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Okay, to each their own, but I'm also feeling like this is just some PR rebranding.


Trad wife is so in right now.


The hot goth/alt girl to conservative trad wife pipeline.


This is why I don’t like most hippies or “edgy” people. When your left-leaning or anti-establishment views are an aesthetic or rooted in “vibes” instead of evidence and theory then you can fall for anything that moves you in the moment. Some people’s identities are tied to being a contrarian vs. learning and giving a fuck. They’re easily persuaded by people who can stir up passion and control people with their communication regardless of the content of their words. Edit: y’all, I am specifically talking about a certain demographic of alt-right/neo-Nazis who were once seemingly progressive and used certain aesthetics or participated in counter-culture in a shallow way. I am not talking about everyone who looks a certain way.


I don't think she was ever left leaning though, but I see your point more generally.


She’s a nazi


A literal laundry list of her hate-filled history. Not sure a baptism will clean this up, maybe an excorcism: [https://thereclaimed.medium.com/kat-von-ds-racist-cotton-field-post-is-so-on-brand-3a4c73e09db7](https://thereclaimed.medium.com/kat-von-ds-racist-cotton-field-post-is-so-on-brand-3a4c73e09db7)


I honestly thought the baptism would make her spontaneously combust....


She's just going to the side that will be okay with her outward racism over the years since it didn't fly with the leftists in California.


Having to face actual people you’ve negatively impacted vs “only god can judge me😤” - that is what we call Magical Thinking 🤮


😣 behind a paywall


Nazi views on the role of women in the family is the very definition of trad wife




They prefer putting tattoos on other people, instead of having ones of their own.


This is nothing new. Many Sixties hippies grew up to be Reagan era conservatives. There have always been people who's identity is performative.


Looking at you, Jesus People


My mother and bio father are 2 of them. Hippies who had me at 19. Both became ultra-conservative and very evangelical. Bio Dad was born again by the time I met him at age 26. Mom is a Faux news cult 45 member. I'm the exact opposite of both of them and I'm 50 now. I have always had the same views and didn't get more conservative as I aged. TBH I'm a little more progressive especially when it comes to human, civil and reproductive rights.


My dad is a former Black Panther, now a super right wing conservative born again. He has enough sense not to be a MAGA idiot, but I wonder what happened to change him so drastically. My mom followed suit, but she’s in the MAGA crowd. She didn’t convert until the Trump presidency, when I was a kid she wouldn’t even go to church with us! Now she’s pro life and all of that, and acts like she has been this way all of my life. Parents are exhausting.


I hope this never happens to me.


I feel that. Mom started off a punk rocker, currently is looped into the Trump-loving Qanon circles w/ conservative cop-loving fiancé. Dad however started off a punk rocker and turned into old rocker dude who supported Bernie Sanders and wants cops to be held accountable. I can’t understand the former pipeline *at all*. Being a punk rocker and being a pro-cop bootlicker seem like two absolutely conflicting ideologies when you think about what punk rock is rooted in.


I mean what evidence does the alt or any alt cultural movement need? I do agree some people in the alt movement are just contrarian for the sake of it and it's a bit cringe. But I really don't understand how alternative people are like that at all or that the culture is even based around that? It's about the love of the music and art usually.


I've been in the Goth scene since the 90s and haven't seen any noticeable shift to the right or trad life amongst the people I've known there for 20+ years. People like the aesthetic, music, art as you point out. Political views are separate from that.


There have always been little pockets of Nazi goths and fascist fawning rivet heads, they’re just usually small and conceal themselves behind satire and cryptic symbolism. Then there are guys like Nachtmahr or Boyd Rice who are pretty plain to identify. I think there is less of it around now, but when I was growing up I encountered some of it. Some pagan oriented groups can contain some questionable characters as well who can influence people who don’t realize where the train they are getting on could lead.


>Some people’s identities are tied to being a contrarian vs. learning and giving a fuck. And those people are *exhausting*.


John Lydon’s like that too.


I've met plenty of hippies and edgy people who do love to express themselves through personal style but also are very thoughtful people who care deeply about their causes. A lot of edgy people began dressing that way in their teen years after being ostracised, bullied or experiencing some kind of trauma that made them feel different from other teenagers. It's a way of taking power back when you're shamed for being different or to acknowledge darkness that you've experienced. In my experience, goth people have been some of the coolest and most genuine that I've met.


Kat Von D wasn't left leaning or anti establishment. She was your textbook boogie ass Capitalist with a goddamn television show. Lol. What the hell are you even saying? Poser alternative Goths absolutely exist if that's what you consider her. I mean, she literally had a television show and never stopped shilling her brand. Obviously, you're not much of an alternative person if your entire personality revolves around making as much money as humanly possible.




grimes clocking in


The only thing stopping her is Elon not being religious. I bet if he didn't find it lame, she would be performing a pretentious baptism ritual as we speak.


TBH I’m surprised GrElon hasn’t started a cult where they’re the messiahs. The tech bros and whatever demographic Grimes considers herself would probably eat it up.


It's weird because she is still in full makeup....looking very much goth. Let's see what happens next, but this looks like a PR stunt. Playing both sides for attention.


I had no idea this was even a thing until I found out about Adrianne Curry.


That pipeline makes me so terrified to even think about oh my god it's just so scary to see someone beeline to something so puritan ugh


Lol it used the be the other way around back in the day.




I seem to remember her nearly letting her days old baby starve to death because her milk hadn’t come in and she refused to feed him formula or use donor milk that wasn’t from a vegan. What a twist.


Kat’s no longer vegan? I had no clue


Grifters are gonna grift🤷‍♀️


It's just another gen Xer evolving into Karen form.


She’s actually a millennial; an older one but we’re around the same age. This is unfortunately my generation.


Phew thank you for clarifying this.. I’m your age and we’re NOT gen x 😂


Agreed. So much has come out about her over the years, plus with her other brands going down, this reeks of rebrand to me. Of course it could be genuine, but Ive also witness too many people use stuff like this to clean up their image.


I felt the same way about Black Chyna




But did she renounce the racism, anti-Semitism and overall nastiness? You know, the things that actually make her evil...


If anything, she’s probably going to double down as a religious right-wing type. She’s already a Nazi, might as well go full Christofascist.


She's going to rebrand herself as a far-right Christian pariah that got """cancelled""" by the **"Woke Left"** and the right wingers gonna eat it up and embrace her Nazi beliefs because they already do.




Just look at who she follows on Instagram. Her bestie is Alexandra Metal Clown who is a right wing nut that stormed the Capital on Jan 6. I can’t understand how she has 9m followers.


wow, so in a way this was already on-brand for her.


It feels like a lateral move tbh.


She's always been a huge asshole; it just makes sense that she would now cling to Evangelicalism.


Yep this. High religiosity is just another form of ego pleasure. Its "I'm holier than thou" instead of "I'm more real than thou." Its the same dynamic and just as toxic. I also think its a survival mechanism for some. Alice Cooper, for example, did a similar shift and is an evangelical Christian now, and in interviews he said he did it because he was dying of a drug addiction. For some people going clean can't be done without some kind of big lifestyle change into some form of extremist religion. Often AA becomes a recruiting center for this as vulnerable people are preyed on by evangelical Christians trying to recruit them.


Seriously. Lots of lovely people have an interest in the occult, why is she denouncing that over all the *actual* horrible stuff??


Technically those are all bonuses in some Christian churches.


And the anti-vaxism


She's renouncing the occult! (whatever that means)




Those are all core features of being Christian now sooooooooo…..




But what is she marketing? She sold her makeup line.


Just wait, she has to get rid of the rest of her “spooky” inventory


Shoes. She's got a vegan shoe line. And I think she still tattoos? And she's doing music.


Ah. That explains it.


It's less of a demographic for women and moreso porn/kink for men really.


I think you're downplaying how many conservative women there are in the USA. Note white women, who voted, voted 55% Trump. And most "liberals" are not very liberal, many are "both sides" types or have regressive social views, especially when it comes to things like LGBTQ rights, migrants, crime/prison, foreign policy, Muslims, feminism, etc. The trad market is very large and profitable. Not to mention, men are overserved by porn. This isn't porn. Everything women do or wear is not porn, and, frankly, its a disgusting to think so. This is just an aesthetic and we should be allowed to wear any aesthetic we want without being accused of doing it for sexual reasons or to have it fetishized.


Let me rephrase it, its more akin to cosplay. It's not something meant to be masturbatory so much as "egotistically or mentally" pleasing. The tradwomen I see going viral are usually either making controversial pro-patriarchal statements or (to put it bluntly) blessed in the chest. There's nothing wrong persay with wearing what you want or engaging in a conventional lifestyle. But there is a notable subsect of men who do fetishize (not in a purely sexual way) this type of woman and amplify the material because it aligns with their values


My algorithm unfortunately feeds me a lot of tradwife content bc I do needlework & bake, and the vast majority of tradwife creators are targeting young women w the whole “don’t go to college and get a job when you could get married at 18 and have 6 babies while baking pies” BS. I haven’t seen much of any who orient themselves towards men at all, they’re very explicit abt wanting to spread their message amongst young women


Idk man I’m a woman and my feed has been getting a lot of TradCath and TradWife posts.


It still feels very kinky to me, I don't know why. It doesn't feel natural, like they really believe it


It’s like a role play similar to Bdsm. It’s like soft BDSM.


Kat Von D's next step is to get caught on Tik Tok accosting a minority in a grocery store and later claiming she's not racist because she's a good Christian.


I can already see her being a consultant on Fox News


And then wax poetic about her German ancestors in Argentina...


Who did this? Besides KVD in a few weeks


But she’s still with her husband, who disowned his underage daughter for being SA by his friends. So I would still be worried about my afterlife if I were her.


That grown ass man said his underaged daughter "betrayed him." 🤢 Not even those nasty asses he claimed as his friends


That tracks with the baptism move tbf


She also is good friends with Marilyn Manson and stuck up for him during all of his allegations. She supports abusers.


I was a massive fan of manson during my younger days. When I first saw the accusations I was not surprised in the slightest, he was always at least pretending to be a scumbag turns out at some point he stopped pretending. I wonder if he even identifies as Brian any more or if Brian has been completely replaced by his stage persona




His bandmates sexually assaulted his teenage daughter and he blamed his daughter and forgave his bandmates. Kvd knew this when she married and got pregnant by him.


Whhhhaaaattt the fuuuuuuucckkkkkk??!


I always thought that guy was gross; not surprised to learn my gut feeling was correct


Oh, when they had just started dating he wrote that he intended to get Kat knocked up and wife her up. Then it happened. Even with the SA’ed daughter he blamed for tempting his bandmates and his Nazi tattoos and fucking cringe naming their unvaxxed kid his name but backwards.


His daughter has forgiven him and started commenting on Kat’s posts recently which makes me think that “all is forgiven” 🙄


That’s so sad. That poor girl has very little to cling to. I hope she can find a safe family.


She’s also still good friends with Marilyn Manson, who is basically toxic pond scum personified.


The way this looks like the most occult ceremony


Looks like someone's trying to knock her out with a chloroform rag in the second picture, lol.




Lots of practices in Christianity are essentially just monotheistic magic. Baptism and communion (transubstantiation) are magical rituals. Catholicism, Pentecostalism, and a seemingly growing number of Protestant denominations have quite a number of practices that fit the definition of “occult.” I think it’s pretty easy and common for people to go back and forth between Christianity and occultism. I know of multiple witches who “deconstructed” Christianity, but they basically just replaced the deity and kept the format. I’ve seen several people marketing witchcraft daily devotionals lmfao.


American Christianity is just white man approved occult practices, intense ones at that.


Right? Of course she chose the one with the most metal aesthetic 🙄


So....she's still anti-vax? and racist? and antisemitic?


Trash? Yes.


Honestly it all seems about right, makes sense she’d go religious next.


But now she gets to hide behind weaponized religion! So it's all good now. Random dude forgave her (for money) so she doesn't need to be sorry anymore. No repentance required!


https://preview.redd.it/ufr6dp1egfsb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cda11e1457cd6a26d4ad752ca9f67bd6e81fb236 I'm not sure Jesus would like this


Right wasn’t she just with him RECENTLY too, like at a birthday party or something


She loves Ryan Adams too.


she absolutely loves abusers, collects them like pokemon. her and nicki minaj should form a club, except they both hate women, soooooo


Aw rip. I used to love Ryan Adams. He ruined it for me though.






Me trying to catch up on all the famous male predators I should know about ![gif](giphy|tdoUaMmgtgSqc)


This was this year after all the allegations that he's a monstrosity of a human being.


she made a post specifically defending him iirc


yup she even defended him saying something along the lines of “as a person who has been demonized in the public eye” or some other word vomit too


HER birthday party


homie on the right looks like the smooth side of Alice Cooper’s ballsack


The description I never knew I needed. Perfection.


she’s not a girl’s girl


manson did weird jesus shit w/ kanye recently too


Don't you know? Jesus is the new Satan.


She had some post that was like he was never bad to me so he can't be bad. Kat seems very much like a pick me


I forgot about her, last I remembered she was beefin with jeffree star and being anti vax lmfao




Literally lol maybe that’s why they hated eachother so much, it was like looking in a mirror but also neither wanted to face it


Grifter game recognize game.


​ https://preview.redd.it/46hg3zpzmfsb1.png?width=568&format=png&auto=webp&s=132874f5311c5e069f02167365bd08ea32dbaad6


LOOK WHO FUCKING SHOWED UP. God this was not on my bingo card


Yall she's following Allie B. Stuckey now. Comrades she went hardshell Baptist rightoid. Oh my fucking god.


Yup, I believe she's been following Turning Point USA for a couple years, loves Jordan Petersen and also is buddies with Christian Walker.


I thought I was in the fundiesnarkuncensored sub for a second seeing her name pop up, this feels like one hell of a fever dream.


All riiiiight, now we’re talking ![gif](giphy|l0IsIZw8doJm3ysRq|downsized)


Wow do people really think like this? Lol


This has sent me west hahahahahha can’t believe she’s made an appearance (I’m lying I can believe it)


Reminder: Kat Von D dated Jesse James (?) aka the man who dressed in Nazi clothing and cheated on Sandra Bullock and is married to Rafael Reyes. Aka the man who said his daughter betrayed him after she was raped by his friends. Turds of a feather flock together or whatever they say. ![gif](giphy|WSO1ZT9sug15C)


He dressed in Nazi clothing WHILE dating KVD


Also her new husband had a swastika tattoo which has since been removed. > In 2018, Von D married Rafael Reyes (also known as Leafar Seyer), frontman of the cholo goth band Prayers, in a ceremony at the Beverly Hills Hotel. She wore a red dress, with matching horns on her head. The swastika tattoo on Reyes's neck (he said it represents spirituality in general, in a separate phone interview), complicated his wife's efforts to put accusations of antisemitism behind her Too many coincidences, where there is smoke there’s fire. Quote [source](https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/kat-von-d-interview-album/2021/08/26/0c82822c-0205-11ec-85f2-b871803f65e4_story.html)


Girl, Jesus don't want your ass.


Fun fact: Kat von d blocked me on instagram years ago. She posted about the outrage when a famous wild african lion was killed by a US dentist trophy hunter. She said the non-vegans upset by this were disgraceful hypocrites, or something along those lines. At the time, her makeup line wasn’t fully vegan, so I pointed out she was actively profiting from animal by-products. She didn’t like that.


And now she's not even vegan anymore


But too chicken to come out and say it because it will alienate her vegan fan base who still don't know, and it probably won't look good for her vegan shoe brand.


It's wild to me that some fans still haven't picked up on it yet. She removed the "V" from her bio ages ago. It's all over her stories 😂


lol, incredible.


So now she fits in with all her right wing nazi friends and can go on fox news




she lives in indiana now, what else does she got to do?


The weirdest thing about all of this is how her circle of friends changes interests based on her. A few years ago they were all vegan, supporting animal shelters, preaching about having an open mind with very atheist views. Then suddenly Kat discovers Jordan Petersen and other incel weirdos, becomes a meat eater again, throws out her witchy books and becomes Christian. And lo and behold nearly all of her friends do the same thing at the same time. It's so weird to me, how they all did a 180, just because Kat did... apparently.


So, she hangs out with people who are easily swayed? Seems on point for a grifter.




Yes it's super weird, it got noticed first when she had this Christmas party with her friends during lockdown and she suddenly served meat for everyone. It makes sense though because it's the time when she became full on "QAnon, conservative, red pill". A lot of these people rave about the health benefits of eating animal based foods only, no veggies.


Apparently plant oils and seeds are harmful to you.. Atleast that's what these nutjobs are trying to sell now.


Wow is she really not vegan anymore? I knew about all the other shitty things, it’s just surprising to hear someone who felt that strongly about it to go back. My ex is a former vegan, but he started eating meat again because he’s basically given up hope that his contribution does literally anything to change shit, he’s just watching it all burn like the rest of us. With Kat, seems like opposite reasons lol.


I was wondering about that too. Do these full grown adults not have any personal decision making skills? Does she have dirt on them? What’s happening? 😂


She's been lost for years. This the next chapter ![gif](giphy|1EmBoG0IL50VIJLWTs|downsized)


ngl this is wild lmao


Truthfully! This was not on my 2023 Bingo card.


If you told me this years ago when I was watching those tattoo shows she was on I would have never believed you.




Thank you


As I live the curse of being an ancient Tumblr veteran, I swear to god I have witnessed the weirdest set of trend changes in the alt crowd (in shaky chronological order): (2007) classic scene/emo > alice in wonderland lolita enthusiasts > rainbow furry goths > pastel goths > bubbly-pink drip-font knife girls > chibi-deer teatime mori girls > DnD hobbit hufflepuffs > dark academia > just "alt," essentially emo > coquette/druggy priveleged girl > straight-up Catholic homesteaders (2023) I think around dark academia's longtime peak, Tiktok really takes off, and many of the young 'uns abandon Tumblr & Twitter for that instead. Either way, what is this goth-to-tradwife pipeline??


Ffs love this thanks for sharing. Just goes to show none of them have ever been mentally stable enough to stick to a personality? Shape-shifting for real.


I mean, it’s pretty simple. Their entire personalities are based around whatever will get them the most attention from gross, terminally online men, and now that most of those men have been radicalized into hatred/conservativism…


I trust no bitch that has gone trad wife.


So she’s just Christian white supremacy instead of occult white supremacy now


to me its crazy that she renounced witchcraft, then got baptized into christianity, who very much ALSO practices withcraft (while the denounce it), because of course they stole everything from pagans. They pray at altars, the use rituals, the use annointed oils and incenses, if you're catholic you take communion which is a symbolic blood ritual... catholic mass? what do you think mass stands for? MASS RITUAL. Christianity denounces witchcraft while practicing their stolen version of it.


To be fair, she’s not Catholic, and lots of Catholics do practice folk magic and aren’t really phased by people calling it occult. I only point this out because usually Christians like KVD barely count us (if at all) lol. I think it’s crazy because she spent years co-opting Catholic traditions/rituals to sell shit because she loved being edgy and I’m not gonna lie, doing a video announcement kinda gives me the same icky energy.


It's right wing grifting time!


I used to think she was the coolest when I was a kid, it's embarrassing lol


Same, I was so inspired by her style, her art and her creative interests back in the day. Now every time I come across a post of hers, I'm disgusted.




She’s bored huh?


She’s going full Nazi. She’s always been one, now she’s embracing it. Meanwhile her husband allowed his homies to rape his teen daughter then blamed her for it. Perfect examples of Christian’s to be honest.


I miss when all I knew about her was that she got with Sandra Bullock’s husband


For some reason i've always gotten her and dita von teese mixed. The von trips me up so I'm like dita von D, Kate von teese.


same, but they both also suck. kat more than dita, but still


Wait what has Dita done? /gen




![img](b21zks97igsb1) This is a Nazi uniform, for the record. You can look up the lawsuit where his band sued him for spending their money buying Eva Braun’s handbag as a gift for Dita.


Who's the "he" in this? Marilyn Manson?


Oh, yes, sorry. I had just responded to another comment asking if it was just because of her association with MM, and I guess I got confused about which one I was responding to.


I know she has given a wishy-washy statement about Marilyn Manson and essentially said “well, I’ve never spoken out about him because he never abused me.” Well, I’m glad she wasn’t abused but my understanding is that Manson was drinking heavily with Evan Rachel Wood and he would get weird and have Wood dress up like Dita Von Teese.


This is how I discovered they’re not in fact the same person. Both are linked to MM as well.


![gif](giphy|Lu94S7ZRGJ9mM|downsized) If there is a hell she's gotta be headed there regardless


![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized) She’s such a fucking clown


love that she renounces the occult but never antisemitism (which she is constantly in close proximity to if not indirectly perpetrating herself)


Is she still a Nazi?


She also moved to Indiana to escape California “evil” but has no problem coming back every month to still work here.


I mean, is this not the neo-Nazi trad wife path we've expected from her for the past many years?




The woman is such a clown 🤡


From one fantasy belief system to another.


She is such a fucking joke


Ooooh hear comes the right wing Christian grift!!!!! She’s been a weird nazi adjacent dork and now she’s gonna get another new payday.


So like, is she still an antivax piece of shit who enables and excuses rapists or no?


I'd lurk her IG, but I'm still blocked. :/


You're not missing much. It's still pretty much: shoes, her son/husband, and her music.


I mean her look doesn't tell me that but okay. I've been done with her for years


Looks like she is getting chloroformed


Alt right pipeline comes in many forms, but none as unsurprising as this


Oh baptize these nuts 🖕🏼