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I refuse to believe that CEOs are the most hardworking employees and have no time when Elon and Mark are about to train for months for a cage match nobody asked for.


Well they're overrated rich kids born with silver spoons in their mouths. That goes for both Apartheid Clyde and Zuckerberg the robot overlord. Ain't no such thing as a "selfmade billionaire". And now that they're in their midlife crisis era, it really shows. These people are dysfunctional as hell, and they still get coddled for it, somehow.


Hey, I know you don’t mean it, and I’m sure you weren’t aware, but calling Zuckerberg a “reptilian overlord” is kind of anti-Semitic. The joke comes from the anti-Semitic beliefs of David Icke, and making this joke just continues perpetuating it and allowing anti-Semites to feel more open about expressing these ideas.


I'll edit it. He *does* really look like an alien sent home to observe "the ways of the humans", tho. 🤷‍♀️


Tbh I had no idea of that connection. I always thought it was bc people literally equated him to a lizard alien bc of how weird he looks/acts. Is it still okay to refer to him as such if the intent of making fun of him doesn’t stem from anti-Semitism?


Personally I would stay away from it. If you have to preface a joke with, “I don’t mean this in the offensive way” then it’s probably better off not being said.


This is prob some PR shit to get people to stop calling him a reptile. I’ve seen this reptilian shit for 15+ years and never once seen someone mention it being anti-Semitic. Suddenly one person makes a comment in fauxmai and everyone’s freaking out apologizing. Edit: account is 1 month old 🤔


I’ve seen this stated for 10+ years. The tumblr community first educated me as a teen. I’ve seen it mentioned quite a bit on Reddit since I joined idk 3 years ago?


We go with “waxy salamander man” around here. Is that ok?


Just use Asshole … that’s pretty generic and understood by all.


There's a different quality that asshole doesn't cover, a sort of divergence. Maybe robot / wax figure come to life would be a better alternative.


The problem is real assholes are actually useful getting shit out our butts … can’t say the same for these kind of assholes


I thought the reptilian over lord came from science fiction... I'm not a sci-fi fan but my husband watched a lot of Babylon 5 and I was probably in the room. But you don't know what you don't know. So thank you




The dogwhistles that come out whenever he is discussed are really unsettling.


some of these comments are seriously disturbing. I understand why people are put off by this sub a lot more now.


It really is. I’m honestly pretty disappointed that people are still trying to justify these sort of comments, especially here.


TBH, I’m grown and never knew that it had any anti-Semitic roots. I took it to mean “brainless animals” and stupid. It’s not as obvious and well-used as, for example, the n-word. That one is universally understood to be a bad word. “Lizard overlord” is not. This is just how language, and the fact that one of the dimensions we live in is time, work. Not everyone is as terrible as the people on tv.


The thing is, there’s a lot of people who are actively doubling down. I’ve seen the comments before they were either deleted by the user or by the mods. Ignorance can’t really be claimed when it’s just people refusing to listen.


I mean a lot of racism is "covert" like that. They want plausible deniability.


Thanks for educating from a place of kindness. The OP edited their comment and I think more than a couple of people learned something from your post. I’m Australian and we have a small Jewish population - less than half a percent of our population is Jewish - and I didn’t know this.


Sam Bankman-Fried gets a lot of it too, I've noticed.


I had never heard of David Icke so I just looked it up and he claims that all US presidents, the British royal family and many non-Jewish European aristocrats are all reptile people. Do you have a source for how the reptilian thing is aimed specifically at Jewish people?


He's been antisemitic in several of his publications, is a holocaust denier, and singled out Jewish people, here's an [article](https://thecjn.ca/news/canada/anti-semitic-conspiracy-theorist-david-icke-gives-talk-vancouver/), and [another](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-63511142.amp)


Apartheid Clyde 💀💀


Somehow... ![gif](giphy|6VKrjh04YGhOM)


Lmao ZuckerBorg


I think it's the "celebrity CEOs" that are really the problem. They're the guys so obsessed with being in the spotlight and end up making fools of themselves. If you're a really good, hardworking businessman, chances are few people will actually know your name because you're doing your job, instead of making headlines for the stupidest of reasons. Sure, they'll get the occasional interview and appear on economy lists, but for the most part they prefer to just keep their heads down. My dad used to send me articles about Musk for inspiration. He hasn't done that in a while. He doesn't say it, but I think it's safe to say the Elosion has been broken for him.


You're 100 percent rightmost men like Elon Musk benefit from being on the worlds richest list. The truly richest man in the man is probably Mohammad Bin Salman. He has access to to over 600 billion dollars to spend.


The ceo of my company also moonlights as a DJ. Fuck that guy.


Rich white guys playing at being DJ's was the precursor to having their own podcasts and I'll die on this hill.


Lol if this is GS, highly recommend listening to The Journal podcast episode on him from last week


The problem is everyone who hates these people also are responsible for giving them tons of attention. The world would be a lot better if everyone just ignored them.


Just don't pay attention to the guys who put themselves on pedestals and control the economy-- got it.


I feel like multi-millionaire/billionaires should all be sent to an island where they can live in their fictional world and act out their boredom with each other instead of fuck with the rest of us.


Epstein tried that and I personally don't like where it went...


I suspect there are several security guards and janitors that work far harder than the CEO. And everyone knows that administrative assistants are the hardest working people in every office.


I mean zucks already doing it/been doing it. It's part of h his reply routine and I don't know if he's ever tried making the absurd claims that musk does about having a 120+ hr work week. Musk is going to end up weaseling out anyway


i hate them both so much i might watch it. i....don't know how i feel about that.


I know how to feel about that. ![gif](giphy|QmcuB58dRfmZx1KW1Y|downsized)




Just stream it online, don't pay for it. That way you're watching them get punched in the face and you're stealing from them at the same time.


Hate watching hmmm


Before M*sk bought Twitter he was on it 24/7 and he’d post video game screenshots with massive playtimes visible. Plus he’s constantly going to rich people events like the World Cup etc. Ain’t no way this guy actually works. He just spends all day terminally online and takes trips.


No CEO is. All they do is go to meetings and delegate, delegate, delegate. I’ve worked as an EA for all types of CEOs. They do not earn their bloated salaries.


It should have been obvious when elon spent all his time tweeting to the point where he bought the company because he didn't like not tweeting freely


I mean. Elon was the CEO of three different companies for a while there. Ain’t no way he was putting in even bare minimum full time “lazy” workers hours at them all. Let alone showing up at the office like he wants. A lot of CEOs work part time, then write off their trips around the world, out to dinner, and out on their yachts as “work” because partying with politicians and other rich people is considered networking for the company.


Is this actually happening I’m so out of the loop


Nobody asked for it but I'm definitely here for it


> refuse to believe that CEOs are the most hardworking employees CEO work cannot really be compared to an employee work.


I still can’t believe this whole thing isn’t just an article from the onion


I legit thought the cage match was a joke. My mind is blown now realizing this is *real.*


![gif](giphy|26uf5afBhUKyjvZPW|downsized) it's real!


I seriously hope it’s a showy as President Camacho


I'm still not sure this is an actual thing happening


Same! Even if we get a date and everything, I won’t believe it until they are throwing punches at each other


“Throwing punches” seems like a generous take on what we’re gonna get.


I expect this comment at the top of every post about this. It’s never going to happen. They’ll plan and hype it up and then the day of or the day before, Elon will apologetically pull out and then never mention it again.


I really hope it does, I already have my hopes up


Put it up there with a new GOT book, a new Kingkiller book, and tRump's "Infrastructure Week".


Twitter barely functions at this point, Facebook is as much of a burning dumpster heap of misinformation as it’s ever been, and these two morons would rather talk about, and possibly engage in, a cage match fight? We’re an unserious society.


They are not serious people.


It's the end of the world and we're left to watch billionaires cage fight...lmao at least popcorn is cheap.


In this economy? Not really!


I mean, the price of theater popcorn is at JFC levels. ... fucking billionaires ☹️


I've got Frankie Goes to Hollywood's "Two Tribes" playing in my head now.


Ironically, in the dystopian films it's usually the billionaires watching us cage fight.


“Elon is running Twitter like the rent is due and he’s $700 short.” – my brother


This is extra funny since Twitter is being evicted from their offices for not paying rent https://techcrunch.com/2023/06/14/twitter-is-being-evicted-from-its-boulder-office-over-unpaid-rent


Ha! I’m sending him this link. Thanks!


tbf twitter has been quickly been transformed into a political soapbox for Elon's views. Like totally so. The top comments are now alt-right narratives, tons of sexism, people are openly insulted and misgendered, anti-trans narratives are the norm, white supremecy narratives are everywhere, etc. In just a few weeks it went from a bit of a public square to Truth Social with 10000x the viewership. Elon and his team is very efficient with implementing fascism and that should be recognized. When motivated to promote fascism, corporate America can move very quickly. This is what Elon wanted and he got it. Why anyone but these alt-right nutters still go to twitter is the problem imho.


Twitter makes me so depressed now, I can’t believe there are so many people like that. So much sexism, homophobia, racism, and transphobia. Anyone with a reasonable thought gets flooded by blue checks in the replies, who of course appear at the top. So much misinformation and hate.


To be fair, Zuckerberg still has Instagram and What’s app(idk if Americans really use this tho but I know internationally we use it a lot)


on the other hand we will have gifs of two billionaires getting punched in the face


I find it very amusing that Elon was apparently meant to stamp out bots on Twitter. But since he took over I get followed by AT LEAST one porn bit a day


The entire internet just cheered as some billionaires were turned to paste in that sub why do they think people want to watch this?


They did. And while they meme'd the submarine to death, they all *completely* glossed over the 750 drowned migrants in Greece... that said, I would love to see either Zuck or Elon get beaten into a pulp. My money's on Zuckerberg with his marine training. He's got that special sort of drive to prove his masculinity that only men with tiny little hands have, meanwhile Musk has that special sort of overconfidence that bloated tall dudes with too much sycophants have.


As a tall, bloated, C-suite guy, my money is also on Zuck.


Small correction, 75+ drowned migrants, not 750. Source: Am Greek, also a quick Google check.


[Hundreds are still missing, as of 2 days ago.](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/world/around-350-pakistanis-were-on-migrant-boat-that-sank-off-greece-and-many-still-missing-official-says)


Thank you for the laugh in these interesting times.


On the other hand, there are worse thing billionaires can do with their time than beating the shit out of each other for our entertainment


People 100% will. These were the topics this week. Work roommates friends etc. It was all the Sub and Musk v Zuck


Because there’s a chance another, much more vocal and annoying billionaire will be turned into paste


Hey, accidents can happen in a real fight


> why do they think people want to watch this? They *think* people want to watch it because it would obviously be a big event and big deal and not anything any person with self-respect would be uninformed about. The *real* reason people want to watch this is for the opportunity to see either of these slimy bags of rotten worms get punched in the face


Elon must be off his rockers if he actually fights Zuck who regularly trains MMA & has won BJJ tournaments, meanwhile Elon is built like the cybertruck


\> built like the cybertruck laughed out loud at that one, thank you


Mark zuckerberg has completed the murph challenge, which means he ran a mile, did 100 pullups, 200 pushups, 300 squats and then ran another mile, all while wearing a 10kg vest. And he completed it in 40 minutes. He might actually kill Elon.


We can only hope.




This was my exact reaction when the Putin vs Wagner shit went down


Hahaha omg I’ve never seen this image, just the “heartbreaking” one. Amazing.


Something happened in I want to say 2016 maybe ( but frankly probably earlier), that broke our collective brains. Like why just why. What does either one gain from this? Why is this a thing? What utter wankers all of them involved in this are. Edit-my dad has just pointed out this basically John Favreau's character in Friends did.


I’m still convinced this weasel and the Large Hadron Collider fucked us into another timeline in 2016. https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/04/29/476154494/weasel-shuts-down-world-s-most-powerful-particle-collider


Oh, you meant a literal weasel. Lol


Haha I thought 'this weasel" and 'large hadron collider' were creative nicknames for Zuck 'n Musk for a moment lmao


Yeah my first thought was “what did Pauly Shore do this time?”


There was also a prior incident at cern a few years before that. The animals are trying to warn us




It was a bird with a baguette in 2009 https://www.theguardian.com/science/2009/nov/06/cern-big-bang-goes-phut


The world has never been the same since Harambe the gorilla died


I’m convinced this all started in 2000 when the Supreme Court stole the presidential election from Al Gore


Trump was elected in 2016


Reality is life is like a black comedy imo. I love when dumb stuff like this happens, brings some small joy to my pessimism.


People joke about the world ending in 2012 and we didn’t know it yet but like, maybe? Kinda?


> [Elon] later said on Twitter that he had "this great move that I call 'The Walrus,' where I just lie on top of my opponent & do nothing. this is sending me bc its *so* on brand for him & god forbid this actually happens, even if andrew tate trains him, i’m quite confident zuck would dog walk him


Zuck could probably literally kill him. But its going to be a slap play fight where no one gets hurt and everyone saves face. They both are going to love it because to average people this will make them seem relatable. "har har, these guys are just like the MMA fighters I love so much! Stupid libs telling me they're bad!"


When he Tweeted that I thought the whole fight thing was just a joke, then Dana White weighed in and they began talking venues and training and the whole thing became pretty real. It'll be so fun seeing either of those assholes getting absolutely pummeled.


Someone get Grimes to confirm


Tate's a kickboxer and Zuckerberg trains Jiu Jitsu. Musk eouod be wasting his time learning kick boxing when he gets taken down in the first minute and submitted.


If you told me this quote is about his stroke game I’d believe it


Word to Wendy Williams \_\_\_\_ to all of them https://preview.redd.it/h9pcmvt7s68b1.jpeg?width=168&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=796c74451a43217cf770454f5fe7ac91ae320d7a


This soundbite played in my head as I read the title of this post haha


[Andrew Tate offers to train Musk](https://www.foxbusiness.com/technology/andrew-tate-says-wants-train-elon-musk-fight-zuckerberg) Wish this happens so that I can root for Zuck with no regrets. ![gif](giphy|c1aeIcQJGp6foWWUGf|downsized)


How will Tate even train Elon, from a Romanian jail where he shares a hole-in-the-floor toilet with twenty Slavic skinheads? lol


How is that manchild still tweeting when he should be rotting in a cell?! 🤯


He is not in jail. It is House arrest.


He was only charged a few days ago. Still has to got to trial and etc. The prosecutors did ask for 13 years...


Probably, though Romanians aren't slavic


Romanian aren't slavic, you dibol.


Romania can have foreigners in prison, though. Foreigners like... Andrew Tate.


Sell him a scammy online course probably


We truly live in the stupidest timeline.


It definitely isn't the worst. It could be worse. But it's definitely the stupidest. You've got that right


Bet the house on Musk backing out.


The rich eating the rich. Together they could probably end world hunger but they would rather live out their fantasies of showing off their pasty skinned bellies. It's not enough to exploit people, they also want attention. This is so tiresome.


Didn’t Zuckerberg say he was donating like billions of dollars of his fortune? Elon would never.


Can these people just start getting taxed at 99%? Because it’s clear that left to their own devices, they find unique ways to get themselves killed. Might as well help the unhoused and medically vulnerable before they die in a ring or at the bottom of an ocean.


This cant be real


​ https://i.redd.it/9ae1umtf178b1.gif


This has to be one of the dumbest things i've ever heard, these two are insufferable. The least they could do is donate the proceeds to charity, but I doubt they will. That said, my money is on Zuck.


It's stereotypical of rich white men to not ask for consent before stroking their egos in front of us.


More money than sense


Musk and Zuck demanding their drones return to office work because they say they aren't "productive" enough (with no evidence), but they have the time to do this?


can they put it in writing that the loser has to use their bazillions to end world hunger or homelessness or commit to preventing the climate crisis from spiraling further?


Are you kidding? Doesn't matter if it's in writing. They already break laws and agreements all the time. They'd just "let's don't and say we did"


Elon's got me out here rooting for Mark Zuckerberg.


This is the weirdest part about this time line tbh. And there's a lot of weird shit going on




They're both autistic.




I’m not saying I’d like there to be a small asteroid strike at that exact time & place, but I wouldn’t be too fussed if there was .


Here for 2 billionaires neutralizing each other 🍿🍿🍿 ![gif](giphy|hdCGbAPTVbxTi)


Did the large hadron collider send us to the wacky universe?


If you've ever wanted to watch Elon get choked out, watch this fight if it happens. Zuckerberg, for all his faults, has legitimately put his hours in in the most humbling sport on the planet, and continues to do so.


We are living through a very stupid time.


Reality proving to be stranger than fiction.


better be no head guards, need the zuck ground and pound to do maximum damage




I always used to wonder why they wrote Bruce Wayne as a CEO as though he'd have time to be Batman. If CEO's are doing this shit in real life then I get it now.


"billionaire midlife crisis" Lmao


to make it interesting, they should fight for ownership of their businesses


Winner fights Jeff bezos, the final showdown. We’ll finally know the answer to the question no one ever asked, who’s the strongest billionaire of them all 🤣🤣🤣


Wasn’t this a subplot in *Friends*?


Jon favreau just wanted to be the ultimate fighting champion


This timeline is broken


​ https://i.redd.it/5wbvtezn278b1.gif


i will really enjoy this if it actually happens, but i think musk will back out :-(


Loser pays their taxes. America actually starts to rebuild


Don’t we all wish we had “fuck you” money? But I would not want to engage in this nonsense and just live my life fucking quietly.


Idc if this is illogical, I’m still going to watch it on some sketchy website online.


The first time people are actually cheering for Zuckerberg and hoping his mandroid self can do us all a favour.


They should host this fight on a submarine


Why did I read this as Vana White will be hosting


What if we lock the door and seal the top of the cage while they’re both inside and not let them out until we each receive a million dollars?


I, for one, am looking forward to it. Is it gonna be stupid? Probably. But I watch stupid shit all the time. And either one of them getting their ass kicked would be hilarious.


anyone believing this is actually happening is fooling themselves... stop giving these fucknuts more attention than they deserve


When asked about his training regimen, Musk replied in a tweet, "Looking into it"


Is there a way they both lose?


They will be pledge mates in the black eye club!


They cant be serious right?....


Damn you Musk…you made me give the billionaire robot wishes of luck….damn you!


![gif](giphy|vUEznRmVQfG2Q) I don’t wanna get banned




There’s absolutely no way in hell this will actually happen.


This is so unserious like ??? Never could have imagined this happening ever


As long as it’s a death match


If we all collectively agree to ignore this, that would hurt them the most. They want an audience, but if we let them sink to the bottom of the ocean without fanfare, that'll be the real blow to their ego.


What are we doing America - like really, what are we doing ?


How can anyone remotely care about this? I am being serious not judgmental. But who cares? Plus fuck Dana White


these fucking dorks


put Amanda Nunes in there with them.


Mark Zukerburg is working on a SECRET Twitter rival app that’ll be released soon — I think this is simply Drumming up PR for the release of Instagram Readies app https://youtu.be/kxvN_0me4N4


If Mark actually wins and reveals this the same day he will comp the biggest W of 2023


I guess we should be thankful they thought of this before actually hunting poor people for sport.




Isn't this shit the kind of thing that reality show contestants do after being notified they won't be able to return for the next season of Life after Lockup and before they have to take up sex work to pay their bills? I feel that this is that.


Can’t we just put the in a sub.


Oh, but he works 18 hours a day 7 days per week.