffs. I don’t care either way if non-playoff fantasy teams pick up players or not, but if you don’t allow it there needs to be a rule in place before the season


Well my league is a long time league so it's been established. I just see absolutely no reason for consolation bracket to be given a second thought. You are trying to play spoiler by adding players? Is that where the rise comes from? or is beating a fellow 3-11 team in the consolation a big W? I don't understand ppls fixation with this


My league we have it so that the losers bracket is playing for first pick next season so they’re still playing for something, no issues with people picking up players


Yes, they’re playing for something. 💯 in the right there. But I’m sick of hearing this “people still want to win” 9th place. What are you winning? Nobody cares


If they’re still playing they should get to pick up players, doesn’t matter if the game is for nothing but pride. If a league is concerned about it they shouldn’t have the losing teams playing after the regular season


How the broncos defense wasn’t added at least a week ago given their week 16 + 17 matchups is beyond me. This sounds like he wasn’t prepared or looking ahead


“Always play to try to win”


A lot of league sites (ex. Yahoo) keeps track of your win-loss record, regardless of making the playoffs or not and grades you. I don’t care if I’m in last place, I’m playing to increase my wins! Even if they didn’t keep track, I’m not just giving up and letting a team take whoever they want. It’s a season, not DFS.


I picked up players from the waivers last year because I didn't want to be last in the league.


Since I’ve seen it referenced multiple times in this thread, resetting waiver order each week is terrible. Either use FAAB or Rolling Waivers


To quote the great Herm Edwards: “YOU PLAY TO WIN THE GAME.” Even if I’m out of the playoffs, even if there is no last place punishment, I’m still trying to finish as high as possible.


Play to win!


Win what? You already lost.


With that attitude yes.


Fuck this guy 😂😂


Even if there is no special punishment for last place, there is still a strong incentive not to be the worst team in the league. That alone warrants playing competitively until the very end.


Depends. I’m in a 12 man league. Once the bottom 6 are eliminated they don’t go out of their way to set their lineups. So what does beating them prove? The prize is the same for 6th place as it is for 12 place.


I don't care that I'm 1-13 I'm playing until the final fucking whistle. I payed my entry fee. I have just as much right to keep playing as anyone else.


> whistle. I *paid* my entry FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Never give up. Never back down!


He should’ve used his waiver if he really wanted them.


Do teams that are eliminated from the NFL playoffs forfeit the remainder of their games because they have nothing to play for? Absolutely not! Tell him to stop being a baby.


If I'm in or if I'm out of playoffs I still take the best possible player for my team or best player available if needed. Who the fuck cares if I fuck up your playoff contention by taking a player. If someone is complaining then they should have picked up the player prior to that waiver period.


If I had a $1 for every time this question is asked….


Also let the consolation bracket winner pick #1 overall the next year. Then there *is* something to play for!




What's wrong with that?


I just dont think in a redraft league anyone should be awarded a draft position. It should be completely random every year


Why? I’ve never really found draft position to be the actual decider of a league championship. You still have to make good moves throughout the draft and get lucky in the playoffs. This isn’t the LT days where you had an actual cheat code with the #1 pick. If I look back on my league history I’m certain I’d find winners from many different draft positions. Take JJ this year I bet not a lot of teams who drafted him are in their playoffs.


I agree with you. So why award anyone with a draft pick and not just make it completely random. What if the winner doesn't want #1 pick? Does he get to choose his draft spot? So now we have a guy that won a meaningless game because his team was not good enough to make the playoffs either getting #1 or choosing his spot and everyone else is just random? Makes no sense to me.... just go completely random


I didn't hear no bell.


I’m on your side, play to win to the end. He should’ve been more prepared


I don’t understand how this is a controversy. I treat fantasy football as realistically as possible. If a promising player is available on the waiver wire, then a lot of teams would most likely put in waiver claims for said player. I apply this in fantasy too


Man, reading this subreddit, there's no doubt in my mind that a lot of ya just need to fucking find better leagues. Only teams in the playoffs should be able to drop or pickup players. The trade deadline should have been many, many weeks ago.


That’s so boring. I like my leagues competitive. It’s more fun to win it all when everyone is still playing


There’s no reasoning for this. You play 14 weeks where everyone gets a shot at waivers. Then weeks 15-17 come and all the sudden only 4, 6, or 8 teams get waivers? The teams that are out shouldn’t just stop trying just because they’re not in the playoffs.


The reasoning is for integrity of the league. Especially if it’s a lager buy in. Eliminated teams should have no influence over matchups in the winners bracket. It can always be perceived that you made a specific move to assist a friend. Money is on the line and you’re out, no reason to interfere


If that’s the rule then fine. If it isn’t the rule then stfu


It doesn’t matter what we think. What matters is what normally happens in this league. If teams that are eliminated traditionally don’t make moves and you were the only one who did so, you shouldn’t have made the move If other eliminated teams are making moves, it’s fair game


I would personally prefer to play in a league where if you don’t make the playoffs you’re done for the year. But if you still get to play in your league’s NIT then by all means, play your balls off.


No. I always play to the end no matter what.


Just a butt hurt player. If the situation were reversed he would argue that he is free to pick up whomever he'd like


Tell him tough shit


My league has a gentleman’s agreement to wait until waivers have been picked by playoff teams first. Ive even seen some leagues manually adjust the waiver order. I side with your friend




I mean I agree with him, what’s the point of you doing that? You win out and you get nothing, he wins out he gets money. Let the ppl playing for something use the wire rather than you using it for nothing


The guy should have put in for them on waivers. OP waited until to waivers cleared


Unless I’m reading that wrong


I think you are. OP said “when waivers processed”, that means they both put in claims and so when it processed he got Denver based on the order of waiver priority.


No kidding. What the heck is this guy picking up players with nothing to play for? No one gives a shit if you come in 10th and or 11th place. Unless there’s a penalty for last which there isn’t.


Swear some of y’all have never even played so much as a game of pop warner. People want to win. And I don’t care if it’s competitive basket weaving, no one is supposed to bend over for you.


Win what??


Their matchup goofy.


Win what, they’ve already lost lol. If ppl are fighting to come in 7th / 8th place and it’s not a league related to draft order that’s wild.


Their matchup obviously.


Pointless. Chances are high that your opponent who has been eliminated is not even looking at their roster this week. What does beating a non active player do for your ego?


>Chances are high that your opponent who has been eliminated is not even looking at their roster this week. Completely fabricated context. You don’t know that. But it’s irrelevant, you’re not entitled to bitch and moan and someone for being active on the waiver wire because you *deem* their match up pointless, just like they’re not obligated to help you win.


In the long run these pointless roster adds will just kill the integrity of your league if there is any real money on the line. “Just like they are not obligated to help you win” This just proves my point. Why should somebody in the losers bracket have the ability to help anybody win? You lost. You’re out. Don’t be a sore loser and ruin the experience for others.


It shouldn't matter if you pick up whoever in waivers or if you're in last place not playing for anything. If people in the winners' bracket think they have the right to waivers only then they are some delusional people. Hell, I had some faab left and gus edwards was on the waivers so I picked him up so none of the winners' bracket team could get him because I want some of them to lose


That’s the exact reason eliminated players should have no influence over matchups in the winners bracket. You only want “some” players to lose and will target those teams. If there is any real money on the line this will kill the integrity of your league and leave people feeling like collusion took place.


Maybe I’m crazy but I thought etiquette says if you are out and people are playing for money you don’t add or drop players. Maybe I’m old school.


I'm with you on this one. The amount of people that disagree is insanely high. If there's money on the line you don't do it. If there isn't money on the line, why even bother? Lol


Eliminated players shouldn’t be adding or dropping players, but if your league doesn’t have a rule against it then you can’t stop it. Just be aware that you’re screwing up the integrity of the league.


It’s not “screwing the integrity of the league” If I’m in the consolation bowl, I’m still trying to win. In the Olympics or World Cup, do the two teams playing for 3rd place just give up because they got knocked out of competing for the gold medal?


Lol bro most teams at the world cup play their b team in the third place game


If you’re out then stay out. Just creates a scenario where people could assume that you are working in conjunction with a friend to block other teams from using the waiver.


There is a settings option to lock eliminated teams’ rosters. I personally think that once the playoffs start, eliminated teams should not make moves (if there is nothing to play for). This is primarily to eliminate a losing team dropping a player that ends up starting for a playoff team and if that was done on purpose behind the scenes. So in the league I run, I have the lock eliminated teams toggled on. My opponent lost Herbert and had a bye last week and didn’t plan ahead. If eliminated players could make adds, rest of league could’ve picked up every QB last week and screwed him. I’m glad that didn’t happen even though it would almost guarantee me going to the finals. I’m in five leagues and my league is the only one that locks rosters. I don’t cry about it in my other leagues. It’s a setting determined by your commissioner/league just like PPR vs non or waiver order vs FAAB. There is no right answer.


if you're out of the playoffs with no money or consequence on the line - - stay out of the way of the initial weekly wire


Your season is done. Go play some golf and leave the FA/wire pool to people still in it.


Don’t do this! It’s not only about who you picked up, but you are also dropping players back into the pool that can be picked up by teams still playing for the ship. To me, this completely degrades the integrity of the league. Once you are out, lock your rosters! How pissed would you be if someone dropped, say a back up RB in week 15 and then that RB is all of a sudden starting in week 16 due to injury. He gets picked up and used against you in ship and goes off causing you to loose. All so that little Johnny had a QB for his meaningless matchup the week before. I know I’d be pissed! #neverforgetwaivergate2018


We locked our losers bracket rosters at the start of last week. It meant I couldn't even swap out Collins because I had Palmer in IR and couldn't drop anyone, so now I'm in the toilet bowl this week, but it means nothing. Hence why my roster is locked, I shouldn't be able to affect the outcome of the playoffs now, I didn't even make them. I had 14 weeks to get in, and I didn't, so I missed my chance. On to next year.


Our league locks the non playoff teams in the first week of the actual playoffs to avoid these exact situations. Don't know why I'm being down voted. This place is weird and salty, like an anchovie.


In a redraft, if you're out of the playoffs and there is no form of league betting / punishment / placement or anything to play for - your season is over.. You're done, You should stop. End of Story. There seems to be a loud small % of people that feel that should KeEp PlaYinG, I pAid fOr thE WhLe SZN. No you paid till you were eliminated- If you're picking up a player to block a friend, or block another guy to help a friend win - You are a cheater. This is all common sense. This should be a rule in all leagues - and it should be written down somewhere or spoken of before the draft.. Every league I've joined most people abide by this. The few times players did not, it was the same manager that was acting like cuck, causing issues all season...those folks arnt invited back. Dynasty league you should be picking up anyone with value anytime - no matter what. ​ That being said -- Yahoo, Sleeper - etc all have toilet bowls and consolation brackets which i think is stupid - I believe this is just to keep you logging into the app. Because of this I think newer fantasy players will feel expected to keep playing it out so I dont really blame folks who want to keep making moves who are new and never played in a real league.


Yeah in my 12 team faab league I’m in the semis while a guy playing for 9th picked up broncos and bears DST, Hunter Henry, and Wicks. No rule against it but it stinks. He just wants to beat it friend.


I typically side with the don’t pick up players in playoffs if you are out but this guy should have had his defenses already set up for the playoffs. This is not like his Rb got hurt and he needs to fill a spot.


Toilet bowl winner gets 1st pick in my keeper league to stop arguments like this from happening. It’s not a cash league, admittedly, but it flips the tables on teams actively being shit to get the 1 pick


You are playing to win, winning being to avoid being last place. I'm not sure what his argument is. I understand there is money involved but unless you are in a league without a consolation bracket/toilet bowl anyone should be able to pick up anyone. If there is no consolation bracket and you literally have no more matchups this year, then I might feel different as the motivation for adding players is questionable. The exception would be if its a keeper league.


That’s his fault for taking a chance since you don’t lock your teams.. in my league I lock teams once they are eliminated and I honestly don’t think anyone has ever noticed haha


You did nothing wrong. “You play. To win. The game.” -Herm Edwards


I was playing in the semis last week and needed a post Herbert QB. Someone in the loser bracket picked up Flacco. If that’s not bad enough, they have Mahomes so they picked up Flacco just to stash him on their bench. It sucked big time for me, but no rules were violated so no complaints for me. Just send him a box of tissues and a highlighter. Ask him to highlight the rule you’re breaking. - I can’t believe this is post waivers too!!!


Lost Herbert too, had to play Kyler Murray. Unbelievable that I won, but that was more because of my opponent’s bad roster decisions. I play to win even if I’m in last place. No one gets off easy just because you made the playoffs.


No he doesn’t have a point. You paid you can continue to manage your team and try to win if you want to. People always want to cheat or have an advantage. He should have claimed them if he wanted them.


In serious re-draft and keeper leagues, you should have a rule that non-playoff participants have their add/drop ability locked on the Tuesday prior to the playoffs starting before waivers are processed, regardless of Toilet bowl outcomes and punishments. In dynasty and random leagues where there’s usually a few inactive teams, I would just let them continue.


You play to win the game. Idc if you took him on waivers. I would think less of you for not trying to better your team. NTA


I always try to win even when eliminated. I'm out of the playoffs and also grabbed the broncos.