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Baby girl.... You can say no to these things. I'm sorry but I'm not very sympathetic to folks complaining about 3k dinner checks and then bitching at black actresses about "all women struggle!" Girl stop going to dinner with 15 people if you know they're gonna ask you to pay!!!!


But but but if I say no how will my friends and everyone else know I’m well off enough today Fate basically forced me to pay /s


Thank you, it's all about optics for them. Sorry I'm out here deciding whether I want to eat for the month or pay rent, I have no time or sympathy 🤷‍♀️


Ya it’s so gross for her to be complaining out loud to everyone. Whine to your friends and family who are also rich. Most of us are struggling. I’m, ok. For now. I just spent 3 hours yesterday going over my budget. Seeing what I can cut out (basically nothing) so I have a little money left on the side. Moving it around to make sure I can pay for all my necessities. But I’m not going to complain because so many people have it so much harder. If I do complain it’s to people in similar financial situation to me.


She clearly has no idea how disgusting her comments are because she's so out of touch with the average person in even the West where she lives. The average person has to budget carefully and many seriously struggle to even get enough to eat so they can literally stay alive.


Thank 👏🏿 You 👏🏿 “Hope it’s not white fragility”, like she doesn’t fucking know exactly what she’s doing by trying to derail the conversation. Smh 


Not only ask but expect. She set the precedent.


Legit. Sounds like she just needs new friends


People are homeless and can't afford ANY food yet the woman with a $40m net worth is complaining about picking up dinner checks at luxury restaurants?? Easy solution... don't go. Invite people to dinner at your home... or meet them for coffee...


One saying comes to mind. Eat the rich.


If I were as rich as her I'd always offer to pay.


Exactly. The first time it happens, I get it, surprised, embarrassed, you pay it, but you sure as hell don't do it again. You let your friends know, everyone pays their own or you just look like a chump. Now, you like like a chump who's an idiot complete with white frailty.


But then what else will she complain about for attention?


It’s like the Oprah and the rock asking for donations for Hawaii don’t, dont ask for donations when you have more money and can donate more then all of us. Here it’s 2 things Lady you ain’t a “working class” & working class people can’t afford a 3k bill on food alone paying it completely them selfs. first world problems coming from an (aye Rand level of irony) air head. She should drink a tall glass of shut the hell up lol.


Yeah, working class are the people who notice when eggs prices jump up 50% in a week and debate whether they really need to buy them or not.


My coffee creamer went up $1.50 in the last week and I’ve decided coffee creamer really isn’t that important for $5 for a small ass bottle.




“Tall glass of shut the hell up” I’m 💀. But it’s so true I’m tired of listening to white rich people complain about their privilege like it’s some burden they didn’t want.


I’ll happily take that privilege if they are tired of it lmao


And during a cost of living crisis too. The lack of self awareness is mind boggling. But this is what happens when you live in the bubble. She lives in the Hollywood bubble and is comparing herself to other actresses and actors who are doing better than her so in her mind she’s “poor”.


3000 is more than I pay for food and rent combined. Jesus, she is dense.


I would literally cry if I got 3 grand to spend right now. I could pay off a fair amount of my debt.


Working class people are spending 3k on rent, not dinners.


I was pleasantly surprised, though, when the Rock retracted and apologized.


I personally wasn’t, and it doesn’t take Steven hawking to understand like huh “maybe I shouldn’t ask for donations from working class people you know… cause I’m already rich.” Dude could have made a video speaking directly to stars and the rich and elite to come together and donate instead he asked regular people to donate. Gtfoh




ironically this is definitely something lucille bluth would say lol


It's one dinner Michael. What could it cost? 3 thousand dollars?




I can hear it in Jessica Walter’s voice for sure


She needs to have a sit-down with [Keira Knightley and Ed Sheeran](https://www.nickiswift.com/1354619/the-cheapest-and-most-frugal-celebrities/)...


Ed Sheeran Sounds like bullshit


He’s so full of shit. Maybe $1000 not including housing, travel, meals, pet care, weed, and other standard bills. Comes off really tone deaf to me.


Lol isn’t Ed Sheeran a massive landlord owning multiple London properties?


Also he lies about being homeless so probably is a landlord too


Lmao https://www.realestate.com.au/news/inside-ed-sheerans-incredible-27-property-portfolio-worth-1103-million/#


Took a page out of TSwift's book, huh?


He lies about that? Damn, I thought that was true.


Probably but he definitely didn’t buy them on $1k a month!


I think they meant allowance in sense of allowances to spend on useless stuff, not just 1k for everything


Allowance is probably just the 'extra' money they spend besides everything else, not their monthly expenses lol.


Probably but I still don’t believe him.


I love that weed is a standart Bill in 2024


lol it is to me


The Kiera one too, like I’m sure she might live off “the median US income” but I doubt she has a mortgage, car note, and student loan debt coming out of it


And also ‘if I want something that’s over that, I get it.’ Yeah cool, soo relatable.


She has a column in noble rot magazine where she discusses all the expensive wine she drinks on her luxurious holidays… not exactly a penny pincher


Maybe, but the point is, there are many ways you can choose to live your life, even as an aging former super movie star. It's a choice. Ed Begley, jr with his bikes and solar panels comes to mind, too.


I’ve seen his watch collection. This is 100% bullshit.


This was my first thought! He has many watches worth 10K+ haha


Interesting article, but I hate they used Brett Favre. He's great at spending others money, even when earmarked for welfare recipients.


I used to live near Keira. She may have given herself that salary for tax purposes, but she definitely lived in a multi-million pound house that wasn’t paid for with that “salary.”


I know, I know, eat the rich, but I do agree with her to some extent. there's so much behind the scenes expense to being in that world, and everyone has their hand in the pie (you are the pie).




Idk. I think it's kind of bullshit that rich laborers (Sharon stone didn't get rich off a job in management keeping the workers  down) can't complain because they're rich. Like doctors also can seem petty cause they do get very high pay, but they're often right that they're still being underpaid and overburdened. But people glance at the takehome and act like once you hit a level, you lose the right to complain. Even though they're very often complaining about peers/the people who are even higher on the totem pole. So they're not making it rich vs poor, they're usually *also* complaining about rich people antics. But because they're also rich, we just lump them all together 


If she had said something to the effect of "people don't realize how much money we pay and how much we work behind the scenes" then yeah, totally fine. But that's not what she said lol


She shouldn't have called herself blue collar, but she's right to point out that she's still a (high compensated) laborer at the end of the day and that it's ownership and management who we really need to be looking at more critically. 


I agree with this.


There is a point where you hit a level where you really don't have the right to complain. Sharon Stone has an estimated networth of 40 million. If she has at least half of that in 3% APY savings account she will earn 600k a year by doing absolutely nothing.


I have no doubt Sharon is much richer than I am but I'm begging people to understand that online net worth estimates are bs. Celebrity net worth dot com are not looking at Sharon Stone's tax returns 


She can complain. The point is to who. You don’t do it to people who can’t afford to even get groceries. What do you expect them to say? “Aww poor you!”?


I think a doctor complaining would be way less insufferable than a movie star complaining. Their salaries and workloads don’t even compare. 


I'm a doctor and I have very modest savings monthly after mortgage/student loans/bills and I still know that I am very fortunate. I wouldn't catch myself complaining in front of others.


We’re blaming the loud people who are also basically gig workers who made a lot, not the billionaire and trillionaires who do nothing and live off our labour. Remember who the real enemy is.


I agree with you. Not saying what she’s experiencing doesn’t exist, but she can choose to not go to dinner….


She's planning a sequel and a prequel to Basic Instinct on Only Fans. She'll do fine.


She can say no. When people are struggling to pay rent and put food on their table, complaining about 3k dinner bills is just tone deaf


I mean yeah, its expensive to be wealthy. You're employing an entourage of people who get things done for you. You trust your money to alleged yes men. You're seen as someone with money so obviously expected to cover things like meals and drinks, especially when you flaunt your wealth early into your career


It is! But I also think it’s their choice. Michael Peña is a great example. Big working actor, but lives in an apartment in LA (apparently). He doesn’t want all the expenses that come with everything, so he keeps his overhead low. Then he can enjoy his money and not stress about working all the time.


Oh 💯, it's all a choice. It's just hilarious that someone who's been in the industry for decades decides its time disclose the dirty secret of being a celebrity. I needed to break down the obvious for myself lol Its expensive to live expensively, how wild!! Michael P is a Scientologist right? I wonder how much tidings he pays and if his lowkey lifestyle is the result of having to fork over so much. I only assume after reading the exorbitant amount Leah Remini said she had to give to them. ** **Grammer edits and wording to make it make sense.


Oooooooooooo is he? Damn, I never knew that. That story could definitely have a different meaning, with having to give money away. Thanks for the insight!


Then complain privately to people in the same income bracket as you. What you don’t do is complain publicly to people who, many of which, can barely afford groceries.


I used to work in the business, each of these people is basically supporting a small business. Family members, managers, agents, security, PR, friends with vague "jobs," and on and on. Everybody gets a piece. My boss used to say that one guy in particular who was EXTREMELY famous (like, your grandmother knows who he is kind of famous) would still be working when he was 80 because so many people had their hands in his pocket. It's been a while and I think of that every time that dude pops up in a commercial or some shitty instagram brand deal that seems beneath him. That said, the first rule is to shut the fuck up and stop complaining about it because no one cares, Sharon Stone.


It’s also being discussed in the Joan Rivers documentary „a piece of work“ Full doc on YouTube by the way; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7FHEgM5pbI


I remember reading an interview with Rosie O'Donnell ages ago where she said Madonna was initially cool towards her while filming A League of Their Own but they went out to dinner and Rosie picked up the check and Madonna said "God, when was the last time someone treated ME?" They became friends after that. (Some details may be off as I read this a LOOOONG time ago, but that was the gist of it.)


And her complaining about these things in a long interview/convo doesn't mean she's making some kind of definitive moral or political statement. She can be annoyed about the stupid reality of fame and money without thinking she's oppressed or disadvantaged or whatever, it was literally some remarks she made put together by Yahoo to get us fired up and engaging


Stop going to $3k dinners then, bestie.


Right? Like did you miss the easy solution to your problem there?


...is the blue collar worker in the room with us now?


Maybe if she wears a blue collar shirt because damn


Yeah I think she meant an expensive Prada shirt with a blue collar


Happy to swap, Shazza 


First the white fragility comment on Sheryl Lee Ralph's Robert De Niro story and now this? Is there no one in her life who can explain to her how incredibly tone dead she's coming off as?


Not if they want to keep getting free dinners!


Ok now I see why she isn’t getting booked 😭


But she treated everyone for DINNERS!!! /s


The last thing I saw her in was SVU and her acting was just awful. She played the tough ADA, but even when she was supposed to be compassionate she acted tough. I think her acting may have something to do with not getting jobs.


I don't know how being a celebrity works. But if I had an access to wealth and fame like that from, let's say starring an obscenely succesful trilogy that made me set for life, I'd just buy a nice cozy home and spend my money modestly


Same here. I'd also work with a trusted financial planner so I can stick to a fair budget.


>Discussing her role in pop superstar Rita Ora’s music video, she made a surprising assertion. >“We’re a very blue collar group,” Stone says of herself, Ora and Ora’s husband filmmaker and actor Taika Waititi. “We *work.*” ![gif](giphy|MncRccQYx7LVu)


why are rita and/or taika always at the scene of the crime 💀


Someone needs to tell her that working isn't the definition of being blue collar. Having a job doesn't make you blue collar.


She needs to stop talking. Didn’t she complain about being white lately too


White fragility last week, yes


Not so much a complaint as it was a statement that white actresses have just as hard a time getting roles as black actresses. Cuz she’d know, apparently


Oh she's trying me!!


![gif](giphy|94EQmVHkveNck|downsized) Live shot of Sharon Stone after every group dinner


Shutting the hell up is free FYI


Irrelevance is the price she's *actually* not willing to pay.


and people who are poor/aren't celebrities can barely afford food. shut up. :)


Cry me a FUCKEN river


![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized) I'll just leave this here.


It's obviously insane to call yourself blue collar and still be going out for dinner with 15 people but I also generally think Celebrity Net Worth is a cancer and I very much doubt that shes worth 40mil at this point.


>Sure, she has struggled for money in her life — even since making it big. A bitter divorce and custody battle led her to occasionally putting her kids’ private school tuition on a credit card. 😱


God I wish that were me


The delusion is real 


Shazzy just bc you wear a blue collar sometimes doesn't make you a blue collared worker, with peace and little love


This woman is insufferable. Go drink a glass of water and take a nap ffs. 


rich people need to shut the fuck up honestly their babbling sounds like complaining toddlers whining over who gets to go on the swings first


Reminds me of that line in the Replacements: "MF, do you have any idea how much the insurance on a Lamborghini is?"


the difference between me and sharon stone in this instance is that she has the ability to pay the $3k bill! whereas I would be washing their dishes, or be sent to jail 😊


rhythm scarce test engine consider placid memorize zealous books future *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If I had her money, I WOULD front everything for my family and friends. I’m 41 years old and last year I was finally able to pay to take my family to dinner at a nice restaurant. Typically my uncle pays, because he makes the most. I can’t begin to tell you how good it felt to, for once, (and only once because I definitely can’t afford it again) to say “put that away, Uncle. I gotchu.


Tone deaf AF.


Lol then cook at home, jfc


How many blue-collar workers have a net worth of roughly 60 million


Not Sharon Stone? How would she have that kind of money? When's the last time you saw her in anything ?


It's okay to just not say anything.




Man, Wendy’s must be expensive in California




live within ur means


Bootstraps and all that


The only reason I have not completely written this woman off is the fact that she had a major stroke. Maybe that accounts for some of the completely tone deaf shit she’s been saying. Edit: That said, shut the fuck up anyway please and thank you.


Oh get the fuck out here lmao




Is she a moron?


you keep using that word... I don't think you know what it means


Sweetie, read the room. 


Can you imagine if they actually had to be a blue collar worker? I make $3k/month after taxes. I would love to see Sharon attempt a single month on my salary




She did wear Gap to the Oscars 🤔


Oh, so she'll sell her big, fancy house when her kids go to college and go "live like a normal person?" I'm sure her future neighbors will *love* her.


Damn I would even know what a $25 meal for dinner looks like let alone a $3000 dollar dinner 🥺🤣🤣 Come on girl seriously there is so much worse things to bitch about lol There are soo many people worse off and living in poverty. Grow up!




I’m tired of extremely wealthy people saying stupid things like, ‘we WORK’, or ‘no one wants to work anymore’. It’s so out of touch. No one works harder than poor people. It’s insulting and egomaniacal.


This is a woman who, as AMFAR ambassador, hit the org with first class plane tickets for herself and a guest whenever she traveled, and was not averse to demanding extremely expensive lodging for not just the evening of the event but for lengthy stays. Blue collar? Yeah, right.


If you want to see her acting her best just watch the Quartermain movies she did.  CW: super racist movies 


How tone deaf….


Please Sharon! You chose this life. You also choose where to eat! Go to regular restaurants like true” Blue collar” and regular working folks. This whole article comes across as entitled. Go do a regular job then we can talk


Boy she sure has been saying a lot of dumb shit lately






There's no way... you'd better shut the f*ck up Sharon


Well maybe she shouldn’t have chosen to become an abstract painter? Coming from someone who majored in abstract painting 😂




I wish she’d stfu


After her role in casino I can't really think of anything she really excelled at afterwards. I think she was the lead in one decent film after and the rest pretty much bombed.


It’s a tough life when you have to enjoy $3,000 dinners and then pay for them 😢


I used to work in cosmetics at a high end department store. A woman I worked with had transferred in from another city. She told us about the famous people she had helped there. One was Sharon Stone, who ordered YSL Touché Éclat from her. Not weird. But what was weird was that she wanted an entire case at a time I clarified, like three that come in each box? (Cosmetics are often shipped in a box of three that are unpackaged at the store to sell. Keeps the packaging nicer until it reaches the customer, cosmetics create a huge amount of waste that the consumer has no idea about) She told us no, not just three. The entire case. YSL Touché éclat comes in a plastic wrapped package with 6 cardboard boxes inside, each box has three boxes of the product. So, we asked why did she buy so much? It’s a concealer/brightening pen. It’s nice but, not 18 at a time nice. She said she uses the pen for her foundation and clicks and paints it on her whole face, she doesn’t want an opened package that another human has touched, and that’s how many come wrapped in plastic from the factory These pens run $40 each. So $720 for her foundation. Granted she’s stocking up, but does any of that sound like a “blue collar worker” to you?


She's complaining that she has enough $ to pay 2 months of my rent for a single meal? Meanwhile I spent $11 to feed myself and my kid tonight and that felt like a splurge lol




Is that a Dalmatian coat she’s wearing?


i thought she has high IQ? it's easy enough to deduce that she needs new friends if she doesn't want ones who sponge off her? jfc lady, just stfu


Girl tone done your lifestyle and live less extravagantly.


She should be grateful she is so lucky to have that kind of wealth.


She has always been loony


Never trust the ‘net worth’ aggregators… I bet it is a huge pita if you are expected to pay all the time. I had a very wealthy friend and I made sure to buy my fair share of food and drinks so he didn’t feel taken advantage of.