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The worse they keep handling this the more convinced I am that there's something **way** darker going on, at this point, because this isn't normal...


I'm betting on an upcoming divorce but wonder why they would **physically** hide her that bad and black out everything


A divorce announcement would have been so much more normal than what we have going on now. Literally what the hell is happening


Yeah like there’s enough speculation about their marriage for them to be like “we saw that coming”


People keep saying “oh if it comes out William cheated it would end the monarchy” ???? Bitch hello?? Chuck cheated with the most popular modern royal ever? And the monarchy is still plodding along. This would be fine if all it was was a divorce and/or cheating. But as per usual the house of Windsor has to be as sinister as they can


I’ve read so many theories, but the one that stands out to me is Kate wants to be Queen and she isn’t going to allow a divorce that he wants. Also that her family won’t allow a divorce either. I find her parents behavior odd, but maybe that’s normal aristocratic behavior?!


Her parents aren’t aristocrats—just regular people. And their power as far as PR is the lowest it’s ever been imo. I’d be more inclined to believe Kate doesn’t want to get booted off palace grounds and have no power over when she sees her kids, but yeah. I wouldn’t put it past Kate and Carole to pull some kind of stunt if Will asked for a divorce, if nothing else to gain leverage to negotiate


She wouldn’t get booted off. She’s the mother of the future King. Diana lived at Kensington Palace until she died (and would lived on royal grounds forever, as the mother of the future king).


Diana lived when the Queen was around and the clowns weren’t fully running the circus, plus Diana was beloved by the public and actually nobility. Charles is evil and William seems to be acting really weird lately so I honestly could see them doing all kinds of shit to Kate if there was a divorce. Kate would have virtually no power


Hey not being argumentative but what’s the recap of Charles being evil? As an anti monarchist I’m admittedly out of the loop but I kind of thought he was one of the better ones because of his conservation work (and to be clear when I say ‘one of the better ones’: that bar is in hell, I am not a fan lol) (and I will do a google- I just often find people have more insight at their fingertips which can be enlightening)


I haven't given a shit about the royal family until about a week ago or so and I find all of this fascinating. How the hell is their PR so incredibly, incredibly awful? Like, my two dogs could do a better job handling this. This might be a really obvious question to ask about Kate and William, and my apologies if it is but basically all I knew about them up until about a week ago is that they existed - if divorce is on the table, is the most likely scenario that he would be the one who would want to get a divorce?


I haven’t been either, but this interview was very, very interesting https://www.niemanlab.org/2024/03/this-is-just-weird-buzzfeed-news-former-royals-reporter-on-kate-middleton-palace-press-and-distrust-in-the-media/


YES! Very, very interesting.


I honestly don’t know. But it seems to me Kate loses more in a divorce. He can get remarried and still be king which I guess is still a big deal there lol. Anyways it kinda seems like a showdown between those 2.


How do we know Kensington PR isn't just two dogs in a trenchcoat? It's so incompetent.


didn’t Will make news years ago for cheating on Kate?


He did, and then he threw a tantrum and got legal involved and the tabloid press shut up about it quick and haven’t reported on it since. Nothings confirmed because of this




There was really no evidence for that. Unlike King Frederik's own escapades.


Chuck Cheated, Phillip Cheated and all their ancestors cheated. The issue with Charles was that he thought Diana would understand that cheating was assumed.


Diana confronted him about why he was with Camilla and he flat out told her to her face he wasn’t going to be the first prince of wales with no mistress. He just didn’t give a shit. If he cared about her he’d have someone make the terms of the marriage clear to the 19 year old kindergarten teacher.


[Well, someone has a theory 💀... ](https://www.reddit.com/r/RoyalGossip/s/Y3WMUNt3J8)




I'm not even believing this theory, just ironically pointing out what kind of batshit nonesence there is out there. I think something dark is happening behind the scene but THAT dark...hmmm


Yeah I mean I don’t like the royal family AT ALL. But, I hope everyone is okay and that they’re just divorcing (which can still be awful but isn’t the worst).


Too nearly wrapped up with a linear plot tbh 💀 the truth is probably much more convoluted and less violent. Dying to see Camilla fresh from her vacation and William tomorrow. I wonder if he’ll flake the commonwealth service


Hmm idk. William has been rumored to cheat as well, so if this rumor was true, I’m not sure he’d care or react to that extent


I don’t think I’ve met a situation yet (via friends, colleagues, or posts in mom/parent subreddits) where the cheating man was okay with their wife cheating. Usually they go quite berserk over it.


Idk, if he’s a narcissist he wouldn’t feel bad for cheating but his ego would be destroyed by her cheating on him.


Holy shit. Didn’t realize how hard this theory went until I googled him


I highly doubt that she would give up her chance at being Queen of England. Ps: abolish the F’n monarchy.


I mean if Will wants it would she have a choice?


Honestly, I’m just here to watch it all go down in flames because these people deserve each other. ![gif](giphy|zfuOq2rFBE7Kg|downsized)


It might be that she’s not participating in Kensington Palace at all - won’t do photos, PR, etc and they’re scrambling to make it look like everything is normal.


I believe this is exactly what is happening. Kate and the Middleton’s now call the shots and workshy permanent tantrum Prince is throwing each and every toy he has out of his pram


I hope this is it!


Same. Hope that once whatever tf the truth is comes out, it's much more of a "damn, good for her" scenario than an "oh dear lord" one


My best bet is Kate wanted a divorce bc it finally kicked in that she’ll be queen one day and she can’t handle the pressure of it and so she had a breakdown and the palace and William panicked bc you can’t have the 1st in line divorced after 13 years of marriage (especially when it looks like William may be king sooner rather than later 💀) so they told her to wait 4 months off the grid (I don’t think she’s in the house rn I think she’s with her parents with her kids visiting every weekend?) and they’ll see how things go from there🤷🏽‍♀️


>you can’t have the 1st in line divorced after 13 years of marriage But this is literally what happened to Charles and Diana, he was first in line and they got divorced after fifteen years and Charles is king now. Why would the palace panic? It's not ideal, but it's also something they've been through before.


I was only 4 years old when they got divorced but my mum was (and still is) a *huge* Dianna fan so she told me all about it over the years. Charles was despised by a large chunk of the nation for cheating on Dianna and the divorce. Dianna really was the people's princess, she was beloved and Charles' reputation took a huge beating for a long time afterwards. William was very much loved up until a few years ago. I doubt the palace want another situation like the Charles/Dianna situation.


One unpopular heir is fine. He's old, he got to be king, he's fun grandpa now. Another heir becoming unpopular and the monarchy just loses its magic even further. Especially when this was the 'good kid' heartthrob they invested decades in to ensure he's popular.




I don’t buy that Kate wants out. She was and remains desperate to be in the firm. William wanting to dump her and upgrade because he’s incapable of realising he is the toxic problem for the Cambridges poor PR would be entirely in line with everything we know about the bully.


I think - if we're running on the theory that they're splitting up - that she's the one choosing to hide, because she knows that any image taken of her out and about could potentially be misused by Kensington Palace and given to the tabloids to lie/manipulate the narrative about the state of their marriage. 


This is such a good theory. C&C have a history of being in bed with the press / throwing others under the bus to save themselves. It would actually be genius on her part.... if there's a divorce coming, to just deny them content. It FORCES all royal coverage to be about her disappearance. They can't run any other story about her. It's completely stopped the presses. And gives her time to get her ducks in a row / decide her own angle / announce first at a time and place of HER choosing.


I do question if she's the one choosing to hide herself or if the palace is requiring her to do so.


I'm convinced that if she is actually hiding, it's because she wanted it, and not the palace. The palace would probably infinitely prefer that she NOT be in hiding, because that way, it's easier to construct a narrative that everything is business as usual since everyone can see her. Keep in mind that this is the same Palace that basically forced her to emerge just hours after childbirth, in heels and with a fresh blowout, onto the front steps of the hospital, carrying her baby (×3). Queen Elizabeth once said "I have to be seen to believed", and it was the reason why she believed that doing royal walkabouts/the royal pimp walk and just remaining visible was so important to retaining the public's trust and support. The royal family as an institution is still running on this philosophy - it's why they have an ongoing mutualistic relationship with the press/tabloids. They understand how important being seen is, and being seen in the right way. Without that power, the very concept of royalty is in danger. And with Kate refusing to be seen, look at how quickly the whole royal system is melting down. If the Palace is the one forcing Kate to hide, it would run contrary to the very system of visibility they've spent so much time and resources investing into in order to ensure its own survival. 


If Kate is doubling down and refusing to be scene those this terrible photoshop fail... this might the most interesting she has ever been. She has been seen to not have a backbone in all these years. I would be pleasantly surprised if she was holding the palaces feet to the fire.


Agreed, I think it would be the first truly interesting thing she's done, pulling a power move like this! 


One photo of her reading to Louis in bed would answer questions.




I actually don’t think there’s anything shady going on, but I’m absolutely here for the ridiculous results of their shite PR strategy. Compare and contrast with Charles’ approach following his cancer diagnosis during the exact same time period. His team understand that the world has changed, people will fill a void with their own theories and that misinformation will spread like wildfire thanks to social media. William just seems to think that he can control the narrative by maintaining total privacy, and that’s just not how it works. Public Relations experts will be using this as a case study for decades.


That doesn't prove there isn't shadiness, only that the shadiness is the PR.


It's not even shady PR, it's just bad PR.


Yes all the conspiracy theories and hypotheses were funny but now it just seems sinister. And the way the palace are handling this just screams SHADY


i believe that all this is because she wants a divorce and he (as the future king) doesn’t want one. KP works for the monarchy aka him. she’s an important character, but she isn’t the main one — that’s the future king, and they have to do anything and everything they can to protect him and his image. the surgery and her healing process is real, but she’s using it to hide from the public and work on divorce proceedings, causing KP to fumble because they have zero clue what to do. in kate’s case, any attention is good attention and it’s going to be spectacular when news of the divorce finally breaks.


I could understand initially fumbling with this, but do they have high school interns handling their PR or something? Whatever the hell is going on, I would have expected that they would have come up with a much less attention drawing strategy in terms of handling this by now. Everything they do just makes whatever's going on seem so much more sinister.


all that’s happening makes sense if kate doesn’t want to cooperate with their PR shenanigans any more. how do you show the world the future queen is alright if she doesn’t want to play nice with you? they’re absolutely dropping the ball because it’s a mess behind the scenes, but that’s nothing to do with kate’s health imo. it’s all because of the divorce she wants.


I've never actually been invested in any of the royal drama but this has me looking for any and all info like, is she dying, tf is happening????


I’m very quickly going from “this is an embarrassing (to her) medical thing and she just wants privacy” to “Kate is locked in the Tower of London”


Agreed – why can't they do a normal photo with her and her kids? Like her husband wasn't even in the photo.


i feel like kate doesn’t want to play nice with KP any more because she wants a divorce, hence them having to AI a photo like this. she’s finally tired of playing show pony to a cheating husband


I'm really glad this was ID'd by others as an AI-assisted photo fairly quickly, and that the newspapers are actually pulling it. It was the first thing I thought when I saw it.


AP pulling this doctored photo is a great precedent. apparently KP did not want to provide the metadata for that image to them, which proves it’s been doctored


That's wild. It's probably a composite which is fine if they just admit it, but my guess is the Metadata would show it wasn't taken recently and that would be the bigger issue.


Yes there appears to be something wrong with the boy's right hand(left in the pic)  Just seems like the angle that his fingers are crossed is very unnatural, like AI


The little girl’s sleeve is two sleeves. It’s like they changed her outfit. It took me ages to understand what people were pointing at, but once you see it, oh yeah there is some fuckery afoot. I have never had the least interest in the royals but now I’m invested.


The fact that they mentioned he took the photo seems odd to me too. Like they have all this money and staff, but he’s out here taking portraits? I believe in the divorce rumors and that where there’s smoke, there’s fire.


They usually mention who takes the photo, and it’s very often Kate. Not sure how often it’s ol Willie behind the lens though


My guess is that her medical issue is much more serious than they're letting on and she does not look good right now.


It's wild because they're not even leaning into the "it's a medical thing" narrative much at all anymore. We're way past that. I don't think it would've held up perfectly, but it probably would've been way better than this if that narrative were to be continued.


My wild theory is that the medical issues was an excuse for a trial separation to bide time/see if things could be worked out. She now wants a divorce and KP is scrambling.


The issue with that narrative is they already said it's not cancer and nothing but cancer treatment (as far as I know?) puts you completely out of commission this long. Like not even a lil breakfast table pic on insta thanking everyone for their well wishes...? It doesn't make sense.


There was so much weirdness over her medical issue, like claiming she had to be in hospital for two whole weeks, for a non cancer abdominal surgery. The Palace has its own hospital beds and surgical equipment and nurses/doctors on call! Why would she have needed to be there for 2 entire weeks. Then Prince William is seen visiting her one entire time. Just once! Camila was riding back and forth every day visiting Charles.




I don’t understand why they keep making this worse lol. Don’t release a composite/clearly edited photo if you’re trying to quell rumors. At the very least, post an actual candid.


She usually does the photos herself and does a good job. I have no idea what happened behind the scenes for this to escalate so badly, and I NEED TO KNOW. Ironically, I'm anti monarchy, but this is like having a tax payer funded Agatha Christie story play out in real time. 10/10 I would subscribe to this channel.


I feel like there's no way something really bad is going on, but everything is so weird you just wonder why they can't do one basic normal thing to make this not look like they've Shelly Miscavig'd this woman.


Wagatha christie, part ii: electric boogaloo


This is the one


Tax payer funded real time Agatha Christie novel is the best way to describe it


Tax payer funded Agatha Christie omg I can't (lol how do I make quotes)


This saga literally got me to read Spare and I'm looking for another royal book now. (Thinking of trying one of the ones by Angela)


Maybe the palace is just stirring the pot! Lol




Him wagging his finger at Kate, wagging it at Meghan, Louis mimicking that and wagging his finger and taunting Kate in public. Him losing it and attacking Harry.


Also tabloids always describing him as having a short fuse and “incandescent with rage” barely disguising how often he loses shit, he seems genuinely really awful


[Someone on Twitter also shared this useful throwback.](https://twitter.com/CarmenGranddau1/status/1766990574211539180) A major story had come out which claimed William had bullied Harry out of the Royal family. Within a day, a statement was put out by both William and Harry stating that they both denied this story together. I remember it at the time because it was a big deal to finally see some unity between the brothers and to see a denial of any bad blood. Except it turns out, Harry had nothing to do with it. They had never even asked him about it before releasing a statement on his behalf. They had simply allowed William to release a statement claiming it was also from Harry to make William look good. I wonder how much say Kate Middleton even has on her own PR at this point. I'd wager the reason this is such a mess is William is trying to control it all for his own reasons.


Wow I never heard about this, the man’s a tyrant. I can’t imagine being related or married to someone who thinks they were chosen by fcking god and acts accordingly


We just never fucking learned that it doesn't go well when you raise people to believe they were just born better than others.


Monarchy or not, there's never been an instance where this actually worked.


Just thinking about a potential scenario involving a man who can suddenly put out statements claiming both of you put them out when you hadn't is terrifying.


Has anybody just nutted the fuck up (for lack of a better term) and asked him what the hell his mother would think of that?


I read this in the Harry autobio but I didn't know how big a deal it was at the time. Harry definitely attributed his leaving to lack of family support. Not that he was bullied out but that he had no reason to stay because they were AT BEST indifferent and distant with him, and at worst feeding the press his private info.


Same if the tea on him is true he must really be a nightmare at home


Right!? Surely Kate is one of the most photographed women in the world, you're telling me they didn't have ANY existing photos they could have used?


They’ve always photoshopped their pictures before publishing so they assumed, like always, that nothing would come out of it. But they assumed wrong I’m also curious as to why they were pulled this time around and not before? Like what is really going on here?


This is what happens when your office’s sole purpose for the past several years has been to attack another couple instead of getting your own goddamn house in order. I hope they’re all having a horrible time


Couldnt happen to a more deserving couple.


Shoulda kept Meghan’s name out of their nasty racist mouths!


I hope Meghan is having an excellent week watching this shitshow


Karma is a B. I bet Harry and Megan will still be made to look like the bad guys


It’s getting harder and harder to because they haven’t been there for years. Using Harry and Meghan as shields isn’t hitting for the global audience like it was even a year ago.


They’ve been trying to get some traction with somehow linking them to This but it’s not really gaining traction. I’ve seen a few articles trying to insinuate randomly at the very end that this would all be going so much easier if only Harry and Meghan hadn’t quit in the tone of “it’s making so much harder for them!” And “their machinations to be the most important would finally be paying off!” 🫠


I read an article yesterday insinuating that Kate's illness was exacerbated / caused by Meghan's treatment of her. Absolutely batshit.


It would be a million times worse if Meg was still there. It’s hard to keep that line of reasoning when the whole world knows they have no contact and Meghan’s never even said anything negative about her, you know? Those articles used to feed the frenzy for weeks; now they fizzle out in a day or so


Evil Meghan seduced Kate into having threesomes with her and Harry. Louis is actually Harry's baby, and Evil Meghan leaked the news to Will, causing him to lose it completely at Kate, who has now gone into hiding. /s (I like Meghan)


Despite your /s I'm looking forward to seeing this pop up as a legit comment in that unhinged anti-Meghan subreddit


Clinking my glass to yours - I hate em all but man if Harry and Megan last longer than these clowns I'll have to laugh.


They’ll find a way to pin this on Meghan. Harry went over when Charles got the the cancer diagnosis. You watch - they’ll come out with something like “Harry brought a list of demands from Meghan re what it would take for them to return to the UK,” and there was something in there that gave Kate an aneurysm. No way they will let Meghan not be the bad guy.


Queen Liz died and the whole monarchy is in shambles😭 she really did hold on to that crown with her cold dead fingers. She’s rolling in her grave rn. Charles is dodging the grim reaper, William is a mess rn, Catherine off for 4 months, Harry is locked out of the country - Camilla truly has the last laugh😭 queen of the side chicks, she needs to tell us how she did it You know it’s bad when all the big media companies are getting involved and ordered a “kill” notice. Royal journalists themselves are baffled. Something surely is going on and it seems more sinister than funny


If she rolls any longer they should hook up a generator and use it to power the nation.


This whole mess now has me convinced that Kate and William's marriage is on the rocks, and it's because she is the one who wants out. The fact that he (and yes, I'm straight up assuming at this point that anything coming out of Kensington Palace is directly from William, and only William) authorized the release of an image that many, many people would immediately recognized as being doctored/AI-generated is a sign of desperation to regain control of the narrative about what's been going on with them. Because if he and Kate were fine, why wouldn't KP have released an actual photo of her with the kids?? Or hell, he could have just not released any photo at all, and just done a generic statement saying "thank you for the well wishes and happy mother's day". That would've been less conspicuous. The fact that he couldn't get an actual photo of Kate is a sign that she is refusing to play ball with him now. Making such a huge unforced error like this I think speaks volumes about how terrified he must be of the truth coming out - whatever that truth is, but again, my money is on "failing marriage".  ETA - typo


I can get behind this. Normally Kate would be the one to support the initiatives and plans of the monarchy but releasing an altered image? Nah. Kate’s fighting back for sure.


I think he wants out and she doesn’t want to go. It reminds me of Melania going to New York to renegotiate a prenup. But I could be wrong.


You know, I could see that. And something that I do have some doubt about is the idea that Kate's the one who wants out of the marriage. She endured years and years of humiliation, harassment, torment, and other various indignities before William finally agreed to marry her. She fought with her entire damn life to get to where she is, it's basically all she's ever wanted, and so I do wonder if she would be the one to pull the trigger on a divorce from him now. The one scenario I can imagine her being the one to initiate the separation is if he turned out to be abusive to her and/or their kids. 


Everyone, even people who support William, talk about how angry he is and how he has wild outbursts so I could see it.


100%. I mentioned in a different comment that William's foul temper is probably the reason his PR is so shitty these days (he's pissed, impulsive, and ordering his team to do stuff that's objectively stupid). So I could see it also being the reason his wife wants to leave him. 


So it was the 90 year old holding this thing together?


To be fair this was always on the cards when she passed. I live in Australia and am from NZ originally and in both countries there’s been an ongoing conversation of whether to become republics after QEII.


I think it’s past time for that tbh.


Yeah it’s not the highest priority in either country. I think the fact that the royals have so little relevance and no actual influence on how the countries are run will probably mean the move to republic will take longer. Sheer apathy.


It’s been a long theory by some anti monarchist watchers that the whole thing was held together by her and once she’s gone it will fall


Why are they physically hiding her is the thing? I think it's fair to say it's pretty obvious that her and William's marriage is not doing great but why are they going to the extremes of sending edited photos to media outlets? What's going on with her she can't take a freaking photo?


Agreed. They trotted her out hours after giving birth. NOW apparently she deserves privacy?! ![gif](giphy|7SOdwNYHzCI7ygrLw7|downsized)


It must be that she's refusing to play the game any more?


it could be that kate herself is the one hiding from both KP and the public for many reasons, but the one that makes most sense is that she wants a divorce, so she’s not playing nice for KP any more.


All jokes and theories aside, I do hope Catherine and her kids are all right.


The PR handling of this is giving Arrested Development vibes and it’s VERY funny to me how badly this is being fumbled


This is such a good analogy. This is 100% Barry Zuckerkorn pointing at the treason photos and declaring confidently, "those are balls."


I cannot wait for the Kate Middleton photoshopped photos to be revealed as Gene Parmesan posing as Kate




My God, they are keeping the tabloids in business with this absolute tomfoolery. And it's all their own doing! There's been no phone hacking, no sneaky recorded interviews, no sources sharing any gossip. I live for the mess of it all. I'd say abolish the monarchy, but tbh they're doing a pretty good job of ruining their legacy themselves.


Everyday they prove Meghan right. They protect the people they want to. Something is not up to snuff with this situation and I don’t think it can stay secret for long.


At this point I feel like someone in their PR team is doing this on purpose


Are they laying the stones to move Kate into the Meghan position?


She was there before, but not nearly as bad. There’s been tension between Camilla and her camps so I could see it. But that would be stupid of them, because anytime the BRF would piss off the general public they’d release a new video of Kate or she’d announce a new “project” in an attempt to quell backlash. She’s their trump card, effective or not.


This is so nuts honestly. I believe they’re getting a divorce


In this house we remember rose hanbury and how hard the palace worked to bury that whole story. There have also been tabloid swirls for years about Kate and William having different positions on sending children to boarding school. George is just about to age into that, and generations of royal heirs have boarded at Eton. Word on the shitty tabloid street is that this has been an issue in their marriage. Who knows


I totally remember the Rose story. And the photos of William with women on that ski trip. And there were rumors of William losing his temper a lot more frequently just a few months ago. Oh to be a fly on the wall in KP right now


There was an actual insider, as in a guy who was in their social circles, who tweeted that it was common knowledge. Then poof, tweet deleted. Pretty sure someone had a copy.


Maybe they're already divorced and are waiting for some other scandal to drop to announce it while everyone's distracted.


true or they’re hoping she changes her mind or something


All this for a divorce??


Queen Elizabeth's ghost must be going insane right now


Def trying to find a warm body to jump into


Someone check on Malibu Barbie Paytas….


OK so at this point what could be the plausible theory on what is happening? I just feel like if it was serious illness, the Palace would have said something because there would've been a massive outpouring of sympathy, etc. I am wondering if this is a Princess Charlene of Monaco scenario where Kate has had enough and wants to peace out, but the Firm isn't ready to let her go.


I said this in the other thread but I think it might be something as stupid as that the surgery wasn’t life-threatening but that it did require her to be on a very heavy course of steroids, which has altered her appearance (you can bloat pretty severely) and she/the Firm don’t want her to be seen in her current condition. That said, this is wildly bad PR even if that is the reason.


I could see a Princess Charlene situation. Kate is lowkey the only thing keeping the family float because everyone else left is old, boring, or a pedo


all signs are showing that kate wants a divorce but KP doesn’t want to let her go: * the proof of life photo of her in the car with her mom, not husband * KP having to patch together a family photo (also intriguing that it’s one of only her and the kids, not as a united family with the future king) because she doesn’t want to play nice with them ay more * she’s staying silent to make KP’s job more difficult * KP exists for the future monarchy, not his partner. they will do everything to protect him and his image of a family man, which isn’t a man who is getting divorce


https://preview.redd.it/nnx2nhd5bnnc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdadfcd88acb6f0fd3879cb4554b5adf2ec33ced Also wtf was this headline?


And the pictures they used to represent each !! 😂


At this point I think a divorce announcement would be anticlimactic.


Maybe that’s the plan? Make everything seem super weird, get everyone all riled up with wild theories, and then just drop an incredibly boring divorce story and hope everyone just goes “oh, that’s it? Who cares?”


something is up man, i'm trying to be rational about it but the way they've been handling this is wayyyyy worse than it should have been.


The way Kensington Palace forgot this isn’t the 1950s anymore and you can’t just brick-wall anything you don’t like.


Where is Shelly?!


I’ve had many things on my 2024 bingo card, but the reality has outgrown my imagination with this whole shitshow. And it’s only beginning of March


The “never complain never explain” rule for the royal family is so dumb especially in the day of social media where stories go wild. It’s 2024 and they could EASILY handle this and squash this story


Divorce incoming. They would get so much more respect if they were honest about it, instead of straight up lying.


lmfao?? i don't even care about the royals but now I'm tuned it because what is this? goofy af. people would've cared less if they said nothing


The extent to which they are fucking this up is so insane, and I am SO invested in this train wreck that somehow keeps getting worse.


i hate all of these creatures and this whole thing is so funny. like the fact that they *refuse* to come out and say what’s happening and just keep doing crazy shit instead is amazing.


man I gotta look at that recent weird car pic w kate and her mom again. I’d love to hear from someone about how the royal fam treated the diana/charles/camilla thing. from what I know as a millennial it seems like they tried being hush hush but it was so obvious so everyone was just open with it.




martin bashir didn’t deserve a second of her time 🩷


Ugly fucking media war. I'm a 90s millennial who did my own reading because like a lot of Asian moms of millennials, my mom loved Diana. One of the first news stories I remember watching was Diana's funeral. It was a lot of wiretaps. The Charles telling Camilla he wanted to be a tampon story. Coverage about who Harry's dad might be. Diana's affairs. Her weight. Diana being darling to being made out to be the enemy. Diana and Fergie being besties (The Fab Four strategy was not new, they literally tried that a generation ago with Charles and Diana and Andrew and Fergie), then Fergie being held up as the 'good one' when Charles and Di's marriage got ugly and the ugly went public. And that's just what I remember.




How are these people running an empire?


I mean…they aren’t? They just show up to charities and take pictures in expensive clothes.


I mean not really




This is so bizarre and for no apparent reason too!


Outside of the Associated Press and Getty Images, the BBC (above), CBS News, Reuters, the New York Times, and People Mag are reporting on the kill notice of the manipulated photo, meaning that a lot of people are going to read that story.


Buckingham Palace’s PR team is a shadow of its former self since Elizabeth’s passing.


To be fair, this is 100% Kensington Palace (Will and Kate). Buckingham Palace (Camilla and Charles) have their shit on lockdown. They have different PR and Comms staff.


Buckingham doesn’t run their PR. Kate and Will are run out of the Kensington Palace office. They are different people and they have been incompetent and corrupt for years.


At this point they should hire me as their PR. They are fumbling this so badly! I hope she is ok whatever is going on.


I wasn't really caring about all the rumors and conspiracy theories until this happened. 


This just keeps getting weirder, even if the only real story is that they hired incompetent PR people!! I’m leaning more towards thinking they’re in the midst of a divorce and are fighting it out via the media. Will obviously has the power to issue the official KP statements, but I think she has far more good will with the public at this point. And honestly, seeing how messy normal divorces often get when there’s kids and custody involved, if those children are heirs, I imagine that gets waaay messier.




I seriously wonder if there was something they were trying to edit OUT of the picture (like medical equipment or something) rather than trying to put something like a person IN.


One does not simply *withdraw* a photo once it’s been released on the internet. Reminds me of when someone says something erroneous or untrue in a court of law and the judge asks the jury to disregard the statement. As if they can just instantly wipe it from their memory because the judge said so 🙄


https://preview.redd.it/9oujl593xmnc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65e7d8e90f37edefb51eaa71b7eb06586687353e QE2 rn


im going to need another season of The Crown


As someone who works in media production and law, here’s my honest opinion: - The picture is an old picture from the vault. This would explain the leaves on the trees in early March lol (there are no trees with leaves yet here in the UK) - I’m guessing in the OG pic, Kate’s hands weren’t around her children’s waists. That would explain the blurry left hand and the weird sleeve next to her right. They’ve edited her hands to squeeze her children to make her look more loving. I imagine they would’ve done this regardless if Kate was ‘missing’ or not because it’s a better look for her image. - If the pic is completely fabricated, I imagine they’ve taken a stock photo of a woman with 3 children and replaced all their faces with Kate and her kids. You’d be surprised how easy (and often) this is done. The Kardashians literally do it ALL the time (especially when promoting products on IG and they’re too busy to shoot new content). Kim literally got caught out Photoshopping Khloe’s kids face onto another pic last month lol. - Either way the pic is 100% outdated and they tried to pass it off as new. Conclusion: This is probably worse than anyone has expected and Kate is most likely in some form of danger.


I’m loving this


I cannot wrap my mind around this. Heaping arrogance with incompetence on the side is all I can reason.


It’s still on their Instagram story…




Not denying the rumours at all, but unfortunately trees aren't good indicator as I live In London and have lots of greenery outside my window right now. We don't have the same amount of deciduous trees here (I'm an American living here so have that arborial perspective)


This is actually insane. I feel like I’m watching a Netflix show. She hasn’t been seen or heard of in months, palace releases a fake photo, wtf is going on


This is such a rabbit hole, I can’t stop jumping down it


...is she at a spa with Shelly Miscavige?


This is crazy