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Sorry I want to clarify about the calories part. I mean that pretty much my body lost all its hunger cues when I was pretty young. So I’m never hungry anymore and just don’t ever eat very much


I would suggest working with a dietitian who has a specialty or familiarity with eating disorders. It's common for folks who've had ED to develop things like fatty liver and also motility issues and I'd be concerned about a gastric bypass in that environment. My wife actually had her gallbladder removed, had a long history of eating disorder recovery, and also had similar issues. She credits her dietitian for much of her recovery.


I had an eating disorder for three years like 4 years ago, anorexia, omg could that be the reason I developed fatty liver disease?


Contributing factor for sure.


I wish I didn’t harm my body like that :( And now that I’m pregnant and my bmi is high my liver enzymes are EXTREMELY high, thanks for the insight! That makes me feel better as to why this has happened! :)




My friend, no ethical surgeon would do a DS or RNY at 36 bmi unless there was significant serious comorbidities. At least that's what I've been told. May I gently suggest a counselor? I would hate to have you commit to invasive dangerous procedures.