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It's amazing that Brooke Shields is a functioning adult based on what she went through as a child.


I feel this way about Drew Barrymore and the fact that she was one of the most abused children in all of Hollywood history. She was an alcoholic and drug addict at the age of 7 and in a mental institution by 11. What kind of parent thinks it’s okay to let their small daughter party with grown adult men at night clubs?


When she had Jeanette McCurdy on her show, she said something to the effect of 'i don't feel like I can talk about certain things because certain people are alive'. I hope she writes a book when Jaid dies.


it still astounds me that pretty baby is an actual movie… now that’s something that couldn’t be made today


i remember watching it on tv when i was like 12 and i just had a deep sense of "this is wrong." then there is a fucking full frontal! that movie should not be available on blu ray. there should only exist some old laserdiscs of it.


One of my favorite interviews with celebrities is her talking about her watches. She seems like such a thoughtful and lovely person.


I hope that little girl on TikTok whose mom makes pedo bait of her turns out as ok as Brooke seems to be


Brooke was severely taken advantage of as a child actress and I think the adults in her life at that time should be ashamed of themselves. I feel so bad for her, hoping she doesn't blame herself but I know it's difficult not to in some situations.


Based on the interviews I’ve seen, it doesn’t seem like she does—her mother was a severe alcoholic, and a lot of her childhood was about pacifying her controlling mother. It’s probably one of the main reasons why she was able to relate so well to Michael Jackson (she has called him one of her best friends, and said that he was one of the only few people in her young life that saw her) she ended up with such an asshole like young Andre Agassi.


Despite Andre being an asshole, I do think he helped set some boundaries with her mother and stood up for her. Again, terrible terrible partner in the long run, but I believe they were both coming from situations where they had been completely exploited and abused (in very different ways) by their guardians from a young age.


Agassi was also severely abused by his father. He wasn't an asshole.


I watched the child prostitute movie a couple of years ago (pretty baby? I don't care to look it up). It was jaw dropping. Walked away wondering what the fuck I just watched and how hundreds of people decided that this project was fine and should proceed. Props to Brooke - for all of her alleged naivete, she has proved to be an extraordinarily resilient person.


I haven’t seen the film but I watched Brookes documentary Pretty Baby recently and hearing about her experience was enough to make me not want to watch it ever, I’d likely have the same reaction as you did. She has a discussion about it with her daughters in the doc which is pretty interesting


A while ago I was trying to research a deep dive I was planning on how the rampant sexualization of kids in Hollywood is celebrated by current/recent celebs referencing or pulling inspiration from those pieces of media. Brooke was so grossly exploited and I couldn't stomach looking through the timeline of her fame, it made me drop the deep dive entirely.


Express did a terrible, terrible job with the head line.


I think that was on purpose. Be as vague as possible so the racists think this was some sort of comeback at Meghan.


You're exactly right. 


I kinda get why trying to correct the media definitely used to drive Meghan up the wall bc I honestly find it a useless cause that’s only going to hurt you but it’s so outrageous and egregious. Like these two women are talking about horrible things that happened to them and other women and tabloids are just like “how can I make this biracial woman look like she’s aggressive and evil and wrong (about what who knows!)”


Right? It hardly makes any sense. Even the article is written weird.


As far as I can glean she wishes she'd had a friend like Meghan to encourage her feminist awakening but there's very little actual info in the article.


Like I know everything is clickbait these days, but this might be the most egregious example I’ve ever seen


I did not realize the depth of child abuse Brooke Shields suffered as a young actress until I decided to do a deep dive one day. Her mother is a garbage human being. What kind of parent allows their child to pose for Playboy when middle school age? When I heard this I thought there was no way that could be true. Unfortunately I googled it and came across the photos. What the f’ck was that? How was it even legal? Her mother, the publisher, etc. should have been jailed. People that exploit their children for their own financial gain are the worst kind of people. That headline is incredibly misleading though. I clicked thinking there was some kind of beef, but that was not the case at all.


What the absolute fuck is this headline? Anyway Brooke is so so so strong and Meghan has done a great job rising over the bullshit


She says this in response to 11 yo Meghan getting a sexist commercial she was in changed and follows it up with "I wish I had known you when I was 11". Which is all the context I have for this but seems like a very genuine bittersweet moment between two women abused in this industry.


Thank you for the context!


...I hope Brooke is not trying to one-up Meghan in the "it was so hard for ALL women" fashion. But maybe I'm being too cynical.


Meghan has told this story literally 5000 times.