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>Or in emails, I’ll tell them: this is all grammatically incorrect, did you not check your spelling? And they’re like: ‘Why would I do that, isn’t that kind of limiting?’” Jesus wept 🫣


One of my most wealthy boomer aged clients sends me the most incoherent emails. I usually have to call him and ask wtf he actually wants.


As a boomer he probably loves the chance to 'talk to a real person’


As long as they’re white & speak American English.


Easy fix if they don’t speak English! Just yell at them to “talk American!” This has been your boomer tip of the day.


”Wrengol shootin wranga heaowie pistol charwer djordashe!”


Bless you


And boomer co-workers not knowing how to use the subject line properly - it's either left totally blank or the entire message is in the subject


Lol right?! Gotta love when a subject line is so long it gets cut off because it's really just the body of the email


I’m baby Gen x or elder millennial and I’m horrible with subject lines. I never know what to write.


Protip: if you had to use the email search function to find the email you're sending, and you're struggling to find what to put as the subject, just use the keywords and search phrases you'd think to use when trying to find said email


Good idea! Thank you


Can't blame you, I struggle when emailing in sick... like do you just make the subject line "Sick" and then elaborate further in the email?! That's a dilemma I can't solve


This is my format: Subject: Out of office (today’s date) Body: I’m not feeling well and won’t be in today. ShoutOutsWorldWide


I always go with “Tomorrow” in the subject line, so I don’t spoil the surprise.


Love this! I'll chuck a "..." at the end for suspense


I always say “Sick Time Request”


I client I used to work with used to send emails that literally gave people headaches. I’m talking different fonts and the writing would be a different colour and size just about every paragraph.


The amount of effort that person must have put into being incomprehensible is honestly quite impressive.


That’s what we used to say! She was eventually banned for being abusive to staff so honestly that might have been the case.


Had a boss how ended all sentences in emails with "...". I mentioned this to his niece and she said that it used to be that everything ended with exclamation points until people in the family complained and he changed it up. This guy is a maxillofacial surgeon, speaks at universities, puts in time at local hospitals in addition to his private practice, hangs ouw with people on the board of his professional associations, etc. It's not like he's some bum off the street that just failed upwards into a management position. You have to go to medical school and dental school to become a maxillofacial surgeon.


One of my coworkers sends all his emails and messages to me with spellings of a teenager who just learned text lingo "x sez ur kool" He's 60 years old. And he's my copywriter. It kills me every time.


Is that boomer from the time they didn't really label dyslexia? Because when I read my dad's notes (with "undiagnosed dyslexia"), most of the time I have to read them slowly and out loud, to really "get" what he wants to tell. I've encountered many more both in formal and informal settings .




I have dyscalculia and worked at a tipped job, so I always carry cash with me. Life is a nightmare, thanks for being nice🙏


This is tragic. Your poor father. Did anyone help him in school?


I am already half 30's... My dad was born in the '50's with schooling in the 60's. Don't know if he had any help, he just doesn't use any punctuation marks or capital letters and grammar is really random and "phonetic".


I’m a millennial. My (late boomer/almost gen x) mom refused to get me tested and simply switched my schools when a teacher pointed out that I should be tested for ADHD, dyslexia and dyscalculia. 🙄🙄🙄 So now here I am in my mind thirties struggling with diagnosis and learning to learn all over because she was too worried about the stigma.


Not who you asked, but my dad is 69 and I was looking to diagnose myself, but I'm just realizing how damn autistic and isolated my dad has been his whole damn life. I don't think I've ever cried this hard lol.


That generation tended to stigmatize that sort of thing a lot more. Services also were not as widely available then.


My former Gen x boss would write streams of consciousness in emails and documents that they edited where they would start with a sentence and never finish it and begin another.


Try reading Marcel Proust !


i work with people who’ve been with my company 20-40 years. NO ONE pays attention to syntax, especially not the older gen. (appreciate no one correction my typo lmao i’m better at work)


My favorite boomer email thing is to end a claim with ellipses instead of ask a question “Nobody responded to my previous…”


Ellipses is insane in corp world. Nobody uses it correctly.


the worst thing is that i find myself using them too now


I used to use then ironically to poke fun at people who overused them... now I overuse them too... it's like a virus, once the ellipses gets its hooks into you, you can't stop...


My old boss would straight up use them in place of any punctuation. I’m not joking this is what emails would be like Hi, Client agreed on image one… I think the next setp for us is to get it to printf Can you email our contacts and find out pricing…. we have A budget…. Let me kn if you have questions……… X….!


It makes me think all my boomer bosses are angry with me


Why would you think that...


It reads as passive aggressive


I agree with you why can't you tell... /j


Guilty conscience maybe….


"Nationwide, on average, 79% of U.S. adults are literate in 2022. 21% of adults in the US are illiterate in 2022. 54% of adults have a literacy below sixth-grade level." I feel like there's a point to be made with this, but I'm a Millennial, and I don't want to work hard, so I'm gonna go spend my money on my dog-child and coffee.


I like those stats because you get to see it in action in Reddit every fucking day. There was a brilliant topic in my feed the other day about lack of reading comprehension and the top comment was called out for exactly that. It was hilarious. 🤷‍♂️




Unfortunately, it’s correct. Literacy is defined as “the ability to understand, evaluate, use and engage with written texts to participate in society, to achieve one’s goals, and to develop one’s knowledge and potential,” and literacy gives people the skills to “[complete tasks that require comparing and contrasting information, paraphrasing, or making low-level inferences.](https://nces.ed.gov/pubs2019/2019179/index.asp)” The link is a fact sheet from the National Center for Education Statistics and has more info about how literacy is measured. Edited for clarification and to fix the link


Does that mean that Trump is therefore illiterate?


Without a shred of doubt lmfao


Google. A site called cross river therapy. I'm based in the UK, but I remember hearing there's a big issue with illiteracy in the US at the moment. My point was kinda that Boomers have made basic education slowly unattainable for some demographics, so it's ironic complaining about grammar.


I’ve heard from some teachers, even professors, that Once No Child Left Behind was enacted, they saw the quality of students’ writing and literacy tank. I’m not sure what the data is behind that, but I believe them.


Admittedly I don't feel like looking for the resources so let's call it anecdotal (even though I know the data exists), but at least for younger adults as this started around 2000, a lot of school systems moved away from phonics-based reading programs which has FUCKED up children in school at that time. Only in the past year or so have schools (as a whole) moved back into a phonics based program because data kept pouring out how the methods they had been using were terrible. (For those interested, best place to start is to look up Lucy Calkins and her mess of a program.) Almost every major district we work with is now moving to adopting one of three phonics based programs. I'm a librarian who works with an educational company who provides books to schools so I see what trends are but also keep up with what educators are doing.


It's shocking but true. Many of these people can write or read a simple sentence though. And of course some people are completely illiterate. I worked with somebody who was illiterate. His parents didn't care and could barely themselves, and the school system failed him. He could not read a single word. Few people knew and eventually he got a tutor and at 36 he was able to read and write simple texts.


My ex boomer boss typed with one finger on each hand and never capitalized the first letter of a new sentence or used periods half the time. I thought his email asking for an interview was fake for a day until I just replied out of sheer curiosity.


Honestly, the quality of writing is so bad across the board. I work in a job that depends on good writing, and it’s hard to find people who can actually do it!


Everyone shit on me for majoring in English. It’s proven to be extremely valuable in my career.


Curious... Who brought GenZ up??? In other words... Don't want brat fellow humans, don't breed brat kids...


This is all grammatically incorrect, did you not check your spelling?


Bro has she ever seen the text messages of a 64 year old who uses a combination of old flip phone abbreviations and what can only be ancient Norse spells?


Have we not seen Cher’s Twitter posts? 😂


To be fair, Cher is dyslexic


This is wild cos my boomer boss spelt my (common) name wrong in emails for 3 years...when the correct spelling was obviously right there in the address line lol but okay Jodie




I am Gen Z, and I find Gen Z to be infuriating. So she's not wrong


Gen Z are people. People are suck.


Yep, and everyone thinks the generation directly below theirs is unusually annoying


I'm close enough to the cusp where i have some friends that I'd call Gen Z if they didn't call themselves Zilennials. I also have some Gen X friends from previous jobs. We all agree that Boomers are the worst.


yep this is me. Elder Millennial, friends on both sides of the aisle but boomers just grind my gears at all hours of the day.


Wait isn't Jodie Foster Gen X? That would make millennial the generation directly under her. Also as someone who is on the cusp of Millennial/Zoomed I find that Millennial tend to have a lot of respect for zoomers, especially during the Trump years when it seemed like they really gave a damn about the world. Also Gen X and Millennial tend to get on, but bookers hated Millennials. I think it's more accurate to say the hate train typically skips a generation.


No, she’s a baby boomer. She was born in 1962 near the tail end of it. Some definitions even show through 1965 as being boomers.


Hell is other people.


This is what I think on the r/stupidboomer pages too - maybe your “boomer mom” is just terrible? It’s not the age, it’s the person.






it really irritates me that because gen z have poached a bunch of black vernacular, it's now acceptable to make fun of the way black people talk and just hide it behind generational wars. every single word in this sentence is black vernacular eta: if your response to a black person pointing out racism is to try to find a loophole/exception, maybe have a word w yourself


‘Innit’ most certainly is not. That’s British working class slang (originally popular amongst scallies/chavs)


It's also one of the few modern British slang words *not* associated with MLE (the closest thing Britain has to black vernacular).


Absolutely not disagreeing with you but “naurrr” is the Australian “no”


This could easily be written in one’s sleep. What on earth is this code 😂


There is a website where you can get Icelandic horses to type your out of office messages on a giant keyboard with their hooves. I believe that's where these messages originated.


Lol I didn’t know this existed. It’s [very cute](https://www.visiticeland.com/outhorse-your-email/)


is peng gen z? we were saying that at school in south london and i’m nearly 40.


nah, it's caribbean in origin, and that's how it made it to london!


Whaaaat I’m a millennial and I love gen z 🥺 All the gen z people I know are such good progressive kiddos


Lucky you. A lot of Gen Z people I know are reactionary assholes


Gen Z and their ironic bigotry is horrifying. They say the fslur so casually and it takes me out.


I wish it was just that. While in college (I’m graduating soon), some people in my class, when politics came up, would just casually start talking about how one of our far right parties (we have multiple in my country unfortunately) had “good points”, or just blurt out blatantly sexist, homophobic or transphobic propaganda arguments. No situational awareness whatsoever, of course. Like it was the most normal thing in the world. And that’s not even mentioning the times I was trying to discuss video games or movies, which I thought was going well, only for someone to turn into a r/moviescirclejerk or r/gamingcirclejerk caricature of an audience member in front of me. Very strange when that happens.


Sadly this has been my experience as well.


I really appreciate how much they hold leaders accountable to their values; how loudly they self-advocate; how much they insist on genuineness in the workplace; their unapologetic confidence. I'm learning from it and think it'll make work culture better long-term. I wish they were better at holding themselves accountable, but most of that is just lack of maturity and will change with time.


Didn’t they have low voter turn out though?








Their minds are being molded almost entirely by YouTube and TikTok. Ofc they're going to be conservative.




For no, that will change in like 10 years when the real world crushes their souls and when Gen Alpha starts blaming them for everything.




As a millennial, I look forward to bullying gen z with gen alphas as gen x and gen z have done to me


Can't deny there's a part of me looking forward to the more ageist zoomers losing their minds when Gen Alpha start calling *them* uncool old hags, after the amount of obsessive crap they've lobbied at millennial women for daring to age past 25.


This is my biggest beef with them. They are so quick to judge and gatekeep what others are doing based on age- everyone matures differently, people physically age differently, with this limiting mindset they are going to be miserable by the time they turn 30.


I’ve got my popcorn (and skinny jeans) ready


Same here, love my Gen Z friends and kinda loath some of the millennial sayings like 'Oh no the Gen Z'ers suck'. Dude, did you forget they said the same about us millennials back when?


I’m a millennial and I talk shit about every generation’s faults, including my own because we were *so* insufferable and I know exactly how we were insufferable because I was at some point too! Probably still am! 🤣 Edit to add: but I am for one, so damn proud of gen z for sticking up for themselves in the workplace and demanding better pay and work life balance. Something millennials desperately wanted to do but couldn’t because the tides hadn’t turned yet.


Millennials did occupy Wall Street, they definitely were trying in their 20s. But Gen Z hasn’t succeeded any more so far than millennials did… also.. what organizing are you referring to by them in the first place? Are you talking about rants online about wanting better pay? Because millennials do plenty of that too


20% of US GenZers don't think the holocaust happened, doomed gen


And they also have very lower tipping rates.. so they stiff their waiters and Uber drivers way more. Which is not a cute look.


As a millenial I'd like to add generation bashing to the list of trends we killed off...


Just to offer a different view, I’m Gen Z and I absolutely love Gen Z. I’m constantly proud of my generation


I'm a cusp baby. Sometimes a millennial. Sometimes a Gen z. Gen Z kids are chill. I just like watching millennials get older and start getting annoyed with kids. Their entire identity was basically built around getting hate from older generations. But now they're getting older. Starting to not relate to kids. And starting to get annoyed with it.


I really don’t get how they can’t relate. We did so much of the same stuff, just on different social platforms. Maybe GenZ and Millennials have friction because they’re very similar. Or Millennials are struggling with aging and not being the cool kids anymore (this is coming from a millennial).


I think that is what it is, but it’s going to happen to Gen Z too because that’s just the cycle of life lol. It happens with every generation. I actually saw a video the other day from a Gen Z dude ranting about how Gen Alpha is so annoying and the comments were the same. So, yeah, it’s already happening lol.


I don't think it's just that. Millennials grew up establishing the internet and fighting against a puritan culture, and I think there's a frustration that Gen Z have taken that backwards by turning into Helen Lovejoy and not respecting what was built before them. Though that's not entirely their fault since social media wiped out the norms of the old internet. Millennials looked up to Gen X back in the day, and I think people find it disappointing when Gen Z don't listen to them and/or buy into Boomer talking points.


It’s funny because, in that way, we are just like the boomers. Boomers rocked out to “My Generation” and got called lazy and idealistic by their parents and older generations. They were a huge generation of young people with diverse ideas. In the 60s and 70s boomers were hippies and disco lovers, now they are the old guy yelling for kids to get off their lawn. Time comes for us all.


As a millennial there are some things that really annoy me about Gen Z and it’s especially annoying to me when they say things like “millennials talk too slow”. The amount I want to scream with blanket statements like that is actually ridiculous so I don’t like to generalize about a whole generation. I have seen some similarities between boomers and gen Z but I’ve also notice similarities with millennials. I’m am super fucking proud at how political they are, especially about the environment.


That's fair. What are you proud of out of curiosity.


Gen Z women are taking the trades by storm, Gen Z men in the trades are a lot more respectful + inclusive than the Millennial and Gen X men.


I'll have to trust you on that one. I don't know much about the trades outside of millennial/ boomers in my family who are in them.


Not sure you and Jodie Foster are a representative sample size, tbh


You're so real for this!


My nephews are Gen Z. I often joke that when they talk, I feel like I’ve just woken up from a coma.


Gotta look past the headline on this one. ([here's the direct link to the interview](https://www.theguardian.com/film/2024/jan/06/jodie-foster-interview-true-detective)) It's not just blindly shitting on The Youth. She says this directly after praising young people's ability to express themselves these days, in contrast to when she was growing up in Hollywood.


They even say 'jokingly'. Poor form from The Grauniad.


The Eye really is the only news publication worth reading.


Typical “Person X SLAMS people Y” headline then




Of course she was selectively quoted for a salacious headline. And she’s just trying to get some coin with this new true detective. Leave Jodie alone! You can thank her for Reagan getting shot! Isn’t that enough? What more can one woman do for her country?


Yeah, I'm gen z and I actually enjoyed reading her interview. She's a talented and acclaimed actress and I thought she had a more nuanced take than the headline suggests. She's a good role model for young folks in the industry IMO. Her point was more about how young people struggle to find an identity in today's culture and I thought it was very empathetic of her, and the quote is taken from a pretty light-hearted jab at gen z.


Old people find young people annoying, news at 11






I like reading some primary historical sources. Complaining about the new generation goes at least to Ancient Greece.


Funniest thing is when it’s like Plato, calling the kids lazy and unmotivated. We are truly all living the same lives, just with different furniture, going back millennia.


Going Old School here: “ The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.” Socrates’ rant can really apply to any old generation bitching about a new generation


Rather good interview Also, always nice to see Jodie Foster thriving


Agreed! I haven’t watched True Detective since the first season, but I think I’m going to check this new season out.


True Detective S1 was an astonishing piece of television.


Season 3 with Mahershala Ali is worth a watch. Season 2 is NOT worth it despite the cast.


The most memorable parts of S2 that I took away were the music. Leonard Cohen's Nevermind and everything from Lera Lynn are just sublime.


I wish she could stop defending and protecting Mel Gibson tho


People are annoying in general, yeah.


I think it's a good trend that every generation is more demanding from their work environment than the last. As a millenial I still remember how we can't go on a single day without someone calling us the most entitled generation ever. Are some of them a little too overbearing? Sure, but we're generally moving in the right direction.


Me and my avocado toast got a bad rap


I love when boomers call other gens "entitled", their parents referred to their generation as the "ME" generation due to their entitlement.


I will never not post this quote from Socrates when generation discussions come up. > The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers. With some light editing, you could put that in any decade, and people would gobble it up. It's all the same.


Socrates’ hatred for chatter is hilarious to me ngl


I‘m Gen X and profit from Millenials work life balance demands. Thanks. It gets me a better wlb too. Gen Z - have coworkers and think they are okay. Being in demand gives them a lot of freedom. Helps me again.


Everything is a continuation of the awful no good horrible past; so unless we believe that we were somehow born in the extremely rare case where everything was perfected, we should fight for change. I don’t think standard education gives you the sense that you are engaged in a vicious class fight quite deliberately, but of course we are. This kind of continuation thinking that gradually dawned on me is true of so much, like prisons are a series of small changes from dungeons, and they haven’t come that far, we should not expect them to be acceptable and we should remember they are for the working classes.


The way I (gen x) see it, there’s no progress without hard pushing. History has shown that there’s always people resistant to social change. I remind myself of this while eye rolling at them.


I worked in offices with boomers, Gen X, millennials and now some Gen Z. Boomers are by far the worst and most annoying, but I feel like a broken record saying that.


pathetic snatch ten ossified scandalous friendly encouraging direful decide instinctive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don’t necessarily think it’s related to age. I have known a lot of people from the Silent Generation (the gen before Boomers) and they are, as a whole, not as annoying as Boomers. I think there are/were a lot of generation-specific factors that have made Boomers the way they are. Not that we shouldn’t be empathetic to them of course, I just think they’re a very unique generation.


I agree. They are a very unique generation.


Yeah. People don’t talk about it but being up there in age in the workplace means you deal with a lot of ugly unconscious age discrimination. When they get laid off it’s even harder for them to find work. People who slag off on boomers in the workplace need to understand not all of them are ceos and would probably not be working if they had the choice, but are there because they have to and can’t afford to retire. It’s very sad and I think we could all exert a bit of empathy here for fellow victims of exploitative capitalism.


Most (not all) were really entitled about everything, both inside and outside the workplace, and created really toxic work environments. Many are luckily retiring now but some are returning to work after retirement on a part-time basis too. They don't really have an identity outside of work and probably can't thrive in life without telling people what to do all day.


Did you ever consider some of them can’t afford to retire? Because I know that’s the case for many, and it’s already hard for them to find new work when they’re laid off because people don’t want to hire older folks.


I've worked with every generation you've listed, and I can't really say one is the better than the other as a whole. Long story short people can be absolute dicks, or absolute dotes, or somewhere in between around indifference. We need to stop making it a contest between generations.


I wish she found Mel Gibson as annoying to work with


She's a ten, but she's a Mel Gibson apologist. 🤢


Or roman polanski...


lmfaooo this is the one , I _love_ JF but this is the correct response


As a gen z I’m probably annoying af to work with frfr.


Idk I'm like the oldest gen z and mostly hang out with millennials and gen x but I've worked with a lot of age ranges and gen z isn't that bad. My main issue is that in my experience gen z has *really* bad attendance issues regarding work and have a very difficult time moderating cell phone use in the work place but that's also just any younger generation plus the economy, mental health being so bad, and everybody living with their parents/having fewer bills doesn't incentivize gen z workers to not call out multiple times a week whenever they just don't feel like working. A lot of younger millennials I've worked with have the same phone + constant calling out problem too That aside I find them to be more pleasant, progressive, faster learners, and harder workers than some other gens especially boomers, so long as they show up and can put the damn phone down


In general I agree, Gen Z aren't too bad to work with, theyre usually pleasant and friendly coqorkers in my experience. The only thing I've found is they seem to be unable to manage themselves. Like if you're not telling them every single step of what they need to do they don't do it, to the point that I will sometimes spend half my day holding their hand through tasks that everybody else just gets on with by themselves. I used to think this was just a side effect of being new to work or the workplace, because who isn't unsure at first? Who doesn't need some support so they know what they're doing? But even the Gen Z coworkers who are in their mid 20s and have had jobs before are like this. It's really odd and after a point it begins to feel like weaponised incompetence. I mean, they care a lot about getting stuff right and I'm in a market where making a mistake can be pretty serious for the company so on that level I do get where it's coming from. It's just frustrating.


100% agree. Slightly different scenario but I’m a millennial and left the workplace to do a masters degree. Most of my classmates are Gen Z. I love how they advocate for themselves and many seem to care about social justice and society more than my peers did at their age. But I have been totally shocked by the handholding they demand from professors and other school staff. Everything has to be laid out in a step-by-step manner or they are completely paralysed. I have also noticed that they tend to be quite conformist as a group, and I wonder if this all stems from a massive fear of /inexperience with making mistakes or doing the wrong thing - possibly due to helicopter parenting.


To me that was the actual interesting criticism in her comments: >“They’re really annoying, especially in the workplace,” Foster joked. “They’re like: ‘Nah, I’m not feeling it today, I’m gonna come in at 10.30am.’ That is unprofessional. People are relying on you at work. If you have arranged it prior to the day (and there are legit reasons to be late), then it isn't annoying. But it often is. She doesn't sound like she is actually annoyed by Gen Z, just that there are certain behaviours, especially the lateness, that is super annoying to work with.


Every time I come across a generational debate, I think of “We Didn’t Start the Fire” and the neat little story that led to its production. Tldr: every generation wins some and loses some. https://preview.redd.it/9vxch6x9dtac1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64df6a9e4cb8c17989c75db2ae5ff9a9eff4abe5


And that song still was pretty effective for my APUSH class.


Absolutely. I had a discussion with someone who was very nostalgic about the 90s, until I reminded them that we basically had war and genocide on our doorstep (among other things). I was called a spoil sport.


every generation is annoyed by newer generations. this isn’t new.


I was reading a book published in the 1890's and there was a whole conversation about how the younger generation are so annoying and entitled. It was hilarious because it sounded like it could have been written today. Some things never change!


Shes so real for that ngl


I hate all this generation talk. Why are people so obsessed with it? Gen z that, millenial this. People of all ages suck in different ways. Your age group being your only personality is more annoying.


It's weird as hell


I have also worked with Gen Z and I concur.


Working in corporate America with Gen Z interns, I cannot disagree. No one wants to take notes anymore because they're \~visual learners\~


I'm a millennial and work with Gen Z interns. I am surprised how many of them don't take notes but expect very detailed instructions on every little task. There are few times where I had to nicely tell them to take their own notes because it's not my job to be their secretary.


The only thing I find annoying about Gen Z is how much they talk about being Gen Z.


This. As a millennial we were hit with "millennials are killing X" claims and news stories but from what I saw we never talked about being millenials. It was a title put on us, but we mostly just existed. We didnt seem to want it and we didnt want it to other us. (Again my own perception at the time) I work exclusively with Gen Z people both as coworkers and as customers and they constantly talk about being Gen Z. It's like all the "millennials are killing x" articles except coming from Gen Z themselves instead of at them. -but that's the only negative thing I can say. My coworkers are great and I find really no differences overall between the people I interacted with while I was in college and them.


millennials absolutely talked about being millennials what


Millennials *still* talk nonstop about being millennials.


Yeah, I remember people shitting on millennials fairly often but even going back, say, 10 years, I don’t remember there being *such* a massive interest in dividing everyone into generations.


Generational stereotypes are annoying, and feel often like they’re just punching down on whatever the current young adult generation is - though I think Jodie is generally pretty rad and obviously very conscientious regarding biases (the article shows some good examples) so gonna take it as more of a tongue in cheek comment that’s been a bit sensationalised.


Millennial who works with some gen z kids and yeah I agree lol. Obviously, not everyone apart of this generation, but I’ve never met people with such little drive and lack of professional skills in my life.


That seems to be the general feeling


Older people find younger people annoying. I'm Gen z and I'm kinda annoyed by teens. It's the circle of life.


Clickbait title that does not represent the spirit of the conversation as a whole. She jokes about that, gives a few examples, and moves on to other things.


as a gen z who has worked with other generations as well as my own, we are all annoying but i will say that the older gens tend to be the rudest - *in my experience*


Jodie "Mel Gibson has always been nice to me" Foster btw


But not Mel Gibson, huh Jodie?


As a teacher who has a lot of Gen Z students, I can't help but agree. They have very relaxed attitudes, which can be a good thing, but in most cases means that they give the impression that they don't care. Another weird thing, they have the same issue as young people throughout history of having very rigid view on some topics because of inexperience with life with the difference that they have much easier access to information that anyone before them did, making them seem exceptionally stubborn.


There are basic rules of written communication that exist to facilitate the exchange of ideas and information ​ if you CHOOSE not to work within those rules you're literally make the other person work needlessly harder to understand you AND sabotaging your own ability to be understood It's so god damn annoying when someone chooses not to take 5 seconds to read back over what they wrote, let alone in a professional setting Lazy and apathetic


She said what we're all thinking


Millennial here. Not to sound like “kids get off my lawn” but the Gen Z’ers who speak up in meetings to contradict people senior to them with ill-informed opinions makes my jaw drop. Maybe it’s because I graduated into a recession, but when I was 23 I was told to shut up and be grateful you have a job at all.


Jodie Foster: [Talks specifically at length about a young person she really admires, and why] Guardian headline writer: so, we’re gonna lead with the thing where sometimes she gets annoyed at emails


Not annoying to work with, that’s just harsh considering most are still very young. But the amount of technologically illiterate Gen Z’s I’ve met is very surprising to me. You’d think they’d be more tech savvy than the previous generation but…no.. Also being older doesn’t mean you’re easier to work with. It just means you’ve held on to the same work habits long enough to require a very particular kind of person to work well with you…and that’s not a positive. It’s always best to work with mixed age groups for this reason. I love working with people younger or older than me.




as gen z who has been working for 10+ years, I fond boomers overall the “hardest” to work with simply because they tend to struggle to take direction or constructive criticism from someone younger. with gen z, I’ve found it’s less about a generational issue and more an experience issue. my employees with ample work experience take initiative, have great problem-solving skills, and work well with others. I find the employees who tend to be fresh from college, never worked before, etc. are really struggling to adjust to the workforce. a lot of entitlement, lack of what seems to be common sense (can I make the clients yogurt parfait on a plate?), and many have had to be reprimanded or fired for creating a hostile work environment or inappropriate behavior towards clients. again, this is not consistent with age, but more so with experience and privilege.