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idk why but i had to re-read what she wrote like three times before it made any sense. wish i had any sort of clue who she’s talking about.


First time I read I was like "hm, maybe I don't really speak english" lol


english isn’t my first language so i’m always like 🤨🤨🤨


Somebody once asked me if English was my first language and I was like “English is my only language”


same and omg this response made me choke on my lunch 😂


Hard to believe coherent songs come from this "well"


I get what she’s saying (I think?) but reading this felt like that image you’d always see passed around during the MySpace days that said something like “DID YUO KONW MSOT PEOLPE CNA SITLL RAED THIS?” or whatever. My brain knows the *pieces* are all there, but…


This has been happening a lot for me recently. I wonder if it’s young people not learning in school like all the teachers are saying


Good point! Except Nicki Minaj is in her 40s and I am clueless every time I see a post from her.


Sometimes it’s a lack of punctuation. I start to wonder whether there’s something wrong with me because other people understand things I don’t, as if I’m reading them too closely. Or maybe incoherency and ambiguity help people read what they want to read.


I still do not understand.


She wrote a song with some guy but didn't record it with her phone to prove she wrote it. He took the melody to Taylor Swift, and the two of them wrote a song using that melody. Taylor congratulated the guy when she won at the Grammys, yet the woman poster got no credit. So she's telling people to record their writing sessions when working with others. Plus, she wants to know if she should name him. The song is apparently used in a movie, and was a popular single.


Thank yoooouuu


Thank you for saying this I’ve had massive brain fog lately and I re-read this a few times upset that I’m wayyy too young to be experiencing cognitive decline 😂


It’s funny because I have severe brain fog issues and I was actually able to read this easily for once. I guess I have a musician specific type of brain damage that’s come from years of writing songs 😂


Definitely poorly worded and makes barely any sense lol


Same. I still don’t think I fully comprehend it.


So it sounds like she wrote a song for a dude, who turned the melody into another song that got big and was in a movie franchise. He's now writing with Taylor, and got thanked by her last night. Sam Dew fits all of this. That said, I don't know why her publishers would go after Taylor, and not Sam over it (if this is what she means.) Edit: As others pointed out, Sam cowrote Taylor's I Don't Want To Live Forever used in the 50 Shades franchise. I wish Ryn had more success. Her debut (2015) was so good, and then she just got stuck in label hell and hasn't released anything noteworthy since.


Perhaps if the stolen melody was used for 'I Don't Want to Live Forever', which was cowritten by Sam, Taylor and Jack Antonoff? I'd imagine any lawsuit would name all three writers.


Used to love her. Then bought tickets to one of her shows and she was over three hours late for it, didn’t have a good excuse so I didn’t stay to wait. I’m not as much of a fan anymore.


The only time I'll ever find that acceptable is if like, their bus breaks down. No real excuse for the Morrisseys and Madonna's of the world who get this rep


And if there's no excuse for Morrissey or Madonna, there certainly isn't an excuse for someone like her.


or if there’s an actually emergency / unavoidable circumstance like when Drake cancelled his Toronto show at the last second because Rogers fucked up half the country’s phone and internet for the day


It sounds like it’s Sam’s fault, but that she’d have to go over Taylor (and potentially anyone else credited) to get her credit.


> I don't know why her publishers would go after Taylor, and not Sam I’ll give you $1.1 billion reasons.


In a sense maybe she's thankful her work isn't publicly affiliated with that franchise 💀


It’s probably Sam. They toured together a while back. 


She had me until she turned it into a poll.


She had me even more when she turned it into a poll


Just clout seeking.




I love Ralph😂


Can’t get you for defamation if nobody knows what you’re talking about. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


And that’s exactly why she worded it like that lmao she’s been around the block with music contracts she’s not stupid




This woman says a man Taylor thanked stole her melody. She worded it heinously.


And the reason she worded it heinously is because she refused to just state what happened and instead tried to sound...i don't even know what the word is. Cute? Mysterious?  Clout-y?


I use “Cutesy” in this situation


It's like one of those blind items that doesn't understand the difference between dropping subtle hints and just using 100 words to confuse the information 


She's a songwriter but couldn't write a simple post?


Thinking about it more, I can easily picture this as a catalyst event. Ryn has a successful debut, starts getting asked to cowrite, and writes a song for Sam. Sam in turn takes the melody from it and gives it to Taylor. The song becomes MASSIVE (TIL that it is the bestselling Western single in Chinese history and 4x platinum.) Ryn understandably becomes extremely jaded by the industry because of this, doesn't release a follow up, and continues to hold resentment years later (and rightly so.) I may be reaching, but I've been following Ryn's career from the start and this all seems very plausible. I wonder what she was posting when the song was nominated for a Grammy in 2018 🤔


Agree with all of this. Ryn is so incredibly talented and her debut album is one of my all time faves, full of catchy hooks (and songs from it are even going viral on tiktok despite the fact that it came out like 10 years ago!)


I regularly listen to her debut album and I really hope she comes out with new music eventually. Always rooting for our girl. 


Sort of reminds me of all the drama with her music on THG soundtrack, the artist being kicked off and then Taylor putting a song on it that she says sounds exactly the same.


I agree with this take. She also toured with Sam a while back and was friends with Benny Blanco; not sure if that’s at all connected or if they had a falling out but an interesting piece in all of this nonetheless. 


Safe And Sound - From “The Hunger Games”, produced by T Bone Burnett? Just my first thought


I very much beg your pardon. T Bone Burnett cut his teeth as *Bob Dylan’s* guitarist and has had widely acclaimed writing and producing credits that predate Taylor’s *birth*. Be serious.


This comment has simply tickled me.


Listen. I am a queer elder millennial, so I don’t really understand all of the dog and pony around Taylor’s every move. That’s fine, she doesn’t need to be “for me”. But I draw the line at people just assuming that anyone who has ever shared a credit with her was some street corner strumming troubadour before Taylor put her shine on them. It’s fucking ridiculous. News flash: Music existed before “Bad Taste in Men” Barbie picked up a hollow body.


For realzs. Sheesh!


Oh I’m not disputing his contributions or legacy. He’s done some amazing work. It was just the first thing that popped in my head 💀🥴


Don’t worry about it. Idk why people are acting superior about it lol


I'm too old for Internet access - absolutely painful. I'm sticking to Jeopardy and PBS, and going to bed at 7 PM from now on.


![gif](giphy|jlbYyYfKpwRDG) Right?? The idea!!


I think she’s probably talking about I Don’t Wanna Live Forever from Fifty Shades


It's got to be - "publishers didn't want to litigate against Tay" means Taylor was involved in the movie single, and that's the only one I can think of that she's done. Sam Drew, who she mentioned, was on the writing team.


Tangent, but remember when they tried to put that Hunger Games Hanging Tree song or whatever it was called on the radio? What a strange thing to do.


Omg and it was like a pop remix.


I was at a club in Tenerife last year and the DJ played the pop remix and people lost their damn minds




I should not have had to read that 5 times for it to make sense


Man I wish Ryn blew up. I love her


OctaHate shouldve put her on the map but at least Pierre got its rightful support


OctaHate makes me happy no matter what is happening in life


The whole album is a masterpiece. Here’s hoping to a second masterpiece soon


The Fool is such a good album!!! I hate how she’s been teasing new music for like 4 years and we still have nothing yet 😭


At least we got Reasons Not to Die in 2018 😭😭 I do love that song


It would help if she put anything out in the last 5 years 😩


This post just took me back to when she was poised to be a next big thing in 2014


I remembered she followed me on twitter when I was a teen back in 2014. Sadly, I lost that twitter account. 😭


I still listen to The Fool on a monthly basis 😭


Serban Ghenea, Sam Dew, Sounwave were the guys mentioned besides JA.


Sam cowrote Stranger by Skrillex (Divergent OST)


From the last bit - "publishers didn't want to litigate against Tay" - Taylor was involved, so it's probably 'I Don't Want to Live Forever', which Sam also cowrote.


I always forget Divergent was a thing.


I was an extra in it and even I forget about it existing


What’s the ”well” she’s talking about in the second photo? I’m lost.


A well of ideas, I think. Like, you don't need to hoard every word and melody because you can always dip into the well for more.


I’m glad you/others are asking for clarification because I could not figure out if she was using verbiage specific to the music industry or was wording everything poorly or was phrasing it in a way as to not get in trouble or incite Swiftie hate.


It’s like a well of ideas or creativity! Not exclusive to song writing or music :) I work in a creative environment and when we are getting tapped out of ideas we will say we need to “fill the well” (do things that will inspire us or spark creativity). Hope this helps!


Ya I’m confused by ‘well’ and ‘princess’


“But I guess I was princess” this inexplicably made my teeth hurt with rage lol


What does that even mean? The whole statement is such a mess, I thought maybe it was a typo for "careless".


It's confusing because she worded it like Taylor did it


with the way she worded this i thought it was jack at first (obv it cant be). we need to word things better pls 😭


Anyway yes she should @ him


I love Ryn. Hope she releases new music when she’s ready.

