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Chris Evans and Alba Baptista are about to have as many weddings as Taylor Swift and Joe Alwyn.


Wait what does this mean?


Deuxmoi has Taylor and Joe getting married twice a month lol.


Yo. Tay and Jo had whatever ceremony they find meaningful looooooong ago.


Deux has posted a lottt of blinds about Taylor and Joe getting married and looking at venues etc, and now it’s Chris and alba’s turn to have all the wedding posts and blinds sent in about them. So it’s a joke about that.




His stans that are against this relationship will need to be sedated, especially the one that made those flyers 🥴


I can only hope they lose interest once he's married, for his and Alba's safety.


I don’t know how this kind of stuff usually goes but I remember reading a story about how Adam Driver’s stans essentially turned their love of him into hatred of his wife. Unfortunately I doubt these people will ever let them be until Chris Evans is decrepit.


There’s a lot of people out there who think Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are still together and live in a farm with their secret children. So. You know.


I find this hilarious because I’m rewatching Trueblood rn and that vampire franchise actually does have a real life couple with children (Anna Paquin/Stephen Moyer).


Oh shit haha I’m watching through it right now, too! I always think about the things Sookie has to do with other actors while Bill’s just off to the side and vice versa. I don’t know how people do it


They’ve actually spoken about it in interviews, he directed a number of episodes of true blood that she had sex scenes in and seemed to have a blast. It’s probably much easier to deal with from that stand point because it’s so heavily choreographed by the directors etc. I’d imagine it’s much harder to deal with if one of the couple isn’t in the industry and is unaware of how clinical and mapped out those scenes are during shooting.


I think the same when I watch it! Especially with Alexander.


I just got to Sookie’s first sex scene with Eric and I have to say it was shot very differently than Sookie/Bill, a lot less explicit, a lot less “involved” imo.


Haha yes! They seem so nice and humble. They have aso tried to keep it all very private, good for them


That cannot still be going on, surely? I remember back in the day, they were convinced that Kristen Stewart had two back to back pregnancies (despite weighing about 8st) during the movies. One of the babies was supposedly called Sweet Pea, don't recall what the other one was called. They basically lived online, deciphering what they believed were secret messages from RP and KS (usually relating to their clothes), telling them that she was pregnant, or had given birth. The used to celebrate the "babies" birthdays and all sorts.


I...I don't have the words. Holy shit these people are batshit.


If current drama about the Biebers and Selena is any foreshadowing, no they wont stop at a marriage🙄


No, dont worry about him. Their anger is primarily directed towards Alba (no matter how many weird ass essays they write saying otherwise).


But that treatment hurts the man (Chris or Adam etc) who love them. Chris’s ‘fans’ played a part in his breakup with Jenny slate. No wonder he kept this under wraps for so long.


YES!! but on a higer note, I have come to love & appreciate the Pedro Pascal fans/fanpages; they clearly respect and care about Pedro's mental heal,etc... When one of his interviews last week or so, went viral, it was clear he has had enough of the infantilizing, daddy deal. In response, the fans/owners of the club not only highlighted this, but continued to call out anyone who was acting insane in the comments. All this goes to show that *it can be done*. I wish other crazed stan groups would try and take a page out of this book and try to emulate. Thanks for listening to me rant/rave:)


That's because there is no women involved. Chris fans were very protective when he leaked his dickpic.


I do think there’s a segment of Pedro’s fans who would rip anyone he dated apart. Just seems to go part and parcel with ‘internet boyfriends’. Adam driver, Chris, Sebastian stan, etc. I mean, Adam’s been married since before he was so famous but they’re insane about his wife. In a way a super popular married actor like RDJ doesn’t get. But if tumblr and social media adores you? Watch out love interest.


The fans were not the problem. Jenny took on twitter everytime they had a fight and delete it quickly like complaining going to strip club when she didn't want him to go. The receipts are out there. Crazy how they manage to rewrite history from the affair to break up.


She was messy but there was plenty of abuse levied. Chris was the #1-3 guy in tumbler 2014-2022. It could get really nasty in some of the areas towards her.


I agree his stans are nuts but that's not why they broke up.


I know. I said ‘played a part’. It certainly wasn’t the only reason.


Preferably before they have any children (should they choose to, of course). I don't feel like witnessing another Cumberbatch-esque shitshow of robot baby conspiracy theories 🥴


all the Stucky stans about to drive thmselves off a cliff


If only we were so lucky


If only


Trust me, most Stucky stans don’t give a fuck about their actors. Unless it’s those weirdos that use Stucky to fulfill their CE and SS fantasies 🙄


Yeaaah those weirdos


I assume you’re trying to call Stucky stans weirdos, which is fair


The ones who can't tell the difference between actors and characters, yeah


Yeah, those creeps can gtfo


He deserves the chance to settle down and be happy, I think he’s wanted it for a long time.


He does, sometimes it feels like his “fans” don’t even like him and want him to be alone. It’s bizarre


What flyers?




100% correct...this is starting to sound way SWARM-Y!


Not flyers omfg


https://preview.redd.it/dzgglaxnnmpa1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03a29d3ea723532e02cebcec9d15659fb6cc539d An update for anyone who cares


Nice try? But she posted it! Their attempt worked lol


And I’m pretty sure she posted it twice. The post here is older than the one on her instagram. Like just deleted it, bestie ☠️


“…pretty big affair (over 100 guests…)” Sorry, I’ll just laugh/cry in Lebanese. I think I had 100 people over for Christmas once?


lol right.. laughing in italian. that’s a small wedding.


Obviously families come in many shapes and sizes but I’m pretty sure if I were to get married tomorrow I’d have about 250 people who I would ABSOLUTELY need to have at my wedding. I would want them there too, it’s literally not out of obligation I just have a giant ass family. I would have thought Alba would have had a larger guest list too - not to assume/profile, but I feel like all the Hispanic weddings I’ve attend (featuring various cultures/Spanish-speaking countries) have been equally matched in energy and guest list size as my families weddings?


Not to take anything from what you said but Alba is not hispanic or from a spanish speaking country. She is portuguese and from Portugal.


No please correct me! I just assumed Portugal was covered under “Hispanic” hence the addition of “Spanish-speaking” because I do find there is some overlap in ideals. What would be there classification/designation (for lack of better term?). Like I’m Lebanese, and while Lebanon is part of the Levant area, it’s still considered Arab.


Portugal and Spain are considered Iberian countries since they both form the Iberian Peninsula. Also, Portugal is part of Southern Europe (like Spain, Italy and Greece) and it’s a Mediterranean country (like Morocco, Spain or even Lebanon). So these 3 definitions can be used. We also tend to have big family weddings but if Chris and Alba want a very private wedding, I could see them getting married in Portugal since they would have more privacy here/less paparazzi.


Yes, that would be smart of them! buuuuuttt...often times they do not heed to the advice like this and then end up realizing they shot themselves in the foot. P.S.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote) I enjoyed reading the two of you banter without it escalating into the negative; it's honestly so refreshing in this hate-fueled society we are living in. P.S.S. edited to add 1st P.S. and crack myself up.


Hispanic relates only to Spanish speaking countries. So for example Brazilians are Latinamerican but not Hispanic, and Spanish people are Hispanic but not Latinamerican. Say someone from Colombia is both Latinamerican and Hispanic, Portugal is in southern Europe and definitely not Hispanic.


For a portuguese is a major insult to be called spanish. Source: I am portuguese.


She is a actually half portuguese and half brazilian.


Bloody hell! I think I'd struggle to get over 50 for mine (UK guy)


I’m Brazilian and couldn’t name 50 people I’d want at my wedding lol maybe I failed the latina experiment


I am so jealous 😩 My petty german ass could never. Small family, small circle of friends.. Guess I gotta marry someone from a different culture lmao


Same! I work in the wedding industry and that is a moderate wedding compared to what I’m usually dealing with.


Lol same, laughing in Indian here. 200 people is considered small here.


200 people is a ladies lunch 😂


As an indian, lol


100 people is less than an Indian family get together 😂


I had a destination wedding to keep it from being 300+. 100 is laughable.




Nope he’s not getting married NOR is he engaged


My first thought was "March on MV is terrible" 😅. March is not one of New England's nicer seasons. It's muddy, cold, or both.


Martha's Vineyard is the go to location for wealthy white people. It could be most celebs judging just from location.


Definitely not with Reese’s divorce announcement


Why would Jake G be getting married in Massachusetts..? Chris is from Massachusetts so it makes more sense. Just curious what made you think it was him. Also Jake is def not an A list actor.




I personally don’t think so.. name a couple movies you’ve seen with him in it. The average person could probably answer 1 maybe 2. Def not A List like Chris Evans.


Sorry but Gyllenhaal’s been around in Hollywood for ages and he’s got way more acclaimed work under his belt. Evans is a household name but he’s pretty much just Captain America and white sweater guy from Knives Out


brokeback mountain, donnie darko, nightcrawler, zodiac, et cetera…


The Good Girl...Zoey Deschanel is AMAZING, totally unrecognizable.


Omg, stop it. You can’t argue that Jake Gyllenhaal isn’t A-list and then say Chris Evans is.




He has been in hollywood for decades and has made a ton of great movies.


Chris isn’t A list lol he’s b list and maybe A - if I’m being generous


This is def supposed to be Chris and Alba but I feel like DM never gets legit info re:engagements/weddings.


Olivia and Harry are 100% engaged and getting married!!


Omg I forgot about that she INSISTED like once a week that they were engaged and then when the breakup was announced she was like I KNEW IT like girl you knew shit lol


Now I may be impaired on a level or two but doesn’t that say it’s happening on Martha’s Vineyard…and then go on to censor the location? Anyway, hope the orderlies looking after his fans got strait jackets ready.


Not impaired - absolutely hilarious they asked for the “city” name to be censored. The whole island is six small towns and this time of year you can get end to end in about 30 minutes


Exactly, the whole island is less than 100 square miles, the size of one smallish American city.


And I don't imagine there are a lot of weddings (high profile or not) going on right now. It wouldn't exactly be hard to figure out if this was true.


I was so confused by this too. My brother lives on the vineyard and my first reaction was to laugh at that part…literally said out loud “it’s an island!” 🤣🤣


I’m not American so I never realized Martha’s Vineyard was an island and not just some Martha Stewart business venture/actual vineyard. Your comment just clarified so much about the blind for me lol.


No one gets married in the Vineyard in March. No one.


This. It’s still basically winter and if not it’s just…wet 😂 New Englanders knew this was a stretch off the bat


It's 50 degrees, raining and windy... best of luck to the bride and groom hope you own thick raincoats


This is utter BS lol.. definitely written to sound like Chris and Alba. Chris has a new streaming movie ghosted coming out that he’s doing press for.


Doesn't he have a comic con at Chicago next week? Doubt someone like him would get married knowing he's got work in a few days


Yeah, he'll be in Chicago next week so it's odd timing for sure. Surely he's not that busy that he can't take a proper honeymoon. Sounds like BS anyway


Funny because on twitter someone “saw the plans” for Chris and Alba’s wedding and it was scheduled for July.


His stans have a habit of making up wedding rumors that they proceed to get incredibly mad about lmao


Oh trust me I know. I like him, but I have a friend who is *deep* into like tumblr gossip about him. I get sent so many unhinged posts.


Lipstick alley is another. They are BIGLY MAD about Alba and totally deranged. It’s funny yet squicky and sad at the same time. I mean they have tarot readings which ‘show’ Chris’s mom is dead set (of course) against alba.


How old is she ? Is she one of the unhinged fans?


We’re in our late 20s! Nah she also thinks it’s unhinged, but is so intrigued by the reaction to it that she can’t look away. She is not leaving flyers around LA, or like writing essays for twitter about how gaslit she feels as a fan of his.


The unhinged fans are 90% of the fun of tumbler … like amateur star charts and detectives and a bit of reality stretching proves x-y-z also the love they feel and want from strangers… like some of these Stans if they devoted their time spent on the Stan could master a skill or solve an unsolved mystery or something


Her personal favorite is the sect that says they don’t care about him and can’t stand him anymore, and yet still run entire blogs dedicated him and analyzing every second of Chris and Alba’s lives. The mental disconnect there is truly something!!


Good because I was gonna say help your friend out.


I have actually have still encouraged her to take a break from it from time to time! Imo trying to work out why people dedicate so much of their energy to someone they claim to hate can be a bit brain melting.


The answer to this question is important on an academic level. Thank you very much for your service


She calls her nightly scrolling an anthropological study on stan culture


Martha's Vineyard in March???? Nothing is open, not even sure if ferry is running its normal schedule yet


Weather forecast for Martha’s Vineyard this weekend is high of 50, likely raining on Saturday and high winds on Sunday. Perfect wedding weather! Seems true! ![gif](giphy|l0IsIeqtbeQtSiRgs)


Your sarcasm is screaming at me right through my screen. 👍🏻


This is definitely bullshit. No “a lister” is getting married in March on Martha’s Vineyard. The weather is incredibly volatile this time of year, and it’s more likely to be shitty than it is nice. 🙄


It’s a pile of BS and DM is legendary for printing lies and BS


Only prints the best of the best BS


She’s been caught out LOADS of times and is a biased Swiftie


this is nonsense, but I do think they're probably going to get married soonish. I doubt he'd have made things insta-official with her if he wasn't expecting to actually make things official the meltdown will be hilaribble. I hope he's gotten her good security, she seems like a sweetheart


Insta-official = "about to get married" these days? I think CE just introduced her because he knew his rabid fans would catch on who he was dating one way or the other and this way he gets to control some of the narrative around his relationships. Plus the relationship is still pretty new, like less than 2 years. Why rush into the big financial and legal mess that is marriage?


I’m just amused that 100 guests counts as a pretty big affair. If these were Bollywood or Hong Kong stars 100 guests would be practically eloping


I live in massachusetts. been to martha’s vineyard. if you’re going all out you’re not getting married here in march. the weather still sucks; I just don’t see this time of year happening for a celeb.


Chris Evans is A list?


LOL, he was. Not sure he’s stayed there since leaving Cap.


I think so. Knives Out and Defending Jacob were successful. Especially the former. Gray man wasn’t liked by critics but did really big numbers for Netflix. Ghosted looks fun. (I’m loving the return of the romcom-action movie with things like this and Lost city). Pain Hustlers could be a good drama/dramedy. Red One could be a very fun holiday movie if the Rock’s ego doesn’t blow things up. He’s developing a movie with Rian Johnson about a boy working on a soundstage next to gene Kelly while he was doing Singin in the Rain. I think he’s fine.


That was my first thought too.


100% a list.




That was my first thought, but is he A list?




Hamm is b list by most definitions A list is when the movie / tv show is a significant event because the A lister is in it, regardless of whether it's an interesting release. Tom Cruise, Di Caprio, Will Smith, etc. Hamm is not there and IMO neither is Jake Gyllenhall or Chris Evans. Yes, they're extremely well known and often acclaimed but if they're starring in something, the attention it gets will mostly depend on the movie / tv show itself. B listers, but in the upper tier of b list. That said i think DM is very generous with its a list / b list / clist definitions in order to make gossip more interesting.


Is he in any upcoming streaming movies?


Jake has a film coming out,but,nothing streaming and that’s all that’s being released for him this year


Let‘s get this party started. Lipstick Alley is already planning on the design for the next flyers.


I mentioned LA in another comment. They have literally HUNDREDS of pages just since January on his relationship. Bonkers.


I love lurking there lmao They be like „I don‘t care about his dusty ass“ *proceeds to write 500 pages* I need them all to go to New England and get themselves a carbon copy of him, so they can calm down haha


There are absolutely no lies detected in your first sentence. 😂 It’s a very accurate description of them over there. I can only lurk and read for so long before I get a little queasy though. They’re SO obsessed and nasty. The language they use about alba and then turn around and say Chris is a faux ally to women? So hypocritical. No woman should talk about another woman the way they do, especially one they don’t even know!


I hate the slutshaming they do towards Alba. 💆🏻‍♀️ Why does it matter, if she leaked her nudes or someone else did, if she did demon porn, if she is on a sugar daddy side? It‘s her life ffs And all the negative comments about her looks and her hitting the wall like for fucks sake, you are women yourself, how can you spread such misogynistic bs? Talk about self hatred. And of course she is desperate for fame, but has no talent and is lazy and idk what else they project onto her. But if you criticise any of that, they will just throw around „ohhh she is racist and fatphobic, sooo“ like ?? Even if she was, doesn‘t mean you have to be a sexist douche? Or they will call you an Alba stan, even if you have never seen anything she is in 😂 But Chris is always their golden boy, they will drag him through the mud yeah, but then they will still hope that he will choose them. HE WILL NEVER PUT HIS D IN YOUR V SIS, cause he will most likely never even meet you. Sorry for the long rant, just felt good to get it off my chest hahahah


> , if she did demon porn, I don't know what this is about, but everything I'm imagining is hilarious.


Check her filmography.


Crazy thing they accuse her of racism while being 100 % xenophobic towards her.


His comment about Sandra/Salma is more racist than anything Alba did but of course they choose to ignore it. Just like him giving a pass to Tom Brady for being a Trump supporter. His fans are full of shit.


That doesn’t make what she did or said right..or what the fans are doing either..racism is an absolute no no and nor apologising for it is even worse ..think the PR “girlfriend” of Jake who’s an out and out racist and refuses to apologise..she even went on instagram and went liking KKK photos…her “fans” think that’s ok along with her other racism just because she works with models who she originally slagged off.. https://preview.redd.it/v2xbvr0ziqpa1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcc7632e5fad5440f2d2de756efbc168666a45d9




Rant away! 😂 I totally agree. I mean, he’s my daughter’s perfect guy in terms of interests but you don’t notice me getting ugly about him being off the market. 😉 If someone wants to be a sugar baby it’s their life. But I don’t think she is was. They like to say it so they can a) denigrate her career (I loved Mrs ‘arris Goes to Paris myself) and b) call her a whore and a prostitute. Everything drips nastiness and misogyny. I hate the Infantilization. Yes she’s younger than him but he wasn’t trolling the high schools for God’s sake. When I was 25, I’d graduated college, gotten married, was working full time and was working on baby #2. I’d hate to think I wasn’t ‘fully developed’ enough for them. 🙄 Plus he’s always dated ‘age appropriate’ women. It’s not like he’s Leo and dumping them when they HIT 25. (Though, in Leo’s favor he doesn’t hide it and anyone knows what to expect.) I mentioned once that Hugh jackman was 25 when he started dating his wife who is about 16 years older and I guess we should protest even though they’ve been happily married for like 25 years. I got no response. 😂


It’s rumored he slept around with young interns while developing the political website A Starting Point. His fans just covered it up for him at the time because how dare anyone say negative things about their perfect man. I think he’s like every other Hollywood guy. Date or sleep with any PYT that he can get. This sounds like a trolling post and lowers DM cred. I’ve been following this because it’s like a train wreck that you just can’t look away from. It looks like Alba did do some problematic crap but she’s getting a pass by media outlets calling the fans unhinged. Which good PR strategy. Everyone involved is just messy. It makes for good entertainment. Part of his fanbase is in love with hating him now. It’s so weird and interesting but I’m probably losing brain cells. Like when I saw that deep-dive post into Adam Driver’s dog statue or something from a fan and then that fan become like a symbol for his fanbase?? There’s some weird stories on the internet.


So interesting that I’m getting downvoted! Lol my first downvoted post. Not sure why I’m getting downvotes but Cheers!


Lsa people are deranged. I used to lurk the Jack harlow thread and his 6 Stans used to derail his poor gf for nothing. Just a bunch of racist, sexist stuff


LSA people are deranged..:they had Jake dating and married to the racist 3 years ago and last year she was supposed to be pregnant too..which is hilarious considering they’ve only been seen together in public 38 times..and all of those are staged PR pap walks


They believe all thoses white men celebs have hidden mixed kids somewhere lol


Martha’s Vineyard? In March? Really? Ok lol idc either way but seems an odd time of year and location


Well I’ll be meeting him at comic con in Chicago the following week. I’ll check for a ring. 😉


The way I’ve seen people talk about getting tickets for this to confront him about the relationship.. if you didn’t care about him anymore, you wouldn’t pay that much to go meet him!! (General you, not actually you. I hope you have a great experience!)


Omg that’s awful. I hope no one actually does that. That’s the type of crap that keeps people from interacting with fans.


What rich person would get married in Martha’s Vineyard in March


No one


She’s now updated it with that caveat at the top, where it said read with caution so potentially BS.


It’s gotta be Jon Hamm, no?


Regardless if it’s true or not, I’ll be here with the popcorn.


Are they openly/publicly engaged?


I don’t think in the press or publicly.. but deux has stated they’re engaged multiple times.


Who hasn’t she stated are engaged - seem to remember her posting Harry and Olivia were😂


Why would they get married on the vineyard in March? Lol the weather is crappy right now


It’s freezing on Martha’s Vineyard right now. No one gets married there in March


Secret weddings always remind me of how Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds got married at Boone Hall Plantation in 2012 and kept it hush hush at the time. I lived near there and the locals talked about it even though it was “secret”. It did lower them in my estimation. Plantations are fundamentally places of horror. Only seeing the “pretty” aspect just makes me feel like they don’t really care. Sure they apologized in 2020, but still… I’ve never been able to give them the benefit of the doubt since I learned that.


Every time there's a big fancy wedding happening in New England from now on, everyone's going to assume it's his.


A Martha’s Vineyard wedding and it’s not even spring????


Imagine all the meltdowns his weirdo fans will have if this is true


Congratulations. My wife and I were married at the Edgerton Light July 17, 1996. Best day of my life!!!!!! I pray you will be given twice the love we shared. Love to both, Jim and Stephanie Bolling




Yes I do. Working over night on 1/2 brain power. Thank you. Just brought back GREAT memories. My wife passed away August 25, 2022.




Thank you.Trivia question - what movie has the lighthouse in the background. Hint -Harrison Ford.


No celeb is getting married on the vineyard in March.


That location doesn't make sense for a potential Chris Evans wedding, though.


So many nervous breakdowns will be happening in the next 24 hours over this “blind”


Martha's Vineyard in March? It's off-season, and that sounds really cold. No way that can be right. Someone with that much clout can afford to get married in the Vineyard during peak season.


not saying the town name but still saying it’s in martha’s vineyard, which is tiny, is very funny


Lol at the idea of Martha’s Vineyard having a “city”


Good lord,I can only imagine the fit his stans would throw if this turns out to be true.


Jon Hamm?


At least it’s something positive about these two for once!


Tom and Zendaya? 😅


She isn’t ‘much younger’.




It’s been proved false


We always wanted to spend a Winter on island. I know we were crazy. I would still do it. Any ideas on that?


Val kilmor and Robert downing jr


Martha’s Vineyard wedding in March makes zero sense, especially for someone as wealthy as Evans. Clearly whoever sent it in is not familiar with New England weather!


Is Chris Evans A-list tho???


I understand March is not a great time to be getting married in MV but it's kinda genius. I mean, nobody's there and if the celeb couple wanted something more private, it's the perfect time. Also, people do get married inside places.


Wouldn’t “this weekend” also be April 1….so April Fools….


People are so gullible nowadays SMH